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AIR MAILS continued...

AIR MAILS continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
451 Germany. 1929-32 Covers and cards comprising 1929 (Aug 15) Friedrichshafen to Lakehurst World flight; 1930 (June 22) postcard from Berlin to England with red oval "MIT LUFTSCHIFF / GRAF ZEPPELIN / BEFORDERT", Berlin and Breslau datestamps, posted too late for the intended Zeppelin day flight but flown on the June 24th flight and dropped at Breslau; 1931 (Aug 29) 1st South American flight card flown from Friedrichshafen to Praia, Cape Verde, with Swedish arrival c.d.s; 1931 (Sep 19) 2nd South America flight card to Pernambuco posted on board franked Polar Fahrt 1m pair; and 1932 cover to Parana flown from Berlin to Friedrichshafen and carried on the 5th South American flight, all fine. (5).

Est. £200-280

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
452 imageGermany/USA - Hindenburg Disaster. 1937 Postcard to Gunther Thasler at Friedrichshafen bearing 1936 Olympic Games miniature sheet, prepared by the 13 year old son of Hindenburg crew member Albert Thasler who had been assigned to fly aboard the fateful flight but was dropped from the crew roster in April 1937, therefore sent to another crew member Robert Moser who agreed to carry items for Thasler and post them back on the return flight. These items were recovered from the belongings of Robert Moser, found in the wreckage of the Hindenburg shortly after the airship burst into flames whilst mooring at Lakehurst on May 6th, the card burnt at the left but with the stamps and address intact, cancelled by "NEW YORK N.Y / PAQUEBOT" duplex of May 10th. A rare Hindenburg disaster card, one of three recorded items to Thasler (two with miniature sheets) carried on the flight by Moser, last offered for sale fifty years ago (Hagedorn, Sep 1974) with Hagedorn guarantee letter. Photo included on Back Cover. (Image1)

Est. £6,000-7,000

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
453 Great Britain. Piece of silver backed cloth, handstamped "Guaranteed, Relic of the R100, Francis J. Field Ltd, Sutton Coldfield, England", signed by Field, approx 115x80mm.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
454 Hungary. 1931 (July 7) Picture postcard from Budapest franked 2p, flown from Friedrichshafen to Vienna, datestamps of both places, very fine. S.116.

Est. £80-100

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
455 imageIraq. 1934 (May 24) Registered cover from Baghdad to Pernambuco franked 25f, sent by airmail to London, reposted at Liverpool franked 1/1 and carried on the 2nd South American flight, datestamps of Hope Street Liverpool (June 4), Stuttgart and Friedrichshafen (June 9) and Pernambuco (June 12). A rare Zeppelin cover from Iraq with an unusual mixed franking. S.250. Photo on Page 70. (Image1)

Est. £600-750

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
456 Morocco Agencies. 1933 (May 25) Registered cover from the British P.O at Tangier to Rio de Janeiro franked 1/3, carried on the 2nd South American flight, datestamps of Tangier, Friedrichshafen (June 3) and Rio (June 7). S.214.

Est. £120-150

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
457 imageMorocco Agencies. 1933 (Sep 19) Registered cover from the British P.O at Tangier to Pernambuco franked 1/3, carried on the South America - Chicago flight, backstamped at Berlin (Sep. 30) and Pernambuco (Oct 17), fine and scarce. S.238. Photo on Page 70. (Image1)

Est. £160-200

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
458 imageMorocco Agencies. 1935 (July 8) Picture postcard franked Germany 1.40m, posted on the 7th South American flight of the Graf Zeppelin and flown to Larache, reposted registered from Larache to Friedrichshafen franked Morocco Agencies 80c, with red "DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST / EUROPA-SUDAMERIKA d", fine and a very unusual combination franking. Photo on Page 70. (Image1)

Est. £300-400

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
459 imageSan Marino. 1933 (May 23) Six registered covers from San Marino to Friedrichshafen carried on the Italian flight from Rome, the covers each bearing one of the six San Marino Zeppelin stamps, the six differing Zeppelin stamps cancelled by boxed "CITTA" datestamps with 1.75L or 2.75L in other stamps tied by a c.d.s, Zeppelin machine backstamps of Rome (May 29) and Friedrichshafen. Fine, S.G. £900 as stamps. S.208. (6). Photo on Page 72. (Image1)

Est. £500-600

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
460 Switzerland. 1929 (Aug 12) Picture postcard from Horn to USA franked 5.15f and a cover from Basel to Tokyo franked 5f, both flown from Friedrichshafen on the World round flight, the postcard flown to Los Angeles with arrival c.d.s (Aug 26), the cover flown to Tokyo with arrival machine (Aug 21), the cover unusually signed by Dr Eckener. S.30. (2).

