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United States Postal History continued...

1861-69 Issues continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1661     68 image1861, 10¢ yellow green, horizontal pair. Tied by checkerboard cancels on cover to South Hadley, Mass., additional tied by red "China and Japan, Steam Service" oval handstamp, "San Francisco, Cal., Feb 24" transit cds, woodcut "Paid All" handstamp at top most likely a private marking, cover most likely originating in Japan as another cover from this correspondence is known from Yokohama; stamp with small creases, otherwise Very Fine, with 2007 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 68; Estimate $3,000 - 4,000. (Image1)

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Est. $3,000-4,000
Will close during Public Auction
1662     68 image1861, 10¢ yellow green. Tied by fancy cogwheel cancel duplexed with bold "San Francisco, Cal., Mar 23, 1863" double-circle datestamp on 1867 cover from Vancouver V.I. to New York N.Y., blue "Post Office, Victoria Vancouver Island, Paid" oval frank handstamp, docketing at left indicates letter written March 10th, 1863, Very Fine and attractive use from Vancouver Island.
Scott No. 68; Estimate $750 - 1,000. (Image1)

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Est. $750-1,000
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1663     68 image1861, 10¢ yellow green. Used with 5¢ brown (76), each tied by strike of New York Foreign Mail segmented circular grid cancel on 1865 blue folded letter to Bordeaux, France, red "New York 'Paid 12' Jul 26" credit exchange cds; red Calais (8.7) entry cds and Bordeaux (8.8) arrival backstamp, Very Fine, with 2016 A.P.S. certificate.
Scott No. 68; Estimate $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
SOLD for $200.00
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1664     73 image1863, 2¢ black. In combination with Revenue 1862, 2¢ Proprietary, perf'd (R13c) on cover to Alton, Ill., tied by target handstamps with matching "Red Bud, Ill., Oct 27" cds, 1864 docketing, Very Fine, a rare accepted illegal usage of a revenue stamp from a small town.
Scott No. 73; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
SOLD for $300.00
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1665     73 image1863, 2¢ black. Two singles, used with 3¢ rose (65), all tied by four-ring targets on 3¢ pink (U59) entire, matching sharp "Columbus City Ioa. Aug 13" cds to Lynedoch, Canada, red "U.S. 10cts, Paid" exchange oval, reverse with blue Lynedoch (8.18.65) arrival cds; partial flap, Extremely Fine and choice Black Jack use to Canada.
Scott No. 73; Estimate $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
SOLD for $200.00
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1666     75 image1862, 5¢ red brown. Two singles, tied by New York Foreign Mail quartered cork cancels on cover to U.S. Steamer "Minnesota" at Havana, Cuba in care of U.S. Consul; partial blue Havana arrival backstamp, "Recd after return to Washn. May 20/68", Very Fine.
Scott No. 75; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)

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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $280.00
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1667     77 image1866, 15¢ black. Used with 3¢ rose (65) and tied by segmented cork cancels, matching "Boston Mass. Nov 21" cds on 1868 cover with printed address to Rosario, Argentina, red crayon "7-1/2" credit to France, Buenos Aires (12.31) transit cds, blue crayon "5c" due rating; cover repaired at upper left, otherwise Very Fine, otherwise Very Fine appearance, scarce 18c rate for mail sent via American Packet to Rio de Janeiro and then by French Packet via Buenos Aires, ex-Vogel.
Scott No. 77; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
SOLD for $400.00
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1668     90 image1867, 12¢ black, E. grill. Tied by magenta cork cancel duplexed with "Hartford Ct. May 31" cds on illustrated American Emigrant Co. corner card cover with preprinted address to Liverpool, England, bold "New York, Paid All, Jun 8" exchange cds, red Liverpool U.S. Packet Paid (6.21) arrival cds; small stamp flaws, Very Fine and striking use.
Scott No. 90; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
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1669     98 image1867, 15¢ black, F. grill. Used with 10¢ yellow green, F. grill (96), tied by circle of wedges cancels on 1869 cover with printed address to Rosario, Argentina, red "15" handstamp credit to France, Buenos Aires (1.31) transit, blue crayon "10c" due rating, 1869 docketed at left; some soiling and vertical toned band, still Very Fine, still Very Fine, scarce use of 10¢ and 15¢ F grills for the 25¢ rate by American Packet to Rio de Janeiro and then by French Packet via Buenos Aires.
Scott No. 98; Estimate $500 - 750. (Image1)

