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British Commonwealth (83)   |  British North America (100)   |  Canada (140)   |  Great Britain (8)   |  Russia and Soviet Union (201)   |  Ukraine (69)   |  United States (130)   |  Worldwide Air Post Stamps and Postal History (151)   |  Worldwide Collections (4)   |  Worldwide Stamps and Postal History (287)   | 


Worldwide Air Post Stamps and Postal History continued...

Canada - Newfoundland continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
41 og C6-19 imageTWO-PAGE COLLECTION OF AIR POST ISSUES: 1931-43, both Pictorial sets, Dornier Flight surcharge, Labrador issue, Balbo Flight surcharge and St. John's, 15 mint stamps on well-described heavy duty pages, all with full OG, LH or hinged, VF, C.v.$1,029, Unitrade C.v. CAD$1,461, Est. $300-$350 (Image) (Image2)


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Currently...$ 150.00
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Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
42 c 252, 263 x3, 265 x3 image1931 (June 6), C.N.A.C. Pioneer Flight cover on line Tientsin - Beijing, then via Siberia to Europe, addressed to Great Britain, franked by seven stamps of the 2nd Peking printing, including three of $1 values, tied by special flight circular markings, bearing red Berlin Zentral Luftpostamt transit handstamp, vertical fold, still F/VF and rare, Est. $300-$400 (Image)

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Currently...$ 150.00
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Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
43 nh C11A-11B image1920, Compania Colombiana, 10c green, bottom left corner margin block of four containing two vertical se-tenant pairs, no gum as produced, NH, VF, C.v. $260++, Est. $100-$120 (Image)

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Currently...$ 50.00
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Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
44 P C1-3 image1920, First Air Post issue, six proofs of Airplane surcharges on blank pieces, black and red of 14k on white paper, black of 24k on cream paper, two black and one green of 28k, two on white and one on cream paper, no gum as issued, VF and rare, two with experts' hs on reverse, Est. $250-$300 (Image)

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Currently...$ 150.00
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45 P C7-9 image1922, Second Air Post issue, six proofs of Airplane surcharges on blank pieces, three in black of 50(h) on creamy thin card, on creamy paper and on creamy piece from an old poster; one in black of 100(h) on creamy thin card (small spot of paper scratch on reverse); two of 250 (h) in black or blue on thin cards, no gum as issued, mostly VF and scarce, four with experts' sign on reverse, Est. $250-$300 (Image)

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Currently...$ 150.00
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Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
46   C30 x2 imageZeppelin Flights. 1928 (October 11-15), America Flight cover franked by left sheet margin horizontal pair of Airplane over Danzig 2½ g, tied by oval ''4.10.28'' date stamp, blue oval confirmation marking and NYC ''16.OCT.1928'' receiver, VF and scarce, Sieger #21, C.v. €650, Est. $250-$300 (Image)

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Currently...$ 150.00
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47 c C27/30 imageZeppelin Flights. 1933 (May 6-10), 1st SAF cover from Danzig to Brazil, mixed franking of five Danzig (one - on reverse) and one German stamps, red Berlin-Friedrichshafen connection, blue confirmation cachet and Rio de Janeiro ''10.MAI.33'' arrival marking, VF, Sieger #202 var, Est. $200-$250 (Image)

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Currently...$ 100.00
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Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
48 c   imagePostal History Collection. TEMPORARY ICE AIRMAIL SERVICE: 1940-42, 19 covers delivered during January- March of each year by Danish Air Forces or German military airplanes, nicely franked and illustrated with map and flight itineraries, bearing all appropriate markings, well described on stockpages, VF and rare group, ex-Otto Luening, Est. $750-$800 (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8)

image image image image image

Currently...$ 400.00
Will close during Public Auction
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
49 nh Bl C2a image1929, red surcharge with ''Provisional'' at 41 degree angle 75c on Colombia Air Post 15c carmine, block of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $900 as hinged singles, Est. $500-$600 (Image)

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Currently...$ 300.00
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50 nh Bl C65-69 image1939, First Bolivarian Games, 5c-2s, complete set of five, blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $183 (Image)