Est. £200-240

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
461 imageTripolitania. 1932 (Oct 20) Registered postcard from Tripoli to Recife franked with seven Tripolitania stamps (four on the reverse) totalling 10.60L, carried on the 9th South American flight, datestamps of Rome, Rome-Pisa-Milan T.P.O, Friedrichshafen (Oct 24) and Pernambuco (Oct 27), fine and scarce. S.195. Photo on Page 72. (Image1)

Est. £160-200

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
462 imageUSA. 1930 (Apr 19) Cover from Washington D.C carried on the round flight between Lakehurst and Friedrichshafen, with the Round Flight and South American flight cachets, franked by Air 5c and Graf Zeppelin $1.30, the First Day of Issue of this Zeppelin stamp, backstamped at Friedrichshafen (June 6) and New York (June 18). A fine and scarce First Day Cover. S.64. Photo on Page 72. (Image1)

Est. £350-400

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
463 1927 (Aug 20) Cover to England franked Air 20c, endorsed "Per Leviathan first trip air mail", intended to be flown by the U.S Navy and dropped on the "Leviathan" part way across the Atlantic to accelerate the mail; however the pilot Lt. C.H Schildhauer was unable to find the ship in fog and returned to New York with the mail, the cover twice backstamped "AIRMAIL FLIGHT FAILED TO / SS LEVIATHAN".

Est. £80-100

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
464 1936-54 Covers comprising 1936-37 India covers recovered from the "Scipio" or "Cygnus" (2), 1939 "Challenger" crash cover from G.B, and 1954 Singapore crash cover and ambulance envelope with printed cachet. Also 1941 water damaged cover from India with "SALVED FROM THE SEA". (7).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
465 Boadicea. 1936 (Sep 23) Cover from Wales to Australia, water damaged and the stamps washed off, forwarded within an O.H.M.S "Returned Letter Section, Mount Pleasant, London E.C1" ambulance envelope, with the enclosed explanatory slip "The accompanying packet which was / washed ashore on the coast of England / was apparently conveyed by the Imperial / Airways Airplane "Boadicea" which left / Croydon on the 25th September and failed / to arrive at Paris. / The inconvenience occasioned is / regretted. / Returned Letter Section / Mount Pleasant / London, E.C.1", arrival backstamp of Fivedock, N.S.W (Nov 27). From the second mailbag to be recovered, found on the beach at Dymchurch on November 10th. N.360925d.

Est. £200-240

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
466 Ceylon / India. 1943 (June 16) Censored cover franked 1r from Ceylon to London, two D.L.O Bombay backstamps (Aug 24/28) and the explanatory label "Salvaged air mail Cairo - Karachi / despatch No. 65".

Est. £120-150

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
467 Egypt / Palestine. 1945 (July 5/6) Stampless O.A.S airletter from Field Post Office 66 and a stampless cover endorsed "By Air Mail, O.A.S Concessional Postage, Palestinian Personnel" both to Palestine, both backstamped at Base Army Post Office 4 (July 7) at Cairo, water and fire damaged with violet "SALVAGED MAIL" cachets, reverse with the explanatory label "It is regretted that this item / has been damaged by fire in / circumstances beyond the control / of the Army Postal Services / R.L.B 4 Base A.P.O. M.E.F" tied by a further Base Army Post Office 4 c.d.s (Aug 22). Two unusual items, not recorded by Nierinck. (2).

