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Union Civil War Postal History continued...

Prisoner of War Covers, Northern Prisons continued...
Lot Description
image LotNo.: 201
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Charlestown

Charlestown Jail - Charlestown, Va., Cover franked with a 3¢ dull red (26) tied by a Philadelphia octagonal datestamp, Nov 26, 1859; addressed to "John Brown Esq, at the Charlestown Jail, Charlestown, Jefferson County, Vagenia [sic]"; in pencil at the left is "contemptible rascal"; it's not clear which was the "rascal", the letter writer or Brown, Very Fine. Brown is considered by many to be the first prisoner of the Civil War; this is one of only five covers recorded to Brown in prison.

On October 16, 1859, Brown led an attack on the United States Arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, his intention being to arm the slaves. With Lt. Israel Green in charge of a detachment of Marines, Brown was captured two days later. He was tried, convicted, and condemned to death by hanging. His sentence was carried out December 2. This letter would have reached Brown shortly before he was hanged.

Estimate $1,500-2,000

Estimate $1,500-2,000
SOLD for $1,900.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 202
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: City Point

Temporary Provost Marshal Prison - City Point, Va., Cover from Lt. Virgil Duc [25th S.C. Infantry] to his father in Charleston, S.C.; clear Richmond, Va. c.d.s., Sep 7 (1864) and handstamped (due) "10"; censor's red manuscript "Exd & Approved at Office Pro Mar Genl, Army of Potomac"; somewhat worn with handwriting a bit faded with a small, slightly eroded ink blot in the postmark, Fine. The only recorded P.O.W. correspondence to or from this temporary prison.

Duc was captured on the Weldon R.R. on August 21, 1864 during the siege of Petersburg. He was held in this Provost Marshal Prison for only two days.

Estimate $1,200-1,500

Estimate $1,200-1,500
SOLD for $650.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 203
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Fort Monroe Camp Hamilton

Camp Hamilton - Fort Monroe, Va., Cover to Jefferson W. Stubbs, a citizen prisoner at Camp Hamilton; franked with a 3¢ rose tied by a quartered cork cancel alongside a Norfolk, Va. c.d.s., Jul 25, 1864; docketed in pencil on the front as being from "N.C. Gidings, Mill Creek, 3 Miles from home"; on the back Stubbs has listed Confederate soldiers buried nearby, including one listed simply as "Unknown Conf Flag of Truce Boat, July 31 -1863", Very Fine.

Stubbs, a former Commissioner of Gloucester County, Va., was never charged with anything; he was merely suspected of disloyalty. He had three sons in the Confederate Army.

Estimate $1,500-1,800

Estimate $1,500-1,800
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 204
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Fort Monroe Camp Hamilton

Camp Hamilton - Fort Monroe, Va., Folded letter from Anthony Keiley, a citizen prisoner at Camp Hamilton, headed "James River Sat. Morning" (June 11, 1864) to Petersburg, Va. by way of Richmond with an Aug 17 (1864) Richmond c.d.s. and a handstamped "DUE 10". Keiley was here for only one day. In the letter he writes, "Gen. Butler sent for five of us, and my name heading the list. He indulged in a half hour's talk which was more good humored on his part I fear than on mine.", Very Fine. One of only four recorded from here.

Lt. Keiley was injured at the Battle of Malvern Hill in 1862. After recovering from his wounds, he joined Lee during the Gettysburg Campaign before resigning his commission to join the Virginia House of Delegates. He was captured - as a civilian - by Union forces near Petersburg in June 1864. when "every able-bodied man" was called to repel the Union attack led by Gen. Benjamin Butler.

At Elmira, Keiley kept the Book of the Dead. He later wrote
In Vinculius, or A Prisoner of War by a Virginia Confederate. After the war, he founded a newspaper, was elected Mayor of Richmond, and was named by President Grover Cleveland to diplomatic posts in both Italy and Austria-Hungary. (Image)

Estimate $1,800-2,000

Estimate $1,800-2,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 205
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Hampton Chesapeake Hospital

Chesapeake Hospital - Hampton, Va., Cover and letter from Lt. J.B. Baumont, Co. D, 3rd Alabama Infantry, a wounded P.O.W., to his wife at Union Springs, Macon Co., Ala.; entered the C.S.A. mails at Petersburg, Va. with a blue Jun 21 (1862) c.d.s. and handstamped "DUE" & "10"; manuscript censors' "Ex", once by each side. One of only three recorded from this facility, signed B. Green.

