United States continued...
LotNo. |
Catalogue # |
Lot Description |
15120 |
1084 |
1956 Scott 1084 3c Devils Tower 1956 Devils Tower, Wyo. First Day of Issue to Lordsburg, N.M. Unlisted Illustrated Envelope. MONARCH SIZE. Typewritten Addresswith some edge wear. ( Inv #: USA1084W02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1084] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15121 |
1088 |
1957 Scott 1088 3c Coast and Geodetic Survey (2) 1957 Seattle, Wash First Day of Issue. Unlisted Fleetwood Maxicard. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1088C08) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1088] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15122 |
1088 |
1957 Scott 1088 3c Coast and Geodetic Survey (2) 1957 Seattle, Wash First Day of Issue. Unlisted Fleetwood Maxicard. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1088C09) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1088] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15123 |
1091 |
1957 Scott 1091 3c International Naval Review Plate 25726 Block 1957 U.S. S. Saratoga Norfolk, Virginia First Day of Issue. First Day Ceremony Program. OVERSIZE 5.5 x 8.5 inches. Unaddressed. ( Inv #:
USA1091L01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1091] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$32.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15124 |
1098 |
1957 Scott 1098 3c Whooping Cranes Wiildlife Conservation (3) 1957 New York, N.Y. First Day of Issue A.S.D.A. National Postage Stamp Show Station to La Tour de Peilz, Switzerland. Artcraft cachet Mellone #5.
Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1098C09) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1098] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15125 |
1108 |
1958 Scott 1108 3c Gunston Hall 1958 Lorton, VA. Illustrated First Day of Issue. Hammond Maxicard. Small creases at top right and bottom left. OVERSIZE 8 x 5. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1108L01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1108] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15126 |
1110-1111 |
1958 Scott 1110-1111 4c and 8c Simon Bolivar Champion of Liberty 1958 Washington, D.C. Illustrated First Day of Issue. Hammond Maxicard. OVERSIZE 5 x 8 inches. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1110L01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1110-1111] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15127 |
1112 |
1958 Scott 1112 4c Atlantic Cable 1958 New York, N.Y. Illustrated First Day of Issue. Hammond Maxicard. OVERSIZE 5 x 8 inches. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1112L01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1112] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15128 |
1119 |
1958 Scott 1119 4c Freedom of the Press 1958 Columbia, Mo. Illustrated First Day of Issue. Hammond Maxicard. OVERSIZE 5 x 8 inches. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1119L01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1119] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15129 |
1124 |
1959 Scott 1124 4c Oregon Statehood (2) 1959 Astoria, Oreg. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Wellington, New Zealand. Uncacheted. Ink address. ( Inv #: USA1124C11) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1124] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15130 |
1127 |
1959 Scott 1127 4c NATO 1959 Illustrated Washington, D.C. First Day of Issue. Red Goldcraft cachet Mellone #10. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1127C04) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1127] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15131 |
1135 |
1959 Scott 1135 4c Dental Health 1959 New York, N.Y. First Day of Issue. Unknown cachet Mellone 1135-20. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1135C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1135] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15132 |
1135 |
1959 Scott 1135 4c Dental Health 1959 New York, N.Y. First Day of Issue. Unknown cachet Mellone 1135-20. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1135C02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1135] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15133 |
1135 |
1959 Scott 1135 4c Dental Health 1959 New York, N.Y. First Day of Issue. Unknown cachet Mellone 1135-20. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1135C03) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1135] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15134 |
1135 |
1959 Scott 1135 4c Dental Health 1959 New York, N.Y. First Day of Issue. First American Dental Association cachet Mellone 1135-20. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1135C05) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1135] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15135 |
1135 |
1959 Scott 1135 4c Dental Health 1959 New York, N.Y. First Day of Issue. First American Dental Association cachet Mellone 1135-20. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1135C06) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1135] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15136 |
1136-1137 |
1958 Scott 1136-1137 4c and 8c Ernst Reuter Champion of Liberty 1958 Washington, D.C. Illustrated First Day of Issue. Hammond Maxicard. OVERSIZE 5 x 8 inches. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1136L01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1136-1137] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15137 |
1136-1137 |
1958 Scott 1136-1137 4c and 8c Ernst Reuter Champion of Liberty 1958 Washington, D.C. Illustrated First Day of Issue. Hammond Maxicard. OVERSIZE 5 x 8 inches. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1136L02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1136-1137] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15138 |
1136-1137 |
1959 Scott 1136-1137 4c and 8c Reuter Champion of Liberty 1959 Washington, D.C. First Day of Issue. Unlisted cachet. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1137C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1136-1137] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15139 |
1136-1137 |
1959 Scott 1136-1137 4c and 8c Reuter Champion of Liberty 1959 Washington, D.C. First Day of Issue. Unlisted cachet. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1137C02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1136-1137] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15140 |
1137 |
1959 Scott 1137 4c and 8c Reuter Champion of Lieberty combo 1959 Illustrated Washington, D.C. First Day of Issue. Unlisted cachet. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1137C03) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1137] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15141 |
1140 |
