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AIR MAILS continued...

AIR MAILS continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
326 image1937 (Nov 25) Picture postcard to Germany franked French Equatorial Africa 2f50 and Oubangui Chari 1f cancelled at Bangui, superb flight cachet, fine and very scarce. Photo on Page 48. (Image1)

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
327 1930 (Aug 25/26) Covers carried on the final leg of von Gronau's first transatlantic flight, all posted at Halifax, two on August 25 locally addressed with "Ex-Transatlantic plane / D.1442-Dornier Wahl / at Halifax N.S" cachet or flown to Moncton, N.B with arrival c.d.s (Aug 26); two other August 26 covers flown to New York, one franked Canada 5c + U.S special delivery 10c, the other Canada 2c envelope franked Canada special delivery 20c + U.S 2c. Also a cover received at Halifax too late to catch the flight. (5).

Est. £160-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
328 1930 (Aug 26/30) Covers posted at New York (3, Aug 26) or Chicago (3, Aug 30), three with von Gronau flight cachets from Montreal presumably flown from there and posted upon arrival, one New York cover signed by von Gronau and his three crew, one Chicago cover signed by von Gronau, two other covers signed by crew members. (6).

Est. £160-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
329 image1931 (July 29) Cover carried on von Gronau's second transatlantic flight from Berlin to Chicago with Germany 10pf + 15pf air stamps cancelled at Berlin, Iceland Air 10aur cancelled at Reykjavik (Aug 11), Canada 1c cancelled at Longlac, Ont. (Sep. 1) and USA 2c cancelled at Chicago (Sep. 3), cachets of "KOLONIEN GODTHAB", "SCORESBYSUND", "HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY / HARRISON" (Aug 30) and "GRONLAND-WAL / D2053 / LIST A / SYLT - CHICAGO / 1931", signed by von Gronau. Fine and rare, very few covers flown. Photo on Inside Front Cover. (Image1)

Est. £1,200-1,500

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
330 image1931 (Aug) Cover carried on von Gronau's second transatlantic flight from Iceland to Chicago, with Iceland, Canada and USA stamps all cancelled in pencil, cachets of "KOLONIEN GODTHAB",. "SCORESBYSUND", "HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY / HARRISON" (Aug 30) and "GRONLAND-WAL / D2053 / LIST A / SYLT - CHICAGO / 1931" and datestamps of Longlac, Ont. (Sep 1) and Chicago (Sep 4), signed by von Gronau. Fine and rare, very few covers flown. Photo on Page 48. (Image1)

Est. £600-700

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
331 image1931 (Aug 10) Unaddressed cover carried on von Gronau's second transatlantic flight from Iceland to Chicago, an Iceland 10aur cancelled at Reykjavik and USA 2c cancelled at Chicago (Sep 3), signed by von Gronau, fine and very scarce. Photo on Page 48. (Image1)

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
332 1931 (Sep 1) Cover with flight cachet of Montreal, apparently flown on the final leg of the second transatlantic flight and posted upon arrival, also a Nov 11th cover "New York City again welcomes Capt. von Gronau and his three companions, twice conquerors of the Atlantic Ocean by Air" strangely posted six months later from St. Paul, both signed by all the crew, von Gronau, Albrecht, Hack and Zimmer. (2).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
333 image1932 (July 21) Cover from Germany, flown around the world with stamps of seven countries comprising Germany (Lyst, July 21), USA (Chicago, Aug. 4), Canada (Prince Rupert B.C, Aug. 20), Japan (Imperial Hotel Tokyo, Sep. 9), Philippines (Manila, Sep. 29), Netherlands Indies (Tarakan, Oct. 2) and Ceylon (Colombo, Oct. 22), also Unalaska, Alaska duplex (Aug. 29) and Montreal flight cachet, two stamps on reverse, a little staining, nevertheless a rare cover, very few carried over the entire journey around the world. Also a Photo of the plane signed by all the crew. (2). Photo on Page 48. (Image1)