In the letter, datelined "June 17th, Chesapeake Hospital, Fortress Monroe", Baumont writes, "I was wounded in the battle of Fair Oaks the first of the month - the ball entered my groin & was cut out near my hip…I was brought first to the Hygia [Hotel] & after a week was brought to the Chesapeake Hospital."

Also included is a second letter to Mrs. Baumont, written on Lt. Baumont's behalf by one "W.W.D." In the letter, datelined Richmond, Va., Sep 4, 1862, the writer writes, "Your husband…arrived at this city last night…he is at Kent Hospital and…fast improving."
. (Image)

Estimate $1,800-2,000

Estimate $1,800-2,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 206
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Hampton Chesapeake Hospital

Chesapeake Hospital - Hampton, Va., Mourning cover to "Mr. [Pvt. William] Alexander Fewell [1st Palmetto Sharpshooters], Prisoner of War, Chesapeake Hospital, Fortress Monroe, Va."; presumably from York County, S.C. and into Old Point Comfort, Va. with a clear circular "U.S.SHIP/3cts" postmark and examiner's manuscript "Exmd JMH" at the War Department in Richmond; penciled docketing erased, name of recipient nearly so, otherwise Very Fine. This "SHIP" marking is very rare on prisoners' mail, as are mourning covers. (Image)

Estimate $1,800-2,000

Estimate $1,800-2,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 207
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Norfolk Fort Norfolk

Fort Norfolk - Norfolk, Va., Cover from Surgeon Henry D. Fraser [15th N.C. Infantry] to his wife at Flat Rock, S.C.; franked with a 10¢ blue type II tied by a clear Richmond, Va. c.d.s., Aug 25, 1863; manuscript "Ex--d, M." by Gen. S.A. Meredith, Fine to Very Fine. This is the only recorded cover to or from Fort Norfolk.

Captured at Gettysburg, Dr. Fraser was at Fort Norfolk from July 31 to August 10.

General Meredith was assigned to Fort Monroe July 23, 1863, as agent for exchange of prisoners. On August 9th he wrote General Schenck complaining bitterly that he was obliged to send prisoners to Fort Norfolk because he had no room for them at Fort Monroe.

Estimate $2,000-2,300

Estimate $2,000-2,300
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 208
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Norfolk House Arrest

House Arrest - Norfolk, Va., Cover & letter hand-carried from Miss Nannie (Nancy) White, a female hostage, to General Edward A. Wild. Miss White was held in the home of Capt. James N. Croft of Wild's Brigade. The envelope is addressed simply "Brig Genl Wild, Norfolk, Va.; in the letter, dated Jan. 14 (1864), White thanks Wild for her kind and courteous treatment. On the back of the envelope General Wild has written. "Miss Nancy White, Hostage - Guerrilla", Very Fine. The only recorded example.

In one of the most bizarre incidents of the war, Brig. Gen. Edward A. Wild ordered the arrest of Miss Nancy White as Hostage for the safety of the homes of Unionists on Knott's Island, N.C. Wild had first ordered her mother taken, but took Nannie in her place due to the condition (late stage of pregnancy) of the mother.

Estimate $1,200-1,500

Estimate $1,200-1,500
SOLD for $650.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 209
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Point of Rocks

18th Army Corps Hospital - Point of Rocks (Near Petersburg, Va.), Money letter to Lt. William T. Norris, 5th S.C. Infantry, a wounded P.O.W., "Hospital of 18th Army Corps, Point of Rocks, Near Petersburg, Va., Care of Chas. Blake, Ward Master, 3d Ward, 1st Division"; franked with an uncanceled 3¢ rose; manuscript "$ U. S. Currency" indicating handling by military courier; examiner's penciled "ex", no postal markings; stamp damaged, otherwise Very Fine. One of only three recorded examples.

Norris was captured Oct. 7, 1864 at the Siege of Petersburg.

