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GR. BRITAIN - Small Lots including Singles and Sets continued...

GR. BRITAIN (Scott # 142 to 241a)
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description Est or CV / bid in C$'s
1001 142 image142, KE One Pound. VF (Image) Cat 825.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$300.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1002 142 image142, Used KE One Pound. VF, light CDS, trivial nibbed LR corner perf. Has 2007 APS Certificate (Image) (View Certificate)


Cat 825.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$370.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1003 152 152, Watermark Inverted. F, a few clipped perfs as usual (SG #332 Wi - £45) Estimate 35.00+ $Cdn

Currently ($Cdn)...C$24.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1004 152 image152, Imperforate TRIAL PROOF corner block of the One Penny scarlet KGV Downey Head. VF, crease in top stamps (Image) Estimate 200.00+ $Cdn

Currently ($Cdn)...C$135.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1005 159, 165, 172 159, 165, 172, Watermarks INVERTED & REVERSED. F-VF (SG £164) Estimate 85.00+ $Cdn

Currently ($Cdn)...C$55.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1006 159-72, 187-200, 210-20 image159-72, 187-200, 210-20, Three diff complete KGV sets. F-VF (Image) Cat 426.95

Currently ($Cdn)...C$130.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1007 159b 159b, Booklet Pane. F, NH, light creases Cat 110.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$36.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1008 160 image160, KGV 1p IMPERF OVERPRINTED 'SPECIMEN' (SG #N16u). VF, slight internal crease (Image) Estimate 90.00+ $Cdn

Currently ($Cdn)...C$60.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1009 173 image173, VF, NH, nibbed perf, light bend. Cat $690 (Image) Estimate 150.00+ $Cdn

Currently ($Cdn)...C$100.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1010 173b image173b, Black Brown Shade. F-VF, LH (Image) Cat 400.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$155.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1011 176 image176, Scarce One Pound Seahorse with London CDS. Excellent colour, nicely centred. VF, couple slightly nibbed perfs (Image) Cat 1,500.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$850.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1012 179-81 image179-81, Complete set of Seahorses, F-VF (181 has some toned gum) (Image) Cat 1,050.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$390.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1013 179-81, 179a-c image179-81, 179a-c, KGV Seahorses. VF (Image) Cat 652.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$150.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1014 179b image179b, Seahorse, F+ (Image) Cat 150.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$65.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1015 179c image179c, Reddish Brown. VF, toned NH gum. Has 3 diff guarantee b/s's (Image) Cat 375.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$120.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1016 180 image180, Five Shilling Seahorse. Fresh, F-VF, LH (Image) Cat 350.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$135.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1017 180 180, Seahorse 5 Shilling, Nice cancel, private perfin. VF Cat 145.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$50.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1018 188, 190, 192 188, 190, 192, WATERMARKS INVERTED. F-VF (SG £149) Estimate 75.00+ $Cdn

Currently ($Cdn)...C$50.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1019 189c 189c, Booklet Pane. F-VF, VLH, some clipped perfs as usual Cat 50.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$18.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1020 205a-7a image205a-7a, Set of Watermark Sideways. Fresh, F-VF (Image) Cat 225.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$90.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1021 209 image209, One Pound PUC, rich colour, nicely centered, VF (Image) Cat 675.00

Currently ($Cdn)...C$400.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1022 209 image209, A spectacular rare used LR corner block of the One Pound PUC. Nice centering, rich colour, neat CDS cancels. VF, minor hinge reinforcement at bottom selvedge. AN OUTSTANDING BLOCK (Image) Estimate 3,000.00+ $Cdn

Currently ($Cdn)...C$2,500.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1023 235-48, 235a-9a, 266 235-48, 235a-9a, 266, Set plus Watermark Sideways issue & extra shades of 241-3. VF, most NH (23) Cat 142.40

Currently ($Cdn)...C$48.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1024 237 237, Block of 6, Watermark Inverted. F-VF, NH (SG #464Wi - £90) Estimate 50.00+ $Cdn

Currently ($Cdn)...C$34.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM
1025 241a image241a, KGVI Four Pence IMPERFORATE PAIR overprinted black bars used for Post Office training. VF, NH, some creases (Normal imperf pair Cat $9,750 US) (Image) Estimate 250.00+ $Cdn

Currently ($Cdn)...C$160.00
Closing..Mar-19, 11:59 PM

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