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United States Postage Stamps continued...

1861-1866 Issue continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1761 o    67a image1861, 5¢ brown yellow. Blue grid cancel, rich distinctive color, Fine.
Scott No. 67a; $1,100. (Image1)

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Scott $1,100

SOLD for $325.00
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1762 E    69-E4b image1861, 12¢ Washington essay, by Toppan, Carpenter & Co., in black. Complete design, die on India, cut to shape, bright and fresh, Very Fine, very scarce.
Scott No. 69-E4b; $500. (Image1)

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Scott $500

SOLD for $170.00
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1763 E    70-E3a image1861, 24¢ Washington essay, by Toppan, Carpenter & Co., in black. Vignette plus frame, die on proof paper. Full size with die sink, four different; in scarlet, ultramarine, red violet and violet brown, Very Fine.
Scott No. 70-E3a; $400. (Image1)

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Scott $400

SOLD for $300.00
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1764 E    70-E4b image1861, 24¢ Washington essay, by Toppan, Carpenter & Co., in black. Complete design, die on India, cut close, deep color, Very Fine.
Scott No. 70-E4b; $400. (Image1)

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Scott $400

SOLD for $120.00
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1765 o    70b image1861, 24¢ steel blue. Red grid cancel, choice centering, rich true color; filled thins, Extremely Fine appearance.
Scott No. 70b; $850. (Image1)

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Scott $850

SOLD for $140.00
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1766 E    71-E2a image1861, 30¢ N.B.N.C. "Premiere Gravure" essay, in black. On India, die sunk in card. (153x197mm), hybrid die essay, Very Fine, very scarce.
Scott No. 71-E2a; $1,750. (Image1)

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Scott $1,750

SOLD for $650.00
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1767 /o    73, 93 image1863-68, 2¢ black, red cancellations. Group of 14 singles, five with grill; all bearing various red cancellations, including fancy geometrics, circle of wedges and "V"'s, star, etc., three items on piece, few flaws, a Very Fine group, one with 2002 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 73, 93; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
SOLD for $475.00
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1768     105 image1861-66 (1875 Re-issue), 5¢ brown. Part o.g., deep rich color, short perf at right, F.-V.F., very scarce with only 672 sold, with 1964 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 105; $2,500. (Image1)

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Scott $2,500

SOLD for $750.00
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1769 ()    106 image1861-66 (1875 Re-issue), 10¢ green. Without gum, attractively centered amid wide margins, deep rich color, F.-V.F., an attractive example of this very scarce stamp, with only 451 sold.
Scott No. 106; $1,400. (Image1)

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Scott $1,400

SOLD for $1,200.00
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1869 Pictorial Issue
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1770 E    112-E4d image1869, 1¢ Franklin essay, small numerals. Plate on stamp paper, perf'd, gummed and grilled. Eight different; in blue, orange brown, red brown, black brown, yellow, violet, green and rose red, all nicely centered, Very Fine. Brazer No. 112E-De.
Scott No. 112-E4d; $805. (Image1)

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Scott $805

SOLD for $475.00
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1771 P    112P3 image1869, 1¢ buff, plate proof on India. Top margin block of 4 with "No. 1" plate number and bottom margin block of four with "No. 2" plate number, full margins, one with natural paper inclusion, Very Fine.
Scott No. 112P3; $500 for regular blocks of 4. (Image1)

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Scott $500 for regular blocks of 4

SOLD for $350.00
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1772 E    115-E1k image1869, 5¢ Washington essay, large lettering, in blue. Die on glazed paper. (64x78mm), showing full die sinkage, deep color, fresh and pristine, Very Fine. Brazer No. 115aE-El.
Scott No. 115-E1k; $550. (Image1)

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Scott $550

SOLD for $425.00
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1773 E    116-E1d image1869, 10¢ Lincoln essay, in black. Die on proof paper. (65x72mm), with N.B.N.Co. imprint below, faint pressed out corner crease well away from design, otherwise immaculate, Very Fine, very scarce. Brazer No. 116E-Db.
Scott No. 116-E1d; $1,000. (Image1)

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Scott $1,000

SOLD for $270.00
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1774 o    116 image1869, 10¢ yellow. Fresh with vibrant color, bold strike of Nagasaki "N" fancy cancel (Frajola NAG-Can4); pulled perf, a Very Fine strike, with 2012 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 116; Estimate $500 - 750.


There is only one recorded 1869 Issue cover with this cancellation that was offered in the Coulter sale, realizing $41,250.

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Est. $500-750
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1775 E    120E image1869 Declaration of Independence vignette essay, in black. Die on India mounted on card. (170x109mm), oversized version of adopted vignette in similar octagonal format, Very Fine.
Scott No. 120E; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)

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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $130.00
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1776 o    120 image1869, 24¢ green & violet. Cancelled by bold clear strike of Nagasaki "N" fancy cancel (Frajola NAG-Can4); cleaned affecting vignette color, a Very Fine strike, with 2016 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 120; Estimate $500 - 750.


We note this distinctive Nagasaki "N" cancel on 1869 issue values up to the 24¢, including the unique cover bearing an 1869 issue franking that brought $41,250 in 2004. Strikes on the 1869 high values is limited to one recorded 15¢ value and this unique 24¢ value offered here. There are no strikes recorded on the 30¢ and 90¢ values.

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Est. $500-750
SOLD for $450.00
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1777 E    121-E1a image1869, 30¢ Burgoyne essay, in orange. Die on India, die sunk on card. (100x79mm), brilliant color, Very Fine. Brazer No. 121E-Ca.
Scott No. 121-E1a; $800. (Image1)

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Scott $800

SOLD for $350.00
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1778 E    121-E1i image1869, 30¢ Burgoyne essay, in blue. Die on clear white bond. (33x33mm), deep rich color, fresh and Very Fine. Brazer No. 121E-Cd.
Scott No. 121-E1i; $600. (Image1)

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Scott $600

SOLD for $300.00
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1779 E    121-E1p image1869, 30¢ Burgoyne essay, in black. Plate on thin surface-tinted paper. Seven different; on pink, pale pink, salmon red, orange buff, pale blue, brown violet and pale green, all with full margins, one with right selvage, Very Fine. Brazer No. 121E-Ck.
Scott No. 121-E1p; $1,825. (Image1)

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Scott $1,825

SOLD for $475.00
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1780 E    121-E1s image1869, 30¢ Burgoyne essay, in dull red violet. Plate on bond, with red bands at top and bottom, rich color, Very Fine. Brazer No. 121E-Co.
Scott No. 121-E1s; $350. (Image1)

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Scott $350

SOLD for $150.00
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