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OLD LICENSES, ETC. continued...

OLD LICENSES, ETC. continued...
LotNo. Symbol Catalog No. Lot Description Est.
341 nh RW1//72 imageRW1//72, LARGE COLLECTION OF DUCK STAMPS ON LICENSES, 125-150 stamps, many licenses with multiple stamps, IL, AR, MI, all sorts of usages, IL1 with Federal, many RW's are PNSs, also AR Hunting Dog license; most with Federal and State stamps, a virtual lifetime of stamps and licenses. We have no idea of catalog value here! Just adding a few of the better items is $2,000-$3,000! Owner wants to sell as one lot. Inspection recommended, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
342 L RW3//70 RW3//70, Ducks on licenses lot, over (70) licenses mostly Iowa, starts with RW3 1936, has many from same hunter, plus habitat in some cases, many stamps unsgnd; RW7, 9, 17, 18-23, 27, 28, 39 (w/IA1), 46 and others; also Missouri on license, and RW68 on machine generated hunting license, about (100) or so stamps, most neat & nice although some flts, overall clean lot! ex Pollard

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
343 L RW17, etc. RW17, etc., Maryland 1950-81 Hunter back tags, (7) back tags, with 1950, 55, 76-78, 80-1, all franked with stamps, 1st (2) with feds balance state stamps, several include the original license, hunter was to wear these on his back while hunting

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)


LotNo. Symbol Catalog No. Lot Description Est.
344 O MTF30 imageMTF30, Montana 1976 Non-Resident license with (7) Non-Resident 1 Day Fishing license stamps, dated 9-9-76 to 9-16-76, except there is no 9-11-76 stamp. Folded, but very clean Cat($126) (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)


LotNo. Symbol Catalog No. Lot Description Est.
345 - RW58 RW58, 1991 First Day Ceremony Program, with June 30, 1991 Washington, D.C. ccl on RW58 and 29¢ Scott #2484

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)


LotNo. Symbol Catalog No. Lot Description Est.
346 c RW48 imageRW48, 1981 Ruddy Ducks on FDC, F-VF, Colorano "Silk" cachet, 1st Colorano Duck cachet, (2) small ink spots on back flap, otherwise pristine condition Cat($100) (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
347 c RW51 imageRW51, 1984 Wigeon on FDC, F-VF, unaddressed, Gadsden Stamp Club cachet (Mell. RW51-29), front pristine condition, reverse has slight black ink offset Cat($40) (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
348 c RW53 imageRW53, 1986 Fulvous Whistling Duck on 5x7 card with FDOI cancel, VF, unaddressed, with Gill Craft cachet, Mellone #RW53-29 (6), excellent condition, very minor creases on left corner and couple toned perfs on the franking stamp Cat($35) (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
349 c RW54-61 RW54-61, 1987-1994 COLLECTION OF (19) FEDERAL DUCK STAMP FIRST DAY OF ISSUE COVERS, all unaddressed with hand-painted cachets by Fred Collins, Melissa Fox and Julian Pugh. Includes RW54 by Collins and Fox; RW55 by Collins (2) and Fox; RW56 by Collins, Fox and Pugh; RW57 by Collins (2), Fox and Pugh; RW58 by Collins, Fox and Pugh; RW59 by Pugh, RW60 by Collins and RW61 by Collins (2). All in excellent condition, some with slight toning. Collins' are signed but not numbered. A beautiful hand-painted duck cover collection. Catalog value is dependent on pricing multiple used; but could be as much as $5,000, ex Pollard

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
350 c RW55 imageRW55, 1988 Snow Goose on FDC, hand-colored cachet by Van Natta, (very popular designer), with Snow goose station ccl, cachet has lighthouse in background, well done by a classic cachet artist (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
351 c RW56 RW56, 1989 Lesser Scaup on FDC, with Fleetwood cachet, Washington, DC, Duck Stamp Station ccl Cat($60)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
352 c RW57 RW57, 1990 Black Bellied Whistling Duck on FDC, VF, unaddressed, Fleetwood cachet (artwork by Don Balke), pristine condition

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
353 O 1362//2280 image1362//2280, Three Different Duck Stamp First Day of Issue cancels cut from card, 1982 cancel with no. 1975 20¢ Minnesota Birds and Flowers stamp, 1988 cancel with no. 1362 6¢ Wood Duck and no. 2092 20¢ Preserving Wetlands, and 1989 cancel with no. 2280 25¢ Pheasant stamp. Nice little group to add something extra to your collection. All have July 1 Washington, D.C. cancels Cat($8) (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)


LotNo. Symbol Catalog No. Lot Description Est.
354 c CA20 imageCA20, California 1990 Canada Geese on FDC, VF, with beautiful Milford hand-painted cachet depicting Canada Geese and goslings in a pond with redwood trees in the background, unaddressed. The postage stamps that accompany are the 8¢ California Condor (#1430) and the 20¢ California Quail (#1957) (Image)


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
355 c CA21 imageCA21, California 1991 Gadwall on FDC, XF, with whimsical Milford hand-painted cachet depicting Laurel and Hardy driving a car to Hollywood and passing Donald Duck, unaddressed. The postage stamps accompanying are #1663 13¢ California flag, #2092 20¢ Preserving Wetlands and #2562 29¢ Laurel and Hardy, all tied with Aug. 29, 1991 Hollywood, CA FDOI ccl for #2562 and #CA21 (Image)


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
356 c CA22 imageCA22, California 1992 White-fronted Goose on FDC, XF, with beautiful hand-painted Milford cachet of a White-fronted Goose on front of Yosemite Falls, unaddressed (Image)


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
357 c MO12 imageMO12, Missouri 1990 Redheads on FDC, F-VF, unaddressed, with hand-painted Milford cachet, signed (Milford & KM), numbered 226/287, excellent condition with minor edge toning, with stuffer (Image)


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
358 c MO13 imageMO13, Missouri 1991 Lesser Snow Goose on FDC, F-VF, unaddressed, Milford hand-painted cachet, signed (Milford & KM), numbered 260/360, condition pristine, with stuffer (Image)


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
359 c NV12 imageNV12, Nevada 1990 Green-winged Teal on FDC, F-VF, unaddressed, hand-painted Milford cachet, signed (Milford & KM), numbered 313/335, pristine condition, with stuffer (Image)


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
360 c SD9 imageSD9, South Dakota 1991 Pintails on FDC, VF, unaddressed, Milford cachet, hand-painted, signed (Milford & KM), numbered 158/335, pristine condition, with stuffer; n.b. treated by Collins as 1990 Milford because stamp was put on sale December 13, 1990 (Image)


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)

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