United States continued...
LotNo. |
Catalogue # |
Lot Description |
15160 |
1155 |
1961 Scott 1155 4c Employ the Handicapped 1960 New York, N.Y. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Des Moines, Iowa. Artcraft cachet Sev.#1A19 American Mutual Liability Insurance Company variety. Typewritten
Address. ( Inv #: USA1155C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1155] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15161 |
1156 |
1960 Scott 1156 4c World Forestry Congress 1960 Seattle, Wash Illustrated First Day of Issue. Unlisted MISCHA Post Card. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1156C11) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1156] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15162 |
1157 |
1960 Scott 1157 4c Mexican Independence (2) 1960 Los Angeles, Calif. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Fort Worth, Texas. Texas Refinery Corp. cachet Mellone #78. LEGAL SIZE. Typewritten Address with some
discoloring. ( Inv #: USA1157W03) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1157] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$25.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15163 |
1159-1160 |
1960 Scott 1159-1160 4c and 8c Paderewski Champion of Liberty 1960 Washington D.C. Illustrated First Day of Issue. First Day Ceremony Program. OVERSIZE 5 x 8 inches. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1159L01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1159-1160] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$25.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15164 |
1162 |
1960 Scott 1162 4c Wheels of Freedom 1960 Detroit, Mich. Illustrated First Day of Issue. First Motor City Stamp Club blue cachet Mellone #24. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1162C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1162] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$37.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15165 |
1163 |
1960 Scott 1163 4c Boys' Clubs of America 1960 New York, N.Y. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Glenview, Ill. First Chicago Boys Clubs cachet Mellone #10. Label address. ( Inv #: USA1163C02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1163] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15166 |
1167 |
1960 Scott 1167 4c Camp Fire Girls 1960 New York, N.Y. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Seattle, Wn. Unlisted Seattle-King County Council of Camp Fire Girls corner card. Typewritten Address opened at top. (
Inv #: USA1167C02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1167] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15167 |
1177 |
1961 Scott 1177 4c Horace Greeley 1961 Chappaqua, N.Y. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Des Moines, Iowa. Artcraft cachet Sev.#1A19 American Mutual Liability Insurance Company variety. Typewritten Address. (
Inv #: USA1177C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1177] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15168 |
1178 |
1961 Scott 1178 4c Fort Sumter 1961 Charleston, S.C. Illustrated First Day of Issue. Fleetwood cachet Mellone #30. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1178C03) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1178] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15169 |
1178 |
1961 Scott 1178 4c Fort Sumter Block 1961 Charleston, S.C. Illustrated First Day of Issue Local Use. Boerger cachet Mellone #14 with advertising insert. Ink address. ( Inv #: USA1178C04) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1178] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15170 |
1178 |
1961 Scott 1178 4c Fort Sumter 1961 Illustrated Charleston, S.C. First Day of Issue to Cleveland, Miss. Boerger cachet Mellone #10. Ink address. ( Inv #: USA1178C07) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1178] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15171 |
1178 |
1961 Scott 1178 4c Fort Sumter 1961 Charleston, S.C. First Day of Issue to E. Cleveland, Ohio. Texas Refinery Corp. cachet Mellone 1178-49 with contents. LEGAL SIZE. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1178W02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1178] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$30.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15172 |
1178 |
1961 Scott 1178 4c Fort Sumter 1961 Charleston, S.C. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Milwaukee, Wisc. Fleetwood multicolor cachet Frederick Post Co. variety Mellone #30. LEGAL SIZE. Addressograph address. (
Inv #: USA1178W03) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1178] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15173 |
1179, 1178 and 985 |
1961 Scott 1179, 1178 and 985 4c Shiloh with 4c Fort Sumter and 3c GAR 1962 Shiloh, Tenn. Illustrated First Day of Issue. Unlisted card. See Mellone 1180-112. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1179C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1179, 1178 and 985] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15174 |
1179 |
1962 Scott 1179 4c Shiloh Civil War Centennial 1962 Illustrated Shiloh, Tenn. First Day of Issue to Waterville, Minnesota. Artcraft Ayers Laboratories variety cachet Mellone #4. Typewritten Address with small
crease at bottom left. ( Inv #: USA1179C02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1179] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$18.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15175 |
1180, 1179, 978 |
1963 Scott 1180, 1179, 978 5c Gettysburg with 3c Gettysburg Address and 4c Shiloh 1963 Gettysburg, Pa. First Day of Issue. Unknown Folder Mellone #109. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1180C05) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1180, 1179, 978] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15176 |
1181 |
1964 Scott 1181 4c Wilderness Civil War Centennial 1964 Fredericksburg, VA Wilderness Station First Day of Issue to Waterville, Minnesota. Artcraft Ayers Laboratories variety cachet. Mellone #4. Typewritten
Address with small crease at bottom left. ( Inv #: USA1181C02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1181] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$13.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15177 |
1182 |
1965 Scott 1182 5c Appomattox 1965 Appomattox, Va. 24522 First Day of Issue to Ely, Minn. Artcraft cachet Ayerst Laboratories variety. Mellone #3. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1182C03) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1182] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15178 |
1182 |
1965 Scott 1182 5c Appomattox 1965 Appomattox, Va. 24522 First Day of Issue to Waterville, Minn. Artcraft cachet Ayerst Laboratories variety with contents. Mellone #3. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #:
USA1182C04) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1182] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15179 |
1183 |