Estimate $1,800-2,000

Estimate $1,800-2,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 210
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Point of Rocks

18th Army Corps Hospital - Point of Rocks (Near Petersburg, Va.), Cover and two letters from Lt. William T. Norris, 5th S.C. Infantry, to his father in Pacolet Depot, S.C. The cover has a U.S. Christian Commission corner card and the first letter, dated Oct 11, 1864, has a matching letterhead; the overweight cover held both letters, the U.S. postage paid by a cork-canceled 12¢ black; a poorly struck Richmond, Va. c.d.s. ties a C.S.A. 10¢ blue type I for Confederate postage.

In the first letter, Norris tells his father that he has "to write this lying down" due to the fact that he had had his left leg amputated below the knee a week earlier, but is currently "doing fine." The second letter, dated Nov 15, is a long, thoughtfully written letter of condolence from Christian Commission agent, L.H. Pease, telling of Norris' death due to wound complications and "typho-malarial fever which attacked him soon after he was wounded". Very Fine. Rare use of Christian Commission stationery and the only recorded use of the 12¢ black on P.O.W. mail. (Image)

Estimate $2,000-2,500

Estimate $2,000-2,500
SOLD for $4,500.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 211
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Portsmouth

Balfour Hospital - Portsmouth, Va., Letter (only, no cover) from Asst. Surgeon James C. Green, 5th Va. Cavalry, a P.O.W. being treated at Balfour Hospital, to Dr. Joseph Rowe Smith, Acting Surgeon General U.S.A.; in the letter Green thanks Smith for his kindness in having him transferred to Balfour Hospital, where conditions are much better than his previous place of confinement where, among other things, he felt "the rigid inspection to which my correspondence was subjected by my non-commissioned custodian - the presiding Divinity of my Inferno who…looked upon writing as one of the Black Arts and myself as a resurrected Paracelsus"; Dr. Smith has noted at the bottom of the letter: "Dr. J.C. Green, a Confederate and prisoner of war - July 1863 - writes to thank me for efforts in his behalf.", Very Fine. The only recorded P.O.W. correspondence from this facility.

Early in the war, Smith himself had been held prisoner at San Antonio, Texas.

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 212
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Winchester

Union Prison - Winchester, Va., Cover and letter from Lt. J.J. Hagin, Co. H, 60th Ga. Regiment; hand-carried as addressed to "To The Commander, Co 'H' 60th Ga Regt, Evans Brig, Gordon's Div., A.N.V."; the letter, datelined Winchester, Va., Sept 20, 1864, "To the boys of Co 'H' 60th Ga Rgt" Hagin tells of his capture "by the Enemy Cavalry in there [sic] last Charge on our left near the old fort." He goes on to list those captured with him, adding that "I think it is very probable that we will leave hear[sic] this after noon to go North", Very Fine. One of only three recorded from this prison. (Image)

Estimate $1,200-1,500

Estimate $1,200-1,500
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 213
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Winchester

Union Prison - Winchester, Va., Flag of Truce cover marked "From Thos. P. Taylor, Co B, 2nd Va. Cavalry, Prisoner of War, now at Winchester, Va."; because the Winchester post office had not yet reopened, and Martinsburg, W.Va. was the nearest open U.S. post office, the U.S. 3¢ rose is tied by a blue Martinsburg c.d.s., Oct 31 (1864); entered the C.S.A. mails at Richmond with a Jan 14 (1865) c.d.s. tying a C.S.A. 10¢ blue type II; slight mounting damage on the reverse, otherwise Very Fine. One of only three recorded from this prison. (Image)

Estimate $1,800-2,000

Estimate $1,800-2,000
SOLD for $1,500.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 214
Symbol: cover

U.S.S. Resolute - Potomac River, Va., Cover from Capt. Robert H. Archer, AAG to General J.J. Archer, written aboard the Resolute, franked with a 3¢ rose and mailed at Old Point Comfort, Va. on Apr. 30 (1865), to Churchville, Md.; reduced slightly at the right, Very Fine.

