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The Krupnick Collection continued...

Press Flight
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
226 cover 1936.10.15 imageTrans-Pacific Press Flight signed flown cover, prepared by passenger and NY Herald Tribune writer C.B. Allen to his wife in New York City, reverse with signatures of all seven Crew - Capt. Ralph A. Dahlstrom, Frank M. Briggs Second Officer, George King Navigator, Theron E. Griffin Engineering Officer, Z.S. Wenkstern Radio Officer, Francis Scott Key Lewis First Officer and L. Hancock Flight Steward and all nine Passengers from the Honolulu to Guam leg - Charles E. Harner AP, C.B. Allen NY Herald Tribune, Harry W. Frantz U.P., William Van Dusen P.A.A., Lauren Lyman NY Times, W.W. Chaplin U.S.-I.N.S. (Universal Services), John Williams Honolulu Star Bulletin, Fred J. Green, Honolulu Advertiser, Earl M. Wetty Pan Pacific Press", franked with pair of US 25¢ Clipper (#C20) tied by "Guam Oct. 15, 1936" cancel and three 50c (one on back) & one 20c Philippine stamps on Crosby cacheted cover, three purple handstamps - "Registered", "Via Air Mail" and boxed "Registered Postal Station No. 1, Manila P.I. Oct. 19, 1936", six backstamps including same boxed Philippine registered as on front, and registry backstamps of New York and San Francisco, 50c stamps small faults, accompanied by newspaper clipping about John Williams being on the flights, Extremely Fine signatures, a unique cover. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $100-150
SOLD for $300.00
Will close during Public Auction
227 cover 1936.10.14 imageTrans Pacific Press Flight signed flown legal sized cover, reverse with signatures of the full crew - Capt. Ralph A. Dahlstrom, Frank M. Briggs Second Officer, George King Navigator, Theron E. Griffin Engineering Officer, Z.S. Wenkstern Radio Officer, Francis S.K. Lewis First Officer and L. Hancock Flight Steward and all nine Passengers from the Honolulu to Guam leg - Charles E. Harner AP, NYC, C.B. Allen NY Herald Tribune, Harry W. Frantz U.P., William Van Dusen P.A.A., Lauren Lyman NY Times, W.W. Chaplin U.S.-I.N.S. (Universal Services), John Williams Honolulu Star Bulletin, Fred J. Green, The Advertiser, Earl M. Wetty PPP", franked with vertical strip of three of US 25¢ Clipper (#C20) tied by "Guam Oct. 14, 1936" cancel and three 50c Philippine stamps, accompanied by newspaper clipping about John Williams being on the flights, Extremely Fine, a unique cover. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $150-250
SOLD for $275.00
Will close during Public Auction
228 cover 1936.10.10 imagePhilippine Clipper crew and passenger signed flown legal sized cover, prepared by passenger and Associated Press member Charles E. Harner to himself at Wake Island, with signatures of all seven Crew - Capt. Ralph A. Dahlstrom, Frank M. Briggs Second Officer, George King Navigator, Theron E. Griffin Engineering Officer, Z.S. Wenkstern Radio Officer, Francis Scott Key Lewis First Officer and L. Hancock Flight Steward and all six Passengers from the first leg from San Francisco to Honolulu - Charles E. Harner AP, C.B. Allen NY Herald Tribune, William Van Dusen P.A.A., Lauren Lyman (NY Times), W.W. Chaplin U.S.-I.N.S. (Universal Services), Earl M. Wetty Pan Pacific Press" and signed by Wake Island Airport Manager S. Saunders, franked with pair of US 25¢ Clipper (#C20) tied by "San Francisco, Calif. Ferry Annex Oct. 7, 1936" duplex cancel, "Wake Oct 10, 1936" two line cancel at top, Pan American Airways printed corner card, a unique cover that is illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 197, also including Eastbound cover prepared by Harner signed by the Airport Manager at Wake Stewart Saunders from Wake Island to San Francisco with stamps tied by Honolulu Hawai Oct. 22, 1936 slogan cancel, Extremely Fine signatures. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $150-200
SOLD for $170.00
Will close during Public Auction
229 cover 1936.10.14 imagePhilippine Clipper flown cover prepared by famed collector Amon Carter on the VIP Final Inspection Flight, franked by one 2¢ and block of four 4¢ Parks issues (#741, 743) tied by "San Francisco Calif. Oct. 14, 1936" cancel, two magenta commemorative Oct. 14, 1936 handstamps at bottom left and second strike of the larger handstamp cachet on back, signed by Pilot Captain John Tilton on the front, reverse signed by Juan Trippe, Amon Carter, Director Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney, Senator William Gibbs McAdoo, Paul Patterson, and three others, Extremely Fine. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $200-300
SOLD for $250.00
Will close during Public Auction
230 cover 1936.10.14 imagePhilippine Clipper flown cover prepared by famed collector Amon Carter postmarked on all six legs of the trip, San Francisco on Oct. 14, 1936, Honolulu on Oct. 16, Guam on Oct. 20, Manila on Oct. 20, Guam on Oct. 26 and Honolulu on Nov. 1, seven backstamps including Honolulu Oct. 15 and 31, Manila Oct. 20 (machine) and 24 (Office of Director of Posts), Guam Oct. 19 and 26 and Fort Worth Texas on Nov. 3 indicating the cover was actually mailed on arrival in San Francisco, Extremely Fine.

Illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 218
. (Image)

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Estimate $100-150
SOLD for $250.00
Will close during Public Auction
231 cover 1936.10.08 imageTrans-Pacific Press Flight to Manila, four flown covers, comprising two legal sized with cachets listing the crew and passengers with one signed by First Officer Francis S.K. Lewis and other signed by Leo Kiernan (NY Times, joined the flight in Manila) - similar cover prepared by Wiliam Van Dusen is illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 197 -- and three regular sized including two with different Crosby cachet including one signed by the Postmaster John N. Wilson and the other signed on the back by all nine passengers from the Honolulu to Guam leg - Charles E. Harner, C.B. Allen, Harry W. Frantz, William Van Dusen, Lauren Lyman, W.W. Chaplin, John Williams, Fred J. Green, Earl M. Wetty", both prepared by James Garvie, also including one cacheted not flown cover, accompanied by newspaper clipping about John Williams being on the flights, Very Fine. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6)

image image image image

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Estimate $100-150
SOLD for $250.00
Will close during Public Auction
232 cover 1936.10.26 imageTrans-Pacific Press Flight, two legal sized covers with "Pan American Airways Trans-Pacific Press Flight" cachet at left prepared by the Honolulu Advertiser listing all passengers and crew, both with incredible enclosures, first is signed William Van Dusen sent to Joseph Bowes of United Aircraft Mfg. Corp. with the original Pan American Aircraft Radiogram that reads, "Aboard China Clipper en route San Francisco -- Dear Joe: A handful of these covers were put aboard this morning by one of our traveling companions who got off in the Hawaiian village we just left…Have had marvelous trip. The gang sends their regards", also including three unused envelopes and one flown double rate cover all signed by Dahlstrom, Very Fine lot with five Dahlstrom signatures.

Both cover and radiogram are illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 197, second is faulty and canceled Dec. 8, 1936 and signed by Captain Ralph A. Dahlstrom with a typed 5 page letter from Earl M. Welty of the P.A.A. Press from Guam detailing the journey. The letter begins with "We started for Manila (1506 miles across the water) yesterday at 5 a.m. but did not make it. When we were about 400 miles at sea we hit into a typhoon and learned that we were heading directly into two more before we could get to the Philippines. Rather than take any chances after bucking the storm for an hour, the pilot turned around and raced back here. … I continually pinch myself to realize what a set of circumstances combined to pick me out of thousands of newspapermen to make such a flight as this over 12,000 miles of ocean…It was all a marvelous experience and I am glad that I was one of eight newspapermen in the United States to be selected for this first flight to the Philippines"
. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $190.00
Will close during Public Auction
233 cover 1936.10.11 imageTrans-Pacific Press Flight passengers and crew signed Pan American Airways Hotel Wake Island Guest Register, dated Oct. 11 1936, signatures of Capt. Ralph Dahlstrom, First Officer Francis S.K. Lewis, Second officer Frank M. Briggs, Navigator George King, Radio operator Z.L. Wenkstern, Flight engineer Theron Griffin, Wiliam Van Dusen "PAA to NYC", C.B. Allen NY Herald Tribune, Harry W. Frantz United Press, Fred J. Green The Honolulu Advertiser, W.W. Chaplin US INS, Lauren V. Lyon New York Times, and Earl M. Welty Pan Pacific Press -- also including some Ralph Dahlstrom and other passenger collateral items including invitation to a luncheon being held by the President of the Philippines, 1943 TLS from Gen. Donald Connolly stating that the Russian Ambassador to the US had a gift for him but he arrived after the plane had departed, an unused Trans-Pacific Press Flight cover signed Dahlstrom, a 1938 telegraph to Dahstrom from the USS Whipple asking him if he was still flying the China route, cover from Shiuchow Aircraft Works in China, 1936 TLS from Harry Frantz of UPA, a unique group, Fine to Very Fine. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $150-200
SOLD for $140.00
Will close during Public Auction
234 cover 1936.1014 imagePhilippine Clipper flown cover prepared by famed collector Amon Carter on the VIP Final Inspection Flight, franked by two 2¢ and three 7¢ Parks issues (#741, 747) tied by "San Francisco Calif. Oct. 14, 1936" cancel, two magenta commemorative Oct. 14, 1936 handstamps at bottom left and second strike of the larger handstamp cachet on back, signed by both Postmaster John Wilson and Pilot Captain John Tilton on the front, reverse signed by seven passengers including Juan Trippe, Amon Carter, Director Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney, Senator William Gibbs McAdoo, Paul Patterson, and three others, Extremely Fine.

Both sides illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 217
. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $200-300
SOLD for $225.00
Will close during Public Auction

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