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Worldwide Stamps and Postal History continued...

Great Britain - Other Victorian Issues
Lot Sym. Lot Description  
1126 og ImageGREAT BRITAIN, 1841, 2p Blue (4; SG 14, SG Specialised ES11). Plate 3, lettered B-F, original gum, barely hinged (if at all), large to full margins all around, intense shade and impression on fresh paper


With 1985 R.P.S. certificate. Scott $4,500.00. SG from £5,000 (Image)

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E. $ 1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,300.00
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1127 og ImageGREAT BRITAIN, 1841, 2p Blue (4; SG 14). Horizontal pair, lettered E-I to E-J, original gum, h.r., mostly large margins to clear at bottom right, deep rich shade on fresh paper


SG Specialised £15,000. Scott $15,000.00 (Image)

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E. $ 3,000-4,000

SOLD for $2,800.00
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1128 TC ImageGREAT BRITAIN, 1841, 1p Red Brown, Trial Printing (Unissued) on Dickinson Silk-Threaded Paper (SG 16; SG Specialised DP22). Plate 11, lettered P-I, without gum as issued, large to ample margins, bold color, usual light horizontal crease, Very Fine appearance, a scarce trial printing of which only eight sheets were printed, SG £4,750, SG Specialised £7,500 (Image)

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E. $ 750-1,000

SOLD for $1,800.00
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1129 c ImageGREAT BRITAIN, 1850, 1p Red Brown, Perf 16 Henry Archer Trial Perforation (SG 16b; SG Specialised CE2). Plate 93, lettered C-I, tied by neat strike of "32" barred oval cancel on petite mourning cover to London, neat Aug. 3, 1853 despatch and arrival backstamps, neat "House of Commons" black wax seal, Very Fine and scarce use of the Archer Trial perforation used within the correct time period, SG £1,500, SG Specialised £2,700 (Image)

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E. $ 400-500

SOLD for $475.00
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1130 c ImageGREAT BRITAIN, 1847, 1sh Pale Green, Embossed (5; SG 54). Horizontal pair with large sheet margin at left, other sides large to barely touching on bottom of left stamp, used with two singles of 1p Red Brown (11; SG 22), all tied by barred "134" cancels and "Bristol FE 7 1856" circular datestamps on printed folded religious notice to Rome, Italy, red "PD" handstamp, Calais transit and Rome arrival datestamps, manuscript "X" also ties pair and one 1p, Very Fine and pretty cover (Image)

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E. $ 500-750

SOLD for $700.00
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1131 c ImageGREAT BRITAIN, 1847, 1sh Pale Green, Embossed (5; SG 54). Horizontal pair, large margins to just barely touching outer frameline on sides, neatly cancelled by barred "466" on 1850 folded letter to New York, Liverpool Nov. 29, 1850 despatch circular datestamp on top flap, neat red curved "Paid" and "10 Cents" handstamps also ties pair, Very Fine, Scott $2,400.00 (Image)

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E. $ 400-500

SOLD for $400.00
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1132 c ImageGREAT BRITAIN, 1854, 6p Red Violet (7; SG 60). Margins to just barely touching, neatly cancelled by barred "905" on 1855 cover "to Captain Kent, 77th Regiment Army, Head Quarters, Crimea", green Wolverhampton Jan. 12, 1855 despatch datestamp on reverse, indistinct red cancel ink ties stamp to cover, Very Fine Crimean War cover, sent during the Siege of Sevastopol, which the 77th Regiment took part from Oct. 1854 to Sept. 1855, Scott $1,900.00 (Image)

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E. $ 400-500

SOLD for $325.00
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1133 og ImageGREAT BRITAIN, 1855, 1p Red Brown, Imperforate (16c; SG 29a; SG Specialised C8(1)h). Horizontal rejoined strip of ten, plate 25, lettered K-A to K-J, without gum as issued, left margin reattached with part imprint and rosette which was already affected by pre-printing paperfold, mostly large margins, rejoined between K-E and K-F, part manuscript "Specimen" on reverse, various creasing and edge tears (some severe), K-E with stain at bottom, leaving only one or two examples appearing sound, Fine appearance and exceptionally rare multiple, SG Specialised as singles £40,000 (Image)

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E. $ 2,000-3,000

SOLD for $2,100.00
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1134 nhbl ImageGREAT BRITAIN, 1857, 1p Rose Red (20; SG 40; SG Specialised C10(5)). Mint N.H. bottom right plate no. 47 block of 24, lettered Q-G to T-L, bottom imprint reads "(tow)ards the RIGHT HAND SIDE of the Letter: In Wetting the Back be careful not to remove the Cement", fresh color, minor gum wrinkle mostly from R-I to R-L but far less than normally seen, Fine and scarce plate no. multiple, catalogued as blocks of four with no premium for plate no., Scott $1,950.00, SG Specialised £1,950 (Image)

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E. $ 400-500

SOLD for $1,300.00
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1135 ogbl ImageGREAT BRITAIN, 1863, 1p Pale Rose Pink (SG Specialised C10(6)). Block of nine, plate 67, lettered Q-G to S-I, original gum, couple minor h.r.'s, few stamps appear Mint N.H., fresh color and strong impression, Fine-Very Fine, a very scarce multiple of this rare shade which is not listed in SG or Scott, with 1985 R.P.S. certificate, SG Specialised as singles £5,400 (Image)

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E. $ 750-1,000

SOLD for $425.00
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1136   ImageGREAT BRITAIN, 1870, 1-1/2p Rose Red, Error of Lettering OP-PC for CP-PC (32d; SG 53; SG Specialised G6(1)c). Plate 1, deep rich color, typical centering for this issue, couple short perfs at bottom, otherwise Fine and rare, one of the most significant and visually constant errors of the Victorian reign which went unnoticed during the four years of printing runs only to be noticed over 20 years after its release, listed but unpriced in Scott, SG £2,000 (Image)

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E. $ 500-750

SOLD for $425.00
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