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General Foreign continued...

New Britain to Philippines continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1441     31f imageNew Britain, 1914, G.R.I. 1d on Marshall Islands 5pf green, "1" and "d" spaced. Tied on piece by Stephansort circular cancel, well centered, Very Fine and choice. SG No. 51e.
Scott No. 31f; $350. (Image1)

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Scott $350

SOLD for $130.00
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1442     32e imageNew Britain, 1914, G.R.I. 2d on Marshall Islands 10pf carmine, no period after "G". Tied on piece by light strike of Rabul boxed date stamp, rich color, Very Fine, a very rare used example of this no period variety, unlisted used in both Scott and S.G. catalogs. SG No. 52e.
Scott No. 32e; $875 for mint; Estimate $600 - 800. (Image1)

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Scott $875 for mint
Est. $600-800

SOLD for $525.00
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1443 o    33b imageNew Britain, 1914, G.R.I. 2d on Marshall Islands 20pf ultramarine, surcharge doubled. Clearly showing two strong separate overprints, purple Rabaul oval date stamp cancels, well centered, Very Fine and choice. SG No. 53g.
Scott No. 33b; $5,250.


In Robert Gibbs book "G.R.I.", he states that several examples have been recorded but only one used copy is known (ex-Bute).

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Scott $5,250

SOLD for $1,600.00
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1444     43b imageNew Britain, 1915, G.R.I. 3d on Rabaul registration label, "Deutsch Neuguinea". Tied on piece by blue Rabaul oval date stamp cancel, Fine and scarce. SG No. 33d.
Scott No. 43b; $600. (Image1)

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Scott $600

SOLD for $200.00
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1445 o    53 imageNew Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 6d black brown, rouletted 7. Large Star watermark. Showing full roulettes on all sides, light barred oval cancel, large to huge margins showing portion of adjacent stamps at top and left, rich bold color, Superb, a magnificent roulette issue and certainly one of the finest known, with 2017 B.P.A. certificate. Scott No. 14c var.
SG No. 53; £475 ($620). (Image1)

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SG £475 ($620)

SOLD for $2,100.00
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1446     AR50P imageNew Zealand, Postal-Fiscal, 1931, 5s green, plate proof on thin card. Horizontal pair with left sheet margin, large margins all around; some minor creases, otherwise Extremely Fine, very rare. SG No. F149P.
Scott No. AR50P; Estimate $250 - 350. (Image1)

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Est. $250-350
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1447     14 imagePeru, 1868, Embossed Arms, 1d green. Tied by "Callao, No 14, 69" cds on folded letter sheet to Genoa, Italy, boxed "G.B./1f 90c" accountancy handstamp and London transit backstamp, "28" decimes due handstamp and partial Calais transit cds, with Italy 1870, 2l + 50c + 30c Postage Dues (Scott J8+J10+J15) tied by Genova cds's, Very Fine, with 2018 H. Avi certificate.
Scott No. 14; Estimate $500 - 750. (Image1)

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Est. $500-750
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1448     25 imagePeru, 1876, Coat of Arms, with grill, 10c green. Tied by British Post Office "C38" oval grid cancel on folded letter sheet to Genoa, Italy, with partial French "22" decimes due handstamp and Italy 1870, 2l + 30c Postage Dues (Scott J8+J15) canceled by "Genova, 16 Ago, 77" cds's; portion of address panel cut out, F.-V.F., with 2018 H. Avi certificate.
Scott No. 25; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
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1449     YF1+Y2 imagePhilippines, 1898, 8¢ Registration. In combination with 1898, 2¢ red on registered "Interior" cover to Lal-Loc, tied by fancy circular "Communications Filpinas Lal-Loc" handstamps, with signature endorsements at upper left; stamps with some usual perf toning and 2¢ with slight soiling, otherwise Very Fine and attractive, a very scarce combination usage, with 2007 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. YF1+Y2; $3,500. (Image1)

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Scott $3,500

SOLD for $2,700.00
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1450     YF1+Y3 imagePhilippines, 1898, 8¢ Registration. Some gum soak perfs, in combination with 1898, 2¢ "Correo Y Telegrafos" on registered cover to Malolos, tied by diamond grid cancels with registry number at center; cover slightly reduced at left at top with a couple nicks in backflap, still Very Fine for this, Scott on cover catalog for 8¢ with the common 2¢ regular issue (Y2) is $3,500, with 2007 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. YF1+Y3; Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.


