The Classic Stamps and Postal History of Ecuador continued...
1865-72 ½r Ultramarine, Imperforate on Wove Paper continued...
LotNo. |
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CatNo. |
Lot Description |
1221 |
2 |
Ecuador, 1865, ½r gray blue. Margins touching to huge showing marginal rule at bottom, tied by Guayaquil "Franca" dotted diamond lozenge handstamp on
fresh 1871 folded letter to Riobamba, Very Fine and choice, ex-Saá. Scott No. 2; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)
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Est. $150-200
Will close during Public Auction |
1222 |
2 |
Ecuador, 1865, ½r blue, right margin strip of four. Positions 33//36 with position 33 showing large break in frameline at top right. Mostly huge margins with full sheet
margin, tied by "Guayaquil, 3 Dic, 66" cds's on folded letter sheet to Lima, Peru, carried by PSNC vessel to port when it entered the Peruvian mails with "Callao, 10 Dic, 66" transit cds applied to front and same day
receiving backstamp, Very Fine and choice, ex-Olgieser. Scott No. 2; Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
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Est. $1,500-2,000
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1223 |
2 |
Ecuador, 1865, ½r blue. Showing outer frameline flaws at left and right. Tied by "Guano, 15 Jany, 69" cds with month inverted and year date in negative, on
Judicial wrapper to Riobamba with "½ oz" weight notation at top, Very Fine. Scott No. 2; Estimate $250 - 350.
After the year had been removed from the first type town handstamp, this type was used during the
second period of printing. (Image1)
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Est. $250-350
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1224 |
2 |
Ecuador, 1865, ½r blue. Clear to large margins, tied by "Montecristi, 20 Fevr, 67" cds on folded letter to Guayaquil; some reinforced ink erosion in
address panel, F.-V.F., this being one of five on cover usages with a cancellation of Montecristi, ex-Dujmovic. Scott No. 2; Estimate $250 - 350. (Image1)
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Est. $250-350
SOLD for $140.00
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1225 |
( ) |
2 |
Ecuador, 1865, ½r indigo. Margins large to just shaving frameline at bottom, tied by Riobamba cds on 1868 ca. Judicial wrapper front and top flap to Guaranda,
F.-V.F., the use of the indigo shade in the second period is infrequent with fewer than five usages recorded. Scott No. 2; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)
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Est. $150-200
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1226 |
2 |
Ecuador, 1865, ½r blue. Single on two Judicial wrappers paying the single parcel rate; a 1868 use from Riobamba (cds) to Chimbo and a 1867 use from Riobamba to
Guano, Very Fine. Scott No. 2; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)
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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $100.00
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1227 |
2 |
Ecuador, 1865, ½r blue. Single two Judicial wrappers paying the single parcel rate for up to one ounce; includes 1869 wrapper Ambato to Quito and 1870
Quito to Riobamba, both tied by neat readable cds's and stamps with clear to ample margins, Very Fine. Scott No. 2; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)
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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $110.00
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1228 |
2 |
Ecuador, 1865, ½r blue. Single on two Judicial wrappers paying the single parcel rate; one in deep blue (mottled) tied by Riobamba dotted diamond lozenge
cancel to Guano, other to Riobamba tied by 1870 Ambato cds (upper left of cover missing and tear), F.-V.F. Scott No. 2; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)
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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $90.00
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1229 |
2 |
Ecuador, 1865, ½r light grayish ultramarine. Ample to large margins and pale impression which originated from the end of 1870 and 1871, tied by dotted lozenge handstamp
on Judicial cover from Latacunga to Quito, manuscript "1oz" in blue crayon at top denoting the single parcel rate, Very Fine. Scott No. 2; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)
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Est. $150-200
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1865-72 1r Buff, Imperforate on Quadrille Paper
LotNo. |
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Lot Description |
1230 |
( ) |
3 |
Ecuador, 1865, 1r olive ochre. Third period printing, block of 32 (positions 1-8//28-35), without gum, positions 1-2 & 10 showing the complete embossed arms,
position 4 showing double frameline at bottom variety, margins clear to large, rich bright color; couple vertical separation creases between stamps and a few tiny thins, otherwise Very Fine, ex-Hubbard and Goeggel. Scott No. 3;
Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
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Est. $3,000-4,000
SOLD for $3,750.00
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1231 |
o |
3 |
Ecuador, 1865, 1r bistre olive. Horizontal strip of 3, partial and near complete strike of fancy "Cuenca Franca" oval, clear to ample margins, Very Fine,
about ten examples known of pre-adhesive cancellation. Scott No. 3; Estimate $750 - 1,000. (Image1)
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Est. $750-1,000
SOLD for $750.00
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1232 |
3+2 |
Ecuador, 1865, 1r buff, irregular block of thirteen. In combination with 1865, ½r blue on Judicial wrapper to Riobamba, canceled by manuscript and "Quito,
Franca, 18 Enero, 65" cds's, manuscript "1 lb. 11 oz." weight notation; light cover staining at right, still Very Fine, a very early usage of the very rare buff shade. Scott No. 3+2; Estimate $1,500 - 2,000. (Image1)
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Est. $1,500-2,000
SOLD for $1,500.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1233 |
( ) |
3+2 |
Ecuador, 1865, 1r dark olive. In combination with 1865 ½r blue on Judicial wrapper front and part backflap to Guano, tied together by Riobamba cds,
manuscript "3 oz" weight notation at upper right, Very Fine, this shade is most unusual in the third period of printing. Scott No. 3+2; Estimate $150 - 200.
