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Foreign Stamps, Collections, Accumulations continued...

LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
281 ng Mi Block 22-25 imageKorea Michel Block 22-25 MNGAI Souvenir Sheets - 1951 issues, 5wn, 10wn, 50wn and 100wn, set of four souvenir sheets, unused without gum as issued, but with hinge marks. A few corners a bit blunt. Scott 122-125 variety, Mi Block 22-25. (Mi €4800) (Image)

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Selling for...$500.00
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282 ng Mi Block 49-50 imageKorea Michel Block 49-50 MNGAI Souvenir Sheets - 1952 National Symbols, 200wn and 300wn, set of two souvenir sheets, unused without gum as issued, but with hinge marks. Corners a bit blunt. Scott 183-4 variety, Mi Block 49-50. (Mi €2400) (Image)

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Selling for...$250.00
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283 ng Mi Block 52-53 imageKorea Michel Block 52-53 MNGAI Souvenir Sheets - 1952 National Symbols, 500wn and 2000wn, set of two souvenir sheets, unused without gum as issued, but with hinge marks. A few corners a bit blunt. Scott 185-6 variety, Mi Block 52-53. (Mi €2000) (Image)

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Selling for...$220.00
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284 imageKorea Collection in 6 Binders - 6 x 1" binders holding over 1000 mint/used stamps, souvenir sheets, and booklets mounted or hinged to computer-generated Steiner pages (pages not complete). Small selection of early issues along with several modern era sets and singles. Note unused Scott 1-2, 7, 795a to name just a few with much in the $10+ range and several much higher. SCV is well over $5000 and includes some collateral material including a couple dozen covers and some unprocessed material in two kraft envelopes. A nice collection, generally fine or better, with a few scattered faults. (Est $650-900)
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Selling for...$450.00
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285 nh imageKorea Group of Better MNH Souvenir Sheets - 11 dealer sales pages holding souvenir sheets (sometime with associated stamps). Includes Scott 353b-355b, 439a-443a, 663a-b, 718-20, 718a-720a, 883a-892a, and more. Clean and MNH. (SCV $966)
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Selling for...$120.00
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LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
286 imageLaos Collection in 4 Binders - 4 x 1" binders holding over 1000 mostly mint stamps, complete sets, and souvenir sheets mounted or hinged to computer-generated Steiner pages (pages not complete). Amongst the great amount of modern topicals, there are the 26 souvenir sheets from a booklet mentioned in Scott (unused Scott 1-17, J1-6, and used C2-4), and then 27-9, C20-1 and Scott 99a booklet (x2). Many modern mint sets going to 1997 make up the rest of the SCV of $1600. Generally fine or better throughout. (Est $250-350)
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Selling for...$140.00
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287 imageLaos 1952 Booklet with Scott 1-7, C2-C4, J1-J6 Souvenir Sheets - Complete booklet with 26 souvenir sheets and glassine interleaving. Sheets are loose and removable from booklet cover, and there is some curl in sheets that can likely be "flattened" out if stored properly. Still fresh, MNH, and F-VF. (SCV $300) (Image) (Image2)


Selling for...$48.00
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LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
288 imageLatvia Collection in Binder - A binder collection of over 350 stamps and a few souvenir sheets, mostly unused (many MNH) mounted or hinged to computer-generated Steiner pages, 1918-2000 (pages not complete). Some better earlies like unused Scott B72-81, CB14-7 (NH), CB21-4, and 2N45-57, and several from the modern era. SCV is over $1000 with some unprocessed material which include labels, a cover, and more modern in front and back pockets of binder. Few scattered faults. (Est $250-300)
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Selling for...$95.00
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289 og imageLatvia Airmail Semi-Postals Mint Sets - 4 different issues from 1931-3 includes Scott CB6-8 (perf and imperf), CB9-13 (perf and imperf), CB14-7 (perf and imperf), CB21a-24a (imperf). Many appear MNH. Generally F-VF. (SCV $536 as MH) (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Selling for...$110.00
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LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
290 nh C49-C56 imageLebanon Scott C49-C56 MNH Complete Set, 1936 Airmails - Tourist Publicity issue. Complete set of 8, MNH, F-VF. (SCV $370) (Image)