1961 Scott 1183 4c Kansas Statehood 1961 Council Grove, Kans. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Xavier, Kansas. Saint Mary's Academy cachet Mellone #35 with enclosure. Pencil address. ( Inv #: USA1183C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1183] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$20.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15180 |
1183 |
1961 Scott 1183 4c Kansas Statehood 1961 Council Grove, Kans. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Xavier, Kansas. Saint Mary's Academy cachet Mellone #35 with enclosure. Pencil address. ( Inv #: USA1183C02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1183] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$20.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15181 |
1183 |
1961 Scott 1183 4c Kansas Statehood 1961 Council Grove, Kans. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Xavier, Kansas. Saint Mary's Academy cachet Mellone #35. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1183C03) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1183] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$20.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15182 |
1183 |
1961 Scott 1183 4c Kansas Statehood 1961 Illustrated Council Grove, Kans. First Day of Issue to Xavier, Kansas. First Saint Mary's Academy cachet Mellone #40. Pencil address. ( Inv #: USA1183C05) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1183] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15183 |
1183 |
1961 Scott 1183 4c Kansas Statehood 1961 Illustrated Council Grove, Kans. First Day of Issue to Xavier, Kansas. First Saint Mary's Academy cachet Mellone #40. Pencil address. ( Inv #: USA1183C06) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1183] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15184 |
1183 |
1961 Scott 1183 4c Kansas Statehood 1961 Illustrated Council Grove, Kans. First Day of Issue to Xavier, Kansas. First Saint Mary's Academy cachet Mellone #40. Pencil address. ( Inv #: USA1183C08) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1183] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15185 |
1184 |
1961 Scott 1184 4c George W. Norris 1961 Washington, D. C. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Des Moines, Iowa. Artcraft cachet Sev.#1A19 American Mutual Liability Insurance Company variety. Typewritten
Address. ( Inv #: USA1184C02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1184] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15186 |
1185 |
1961 Scott 1185 4c Naval Aviation 1961 San Diego, Calif. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Des Moines, Iowa. Artcraft cachet Sev.#1A19 American Mutual Liability Insurance Company variety. Typewritten Address.
( Inv #: USA1185C02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1185] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15187 |
1185 |
1961 Scott 1185 4c Naval Aviation 1961 San Diego, Calif. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Cleveland, Miss. Unlisted Boerger A.B. Covers cachet. Ink address. ( Inv #: USA1185C03) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1185] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15188 |
1187 |
1961 Scott 1187 4c Frederic Remington 1961 Washington D.C. First Day of Issue to Kansas City, Mo. Artcraft cachet American Mutual Liability Insurance Company variety. Mellone #3. Typewritten Address with
small crease at bottom left. ( Inv #: USA1187C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1187] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15189 |
1187 |
1961 Scott 1187 4c Remington 1961 Washington, D.C. First Day of Issue to Des Moines, Iowa. Artcraft cachet Sev.#1A19 American Mutual Liability Insurance Company variety. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #:
USA1187C05) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1187] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15190 |
1189 |
1961 Scott 1189 4c Naismith Basketball (2) 1961 Springfield, Mass. First Day of Issue to Lexington, Kentucky. Art Craft American Mutual Liability Insurance Co. variety cachet Mellone 1189-25. LEGAL SIZE.
Typewritten Address with creases at left and right. ( Inv #: USA1189W01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1189] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$25.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15191 |
1191 |
1962 Scott 1191 4c New Mexico Statehood 1962 Santa Fe, N. Mex. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Des Moines, Iowa. Artcraft cachet Sev.#1A19 American Mutual Liability Insurance Company variety. Typewritten
Address. ( Inv #: USA1191C03) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1191] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15192 |
1191 |
1962 Scott 1191 4c New Mexico 1982 Santa Fe. N. Mex. Illustrated First Day of Issue. First Glory cachet Mellone 1191-14. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1191C04) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1191] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15193 |
1191 |
1962 Scott 1191 4c New Mexico 1982 Santa Fe. N. Mex. First Day of Issue. Glory cachet Mellone 1191-14. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1191C1)
Get Market Data for [United States 1191] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15194 |
1192 |
1962 Scott 1192 4c Arizona Statehood Plate 27126 Block 1962 Phoenix, Ariz. Illustrated First Day of Issue. Unlisted Glory cachet see Mellone #24. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1192C06) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1192] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15195 |
1192 |
1962 Scott 1192 4c Arizona Statehood 1962 Phoenix, Ariz. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Des Moines, Iowa. Artcraft cachet Sev.#1A19 American Mutual Liability Insurance Company variety. Typewritten Address.
( Inv #: USA1192C07) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1192] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15196 |
1193 |
1962 Scott 1193 4c Project Mercury 1962 Cape Canaveral, Fla. First Day of Issue. First Orbit Cover cachet Mellone 1193-58. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1193C03) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1193] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15197 |
1193 |
1962 Scott 1193 4c Project Mercury 1962 Cape Canaveral, Fla. First Day of Issue. First Space Craft cachet Mellone #67 with added 32c Flag Over Porch 1998 Illustrated Kennedy Space Center FL 32815John Glenn
Returns To Space Dual Event. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1193C11) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1193] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15198 |
1193 |
1962 Scott 1193 4c Project Mercury 1962 Los Angeles, Calif. Unofficial City First Day. Exclusive cachet Mellone #29. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1193C23) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1193] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15199 |
1194 |
1962 Scott 1194 4c Malaria with 4c and 11c U.N. Malaria Issue 1962 Washington, D.C. Illustrated First Day of Issue. Unknown Folder Mellone #30. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1194C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1194] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |