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LotNo. Symbol Catalog No. Lot Description Est.
521 - RW7R imageRW7R, 1940 Black Duck, Bottom PNS with an exceptional black duck hen remarque by Federal winner Ken Michaelsen (deceased), a real beauty! F-VF LH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
522 - RW9RT imageRW9RT, 1942 Wigeon, a handsome wigeon is flying high on this Top PNS in tribute remarque to Ripley, F-VF NH, excellent 3-D effect, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
523 - RW10R imageRW10R, 1943 Wood Duck, color remarque by Ken Michaelsen (deceased), depicts two ducklings against a green, grassy background dotted with small orange flowers, VF NH (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
524 - RW16RT imageRW16RT, 1949 American Goldeneye, with a lovely scene extension by Ken Michaelsen (deceased). He has mimicked the design of Roger Preuss' stamp, matching the green color and rocky shore, then added a goldeneye drake. The full color used on the duck is a very nice addition to the one color stamp. VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
525 - RW16R imageRW16R, 1949 American Goldeneye, golden retriever remarque by Ken Michaelsen (deceased), highlights this stamp. A small spot in upper right selvage, does not affect the stamp or the remarque, F-VF NH (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
526 - RW16RT imageRW16RT, 1949 American Goldeneye, Upper Right sheet corner hand-painted remarque by Ken Michaelsen (deceased), very natural pose for this "cuffed neck" waterfowl species, VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
527 - RW18RC imageRW18RC, 1951 Gadwall, a gadwall drake takes flight in this interesting remarque by Ken Michaelsen (deceased), in recognition of Maynard Reece's second federal stamp. The background of the stamp has been extended into the right selvage using the same monochrome color of the stamp, but the additional duck is in full color. Very nice contrast, F-VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
528 - RW20R imageRW20R, 1953 Blue-winged Teal, stunning remarque by Ken Michaelsen (deceased), enhances this stamp. An extended frame and background, plus a large blue-winged teal drake in flight, VF NH (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
529 - RW21R imageRW21R, 1954 Ring-necked Duck, with color remarque on bottom PNS, of a pair of ring-necked ducks with nest, dated 8-18-00, stamp sba Harvey Sandstrom (deceased), remarque initialed HS. F-VF NH, scarce, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
530 - RW21R imageRW21R, 1954 Ring-necked Duck, remarque of a ring-necked duck and hen bookend in top selvage, which is also signed by Harvey Sandstrom (deceased), VF-XF NH. Poor Sandstrom had very little selvage in which to create his original art, but he made it work. Attractive remarque, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
531 - RW21R imageRW21R, 1954 Ring-necked Duck, poor Harvey Sandstrom (deceased), he has the smallest selvage of any artist to produce a remarque...but he still manages to do a fantastic job! Sandstrom was 75 when he painted this remarque and the quality of the work shows no sign that he has aged. This scene of ring-necks, two drakes and two hens, floating on waves is dated by Sandstrom, 8-18-00. The stamp is also signed by Sandstrom, Fine+ NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
532 - RW25RT imageRW25RT, 1958 Canada Goose, Have you ever wondered how some of the early federal stamps would look in full color? This remarque by Ken Michaelsen (deceased), gives you a pretty good idea on this stamp. The corn fields have been recreated in the selvage in a mirror image and the big Canada Goose coming in is finely detailed, a tribute to Les Kouba, adherence on reverse, well centered, VF, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
533 - RW25RT imageRW25RT, 1958 Canada Goose, A beautiful Canada goose comes in over a corn field and is landing on the stamp. Remarque by Ken Michaelsen (deceased), VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
534 - RW25R imageRW25R, 1958 Canada Goose, Lower Right Corner Margin Single, nice color remarque at right of a shotgun, hat and shotgun shells by artist Ken Michaelsen (deceased), F-VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
535 - RW32R imageRW32R, 1965 Canvasback, with color remarque on lower left PNS, a nicely done painting of a pair of Canvasbacks flying over the waves to compliment the stamp design, sba Ron Jenkins, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
536 - RW32RS imageRW32RS, 1965 Canvasbacks, sba Ron Jenkins, signed in bottom selvage, a peaceful remarque scene of a canvasback drake and hen in the bottom selvage. A beautiful addition to this very fresh stamp, VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
537 - RW34R imageRW34R, 1967 Old Squaw, Lower Right PNS #169487, exceptionally well detailed color remarque portrait of Leslie C. Kouba (artist of the stamp - deceased) with the stamp's design perfectly extended off the stamp into the bottom selvage by artist Ken Michaelsen (deceased), F-VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
538 - RW34R imageRW34R, 191967 Old Squaw, softly colored remarque by Ron Jenkins fills the bottom selvage. The remarque features a lighthouse, a sunset, and a couple of birds in flight, VF NH (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
539 - RW35R imageRW35R, 1968 Hooded Merganser, Upper Right PNS #170443, color remarque in top selvage of a Hooded Merganser flying through trees in tribute of artist C.G. Pritchard (artist of stamp) and signed by artist Ron Jenkins, VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
540 - RW37RS imageRW37RS, 1970 Ross' Goose, Upper Left PNS #171165, attractive color remarque at top of a Ross' Goose head in blue-green swirly background by artist Ken Michaelsen (deceased), and signed by artist Edward J. Bierly (deceased), VF NH, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)

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