On April 24, 1865, Archer surrendered to the Capt. of the gunboat U.S.S. Resolute headed downriver toward Old Point Comfort, Va. Archer, now a P.O.W., was transferred to the Steam Transport
Ella, and conveyed to Old Capitol Prison in Washington. Included is a small photocopy of a portion of a handwritten record detailing Archer's capture, transport to Old Capitol Prison and ultimate parole at Alexandria, Va. just three days later, on Apr 27. (Image)

Estimate $1,200-1,500

Estimate $1,200-1,500
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 215
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Kanawha Court House

Provost Marshal Prison - Kanawha C.H. (W) Va., Patriotic envelope - rare design - "The Picket Guard" (Weiss SC-NB 83, but in red) hand-carried usage from Pvt. Harlow Huse, 22nd Va. Cavalry, a P.O.W. in the Kanawha District Provost Marshal Prison, to his mother in nearby Fayetteville (W)Va.; manuscript "Examined J.L. Hilt, Capt & Pro. Mar" by Capt. Joseph L. Hilt, 12th Ohio Infantry; small tears at the top and slight toning, Fine. Includes a photocopy of a page from a prison log book incorrectly listing Huse as "Harlan" instead of "Harlow". The only recorded example from here.

Huse was captured May 23, 1862 and spent less than two weeks at Kanawha C.H. before being transferred to Wheeling, Va., then Columbus, Ohio.

Estimate $1,800-2,000

Estimate $1,800-2,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 216
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Martinsburg

Union Prison - Martinsburg, W.Va., U.S. Sanitary Commission envelope from Pvt. Oscar Wiley, a P.O.W. at the Union Prison in Martinsburg, to Bethany W.Va.; franked with a 3¢ rose tied by a blue Martinsburg c.d.s., Nov 30 (1864); docketed "Oscar Riley, Prisoner"; stamp slightly damaged, Fine. The only recorded P.O.W. example from here and a rare use of a U.S. Sanitary Commission envelope by a Confederate soldier held prisoner.

Wiley was a deserter from the 20th Va. Cavalry who had reported to U.S. forces operating in the West Virginia area. He was held at Martinsburg briefly until he could be administered the Oath of Allegiance and released. Included is a photocopy of a page from a prison
"tri-monthly Report of deserters from the rebel army", dated Jan 1, 1865, where Wiley is listed as "Took the Oath and released Dec 31." . (Image)

Estimate $1,500-1,800

Estimate $1,500-1,800
SOLD for $950.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 217
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Madison

Camp Randall - Madison, Wis., Cover from an unidentified Confederate P.O.W. captured at Island #10 and confined at Camp Randall; to Charles A. Wickliffe, Washington D.C.; franked with a 3¢ rose tied by a clear Madison, Wis. c.d.s., May 10, 1862; censor's approval at the left reads, "Camp Randall, Madison, Wis. The within letter is approved, Lt Col C. Whipple, 19th Regt Wis Ift, Comd Pris Depot", exceptionally clean and Very Fine. This is the only recorded item of P.O.W. correspondence to or from this short-lived prison.

The addressee, the Hon. Charles A. Wickliffe was a former Governor of Kentucky. He was elected in 1861 to the U.S. House of Representatives. He was a Delegate to the 1861 Peace Conference and to the Border States Convention.

Camp Randall was primarily a training facility, readying more than 70,000 recruits. For a brief period, from April to August of 1862, it also served as a Prisoner of War camp for 1,300 Confederate soldiers captured along the Mississippi River. While at Camp Randall, 140 rebel soldiers died and were buried at "Confederate Rest" in nearby Forest Hill Cemetery, making it the northernmost Confederate burial site in the United States.

Estimate $1,200-1,500

Estimate $1,200-1,500
SOLD for $2,700.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 218
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Annapolis Camp Parole

Camp Parole - Annapolis, Md., Cover and letter from Lt. H.P. Chase [151 Vermont Heavy Artillery], a paroled prisoner at Camp Parole; the cover with a U.S. Sanitary Commission illustrated corner card (the letter on a matching letter sheet) franked with a 3¢ rose tied by an Annapolis duplex, May 17 (1865), to "So. London Dairy" [South Londonderry], Vt.; cover with edge wear and slight soiling.

The 4-page letter, headed Camp Parole, is written in three parts, apparently to different parties. In it Chase writes, in part, "I am having a pretty good time and getting pretty good pay so I shall not cry if I do not get discharged for 2 months."
. (Image)

Estimate $500-750

Estimate $500-750
SOLD for $375.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 219
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Annapolis Camp Parole

Camp Parole - Annapolis, Md., Twice-forwarded cover and letter from Sgt. Wm. B. Stevens, a P.O.W. at Camp Parole; target-canceled 3¢ rose and weak Annapolis c.d.s., Mar 30, 1864, to Hinsdale, N.H., then redirected to Northfield, Mass. with a blue Apr 4 Hinsdale c.d.s. and an manuscript "Due 3"; redirected a second time to Boston, with a blue Apr 7 Northfield c.d.s., again assessed 3¢ due and totaled to "Due 6".

In the well-written 3-page letter to a lady friend, datelined Camp Parole, Mar 29, 1864, Stevens writes that while in the hospital at Belle Isle in Richmond "Deaths door was opened widely for me, but I was not destined to pass through" and notes that, while "Most of the 4th Regiment have reenlisted for three more years", he is not sure that "my patriotism is sufficient to induce me to do so."
. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
SOLD for $1,200.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 220
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Annapolis Camp Parole

Camp Parole - Annapolis, Md., Cover and letter from Sgt. Wm. B. Stevens, a P.O.W. at Camp Parole; cover franked with a target-canceled 3¢ rose with a light Annapolis c.d.s., Mar 21, 1864, to Hinsdale, N.H.

In the well-written 3-page letter to a lady friend, on a U.S. Christian Commission letter sheet, datelined Camp Parole, Mar 19, 1864, Stevens used stationery provided by them to write his Mar. 19th letter.

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 221
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Annapolis Camp Parole

Camp Parole - Annapolis, Md., Cover and letter from William Knight, a paroled prisoner at Camp Parole, to his sister in Williamsburgh, Ohio; manuscript certification "J Gavin Maj. 7 Pa. Cav." with an inconspicuous Annapolis c.d.s., Oct. 18 (1864) and handstamped "Due 3"; slight damp stain at the upper left, affecting the certifying signature a bit, 1" closed tear at the bottom, Fine.

In the letter, datelined Camp Parole, Oct 17, 1864, Knight writes, in part, "We were confined in Fayette jail something over a week. We were escorted to the railroad by a company of Cavalry. The distance we marched was 115 miles."
. (Image)

Estimate $500-750

Estimate $500-750
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 222
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Annapolis Camp Parole

Camp Parole - Annapolis, Md., Cover and letter addressed to "Adjutant Mathews, of the 2nd Maryland., A Paroled prisoner from Andersonville at Anapolis [sic], Md."; franked with a pen-canceled 3¢ rose alongside a manuscript postmark, "Bakersville, Pa. Feb. 13" (1865); the letter is from Mrs. E.D. Yutzy, wife of the Dist. of Virginia Provost Marshal, seeking news of her brother, Blair F. Scott; a bit soiled, letter with some reinforced splitting, Fine.

The letter reads, in part, "The Rebs fell upon them and gobbled them up - a few escaped to tell who were captured" and a "report first said he was taken to Libby - next to Andersonville…."
. (Image)

Estimate $500-750

Estimate $500-750
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 223
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Annapolis Camp Parole

Camp Parole - Annapolis, Md., Cover and letter from J.B. Simpson, a paroled prisoner at Camp Parole; sent unfranked with soldier's certification "A.W. Briggs Capt. 106'h N.Y. V., Comdg. 1st Batt. P.P.", a slightly messy blue Annapolis c.d.s., May 13, 1864 and matching handstamped "Due 3"; letter with some repaired splits, Fine to Very Fine.

Typical of problems with parolees, Simpson had just returned from desertion. In his marvelous four-page letter to a friend in Philadelphia, datelined Camp Parole, May 12, 1864, he writes that he is being exchanged and hopes to "take a hand at capturing Richmond" and opines that "it will take a seig [sic] of several months".

Estimate $500-750

Estimate $500-750
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 224
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Annapolis College Green Barracks

College Green Barracks - Annapolis, Md., Cover and letter to T.J. Laurence, a paroled P.O.W. at College Green Barracks from Confederate Surgeon W. Gaston Welch, Hanover Junction, Va.; sent via Flag of Truce with censor's manuscript "Ex JMH" (John M. Higgins) at the War Department in Richmond, but apparently rejected at Fort Monroe and handstamped with the "DEAD LETTER OFFICE/ P.O. DPT. double oval and straightline "DUE 6 cts.", Very Fine. One of only two recorded to this facility.

