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LotNo. Symbol Catalog No. Lot Description Est.
541 - RW39R imageRW39R, 1972 Emperor Goose, Upper Left PNS, remarque of emperor geese extends scene to selvage, hard to tell the painted from the printed geese, by Ken Michaelsen (deceased) of RW46, Super detail! VF-XF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
542 - RW41RC imageRW41RC, 1974 Wood Duck, The proud Wood Duck is alert in this recognition remarque by Ken Michaelsen (deceased), to honor David Maass. A stunning use of color brings this alive on upper left PNS, VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
543 - RW44R imageRW44R, 1977 Ross' Geese, A brightly colored remarque by Martin Murk adds some real flash to his stamp. Three geese fly against an orange sky with a lighthouse in the back. The extreme close up on the head of one goose shows how good Murk's perspective is in relation to the other two and the lighthouse. This is the first year the words "and Conservation" were added to the stamp, still known today as the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp. The change was made to encourage non-hunters to purchase duck stamps to support waterfowl refuges. F-VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
544 - RW44R imageRW44R, 1977 Ross' Goose, Remarque of Ross' Goose/Lighthouse by stamp's artist Martin Murk, stamp also sgnd, VF-XF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
545 - RW45RS imageRW45RS, 1978 Hooded Merganser, Lower Right PNS #173331, sba Al Gilbert, pen and ink drawing of a Hooded Merganser drake swimming in water, VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
546 - RW46R imageRW46R, 1979 Green-winged Teal, a finely detailed remarque by Ken Michaelsen (deceased), adds new dimension to his federal stamp. The bottom selvage is now filled with a beautiful painting featuring a hunter, his retriever and decoys. A very realistic scene, what a nice compliment to the stamp! VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
547 - RW46RS imageRW46RS, 1979 Green-winged Teal, Upper Right PNS #173423, pen and ink drawing of the head of a Red-breasted Merganser, sba Ken Michaelsen (deceased), the artist of the stamp and the artwork, VF-XF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
548 - RW47RS imageRW47RS, 1980 Mallards, Upper Right PNS #173423, detailed pen and ink drawing of a Mallard drake swimming at top selvage, signed by artist and artwork done by Richard Plasschaert, F-VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
549 - RW48RS imageRW48RS, 1981 Ruddy Duck, Upper Right PNS #173573, detailed pen and ink drawing of a Ruddy Duck in flight in top selvage, signed by and artwork by John S. Wilson (deceased), remarques by Wilson are very scarce! XF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
550 - RW49RC imageRW49RC, 1982 Canvasback, a watchful Canvasback has been painted on the upper right by Ken Michaelsen (deceased), in recognition of David Maass, very realistic, VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
551 - RW49RS imageRW49RS, 1982 Canvasback, sba David Maass, who no longer autographs stamps and only did one remarque for the Jeanette Rudy exhibit at the National Postal Museum, also features a color remarque by Ken Michaelsen (deceased). A trio of ducklings fill the bottom selvage. Very nice remarque, F-VF NH (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
552 - RW63RS imageRW63RS, 1996 Surf Scoter, Lower Right PNS #195744, color remarque in bottom selvage of a Surf Scoter swimming, sba of stamp and artwork Wilhelm Goebel, VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
553 - RW64R imageRW64R, 1997 Canada Goose, Canada Geese remarqued and signed by stamp's artist Robert (Bob) Hautman, sharp picture of goose coming in over a pond for landing, VF-XF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
554 - RW66RS imageRW66RS, 1999 Greater Scaup, Lower Left PNS #198654, pen and ink remarque in bottom selvage of Scaup swimming in water, signed by and artwork by Jim Hautman, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
555 - RW67(R) imageRW67(R), 2000 Mottled Duck, upper left plate block of six. Take your time studying this one, there is a lot going on here. Adam Grimm became the youngest artist to ever win the federal duck stamp contest in the fall of 1999. His stamp, issued in the summer of 2000, is titled "Dawn of a new Millennium," which is printed in the selvage. This stamp is the first to be issued in a sheet of 20, and the first to feature the small ducks used for color registration. Grimm has filled the entire top selvage of the stamp with white clouds and a flock of black ducks. Notice that one duck has been extended off the stamp, also that Grimm has carefully painted around all the text printed on the stamp. The black color registration duck has been left intact, floating sideways, the cyan duck only partially visible. Signed by this exceptionally talented young artist. VF NH (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
556 - RW70R imageRW70R, 2003 Snow Goose, A big snow goose has been added to this stamp by artist Ron Louque. Breaking the bounds of the stamp, allows for even more creative license to show the translucence of the goose's wing, signed and dated by the artist in the selvage, NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
557 - RW70RS imageRW70RS, 2003 Snow Goose, A large snow goose fills the upper left, stretching down on to the stamp, which is signed by artist Ron Louque. The translucent colors of the goose's wings are appealing. F-VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
558 - RW70A(R) imageRW70A(R), 2003 Snow Geese, Remarque by stamp artist Ron Louque on the self adhesive style stamp. Louque has signed and dated the remarque in the upper right. The goose is a fantastic addition to the design, blending perfectly with the two geese on the stamp. Luminescent color, finely detailed -- very nice work here. The Assateague Lighthouse at Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge is pictured in the background, VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
559 - RW73R imageRW73R, 2006 Ross' Goose, Delicate remarque of Ross' goose by stamp artist Sherrie Russell Meline. Corner piece with stamp artist name, as printed and then signed by Meline, only the second woman to ever win the Federal Duck Stamp Contest. Meline had come in third in the contest with a similar painting in 2003 ( a picture of that painting included), F-VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
560 - RW74R imageRW74R, 2007 Ring-necked Duck, Upper Right PNS, beautifully remarqued by stamp's artist, Richard Clifton, who painted an additional Ring-necked drake entering the scene, VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)

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