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Est. $500-750
SOLD for $625.00
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1670     113 image1869, 2¢ brown, horizontal pair. Tied by cork handstamp on 1870 folded letter to Bordeaux, France, matching "New Orleans, La., Sep 12" cds alongside, with red "New York, Sep 21" transit cds additionally tying pair, "GB / 40c" bulk debit and "5" decimes due handstamps, French transit and receiving backstamps, a Very Fine use at the 4¢ British open mail rate to France.
Scott No. 113; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
SOLD for $300.00
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1671     113 image1869, 2¢ brown. Used with 1¢ blue (63), tied by incised star fancy cancels duplexed with "Madison Wis. Aug 22" cds on fancy ribbon address envelope from the H.B. Shaw correspondence to Alfred Me., Very Fine and scarce combo franking.
Scott No. 113; Estimate $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
SOLD for $160.00
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1672     114 image1869, 3¢ ultramarine. Tied by cork and rim of "Westport Conn. Jun 29" cds on all-over bright green Home Insurance Co. advertising cover to Brooklyn N.Y.; slightly reduced at right, faint edge toning, still Very Fine, a remarkable design with "Home" in huge letters invoking the "Home, Sweet Home" theme.
Scott No. 114; Estimate $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
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1673     116 image1869, 10¢ yellow. Horizontal pair, used with 2¢ brown (113) pair, each stamp cancelled by matching strike of cork cancel, additional strike at center duplexed with "Leavenworth Kan. Jul 15" cds on legal-size cover endorsed "Registered Letter" to Paris Ills.; small cover edge flaws, Fine and unusual 1869 issue franking for three-times the 3¢ letter rate plus 15¢ registry fee.
Scott No. 116; Estimate $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
SOLD for $475.00
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1674     117 image1869, 12¢ green. Used with 10¢ Brown (150), affixed slightly overlapping, cork cancels, "Bath Me. Jun 2" backstamp on small narrow 1870 cover addressed in violet to Callao, Peru, red "New York Jun 4" exchange cds and matching "12" cent credit to G.B., Callao (6.30.70) arrival backstamp; reduced slightly at right, Very Fine and scarce mixed franking for the 22¢ rate via British Packet, ex-Dr. Heimburger.
Scott No. 117; Estimate $750 - 1,000.

Accompanied by analysis of sailing information confirming the 1870 use, this is a very early use of the ungrilled National Bank Note Co. issue (EDU is May 14 off cover and May 19 on cover).

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Est. $750-1,000
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1675     118 image1869, 15¢ brown & blue, type I. On cover to Aagau, Switzerland, with light manuscript "Annawan, Ill., Mar 24, 70" origin postmark, stamp left uncanceled prior to being received at the New York, with "New York, Br. Transit, Mar 29" cds and stamp tied by "Insufficiently Paid" straight line handstamp, treated as unpaid with various crayon rate markings and reverse with Basel transit and receiving postmarks; cover exploded and put back with small restored tears and lightly cleaned, Very Fine appearance, an highly unusual usage with stamp tied only by the "Insufficiently Paid" marking.
Scott No. 118; Estimate $750 - 1,000. (Image1)

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Est. $750-1,000
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1870-98 Issues
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1676     134 image1870, 1¢ ultramarine, H. grill, horizontal pair. Tied by red "Washington D.C., Apr 17" cds and circle of wedges duplex on local drop rate, with original enclosure; cover mostly separated at edges, Very Fine and attractive.
Scott No. 134; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
SOLD for $190.00
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1677     137 image1870, 6¢ carmine, H. grill. Exceptionally well centered, tied by split cork duplexed with "New-York Nov 24" cds on clean 1870 orange cover to Cayuga N.Y. at double the 3¢ domestic rate, Very Fine and choice grilled use, Very Fine and choice grilled use, ex-Ainsworth, with 2005 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 137; $500. (Image1)

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Scott $500

SOLD for $230.00
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1678     139 image1870, 10¢ brown, H. grill. Showing grill points in upper left portion of stamp, rich bright color, tied by fancy 5-point hollow star handstamp on cover to Herzogtum, Germany, matching "St. Louis, Mo., Oct 3" origin cds alongside, additionally tied by red "New York, Paid All, Br. Transit, Oct 7" transit cds, Very Fine.
Scott No. 139; Estimate $500 - 750. (Image1)

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Est. $500-750
Will close during Public Auction
1679     146+160 image1870, 2¢ red brown. In combination with 1873, 7¢ orange vermilion on 1877 folded letter sheet to France, canceled by quartered cork handstamps tying 2¢ and matching "San Francisco, Cal., Jan 30" cds tying 7¢, French transit and receiving backstamps, Very Fine, an attractive and nice make up of the scarce 9¢ rate to France.
Scott No. 146+160; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
SOLD for $325.00
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1680     150 image1870, 10¢ brown. Tied cork cancel duplexed with "Yokohama, Japan" cds to Hartford Conn., "San Francisco, Cal., Apr 28" transit cds; reduced at left, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott No. 150; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
Will close during Public Auction

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