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GR. BRITAIN - Small Lots including Singles and Sets continued...

GR. BRITAIN (Scott # 251 to 3047-75)
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description Est or CV / bid in C$'s
1026 251 image251, KGVI Ten Shilling mint block with perfect centering, pristine fresh colour, XF, NH. A GORGEOUS BLOCK FOR THE COLLECTOR WHO WANTS THE BEST (Image) Estimate 1,200.00+ $Cdn

Currently ($Cdn)...C$850.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1027 265 265, Margin block with LL stamp having the EXTRA BERRY variety. F-VF, NH (SG #492a, Cat £35) Estimate 35.00+ $Cdn

Currently ($Cdn)...C$24.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1028 272 image272, Vertical Pair, bottom stamp with CROWN FLAW variety. VF, NH (SG #496a - £75) (Image) Estimate 50.00+ $Cdn

Currently ($Cdn)...C$34.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1029 286-9 286-9, F-VF Cat 80.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$34.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1030 286-9 image286-9, KGVI to One Pound. F-VF, NH (Image) Cat 80.00+

Currently ($Cdn)...C$38.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1031 292-6 292-6, Watermarks Inverted. F-VF, NH (SG #'s 515-9b Wi £40) Estimate 35.00+ $Cdn

Currently ($Cdn)...C$24.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1032 292-308 292-308, F-VF Cat 101.05

Currently ($Cdn)...C$38.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1033 292-308, 317c-22d 292-308, 317c-22d, F-VF Cat 117.85

Currently ($Cdn)...C$40.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1034 309-12 image309-12, Castles to £1. VF, VLH (Image) Cat 240.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$90.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1035 311 311, VF Cat 80.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$32.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1036 317-33, 319c-22c, 321d image317-33, 319c-22c, 321d, Also extra shade of 325. F-VF, NH (24) (Image) Cat 205.40

Currently ($Cdn)...C$75.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1037 317cp, 318dp, 356cp-60ap 317cp, 318dp, 356cp-60ap. F-VF, NH Cat 114.50

Currently ($Cdn)...C$44.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1038 353c-60a 353c-60a, Graphite set. F-VF Cat 150.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$55.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1039 355c 355c, F, NH Cat 100.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$34.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1040 371-4 image371-4, De La Rue Printing. VF, NH (SG#'s 595-8, £195) (Image) Estimate 150.00+ $Cdn

Currently ($Cdn)...C$100.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1041 478 478, Left margin Block of 6. Top centre stamp has MISSING "T" variety; bottom left stamp has BROKEN "A" variety. VF, NH Estimate 50.00+ $Cdn

Currently ($Cdn)...C$34.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1042 810, 812 810, 812, Panes of 4 in privately produced QE Silver Jubilee Booklet, plus a similar Booklet with the panes inverted; also a similar Booklet 811, 2 panes & blank print single in additional pane. Limited edition items. VF, NH (3 Booklets) Estimate 50.00+ $Cdn

Currently ($Cdn)...C$34.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1043 1067-70 1067-70, Gutter Pairs with "AUSIPEX 84" logo imprint on gutters. These were available only from the BPO Stand at the exhibition. VF, NH Estimate 50.00+ $Cdn

Currently ($Cdn)...C$34.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1044 1230-3 1230-3, Castles from £1-£5 in Cross Gutter Blocks. VF, NH Cat 133.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$60.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1045 1445-8 1445-8, Castles from £1-£5 in Gutter Pairs. VF, NH Cat 82.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$38.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1046 1445-8 image1445-8, Castles from £1-£5 in Cross Gutter Blocks. VF, NH (Image) Cat 164.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$75.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1047 1445-8, 1446a-8a 1445-8, 1446a-8a, Castle High Values up to £5. VF, NH Cat 117.75

Currently ($Cdn)...C$48.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1048 1496 image1496, Bottom centre margin Block. The LR stamp MISSING "1993". VF, NH (Image) Estimate 65.00+ $Cdn

Currently ($Cdn)...C$44.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1049 1971a 1971a, Submarine Booklet. VF, NH Cat 85.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$40.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1050 3047-75 3047-75, Olympic Gold Medalists, VF, NH Cat 50.75

Currently ($Cdn)...C$22.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM

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