1960 Scott 1140 4c Franklin Credo 1960 Philadelphia, PA Illustrated First Day of Issue. Artcraft cachet Sev. #1DA18B w/o shading Lindquist variety Mellone #4. Unaddressedwith small crease at bottom left. ( Inv
#: USA1140C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1140] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15142 |
1143 |
1960 Scott 1143 3c Francis Scott Key Credo (2) 1960 Baltimore, Md. Illustrated Flag First Day of Issue to Frankfort, Germany. Artcraft cachet. ( Inv #: USA1142C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1143] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15143 |
1143 |
1960 Scott 1143 4c Lincoln Credo 1960 New York, N.Y. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Des Moines, Iowa. Artcraft cachet Sev.#1A19 American Mutual Liability Insurance Company variety. Typewritten Address. (
Inv #: USA1143C02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1143] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15144 |
1145 |
1960 Scott 1145 4c Boy Scouts 1960 Illustrated Washington, D.C. First Day of Issue to Switzerland. Artcraft cachet Mellone #3. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1145C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1145] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15145 |
1145 |
1960 Scott 1145 4c Boy Scouts of America (2) 1960 Washington D.C. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Villisingen, Norway. Fleetwood cachet Mellone #28. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1145C05) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1145] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15146 |
1145 |
1960 Scott 1145 4c Boy Scouts of America 1960 Washington D.C. Illustrated First Day of Issue. Fleetwood cachet Mellone # 28 Coca-Cola variety with card. OVERSIZE 6 X 9 inches. Unaddressed. ( Inv #:
USA1145L02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1145] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15147 |
1146 |
1960 Scott 1146 4c Olympic Winter Games (4) 1960 Olympic Valley, Calif. Illustrated First Day of Issue Airmail to Germany. First Squaw Valley Stamp Club cachet Mellone #19. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #:
USA1146C02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1146] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$20.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15148 |
1146 |
1960 Scott 1146 4c Olympic Winter Games (4) 1960 Olympic Valley, Calif. Illustrated First Day of Issue Airmail to Germany. First Squaw Valley Stamp Club cachet Mellone #19. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #:
USA1146C03) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1146] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$20.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15149 |
1146 |
1960 Scott 1146 4c Olympic Winter Games (4) 1960 Olympic Valley, Calif. Illustrated First Day of Issue Airmail to Germany. First Squaw Valley Stamp Club cachet Mellone #19. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #:
USA1146C04) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1146] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$20.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15150 |
1146 |
1960 Scott 1146 4c Winter Olympics 1960 Olympic Valley, Calif. Illustrated First Day of Issue Airmail to Germany. First Squaw Valley Olympic Committee cachet Mellone #19 on Schiesser Business Envelope.
Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1146C09) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1146] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15151 |
1147-1148 |
1960 Scott 1147-1148 4c and 8c Masaryk Champions of Liberty 1960 Washington, D.C. Illustrated First Day of Issue. Miami Musuem of Modern Art Maxi Card. Mellone #14. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1147C02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1147-1148] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15152 |
1147-1148 |
1958 Scott 1147-1148 4c and 8c Thomas G. Masaryk Champion of Liberty 1958 Washington, D.C. Illustrated First Day of Issue. Hammond Maxicard. OVERSIZE 5 x 8 inches. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1147L01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1147-1148] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15153 |
1154 |
1960 Scott 1154 4c Pony Express 1960 Sacramento, Calif. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Massillon, Ohio. First National Pony Express Centennial Association cachet Mellone #29. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #:
USA1154C05) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1154] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15154 |
1154, U543 |
1960 Scott 1154, U543 4c Pony Express 1960 Sacramento, Calif. Illustrated First Day of Issue on Pony Express Envelope. First National Pony Express Centennial Association cachet Mellone #29. Unadressed. ( Inv
#: USA1154C06) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1154, U543] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15155 |
1154 |
1960 Scott 1154 4c Pony Express 1960 Sacramento, Calif. Illustrated First Day of Issue. First National Pony Express Centennial Association cachet Mellone #29. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1154C08) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1154] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15156 |
1154 |
1960 Scott 1154 4c Pony Express 1960 Sacramento, Calif. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Cleveland, Miss. First Sacramento cachet Mellone #47. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1154C09) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1154] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15157 |
1154 |
1960 Scott 1154 4c Pony Express 1960 Sacramento, Calif. First Day of Issue to Waterbury, Conn. First Bell & Howell Co. cachet Mellone 1154-8. LEGAL SIZE. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1154W01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1154] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$30.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15158 |
1154 |
1960 Scott 1154 4c Pony Express 1960 Sacramento, Calif. First Day of Issue to Atlanta, Ga. First Bell & Howell Co. cachet Mellone 1154-8. LEGAL SIZE. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1154W02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1154] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$30.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
15159 |
1154 |
1960 Scott 1154 3c Pony Express 1960 Sacramento, Calif. Illustrated First Day of Issue Local Use. First Bell and Howell cachet Mellone #8. LEGAL SIZE. Typewritten Address opened at top. ( Inv #: USA1154W03) (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 1154] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$30.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |