Subjects continued...
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
1541 |
SHIPPING - McILWRAITH McEACHEARN: Mostly pre-WWII array of primarily ship 'portraits' including interiors, many real photo or
photo-mechanical types, artist cards, a few faults but mostly fine to very fine.
(84) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$350
Currently Opening at...AU$270.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1542 |
SHIPPING - NORTH COAST STEAM NAVIGATION CO: Very scarce pre-WWII group of mostly real photo or photo-mechanical cards from local
publishers, plus other NSW coastal/riverine lines, condition variable but generally fine to very fine.
(55) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$450
Currently Opening at...AU$340.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1543 |
SHIPPING - TASMANIAN STEAMERS PTY LTD: Excellent group of mostly pre-1960 ship 'portraits' including issues for Whitehouse Bros and
HJ Condon, plus ships in Tasmanian waters including on the Derwent, Gordon & Tamar Rivers, almost half are real photo or photo-mechanical types, generally fine to very fine. A scarce & desirable lot.
(80 approx) (Image1)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1544 |
SHIPPING: Balance of a huge collection with groups from Australian Commonwealth Line, Melbourne Steamship Co, Union Line and WA
State Shipping Service, bundles from all States except Tasmania and including many non-Australian ships, numerous ferries & paddlesteamers from NSW SA & Victoria, some minor duplication plus 100+ spares from other lots, condition variable but
generally fine to very fine.
(404) (Image1)
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1545 |
SHIPPING: Disasters comprising 'Australian' off Wardang Island (1912), 'Bombala' on Salamander Reef Townsville (1920), 'Douglas
Mawson' beached (where? c.1920), 'Eden Holme' on Hebe Reef Tasmania (1907), 'Elingamite' in New Zealand waters (1902; artist card), 'Kyarra' in British waters (1918; artist card), 'Leura' at Warrnambool (1912), 'Malabar' on Long Bay Reef NSW (1931)
x2, 'Montebello' off Kangaroo Island (1906), 'Nambucca' at Nambucca Heads (1934), 'Orizaba' off Fremantle (1905), 'Patroclus' off Portland Vic (1907), and 'Tyalgum' at Tweed River (1939), eight are real photo types, condition variable.
(14) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1546 |
SHIPPING: Naval group with HMCS 'Protector' x2, HMAS 'Australia' x6, 1908 Visit of the US Fleet x3, WWI Troopships 'Borara',
'Canberra', 'Demosthenes', 'Geelong', 'Katoomba', 'Kyarra', 'Lucie Woermann', 'Makarini', 'Port Lincoln', 'Port Nicholson', 'Port Sydney', 'Ulimaroa' and ''Wiltshire', Hospital Ships 'Grantala', 'Kanowna' x2, 'Warialda' x4 & 'Western Australia', and
a few others, includes real photos x18, condition variable but mostly fine to very fine including a few On Active Service usages.
(41) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1547 |
THEATRE: Much better-than-average group of mostly Golden Age Australian cards - mainly Talma - featuring Actresses, an unusual
number of Actors - notably an unsevered rouletted pair of Bland Holt - & some stage scenes, also some British cards (72); and some miscellaneous items x43 including an interesting Japanese group notably one of the kitschy "artist" cards postally
used!, condition variable but most are fine to very fine. A very good lot.
(115) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1548 |
/L |
WORLD WAR I: Annotated collection of troopship "portraits" x130 mostly pre-WWI editions but plenty captioned or identified as
troopships including OAS usages, censored inscriptions & hospital ships, quite a number are real photo types, several from 1918-19 with returning troops, two with numerous soldiers' signatures across the views, plus a dozen WWII troopships, condition
variable as should be expected but many are fine to very fine. Also undated 'Sea Transport of the AIF' for the Naval Transport Board (an excellent 186pp publication with fold-out diagrams: not previously seen by us). Ex Ron Lee.
(142 + book) (Image1)
Estimate AU$1,250
Currently Opening at...AU$950.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
1549 |
Selection on pages with GB including a lovely group of real photo views of Riddlesdown & Coulsdon, attractive Ceylon group x37, WWI
including a few real photo types & Indian Maharani of Bhavnagar War Fund cards x5, several Zieher "stamps" cards, etc, mostly fine to very fine.
(165 + moderns) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1550 |
Three cartons of mostly post-1960s tourist cards including attractive issues & many postally used with postal history & postmark
potential, also about 100 earlier cards including some better Australian topographicals, generally very fine.
(1000s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1551 |
Large quantity of Australian & Worldwide cards in eight heavy archive boxes, from early 1900s onwards up to the 1970s including
topographicals, humour, artists & greetings, military, transport, etc, plenty of pickings throughout, condition mixed but mostly fine to very fine. Weighs 73kg.
(1000s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1552 |
Ex-dealer's stock of Greetings types (mostly), topographicals, etc, all priced in plastic sleeves & ready for the next show's
bargain box, condition variable but generally fine to very fine.
(800 approx) (Image1)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1553 |
European cards accumulation in two large boxes featuring chateaux, churches & cathedrals, scenery, statues, etc, most are French
from the early to mid-1900s in either sepia or black and white, condition generally fine to very fine. Weighs 20kg.
(1500+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$100
Currently Opening at...AU$75.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1554 |
P |
Archive box containing Spanish embroidered postcards x100 approx; quantity of English 1910s-30s churches, castles, towns etc; also
children, ladies and romance; plus Liebig collector cards x100 approx very colourful with lots of thematic interest, condition generally fine to very fine. Weighs 14kg.
(100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1555 |
Oldtime original collection in five albums with mostly topographicals from India, Egypt, Italy, France, England & Scotland, one
album mostly Belgium with numerous WWI subjects including ruins, humorous Beverloo Camp series & some postal history, one album mostly Hungary including national costumes & a few Rumania, lots of subject/thematic interest, condition variable but
generally fine to very fine.
(1200+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1556 |
P |
Quantity in two boxes with beach scenes, churches, cathedrals, scenery, statues, etc, mostly UK & Europe with a little Australia,
the earlier black & white through to 1950s-70s polychromes, condition generally fine to very fine. Weighs 20kg.
(1000s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1557 |
Completely unsorted array in a large box with strong British content including vilages, royalty, actresses & glamour, children,
shipping, railways, advertising, etc; other countries including New Zealand, Canada, West Indies, Japan etc with many attractive cards throughout; condition variable but most are fine to very fine and a good number are superb unused. Also some postal
history including GB pre-stamp Free Mail, and unused Postal Stationery with a few better items from Belgian Cono, Bulgaria & German Local Posts.
(1000+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1558 |
An unholy mess (or should that be "mass"?) filling two large cartons with Children & their Toys, Anthropomorphic Animals, Humour &
Whimsy etc, loads of "moderns" including advertising, causes & entertainment with some duplication, also sets of instalment cards mostly modern but including 1952 Map of Finland on 14 cards, numerous etceteras, most we flicked through are fine to "as
new". Lots of bang for your buck! Weighs 22kg.
(few 1000) (Image1)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1559 |
Cards removed from a decrepit album about 50% Australian & 50% World & Subjects, some better cards & a gift at the estimate.
(100+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$100
Currently Opening at...AU$75.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1560 |
L |
Carton of postcard literature including 'Encyclopedia of Antique Postcards' by Nicholson, 'The PPCs of Raphael Tuck & Son' by
Smith, 'The Harrison Fisher Postcard Collection' by Whitworth, 'The Quintessential Quinton' by Robbins, 'Theatrical Postcards' by Bonynge, 'A Quiet Painter: James Alfred Turner' by Jones, 'Coloured Shell Series of Queensland Post Cards', etc, mostly
very fine. Weighs 10kg.
(21) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$40
Currently Opening at...AU$30.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
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