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General Foreign continued...

Finland to German Area continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1401     2 imageFinland, 1856, 10k rose. Cut to shape. Manuscript canceled and tied by indistinct negative circular handstamp on printed circular from Notsjö to Riga, Lativa, clear "Tavastehus, 25.5, 1859" origin cds; bit of erosion in address panel, Very Fine, a scarce origin and destination combination, with 2018 C. Schwenson certificate. Facit No. 2e.
Scott No. 2; Estimate $1,500 - 2,000. (Image1)

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Est. $1,500-2,000
SOLD for $1,150.00
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1402     2 imageFinland, 1856, 10k carmine. Ample to large margins, manuscript canceled on folded letter to Helsinki, large boxed "Abo, 21/1 1859" date stamp at upper right; trivial faint cover tone, still Very Fine, with 2018 C. Schwenson certificate. Facit No. 2e.
Scott No. 2; Estimate $1,500 - 2,000. (Image1)

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Est. $1,500-2,000
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1403     23 imageFinland, 1875 32p carmine. Tied by "Kalaeloa" 1876 cds on cover to New York N.Y. care of the Russian Consulate, red New York Paid All (7.22) transit cds, F.-V.F. and scarce use.
Scott No. 23; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
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1404     8 Byc+EK 13 BW0a imageFinland, 1861, 5k greenish blue, on revalued 1856 10k laid paper entire. With 10k indicia devalued with manuscript, addressed to Åbo and uprated with 1866, 20k blue on bluish tied by "St. Michel, 20.11, 1867" cds paying the correct long distance 40p rate; 20p stamp with a few short teeth of little importance, still Very Fine, ex-Fabergé and Trapp Holm, with 2006 J. Tuori and 2017 C. Schwenson certificates.
Facit No. 8 Byc+EK 13 BW0a; Estimate $25,000 - 35,000.


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Est. $25,000-35,000
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1405       imageFinland, 1860, 5k blue on laid paper, type I, two singles. Postal stationery cut squares. Affixed to folded letter sheet addressed to Gamlecarleby, tied together by "Wasa, 6 Jun, 1862" low boxed date stamp; lettersheet missing sideflaps, Very Fine, with 2003 C. Schwenson certificate.
Estimate; $10,000 - 15,000.


Est. $10,000-15,000
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1406 o    B10 imageFrance, 1917, 5fr+5fr War Orphans. Neat town cancel, rich colors, F.-V.F. Yvert No. 155.
Scott No. B10; $1,550. (Image1)

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Scott $1,550

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1407 o    C15 imageFrance, Airmail, 1936, 50fr "Banknote". Town cancel, choice centering, deep color, Very Fine. Yvert No. 15.
Scott No. C15; $310. (Image1)

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Scott $310

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1408     21 imagePrussia, 1866, 30sgr blue. Right margin block of 4, tied on 3sgr brown cut square (full corner) by 1867 Danzig town cancels, Very Fine, a rare multiple and usage, with 1971 G. Hochkeppeler certificate. Scott No. 22.
Michel No. 21; €2,000 ($2,230). (Image1)

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Michel €2,000 ($2,230)

SOLD for $575.00
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1409 o    27h imageDanzig, 1920, 2m on 35pf red brown, burelage omitted. Neat town cancel, well centered, Very Fine, signed Infla Berlin.
Scott No. 27h; $925. (Image1)

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Scott $925

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Great Britain to Iceland
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1410     5 imageGreat Britain, 1840, 2d blue. Plate 1, lettered F-A, tied on small piece by neat red Maltese cross cancel, margins large to mostly huge showing portions of adjacent stamps at top and right, deep rich color, Superb, a stunning large margin gem, with 2001 Karl-Albert Louis certificate. Scott No. 2.
SG No. 5; £900 ($1,170). (Image1)

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SG £900 ($1,170)