Est. £1,000-1,200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
334 1932 (July 27/Aug 2) Covers flown on the Montreal to Chicago leg of von Gronau's round the world flight, two with Canada stamps cancelled at Montreal and boxed Montreal flight cachet dated July 26, six with USA stamps cancelled at Chicago (Aug 2) and the boxed Montreal flight cachet without date, these six with differing news cutting about the flight to Chicago applied. (8).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
335 image1932 (Aug 10/28) U.S 1c Postcards (2) and a Canada 1c postcard all to R. Aretz in Waconia, Minn., one U.S card with violet oval "VON GRONAU / GRONLAND WAL / MILWAUKEE-MINNEAPOLIS / AUG 10 1932" and cancelled in Minneapolis; the second card cancelled at Wayzata then flown from Milwaukee to Montreal and Alaska with Montreal flight cachet and U.S 1c cancelled at Juneau (Aug 28), the Canada 1c card flown from Milwaukee to Montreal and Winnipeg with Montreal flight cachet, posted at Winnipeg (Aug 12). Also an article by Aretz explaining how he met von Gronau in Milwaukee and got him to carry 14 cards to Winnipeg and 14 cards to Juneau. (3). Photo on Page 52. (Image1)

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
336 1932 (Sep 7-29) Covers flown from Tokyo to Manila, Shanghai to Manila (2), Manila to Soerabaja (3, one with 13 differing stamps) or Manila to Friedrichshafen, Tokyo cover with special c.d.s, the first six all with the Manila flight cachet, the scarce Manila to Germany cover signed by von Gronau and one other with Friedrichshafen backstamp (Nov 10) and Montreal flight cachet. Also a press Photo of von Gronau at the Imperial Aeronautic Society dinner in Tokyo. (8).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
337 image1932 (Nov 11) Picture postcard flown from Rome to Friedrichshafen, signed by von Gronau and one other crew with boxed Montreal flight cachet, posted upon arrival with Swiss stamps cancelled by Friedrichshafen Schiffspost auf dem Bodensee c.d.s. Also a cover inscribed as flown around the world from Germany, signed by von Gronau with the boxed Montreal flight cachet, posted over two months after von Gronau arrived back in Germany, at Warnemunde (30 Jan 33) franked 25pf to USA. Two scarce items. (2). Photo on Page 52. (Image1)

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
338 1913-38 Covers and cards including 1930 English and Swiss flight cards, covers to or from Brazil (4), 1925 covers carried by Airship "Los Angeles" from New York to Bermuda with red Air Mail Service cancels (2), picture postcards of Zeppelins, etc. (17).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
339 1932-34 Unused "Condor-Zeppelin" or Air Mail envelopes with proof impressions of differing cachets used on Graf Zeppelin mail from South America in Sep./Oct. 1932 (4) or June 1934, with a guarantee letter from Francis Field, very unusual. (5).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
340 1930-35 Covers comprising 1930 Moscow to Friedrichshafen flight card; 1931 Alexandria to Jerusalem flight (Egypt 50m Zeppelin stamp with "1951" error); 1931 (Sep. 18) second South American flight cover from Friedrichshafen redirected back to Germany and carried on the return flight with Brazil stamps applied; 1932 (Aug. 26) Czechoslovakia cover carried on the Berlin to Friedrichshafen and 7th South American flights; 1932 (Oct. 20) Hungary cover carried on 9th South American flight; 1934 (Nov. 27) Cover from Buenos Ayres to Australia intended to go on the Christmas Zeppelin flight but actually flown by Condor Lufthansa and Imperial Airways; 1935 (Sep.) Paraguay flight to Germany bearing 1935 Zeppelin set; 1935 (Nov. 12) registered cover from the British Post Office in Tangier to Bahia, inscribed by Zeppelin but actually flown by Condor Lufthansa. (8).

Est. £350-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
341 imageG.B. 1933 (Aug 2) Cover from Plymouth to Brazil flown by G.W.R Air Service to Birmingham, then carried by Zeppelin on the Berlin to Friedrichshafen and 4th South American flights, the 3d G.W.R stamp tied by violet Plymouth (North Road) handstamp, 4d + 6d stamps cancelled in Birmingham, Zeppelin cachets and Rio backstamps (Aug 9), fine and scarce. Photo on Page 52. (Image1)