The letter is about news of two men left in his care, in part "I was sorry to hear of Orderly Hobart's death, I was in hopes he would recover." Written on the back of the cover, in another hand, is the cryptic message, "What is the matter Why in thunder don't you write all well. JDY"
. (Image)

Estimate $1,000-1,300

Estimate $1,000-1,300
SOLD for $550.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 225
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Annapolis College Green Barracks

College Green Barracks - Annapolis, Md., Cover addressed to "Major A.H. White, 5th New York Cavalry, paroled prisoner of war, General Hospital, Annapolis, Md." franked with a 3¢ rose tied by a Washington, D.C. target duplex, Sep 16, 1864. The General Hospital was located in the former College Green Barracks on the grounds of Saint John's College; reduced somewhat at the right, the stamp slightly damaged in opening, otherwise Very Fine. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
SOLD for $400.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 226
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Baltimore Barnum's Hotel

Barnum's Hotel - Baltimore, Md. - Temporary Parole Site, Official Business cover to Dr. (Alfred) Hughes, a paroled prisoner at Barnum's Hotel; postmarked with a partial blue Baltimore c.d.s. Jan 19 (1863) and matching (due) "1" in circle; the enclosed letter, from Maj. J.A. Constable, Provost Marshal at Baltimore, orders Hughes to report to Fort McHenry "on Wednesday morning next" (to be sent South through the lines as part of a prisoner exchange). The only recorded P.O.W. correspondence to or from Barnum's Hotel.

On the back Hughes has written, "Ask Maj. Constable for a pass for my family as well as myself. Ask him reference to transportation for self & family".

Estimate $500-750

Estimate $500-750
SOLD for $400.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 227
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Chicago Camp Douglas

Camp Douglas (Parole Camp) - Chicago, Ill., Small cover from L. Will Hobart [126th N.Y. Infantry] to his father in Yatesville, N.Y.; franked with a 3¢ rose tied by a blue Chicago target duplex, Sep 28, 1861; sender and point of origin identified in the docketing; small tear at top right, still Very Fine. The earliest of the three recorded from here.

Hobart was captured Sep 15 at Harpers Ferry. He was paroled in the field and sent to Camp Douglas.

Estimate $400-500

Estimate $400-500
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 228
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Chicago Camp Douglas

Camp Douglas (Parole Camp) - Chicago, Ill., Small cover and letter - on a Patriotic letter-sheet - from Pvt. Samuel H. Clark [66th Ohio Infantry], a Paroled Prisoner at Camp Douglas, to his sister in Minerva, O.; a Chicago, Ill. target duplex, Nov. 2, 1862, ties a 3¢ rose; in the 4-page letter, datelined "Camp Douglas, Chicago Illin, November the 1st 1862"; Clark notes, "i dont think there will be nothing done till nex Spring about exchange us or get paid off either"; stamp damaged, cover reduced slightly at the left; letter a bit hard to read due to the ink fading and the semi-literate style., Fine. One of only three recorded from here. (Image)

Estimate $500-750

Estimate $500-750
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 229
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: DC Camp Jamison

Camp Jamison - Washington D.C., Cover addressed to James A. Hutchings, "10th Regt N.Y. Cavalry, Camp Parole, Annapolis M.D. [sic]"; sent with a 3¢ rose from Troy, N.Y., postmarked Oct 13, 1862, the stamp not canceled; missent to Washington, D.C., possibly thinking it was intended for Camp Jamison; at Washington it was handstamped "MIS SENT", the stamp canceled with a large Oct 18 double circle datestamp and forwarded to Camp Parole; reduced a bit at the right, Fine. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
SOLD for $750.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 230
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: DC Camp Jamison

Camp Jamison - Washington D.C., Patriotic cover Maine State Seal with Flags & Eagle. partly-preprinted address to "Henry A. Holden, Released Prisoner, 2nd Reg't. Co. G Capt. Sargent, Maine State Vols. Col. C.W. Roberts Com'ding, Camp Jamison, Washington, D.C."; franked with two 3¢ rose singles tied by grid cancels below an illegible (Bangor, Me.) c.d.s.; reduced slightly (and a bit roughly) at the right, Fine and scarce.