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Currently...$ 60.00
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Fezzan (French Occupation)
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
51 nh P 2NC1-2 image1948, Airplanes, 100fr red and 200fr deep blue, perforated complete set of two and two epreuves de luxe in colors of issued stamps, both with typical punches and French imprint at the bottom right; plus two trial color proof sheets in reversed colors (100fr in blue and 200fr dark carmine) with punches, but instead of imprint with written color identification numbers ''1115'' and ''1413'' respectively, all are fresh, VF, the last two sheets are rarities, only a few exists, Est. $500-$600 (Image) (Image2)


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Currently...$ 300.00
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52 nh 2NC3-4, imp image1951, Airplanes over Oasis and Murzuch, 100fr blue and 200fr red, perforated and imperforate complete sets of two, full OG, NH, VF, Sassone #PA3-4, C.v. €1,400, Est. $250-$300 (Image)

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Currently...$ 150.00
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53 P 2NC3-4 image1951, Airplanes over Oasis and Murzuch, 100fr dark blue, and 200fr vermilion, perforated set of two and two epreuves de luxe in colors of issued stamps, both with typical punches and French imprint at the bottom right; in addition two trial color proof sheets in reversed colors (100fr in carmine and 200fr in blue) with punches, but instead of imprint with written color identification numbers ''1432'' and ''1107'' respectively, all are fresh, VF, the last two sheets are rarities, only a handful exists, Est. $500-$600 (Image) (Image2)


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Currently...$ 300.00
Will close during Public Auction
Fezzan - Ghadames
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
54 og 3NC1-2, imp image1949, Cross of Agadem, 50fr lilac and rose, 100fr black brown and violet, perforated ad impe5rforate complete sets of two, the last one with right sheet margins, full OG, LH, VF, Sassone #PA5-6, C.v. €740, Est. $150-$200 (Image)

Currently...$ 75.00
Will close during Public Auction
55 c 3NC1-2 image1950, Cross of Agadem, 50fr purple and rose, 100fr black brown and brown violet, complete set of two used on air mail cover addressed to NYC, cancelled by Ghadames ''21.12.1950'' postal markings, light fold away from the stamps, F/VF and scarce, Sassone#PA5-6, C.v. €5,600, Est. $400-$500 (Image)

Currently...$ 200.00
Will close during Public Auction
56 nh 3NC2 var image1949, Cross of Agadem, 100fr in violet and lilac (colors close to issued stamp of 50fr), full OG, NH, VF and rare, neat pencil sign on reverse, Sassone #A6E, C.v. €6,000, Est. $1,200-$1,500 (Image)

Currently...$ 600.00
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Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
57 c 249, C5 imagePioneer Flights. 1931 (January 17-27), two Air Orient First Flight covers to Saigon (then French Indo- China), sent from Paris or Marseille, franked by three or two stamps and bearing black or violet flight markings respectively, both with slight folds away from the stamps, mostly F/VF, Est. $200-$250 (Image)

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Currently...$ 100.00
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58 c 247B, 251A, 253 imagePioneer Flights. 1932 (May 16-22), Orient Flight from Paris to Tonkin (Hanoi), large size Banque De L'Indochine pre-printed cover, franked by 12 stamps, including three values of 3fr, type III, 10fr, type II and six of 20fr, type I, all with ''B I'' perfin, cover is postmarked on arrival, occasional defects on stamps, still F/VF and scarce franking, Est. $250-$350 (Image)

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Currently...$ 150.00
Will close during Public Auction
59 c 254A, 300 imagePioneer Flights. 1935 (July 17-25), Orient Flight from Paris to Tonkin (Hanoi), Banque De L'Indochine cover franked by 20fr deep red brown in vertical se-tenant pair of types IIA+IIB, both in addition with ''Riviere Blanche'' variety and two stamps of S.S. Normandie 1.50f indigo, each one with ''B I'' perfin, metal seal on reverse and ''26.7.35'' arrival ds, VF and rare franking, Dallay Maury 262 IIB c, e, 299, Est. $300-$400 (Image) (Image2)


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Currently...$ 150.00
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60 c 254A imagePioneer Flights. 1938 (January 22-29), flown cover from Paris to Madagascar, sent by Danielle Darrieux, famous French and Hollywood actress, mailed just several months before her star role in ''The Rage of Paris'', addressed to her manor in Antananarivo, franked by six values, including 20fr orange brown of type II B (Scott type III), arrival ds is on reverse, mostly VF and an interesting historical item, Est. $200- $250 (Image)

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Currently...$ 100.00
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