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TOPICAL & MISC. LOTS continued...

TOPICAL & MISC. LOTS continued...
LotNo. Symbol Catalog No. Lot Description Est.
321 nh United Nations Collection United Nations Collection, of 1989-93 Human Rights Issues Souvenir Folders,complete set of (5), VF NH

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
322 - World Wide Children's Stamp Album World Wide Children's Stamp Album, with about (45) stamps, all Used, hinged to page and mostly U.S., soft bound 90-page book with complete album pages (couple perforated pages missing at back) book entitled "Scott's Family of Nations Album", published in 1965 by SCOTT PUBLICATIONS. Pages are clean, cover is worn at bottom of binder but edges and corners are in good shape; this is a very basic and representative album for beginners

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
323 c World Wide Collection of Commonwealth imageWorld Wide Collection of Commonwealth, Common Design FDC's (8) for Shakespeare's 400th Birth Anniversary, VF, (7) Addressed and (1) unaddressed, all with cachets, most (6) with portrait of Shakespeare and (2) others each different. All with cds pmk dated 23 AP 64. This is a short set, 8 of 12, for this common design issue (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)


LotNo. Symbol Catalog No. Lot Description Est.
324   image(Author) Irwin S. Cobb (1876-1944), author of more than (60) books; humorist and columnist, typed 1924 "thank you" note on his letterhead, small tear at top, otherwise clean and nice with large bold signature (Image)


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
325   (Music) Richard Crooks (1900-72), opera and Dave Rubinoff (1897-1986), violinist, cut signatures on album pages, useful


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
326   image(Entertainment) Farley Granger (1925-2011), Actor from 1943-2001, 9x10 B&W SPI in green, best known for his roles in Alfred Hitchcock's movies, "Rope" and "Strangers On a Train" (Image)


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
327   image(Politics) John Gronouski, Jr. (1919-1996), 56th U.S. Postmaster General, 1963-1965 under President John F. Kennedy and President Lyndon B. Johnson and U.S. Ambassador to Poland 1965-1968. Signature in blue on FDC of #1236 with Artcraft cachet and neat, typed address. This was the second stamp issued under his tenure (Image)


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
328   image(Music) Wee Willie Harris, aka "Britain's Wild Man of Rock 'n' Roll, 1950's-60's musician in Britain, signature on pink autograph album page (Image)


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
329   image(Politics) Herbert W. Kalmbach (1921-), American Attorney and Banker, personal lawyer to Pres. Richard M. Nixon (1968-73), also became part of the Watergate scandal by fundraising for the payoff money; and served 191 days in jail for his part. Signature on FDC of #1282 block of 4, cover very clean with pencil notation on back on reverse (Scott #). (Image)


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
330   image(Entertainment) Dewey Martin (1923-2018), Film and television actor from 1948-1978, signed 3½ x 4 3/4 B&W picture with water stain upper left corner (Image)


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
331   image(Sports - Football) Bubba McDowell (1966-) PB/4 #1382, with signature and Jersey #25. McDowell played (6) years with Houston Oilers and (1) with Carolina Panthers as Strong Safety and Defensive Back (Image)


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
332   (Music) Jimmy C. Newman (1927-2014), country music star on the Grand Ole Opry, autograph here on RW48, VF NH


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
333   (Music) Jeanne Pruett (1937-), Grand Ole Opry star, most famous song "Satin Sheets", most popular in the 70's and 80's, signature here on RW52, VF NH. In 1973 she won (3) CMA awards


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
334   (Entertainment) Isidore "Dore" Schary (1905-1980), American motion picture director, producer, screenwriter, and playwright, who worked on more than 300 motion pictures. He was at one time President of MGM Studios. This is a signed photo 8x10 Black & White inscribed "FOR STEVE WILLIAMSON/WITH WARMEST/REGARD-/BEST-/DORE SCHARY/APR-17-1980"; three months before his death


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
335   image(Politics) Frederic Thesiger, Lord Chancellor of Great Britain (1794-1878), Baron Chelmsford served as Lord Chancellor under Queen Victoria and Prime Minister Earl of Derby (whom is mentioned in the letter) 1858-1859 and 1866-1868. Three page letter in which he mentions having been just appointed one of the Governor's of Wellington College; his wife Maria; and accompanying Lord Derby to the College (Image)


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
336   (Music) Frankie Vaughan (1928-1999), English singer with scores of albums and singles from 1950-87 including many Top 40's plus several films including "Let's Make Love" with Marilyn Monroe. 3" x 5" B&W SPI


Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)


LotNo. Symbol Catalog No. Lot Description Est.
337 - Card 24var imageCard 24var, 1989 RW56 Appreciation Card with Gold Number (005) and sba Neal Anderson, canceled 6-30-89 in Washington, DC which is only partly visible and July 1, 1989 in Lincoln, NE. Besides the DC cancel missing the page, the card is also partly "faded" and appears as though the background is "not quite finished". Interesting card as a variety. Only (1,750) were canceled of the 10,000 issued (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
338 - Card 43var Card 43var, (RW58) 1991 Issue Bureau of Engraving and Printing Souvenir Card, gold no. 072, 7.1.91 East Dorset, VT ccl, RW58 Cat($195)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)


LotNo. Symbol Catalog No. Lot Description Est.
339 - Form 3333 imageForm 3333, 1934 Form 3333, canceled 10-15-34 in Milford, N.J., no stamp affixed. Signed by the acting postmaster on the front and the hunter on reverse (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)
340 L RW1 imageRW1, 1934 Mallard, Form 3333, purple double circle "BEAUMONT, TEX, Oct 25, 1934 PARCEL POST" ccl, stamp Fine, toning, properly signed, ex Pollard (Image)

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Closing..Mar-26, 02:00 PM (EST)

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