This design is only listed by Weiss and Laurence/Walcott for the State of Massachusetts (ST-480, L-2881)
. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 231
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: DC Hospital for the Insane

Government Hospital For the Insane - Washington, D.C., Cover addressed first to George Duncan, "140 Cherry Street Sailors Home, New York"; franked with a 3¢ rose tied by a New York c.d.s., Oct 6, 1863; Duncan was found to have been moved, so the cover was redirected to "Paroled Prisoner, Washington Navy Yard, D.C." (Government Hospital for the Insane); in Washington it was found that Duncan had again been sent back to New York, so the cover was redirected a second time, with an Oct 15 Washington c.d.s., to the "Sailors Home, New York, N. Y."; on the reverse is the notation "Received neither Bag. Mattrass [sic] nor Boots", indicating equipment that had not been issued to Duncan prior to his transfer. opened roughly at the left, removing part of stamp, otherwise Fine. The only recorded P.O.W. correspondence to this facility.

Duncan had served on the U.S. Revenue cutter
Agassiz. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 232
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Indiana Camp Morton

Camp Morton (Parole Camp) - Indianapolis, Ind., Cover and letter from 1st Sgt. Nathaniel Prime [Co. D, 41st Ind. Infantry]. to his wife at Oakford, Howard Co. Ind.; franked with a 3¢ rose tied by an Indianapolis c.d.s., Nov 14, 1862; letter datelined "Camp Morton, Nov 10th 1862"; cover reduced slightly at the left with a light damp stain, otherwise Very Fine. One of only two recorded from here.

Sgt. Prime, a paroled but not yet exchanged prisoner, wrote what seems to be a disillusioned letter. In part, "…when you do come let me know it, if you don't, you will have trouble to find me, and also trouble to get out here to Camp, for it is about two miles from here to the Depot. From the present aspect of things I don 't think it will be too long until this war will close Dishonorable."
. (Image)

Estimate $500-750

Estimate $500-750
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 233
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Macon House Arrest

House Arrest - Macon, Ga., Pair of covers from Mary Ann Cobb, wife of General Howell Cobb, addressed with the intention of conveying a letter to her husband, whom she apparently believed to be in Washington D.C. The first is addressed to "Maj. General Wilson, Commanding U.S. Forces, Macon, Ga." with a note [not present] requesting that the enclosed letter [dated May 30, 1865, but also not present] be forwarded to the U.S. Secretary of War in Washington for transmittal to General Cobb. The second cover, franked with a 3¢ rose, is addressed to "General Howell Cobb, Prisoner of War, Care of Hon. E.M Stanton, Secretary of War, Washington D.C." Since Cobb was at Macon, under House Arrest, and not in Washington, Wilson simply handed the letter to Cobb, making the 3¢ stamp unnecessary. Only two recorded. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
SOLD for $425.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 234
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Missouri Benton Barracks

Benton Barracks (Parole Camp) - St. Louis, Mo., Small cover from Pvt. Joseph J. Ruble [Co. K, 3rd Iowa Infantry], a Paroled Prisoner at Benton Barracks; weak St. Louis duplex, March (1864) ties a 3¢ rose; included is the original 3-page letter to his cousin, Miss Katie Ruble in Bealsville, Ohio; stamp damaged, cover soiled. One of four recorded from this Parole Camp.

Ruble dated his letter 1863 in error, he had just been released from Myrtle Street Prison where he had served a 30-day sentence for reporting late after being captured & paroled by C.S.A. forces. The letter was meant to be the start of a great romance. Apparently, it fell far short of its goal.

Estimate $500-750

Estimate $500-750
SOLD for $275.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 235
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Missouri Benton Barracks

Benton Barracks (Parole Camp) - St. Louis, Mo., Cover from Pvt. Henry Barcus, Co. K, 8th Regt. Iowa Volunteers, a Paroled Prisoner at Benton Barracks, to Muscatine, Iowa; franked with a 3¢ rose tied by a weak St. Louis duplex, Aug 16, 1862; in a manuscript note on the back, Barcus is referred to as a "Prolled Prisoner"; stamp somewhat damaged, Fine to Very Fine. One of four recorded from this Parole Camp. (Image)

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 236
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Ohio Camp Chase

Camp Chase (Parole Camp) - Columbus, Ohio, Cover from Orrin C. Taylor and his uncle, James A. Taylor, Paroled Prisoners at Camp Chase, to a relative in Bedford, O.; sent unfranked with an Columbus c.d.s., Aug 9 (1862) and handstamped "DUE/3"; endorsed, "Soldiers letter F.M. Helveti, Maj. 1st Ky Cav Comdg." Included are the two original letters, one from each man, dated Aug 28, 1862, each man noting the presence of the other; cover reduced slightly at the left, somewhat toned, Fine. Only seven recorded to or from here.

Orrin's letter notes he was "in the rebbels hands" for two weeks "and fed on seabread or hard crackers. that is the way the secesh use the most of our wheat". James' letter, which is four pages long, gives lots of colorful details about the camp and about his capture and treatment.

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
SOLD for $500.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 237
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Ohio Camp Chase

Camp Chase (Parole Camp) - Columbus, Ohio, Cover to Pvt. William H. Mix [Co. K, 2nd N.H. Infantry], "Paroled Prisoner, Camp Chase, Columbus, O."; franked with a 3¢ rose tied by a partial blue Warsaw, N.Y. c.d.s., Sep 17, 1862; small piece of lower right corner missing, stamp slightly damaged, Fine to Very Fine. Only seven recorded to or from here.

Mix was Captured Aug 29, 1862, at 2nd Bull Run, and sent to Camp Chase on parole. The cover is believed to be from his cousin, Evelyn Knapp, with whom he corresponded throughout the war.

Estimate $750-1,000

Estimate $750-1,000
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 238
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Ohio Columbus Neil House

Neil House - Columbus, Ohio - Temporary Parole Site, Cover and letter from Dr. Joseph Pancoast addressed to Dr. Alfred Hughes at Camp Chase, who by this time had been transferred to No. 183 West Town Street, another boarding house and temporary parole site; cover franked with a 3¢ rose tied by a Philadelphia, Pa. c.d.s., Nov. 29 (1862) with censor D.B. Tiffany's manuscript "Tiffany", Very Fine.

In the enclosed letter, dated Nov. 24, 1862, Pancoast tells of having written to Secretary of War, William Stanton regarding the releases of Dr. Hughes and Pancoast's brother, Samuel, a Confederate citizen prisoner. The two were later exchanged.

Estimate $250-300

Estimate $250-300
SOLD for $450.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 239
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Ohio Columbus Neil House

Neil House and 183 West Town St. - Columbus, Ohio - Temporary Parole Sites, Cover addressed to either Mr. Danl. F. Connell at Neil House, or to Dr. Alfred Hughes, at 183 West Town Street; franked with a 3¢ rose tied by a "Prison Bars" grid alongside a clear Columbus c.d.s., Dec 18 (1862) with censor's manuscript "Exd Peter Zinn, Major Comdg"; the enclosed letter, from prisoner Thomas G. Bambuck, is datelined Camp Chase, Dec 16, 1862, and references the critical state of health of his brother and fellow prisoner, L.S. Bambuck; cover somewhat soiled with small repairs, Fine. Believed to be the only P.O.W. cover addressed to two different people at different addresses. Prison to prison. (Image)

Estimate $350-400

Estimate $350-400
SOLD for $190.00
Will close during Public Auction
image LotNo.: 240
Symbol: cover
CatNo.: Ohio Columbus Neil House

Neil House - Columbus, Ohio - Temporary Parole Site, Cover addressed to Dr. Alfred Hughes, "Neil House, Columbus, O."; franked with a 3¢ rose tied by a "Prison Bars" grid with two partial Columbus c.d.s.s Nov 20 (1862) and censor's "Exmd Tiffany"; includes the original letter headed Camp Chase, Nov. 19, 1862, with notes from two different prisoners, D.F. Connell and W.W. Boggs, with a third note added by the camp's censor, D.B. Tiffany; stamp slightly damaged, Fine to Very Fine.

Hughes had been a citizen prisoner at Camp Chase prior to being paroled to the Neil House. Capt. D.B. Tiffany, 74th Ohio Volunteers, was the provost marshal at Camp Chase.

Estimate $250-300

Estimate $250-300
SOLD for $160.00
Will close during Public Auction

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