The olive shade was the result of the mixture of some of
the green and yellow inks used to produce the 1r issues. Both stamp were produced by using the same printing plate. (Image1)
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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $120.00
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1865-72 1r Yellow, Imperforate on Wove Paper
LotNo. |
Symbol |
CatNo. |
Lot Description |
1234 |
4 |
Ecuador, 1865, 1r yellow ochre. Third period printing, lower half sheet of 45 (positions 46-54//82-90, full o.g., margins wide to slightly in at top left, strong color;
slightly spilt vertical crease in sixth row and small thin in bottom left stamp, F.-V.F., ex-Lund, with 2013 Moorhouse certificate. Scott No. 4; Estimate $2,500 - 3,500. (Image1)
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Est. $2,500-3,500
Will close during Public Auction |
1235 |
4 |
Ecuador, 1865, 1r yellow chrome. Second period printing, upper half sheet of 45 (positions 1-9//37-45, full o.g., plate varieties including double frameline at bottom
(position 4) and part double frameline at top (position 43), margins wide to slightly in, strong color; vertical crease between stamps and a few light stains, F.-V.F., the largest multiple recorded in the yellow chrome shade,
with few than five items known. Scott No. 4; Estimate $3,000 - 4,000. (Image1)
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Est. $3,000-4,000
Will close during Public Auction |
1236 |
o |
4 |
Ecuador, 1865, 1r yellow buff. Full sharp strike of "Quito, Franca, 4 Enero, 65" town cancel, full even margins, Extremely Fine and choice, believed to be
the earliest recorded usage of the first issues of Ecuador, ex-Olgieser. Scott No. 4; Estimate $500 - 750. (Image1)
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Est. $500-750
SOLD for $1,600.00
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1237 |
o |
4 |
Ecuador, 1865, 1r orange yellow. Bold strike of "Otavalo Franca" two-line handstamp, full margins; small corner crease, a Very Fine strike, fewer than five
stamps known bearing this provisional handstamp. Scott No. 4; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)
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Est. $300-400
SOLD for $300.00
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1238 |
o |
4 |
Ecuador, 1865, 1r Yellow. Cancel group of 6 items; includes singles with manuscript "Riobba" of Riobamba, red Jipijapa circular handstamp (without date type),
and portion of Portoviejo circular townmark with matching dotted lozenge, 1r orange + ½r blue slightly overlapping on piece tied by 1867 Ambato town cancel, 1r yellow buff vertical pair with complete strike of the Pelileo fancy star cancel,
bisect tied on piece by red Franca in dotted lozenge, also a forged 1865 Otavalo circular townmark on piece included, Very Fine. Scott No. 4; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)
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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $120.00
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1239 |
o |
4 |
Ecuador, 1865, 1r yellow. Top margin block of 24 (positions 6-8//69-71), red Riobamba town cancels, showing full margin rule at top, ample to large margins; couple small
tears and small nick in margin at left, Very Fine appearance. Scott No. 4; Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
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Est. $3,000-4,000
SOLD for $4,250.00
Will close during Public Auction |
1240 |
4, 1 |
Ecuador, 1865, 1r yellow buff. 3 used blocks; includes block of four (positions 69-70/78-79) and irregular block of five (positions 61-63/71-72, position 71
colorless line through "REAL") both with Ambato cds's, block of six (positions 41-43/50-52, position 43 with part of double frameline at top) with Guayaquil cds's and dotted lozenge handstamps, irregular block of five on
quadrille paper, block of six with diagonal crease, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 4, 1; Estimate $250 - 350. (Image1)
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Est. $250-350
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