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
342 Denmark. 1932 (Apr 14) Postcard from Sonderborg to Pernambuco franked Air 15ore + 1kr, carried on the Berlin to Friedrichshafen and 3rd South American flights, Recife arrival c.d.s (Apr. 20). S.150.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
343 Estonia. 1933 Registered postcards from Tallinn to Pernambuco franked 12s + 80s, both carried on the special Berlin to Friedrichshafen flights, then flown on the 2nd or 6th South American flights, Berlin C2 Luftpost and Zeppelin cachets, Berlin and Pernambuco datestamps, both fine. (2).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
344 Germany. 1913 Postcards franked 5pf, a printed Luftpost am Rhein card cancelled "Luftpost / am Rhein / Dusseldorf" c.d.s (Apr 2) and bearing blue 10pf "Erste Deutsche Luftpost am Rhein" stamp; and a postcard of a zeppelin over the Leipzig Heroes Monument written from the Leipzig fair and posted on the "Sachsen" handstamped "Zeppelin fahrt" and circular "AN BORD DES / ZEPPELIN / 24 MAI 1913 / LUFTSCHIFFES / SACHSEN" subsequently reposted with "INTERN BAUFACH / AUSTELLUNG / LEIPZIG" c.d.s (Oct 22). Also an unusual unused aluminium postcard "Zeppelin Luftschiff im Volten Fluge" depicting a Zeppelin in flight and Herr Graf Zeppelin, paper postcard reverse, within a printed envelope. (3).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
345 Germany. 1929-32 Covers and cards comprising 1929 (Aug 15) Friedrichshafen to Lakehurst World flight; 1930 (June 22) postcard from Berlin to England with red oval "MIT LUFTSCHIFF / GRAF ZEPPELIN / BEFORDERT", Berlin and Breslau datestamps, posted too late for the intended Zeppelin day flight but flown on the June 24th flight and dropped at Breslau; 1931 (Aug 29) 1st South American flight card flown from Friedrichshafen to Praia, Cape Verde, with Swedish arrival c.d.s; 1931 (Sep 19) 2nd South America flight card to Pernambuco posted on board franked Polar Fahrt 1m pair; and 1932 cover to Parana flown from Berlin to Friedrichshafen and carried on the 5th South American flight, all fine. (5).

Est. £180-220

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
346 imageGermany. 1935 (June 30) Cover to Pernambuco franked Ostropa miniature sheet (S.G. £1,400, small piece missing from lower left corner), Air 5pf + 1m, posted on the Graf Zeppelin on the 7th South American flight, cancelled by two "DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST / LUFTSCHIFF / GRAF ZEPPELIN / 7. FAHRT / EUROPA - SUDAMERIKA" datestamps, red "DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST / EUROPA - SUDAMERIKA / d" cachet and Recife backstamps (July 2). A rare use of the Ostropa sheet on a Zeppelin cover. Photo on Page 52. (Image1)

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
347 imageTurkey. 1933 (Sep 26) Registered cover from Galata to Rio de Janeiro franked 2½k, 100k, and 5g Aviation Fund obligatory tax stamp, carried on the Berlin to Friedrichshafen and 8th South American flights, arrival backstamp (Oct. 5), fine and uncommon from Turkey. Photo on Page 52. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
348 imageYemen. 1933 (Sep 30) Registered cover from Hodeida to Pernambuco franked by seven different stamps, inscribed "Par Graf Zeppelin via Friedrichshafen" but received in Germany too late to connect with the Zeppelin flight. The reverse with an explanatory label tied by Friedrichshafen c.d.s (Oct 25), forwarded by Condor Lufthansa, Aden c.d.s and Pernambuco arrival datestamp (Nov 7). An unusual cover. Photo on Page 52. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
349 Canada. 1921 (Nov 26) Cover from St. John's to Halifax bearing the 35c Air Mail overprint (S.G. 148, £100) intended to be sent on the first flight but actually sent by rail after the flight was abandoned when the plane had to make a forced landing shortly after take off, small faults. Also a 1929 (Jan 25) cover from Fort Simpson, N.W.T, to Fort McMurray handstamped "VIA AIR MAIL", March 9th backstamp, the delay believed to be caused by an air crash. (2).

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
350 1931-88 Covers and cards including 1934 Stockholm to Malmo flight, window envelope with explanatory slip (N.340706); 1935 (Dec 20) and 1936 (Apr 11) Pan Am crashes at Trinidad, both covers from USA to Brazil handstamped "ACCIDENT D'AVIATION"; 1937 Chile crash (N.370327, front only, from Germany); 1937 Panagra crash at Cristobal, C.Z (N.370803a, Chile to USA cover); 1944 (Mar.) and 1945 (Jan.) Canadian Air Force crashes both handstamped "SALVAGED FROM / AIR CRASH" (N.440300, 450125); 1948 Sabena Belgian Congo crash (N.480513b); 1973 Varig crash at Paris (N.730711a/g); 1976 BA crash near Zagreb (N.760910, part address deleted); 1988 Toulouse to Paris flight (2, differing cachets, N.880129a/b), etc. (16).

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.

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