Est. £180-220

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
468 G.B / New Zealand / Singapore. 1968 (Apr 7) Covers from the BOAC flight which crashed when taking off from Heathrow Airport, a cover to New Zealand, a little scorched and the stamp washed off, handstamped "SALVAGED FROM AIRCRAFT / ACCIDENT LONDON 8-4-68" in green (with contemporary news cutting showing a similar cover); and a cover franked 6d to R.A.F Seletar, Singapore, fire damaged, with accompanying explanatory note from the Home Postal & Courier Depot at Mill Hill. (2).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.


Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
469 S.S "Colombo". 1862 (Sep 10) Cover from New Zealand to Wales with datestamps of Rangiora (manuscript year date) and Lyttelton, a little water damaged at the edges and the stamps washed off, handstamped boxed "Saved from the wreck of / the Colombo", arrival backstamps of London (Dec 31) and Haverford West. A fine example of this cachet; the "Colombo" was wrecked on Minicoy Island in the Indian Ocean on November 19th.

Est. £180-220

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
470 S.S "Mexican"/"Jebba". 1900-07 Covers to England, the first with Cape ½d pair cancelled at Observatory Road with red "RECOVERED FROM / WRECK OF MEXICAN"; the 1907 (Feb 22) cover with Southern Nigeria ½d pair cancelled at Egwanga and violet "SALVED FROM / S.S JEBBA", March 20th arrival datestamps, some staining, otherwise fine. (2).

Est. £160-200

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
471 S.S "Berlin". 1907 G.B 1d Postcard and the address label from a parcel of samples, both from Leeds to Amsterdam, both recovered from the Great Eastern Railway Steamer "Berlin" which was wrecked at the entrance to the River Maas with the loss of 165 lives. Both handstamped "BESCHADIGD DOOR RAMP / HARWICH BOOT" (first "B" inverted on the postcard), the parcel label also with a partial strike of the scarce large cachet "(BESCHADIGD) / WEGENS RAMP / HARWICH-BOOT", also a postcard of the wreck, the parcel label water damaged. (3).

Est. £180-220

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
472 S.S "Mongolia". 1917 Cover from England to a soldier at Quetta, water damaged with part flap missing and the stamp washed off, backstamped at Bombay (June 28) and Quetta with violet oval "ACCIDENT AT SEA / MONGOLIA / 23 6 17", also a 1908 card of the ship. The "Mongolia" struck a mine 58 miles from Bombay and sank, with the loss of 33 lives.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
473 S.S "Kalyan". 1921 Covers from Syria or Burma to France, both water damaged with the stamps washed off (the second with an India 2a6p reattached), both handstamped "ACCIDENT EN MER / CORRESPONDANCE INONDEE". Two unusual origins, the mail damaged on the P&O "Kalyan" by gales in the Mediterranean. (2).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
474 S.S "Alhena". 1941 (Jan 12-17) Covers from England to British forces in Aden or the Middle East (2), or to Turkey, the first franked 2½d with violet boxed "DAMAGED BY SEA WATER" (the former "Comorin" cachet showing part "S.S"), the others with the stamps washed off handstamped "SALVED FROM THE SEA" (one or two line cachets), the cover to Turkey additionally handstamped boxed "DAMAGED BY SEA-WATER" and "NO SERVICE / RETURN TO SENDER". The S.S "Alhena" ran aground off Northern Ireland on January 28th and became a total loss. (4).

Est. £140-160

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.
475 1945-67 Wrappers delayed or found on ships, a 1945 wrapper sent from New York to Chile in 1945 found on the S.S "John Bidwell" when it was sent to ship breakers in Philadelphia in 1960, handstamped violet boxed "CORRESPONDENCIA RETARDADA / Y RECUPERADA DEL / S/S "JOHN BIDWELL" / 1945 1960 / CORREOS DE CHILE"; and 1967 wrapper (with contents) from Pakistan to England franked 13p, trapped in the Great Bitter Lake for eight years after the Suez Canal was blocked during the Six Day War, with explanatory label "Post Office regrets that / delay has been caused by / SS Nord Wind being held / in Suez Canal", 1975 arrival c.d.s. Also a 1969 cover with "MAILED ON BOARD / G.B.L.A / S.S AFRICAN GLEN" cachet, posted at Port Tewfik. (3).

Est. £180-220

Closing..Nov-06, 11:59 PM EST.

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