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United States Postage Stamps continued...

1925-2016 Issues continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1861     690 image1931, 2¢ Pulaski. Top margin plate number single, o.g., never hinged, exceptional centering amid huge margins, strong bright color and pristine freshness, a Superb jumbo, with only seven graded higher, with 2017 P.S.E. certificate Graded (Superb 98J, SMQ $175).
Scott No. 690; $1. (Image1)

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Scott $1

SOLD for $130.00
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1862     700 image1931, 30¢ brown, rotary. Corner margin plate number single, o.g., never hinged, precision centering amid evenly balanced margins, rich color, Superb, with only two graded higher, with 2011 P.S.E. certificate Graded (Superb 98, SMQ $350).
Scott No. 700; $21. (Image1)

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Scott $21

SOLD for $260.00
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1863     721 image1932, 3¢ deep violet, horizontal coil. Pair, o.g., never hinged, perfectly centered amid wide evenly balanced margins, rich color and Post Office fresh, a Superb gem, only five in this grade with one graded higher, with 2009 P.S.E. certificate Graded (Gem 100, SMQ $625).
Scott No. 721; $4. (Image1)

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Scott $4

SOLD for $350.00
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1864     723 image1932, 6¢ deep orange coil. O.g., never hinged, virtually perfect centering, strong vibrant color, Superb, only seven in this grade with one graded higher, with 2010 P.S.E. certificate Graded (Superb 98, SMQ $650).
Scott No. 723; $83. (Image1)

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Scott $83

SOLD for $475.00
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1865     1054Ad image1960, 1¼¢ Santa Fe coil, imperf. Seattle, Wash. precancel, pair, o.g., never hinged, bright and fresh, Extremely Fine, with 2017 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 1054Ad; Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.


One the rarest modern imperforate coils, with only 13 stamps produced in a strip bearing a single line pair.

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Est. $2,500-3,500
SOLD for $4,500.00
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1866     5052a image2016 (Forever) Flag, horizontal coil, imperforate. Strip of 4, self adhesive, Very Fine, unpriced in the Scott catalog.
Scott No. 5052a; Estimate $500 - 750. (Image1)

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Est. $500-750
SOLD for $950.00
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1867     5052 var. image2016 (Forever) Flag, horizontal coil, imperforate and grayish blue omitted. Transitional plate number strip of 5, self adhesive, Very Fine, currently unlisted in the Scott catalog.
Scott No. 5052 var.; Estimate $750 - 1,000. (Image1)

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Est. $750-1,000
SOLD for $1,350.00
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1868     5052 var. image2016 (Forever) Flag, horizontal coil, imperforate and grayish blue omitted. Strip of 4, self adhesive, Very Fine, currently unlisted in the Scott catalog.
Scott No. 5052 var.; Estimate $500 - 750. (Image1)

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Est. $500-750
SOLD for $750.00
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Airmail Issues
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1869 /    C1-C6 imageAirmail, 1918-23, First and Second Issues complete. O.g., C3 lightly hinged, others never hinged, rich colors, a Very Fine set.
Scott No. C1-C6; $580. (Image1)

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Scott $580

Will close during Public Auction
1870     C3 imageAirmail, 1918, 24¢ carmine rose & blue. Top margin plate block of 12 with plate no.'s "8493" & "8492", double "Top" and arrow, o.g., never hinged (gum skip on a couple of stamps), rich colors, Very Fine.
Scott No. C3; $2,000. (Image1)

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Scott $2,000

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1871     C3 imageAirmail, 1918, 24¢ carmine rose & blue. Top margin plate block of 12 with plate no.'s "8493" & "8492", double "Top" and arrow, o.g., never hinged (gum skip on one stamp, rich colors; several paper creases affecting a couple stamps, otherwise F.-V.F.
Scott No. C3; $2,000. (Image1)

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Scott $2,000

SOLD for $525.00
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1872     C4 imageAirmail, 1923, 8¢ dark green. Bottom left pane of 55 with two plate numbers and siderographer's initials, o.g., never hinged (gum skips), nice overall centering, fresh with strong color, Very Fine.
Scott No. C4; $2,165. (Image1)

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Scott $2,165

SOLD for $525.00
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1873 o    C9 imageAirmail, 1927, 20¢ Map & Planes. Light wavy line machine cancel, exceptionally centered amid large balanced margins, brilliant color, Superb, with only four graded higher, with 2019 P.S.E. certificate Graded (Superb 98, SMQ $325).
Scott No. C9; $2. (Image1)

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Scott $2

SOLD for $180.00
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1874 o    C10 imageAirmail, 1927, 10¢ Lindbergh. Wavy line machine cancel, precise centering amid large beautifully balanced margins, rich intense color, Superb, a wonderful used gem, with only two graded higher, with 2019 P.S.E. certificate Graded (Superb 98, SMQ $375).
Scott No. C10; $3. (Image1)

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Scott $3

SOLD for $200.00
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1875     C12 imageAirmail, 1930, 5¢ Winged Globe. O.g., never hinged, large evenly balanced margins, fresh with bold color, Superb, with 2018 P.S.E. certificate Graded (Superb 98, SMQ $350).
Scott No. C12; $18. (Image1)

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Scott $18

SOLD for $260.00
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1876     C13-C15 imageAirmail, 1930, Graf Zeppelin complete. Top margin plate number singles, o.g., never hinged ($1.30 & $2.60 with small gum skips), strong colors, Very Fine, an attractive plate number single set.
Scott No. C13-C15; $1,750. (Image1) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

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Scott $1,750

Will close during Public Auction
1877     C13-C15 imageAirmail, 1930, Graf Zeppelin complete. O.g., lightly hinged, rich colors, $2.60 particularly well centered, F.-V.F.
Scott No. C13-C15; $1,060. (Image1) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

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Scott $1,060

SOLD for $525.00
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1878     C13 imageAirmail, 1930, 65¢ Graf Zeppelin. Top margin block of 4 with plate number "20080", o.g., never hinged (left stamp with a few small gum skips), fresh with bold color, Very Fine, with 2019 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. C13; $960 for singles. (Image1)

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Scott $960 for singles

SOLD for $600.00
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1879     C13 imageAirmail, 1930, 65¢ Graf Zeppelin. Block of 4, o.g., never hinged, rich color, bright and fresh, Very Fine, with 2019 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. C13; $960 for singles. (Image1)

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Scott $960 for singles

Will close during Public Auction
1880     C14 imageAirmail, 1930, $1.30 Graf Zeppelin. Top margin block of 4 with plate number "F20087", o.g., never hinged, strong bright color, Very Fine.
Scott No. C14; $2,200 for singles. (Image1)

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Scott $2,200 for singles

SOLD for $1,150.00
Will close during Public Auction

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