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Selling for...$75.00
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291 imageLebanon Collection in 3 Binders - 3 x 1" binders hold over 600 mint/used stamps, part sets, and complete sets all mounted or hinged to computer-generated Steiner pages (pages not complete). The 3rd binder actually a collection on Minkus pages with some collateral material inside the front pocket. SCV totals around $850, with some decent showings of the French era. Could fill some spots in a beginner or mid-range collection. Expect a little mixed condition mostly in the early period but then generally fine or better the rest of the way. (Est $100-150)
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Selling for...$60.00
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Leeward isalnds
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
292 imageLeeward Islands Collection on Minkus Pages - A highly complete collection of over 125 mostly unused stamps, along with a few pieces of postal stationery. nd a FDC. Some better include unused Scott 1-8, 133-47, and used Scott 57. There is good representation of Edward, KGV and KGV1 missing only a few better. SCV is over $1700. Generally fine or better but few scattered faults are typically noted. (Est $200-300)
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Selling for...$120.00
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LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
293 imageLibya Collection on Minkus Pages - 2 x 1" binders holding over 500 mostly unused stamps and souvenir sheets both mounted and hinged to Minkus album pages going into the early 1980's. Many complete sets with some good value before independence and after. Also includes a couple album pages with Fezzan, a couple FDCs, some other unsorted, a group of singles and sets on Steiner pages in the back pocket of one binder with some value, and much loose between the pages that still need attention. Overall SCV is about $1300+. Generally fine or better throughout. (Est $200-250)
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Selling for...$100.00
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LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
294 nh C7-C8 imageLiechtenstein Scott C7-C8 MNH Complete Set - 1931 Zeppelins, nice set, F-VF. (SCV $565) (Image)

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Selling for...$100.00
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295 imageLiechtenstein Collection in 7 Binders - Lovely collection in 7 x 1" binders holding over 1000+ mostly mint/used stamps, sets, souvenir sheets mounted or hinged to computer-generated Steiner pages (pages not complete). he better unused include Scott 54-69, C1-C6, C7-C8, C9-13 (NH), and used Scott 104, 137-50 and many MNH sets going to 1998. Most of the binders hold 300+ first day covers and maximum cards (great for a dollar table). T SCV is $4200+. Generally fine or better throughout, and just a few flaws in the early era. (Est $500-600)
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Selling for...$350.00
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LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
296 imageLithuania Collection in 2 Binders - Collection of of over 700 stamps and souvenir sheets, mostly unused (many MNH) mounted or hinged to computer-generated Steiner pages, 1918-2003 (pages not complete). Very nice selection of early sets and singles and the modern era about 80% complete to pages. Some collateral material like covers (modern), labels, and some unprocessed stuff adds to the aura. Nice collection with a few scattered faults. (Est $250-300)
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Selling for...$140.00
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LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
297 imageLuxembourg Collection in 3 Binders - 3 x 1" binder collection of of around unused/used 1000 stamps mounted or hinged to computer-generated Steiner pages, 1852-2000 (pages not complete). Very nice selection of early issues along with several modern era sets and singles. Note unused Scott 4//11 (few no gum), 15, and 272-7 MNH complete set. SCV is well over $4000. Includes some collateral material include covers and some unprocessed material on a stockpage. Nice collection with some scattered faults so please review. (Est $450-600)
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Selling for...$290.00
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LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
298 nh 372-381 imageMacao Scott 372-381 MNH Complete Set in Blocks/6, 1953 Flowers - fresh and VF. (SCV $656) (Image)

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Selling for...$100.00
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LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
299 nh imageMacedonia Modern Collection, 1991-2004 - Binder holds over 350 mint (all MNH?) stamps, blocks, strips, complete sets, and souvenir sheets all neatly mounted to computer-generated pages (may not be complete). Generally F-VF throughout and just lovely! (Est $150-200)
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Selling for...$75.00
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Madagascar/ Malagasy Republic
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
300 imageMadagascar/Malagasy Collection in 2 Binders - 2 x 1" binders hold well over 500 mint/used stamps, part sets, complete sets, and souvenir sheets all mounted or hinged to Minkus pages at the start and then quickly changes over to computer-generated pages (not complete). The French colony period and early republic (1958-75) have most of the value. Total SCV is over $1200 includes a few FDCs, a couple CTO sheets, and selections of Nossi-Be and Diego-Suarez. Generally fine or better with a few faults to be expected in the colonial period. (Est $150-200)
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Selling for...$90.00
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