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Est. $3,000-4,000
SOLD for $2,700.00
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Portuguese Colonies to Uruguay
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1451     39 imageAzores, 1881 (Aug. 15) Cover to the United States. Cover bearing 1880, 25r red lilac, Acoirez overprint (39), four singles, all tied by strikes of "Da Horta" (8.15) oval, reverse with Lisbon (8.15), London (9.19), New York (10.1) transits and Fitchburg (10.3) arrival cds; couple mount marks on reverse, Very Fine.
Scott No. 39; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
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1452       imagePonta Delgada, 1894 (Feb. 22) 25r Postal Entire to New York. Uprated with 5r and 20r pairs tied by "Ponta Delgada, 22 Fev 94" cds's, Ponta Delgada registry label affixed, reverse with Lisbon (3.3) transit and New York (3.15) arrival, Very Fine.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
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1453       imageLourenco Marques, 1897 Cover to Philadelphia. Cover bearing 1895, 25r blue green, 75r rose (5, 7), each tied by bold strike of "Lourenco Marques, 5. Nov 97" cds, Philadelphia (12.4) arrival backstamp; couple small cover edge tears, F.-V.F. and colorful use.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
SOLD for $80.00
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1454 ()    92 imageRhodesia, 1901, Arms, £5 deep blue. Without gum, rich color, bright and fresh, F.-V.F., a very scarce high value, with 2019 Calves et Jacquart certificate. Scott No. 74.
SG No. 92; £3,250 ($4,220). (Image1)

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SG £3,250 ($4,220)

SOLD for $500.00
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1455     31 imageRussia, 1884, 1k orange, blocks of 20, 15 and 10 (2), strip of five, four, two pairs and two singles. All tied by "Wiborg, IV.04.71" cds's on front and reverse of registered linen lined cover to Montevideo, Uruguay, Wiborg and Montevideo registry etiquettes and indistinct receiving backstamp; cover opened at side for display, Very Fine appearance, a scarce large single franking usage. Michel No. 29.
Scott No. 31; Estimate $750 - 1,000. (Image1)

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Est. $750-1,000
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1456 o    57-69 imageSamoa, 1900, 3pf-5m Yacht issue complete. Neat Fagamalo town cancels, all but 3m tied on piece, rich colors, a Very Fine matched Fagamalo town set.
Scott No. 57-69; $1,065. (Image1)

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Scott $1,065

SOLD for $230.00
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1457     1 imageCuba, 1855, ½p blue green, horizontal pair. Ample to mostly large margins, tied by oval handstamps on folded letter sheet to Rivadeo, Spain, with red "Paid At, San Juan, Porto Rico" crown circle handstamp, blue "San Juan, 13 Set, 59" cds alongside and red crayon "1/9" rating, red London transit and reverse with San Juan British office cds and receiving postmark, Very Fine, with 2007 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 1; Estimate $1,500 - 2,000. (Image1)

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Est. $1,500-2,000
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1458       imagePuerto Rico, 1855 (Feb. 4) Mayaguez, Puerto Rico to Bordeaux, France. Blue datelined folded letter with blue "MAYAGUEZ" and "FRANCO" straightlines, ms. "1½" reales rating on reverse, San Juan British P.O. backstamp, London (3.5) backstamp and red "Colonies/&c. Art. 13." framed accounting handstamp, Calais (3.6) entry cds and matching "15" décimes due handstamp, Bordeaux (3.7) arrival backstamp and manuscript "30" final due rating, Very Fine and attractive foreign mail use.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
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1459 S    169s imageStraits Settlements, 1910, King Edward VII, $500 purple & orange, overprinted "Specimen". Watermarked Multiple Crown CA, o.g., lightly hinged, choice centering and rich colors, Very Fine and choice, a rare high value specimen. Scott No. 146 var.
SG No. 169s; £4,750 ($6,180). (Image1)

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SG £4,750 ($6,180)

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1460     59 imageSwitzerland, 1867-78, Sitting Helvetia, 50c violet. Nicely centered with right color, tied by sharp "Interlaken, 16 VIII 74" cds, additional strike adjacent and matching "PD" handstamp on cover to Worcester Mass., Basel (8.16) transit backstamp, red "New York, Paid All, Aug 29" exchange cds, Extremely Fine. Michel No. 35. Zumstein No. 43.
Scott No. 59; Estimate $100 - 150. (Image1)

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Est. $100-150
SOLD for $120.00
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