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The Classic Stamps and Postal History of Ecuador continued...

1865-72 1r Green, Imperforate on Wove Paper continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1301     5 imageEcuador, 1865, 1r green, horizontal strip of four. Positions 69-72, position 71 with colorless line through "REAL" variety. Ample to large margins, tied by neat "Guano, 25 Mai, 66" cds and matching dotted lozenge cancels on wrapper to Riobamba, Very Fine and choice, fewer than ten covers are recorded with this cancel.
Scott No. 5; Estimate $400 - 600. (Image1)

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Est. $400-600
SOLD for $475.00
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1302     5 imageEcuador, 1865, 1r green, vertical strip of five. Positions 3//39. Margins large to just in at left center, tied by dotted lozenge handstamps on Judicial wrapper to Riobamba, with matching "Alausi, 22 Fevr, 67" first type cds's tying strip at ends, manuscript "9¾ oz" weight notation, Very Fine, very scarce with about 15 covers known with a date stamp from Alausi.
Scott No. 5; Estimate $400 - 600. (Image1)

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Est. $400-600
SOLD for $325.00
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1303     5 imageEcuador, 1865, 1r green, vertical pair. Positions 62/71. Bottom stamp showing white flaw through "REAL" variety, tied by neat "Franca" in dotted lozenge cancel on folded letter sheet to Arequipa, Peru, reverse with red Callao entry cds and pencil 10c due for overland carriage within Peru; small cover tear at top, Very Fine.
Scott No. 5; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
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1304     5 imageEcuador, 1865, 1r green, vertical pair. Margins large to just shaving frameline on top stamp, tied by "Guayaquil, 27 Ene, 66" cds on folded letter to Lima, Peru; top stamp with small punch hole, otherwise Very Fine, a scarce external mail usage prior to the autumn of 1866 not dispatched through the British P.O.
Scott No. 5; Estimate $250 - 350. (Image1)

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Est. $250-350
SOLD for $180.00
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1305     5 imageEcuador, 1865, 1r green. Large margins, tied by diamond lozenge cancel on Judicial wrapper from Loja to Cariamanga, reverse with "Diciembre 1 de 1868" dateline docketing, Very Fine and choice, about three covers are known from Loja just showing the dotted lozenge cancel.
Scott No. 5; Estimate $250 - 350. (Image1)

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Est. $250-350
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1306     5 imageEcuador, 1865, 1r green, horizontal strip of five. Margins large to just shaving at top left, tied by neat diamond lozenge handstamps on Judicial wrapper to Riobamba, with matching "Guaranda, 19 Janv, 67" cds alongside, Very Fine, signed Holcombe.
Scott No. 5; Estimate $250 - 350. (Image1)

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Est. $250-350
SOLD for $160.00
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1307     5 imageEcuador, 1865, 1r green. Third printing. Two covers; with 1r pale grayish green, horizontal pair on Judicial cover to Riobamba canceled by "Ambato, 26, Fevr, 69" cds, and 1r grayish green, horizontal strip of three tied by "Guaranda, 17 Mars, 67" cds's on front to Ambato, Very Fine.
Scott No. 5; Estimate $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
SOLD for $100.00
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1308     5 imageEcuador, 1865, 1r green. Ample to large margin, slight staining, tied by "Ibarra, 2 Juin, 66" first type cds on Judicial wrapper to Quito, F.-V.F., a very scarce usage from Ibarra.
Scott No. 5; Estimate $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
SOLD for $180.00
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1309     5 imageEcuador, 1865, 1r green, horizontal pair. Clear to large margins, tied by "Guayaquil, 27 Feb, 67" cds on folded letter to Lambayeque, Very Fine, a very unusual destination within Peru, ex-Ayora.
Scott No. 5; Estimate $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
SOLD for $450.00
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1310     5 imageEcuador, 1865, 1r yellowish green. First printing. Ample to large margins, tied by "Ibarra, 17 Mars, 65" cds on Judicial wrapper to Quito; light cover soiling, F.-V.F., one of the earliest covers recorded with this stamp.
Scott No. 5; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)

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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $190.00
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1311 ()    5+2 imageEcuador, 1865, 1r green. In combination with 1865, ½r blue on two 1867 wrapper fronts paying the triple parcel rate; one to Ambato with "Guaranda, 13 Oct" cds's tying, other to Guaranda with "Ambato, 7 Dic, 67" cds's tying stamp; one front with corner repair, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott No. 5+2; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)

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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $100.00
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1312 ()    5+2 imageEcuador, 1865, 1r green, vertical pair. Second printing. Margins ample to just touching, in combination with 1865, ½r dark blue on Judicial front and part backflap to Latacunga, tied by neat "Ambato, 31 Mai, 68" cds's; front with corner repair at bottom right, Very Fine.
Scott No. 5+2; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)