SOLD for $1,050.00
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1411       imageGreat Britain, Packet Of The 5th October., Royal Mail Ship "Schomberg". Circular dateline "Liverpool, 10th September, 1855" announcing the sailing of the Schomberg for Australia from "James Baines & Co., Black Ball Line of Australian Packets, Liverpool", the folded circular franked with 1d red brown (S.G. 17) tied by "Liverpool, 11 Sp, 1855 oval" date stamp and "446" barred oval duplex; circular with some edge aging and soiling and hole punched at left, F.-V.F.
Estimate; $1,000 - 1,500. (Image1) (Image2)


Est. $1,000-1,500
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1412       imageGreat Britain, 1860 Hand Illustrated Cover. Pen illustrated showing Men Hanging Sign on Wall incorporating address panel, on cover franked with 1d red brown tied by London duplex cancel, Very Fine.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
SOLD for $130.00
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1413     260 imageGreat Britain, 1902, King Edward VII, De La Rue printing, 2s6d lilac. Top margin single, o.g., never hinged, fresh with strong color, Very Fine. Scott No. 139.
SG No. 260; £275 for hinged ($360). (Image1)

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SG £275 for hinged ($360)

SOLD for $150.00
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1414     452 imageGreat Britain, 1934, King George V re-engraved "Seahorse", 10s indigo. Top margin single, slightly brownish o.g., never hinged, rich color and choice centering, Extremely Fine. Scott No. 224.
SG No. 452; £350 for hinged ($460). (Image1)

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SG £350 for hinged ($460)

SOLD for $140.00
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1415 S    O10 var. imageGreat Britain, Inland Revenue Official, 1885, Queen Victoria, £1 brown lilac, Crowns watermark, overprinted "Specimen". Without gum, bold color; reperfed at top and bottom, Very Fine appearance, a very rare specimen issue, unlisted in the current S.G. catalog. SG No. O11s.
Scott No. O10 var.; Estimate $750 - 1,000. (Image1)

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Est. $750-1,000
SOLD for $675.00
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1416     B1a imageGuatemala, 1878, ½r green entire. Cancelled by light purple "Correos De Quetzaltenango, Sep 20, 1877" cds addressed locally, Very Fine and scarce.
Higgins and Gage No. B1a; Estimate $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
SOLD for $210.00
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1417       imageHungary, 1899 Registered 5kr Postal Entire to United States. Uprated with 1898, 1k pair, 2k, 3k and 8k, each tied by "Beregzasz, 29 Nov 14" cds to Allegheny Pa., Beregzasz registry label affixed, reverse with New York (11.25) transit and Allegheny (11.27) arrival cds; 2k round corner, Very Fine and colorful five-color franking.
Estimate; $400 - 600. (Image1)

Est. $400-600
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1418       imageHungary, 1901 (Dec. 17) Registered Cover to Nova Scotia via New York. Cover bearing Turul 1900, 1f, 2f, 3f, 4f (x2), 5f (x5), 6f claret, 10f and 20f (47-52, 55, 57), all tied by "Prosznyakia" cds's on reverse, Prosznyakfa registry label affixed on face, New York (12.29) oval transit; edge tear, Very Fine and impressive franking.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $625.00
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1419     C4-C8 imageIceland, Airmail, 1930, Parliament Millennium complete. O.g., never hinged, fresh and Very Fine. Facit No. 189-193.
Scott No. C4-C8; $570. (Image1)

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Scott $570

SOLD for $100.00
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Italian States to Netherlands East Indies
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1420     19+20b+21+23 imageNaples, 1861 Neapolitan Provinces 20g yellow. In combination with 1861, 1g black + 2g blue + 5g carmine rose on folded letter sheet to Sheffield, England, all tied by neat "Napoli, 10 Ago, 61" cds's, red London entry cds and reverse with Genova transit and receiving backstamps, Very Fine and choice, with 1989 E. Diena certificate. Scott No. 21+22+23+26.
Sassone No. 19+20b+21+23; Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.


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Est. $2,000-3,000
SOLD for $1,700.00
Will close during Public Auction

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