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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $100.00
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1313     5 imageEcuador, 1865, 1r green. Balance of 8 covers and 5 fronts; with single franking Judicial wrapper usages from Riobamba and Ambato with various rates, four pair usages from Guayaquil to Lima, Peru showing the various printings, two 1r green, pair + ½r blue usages from Ambato to Guaranda and Guaranda to Ambato, and a bisect in pair usage on turned cover with stamp removed off pair after manuscript Cariamanga cancellation applied (postal error?), reverse with 1r+½r combination, F.-V.F. overall.
Scott No. 5; Estimate $500 - 750. (Image1)

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Est. $500-750
SOLD for $350.00
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1314     5 imageEcuador, 1865, 1r green, multiple usages. Group of three Judicial wrappers; includes top margin strip of three (positions 3//21) from Ambato to Guaranda, seven singles from Riobamba to Guaranda, and a strip of nine and single from Riobamba to Latacunga (three stamps missing), F.-V.F.
Scott No. 5; Estimate $400 - 600. (Image1)

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Est. $400-600
SOLD for $300.00
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1315     5a imageEcuador, 1865, 1r green, diagonal bisect in a block of seven. Positions 31-33 / 40-43, position 42 with dot in bottom right spandrel and position 43 (bisect) with double frameline at top. Margins ample to just in at top left and upper right, partial separation cut between bisect and block, canceled by unusual manuscript "Cariaman-g-a" town name cancel on Judicial wrapper to Loja, "14oz" weight and reverse with "Agosto 25, 1870" date notations; few tears in wrapper at top, otherwise Very Fine, a very uncommon origin and unique usage, ex-Saá and Olgieser, with AFE certificate.
Scott No. 5a; Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.


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Est. $1,500-2,000
SOLD for $1,450.00
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1316     5ab imageEcuador, 1865, 1r green, embossed arms and diagonally bisected. Lower right portion of stamp clearly showing embossing, tied by "Guayaquil, 17 Oct, 66" cds on folded letter sheet to Quito; cover with portion of side flap repaired and stamp with lower left portion restored, Very Fine appearance, still an extremely rare 1r green usage with embossed arms and diagonally bisected combination, ex-Ayora and Olgieser, with A.F.E. certificate not mentioning restoration or embossed variety.
Scott No. 5ab; Estimate $400 - 600. (Image1)

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Est. $400-600
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1317     5b+4 imageEcuador, 1865, 1r green, embossed arms. Clear to large margins, showing embossed arms in the upper portion of stamp, in combination with 1865, 1r yellow buff of the third printing on folded letter sheet to Trujillo, Peru, tied by "Guayaquil, Feb 21, 73" cds and bold "Franca" in lozenge, Very Fine, a very late usage of the first issue, ex-Longhi.
Scott No. 5b+4; Estimate $15,000 - 20,000.


Only five covers are known bearing same denomination 1 real represented by the different stamps in the issued colors green and yellow. This cover is even more remarkable as it represents private mail and that the 1r green is the scarce embossed arms variety.

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Est. $15,000-20,000
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1318     5b imageEcuador, 1865, 1r green, embossed arms, horizontal pair. Ample to huge margins showing portion of adjacent stamp at left, positions 89-90 with full embossing on right stamp which extends slightly into frameline of left stamp, plate flaws in position 90 showing colorless spot in bottom right spandrel and broken frameline at right, tied by neat "Guayaquil, 13 Mar, 66" cds on fresh folded letter to Lima, Peru, receiving backstamp, Very Fine and choice, one of less than five recorded examples of the 1r green embossed arms variety on cover and one of the earliest usages to a foreign destination, ex-Funkhouser and Longhi.
Scott No. 5b; Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.


A considerable portion of maritime mail to Peru before autumn of 1866 was carried through the British P.O. at Guayaquil, without the involvement of the Ecuadorian mails. This example being one of the exceptions in this period not carried through the British Post Office.

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Est. $2,000-3,000
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1865-72 4r Red, Imperforate on Wove Paper
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1319     6 imageEcuador, 1866, 4r vermilion red. 3rd printing, horizontal pair, full o.g., clear to large margins showing portion of marginal line at bottom, Very Fine.
Scott No. 6; $1,000 for singles; Estimate $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Scott $1,000 for singles
Est. $200-300

SOLD for $325.00
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1320 /o    6, 6R imageEcuador, 1866, 4r red. Balance of 6 stamps; includes four margin unused singles, two marginal used singles in shades, vertical pair, full margin single on piece with 1r yellow pair tied by "3154" dotted lozenge handstamps of Quito, also includes a reprint pair, small flaws, generally Fine.
Scott No. 6, 6R; Estimate $250 - 350. (Image1)

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Est. $250-350
SOLD for $325.00
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