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Worldwide Air Post Stamps and Postal History continued...

Austria continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
21 c C12/27 imageZeppelin Flights. 1929 (April 23-25), Mediterranean Sea Flight two postcards to Sweden or Spain, first one is stationery card uprated by 3 values, the other one franked by 6 stamps, both tied by Vienna ''19.IV.29'' ds, Friedrichshafen connection and red flight cachet, the last one dropped at Seville ''25.ABR.29'', Sieger #24 var, Seville drop is not listed, Frost #127-19, C.v. $1,200, in addition 3 newspaper clippings (Image) (Image2)


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Currently...$ 250.00
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22 c 377, C32/43 imageZeppelin Flights. 1936 (May 6-9), Hindenburg (L.Z.129) 1st NAF registered cover franked by 5 stamps, including 4 of Airplane over Landscapes issue, tied by Mother's Day Celebration special marking, Frankfurt (d) connection, NYC ''5.9.1936'' drop and Vienna ''17.V.36'' markings of final destination getting either by the Airship return flight or by an airplane, VF, Est. $100-$120 (Image)

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Currently...$ 50.00
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Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
23 c 60 imagePioneers of Aviation. 1905-06, two black-and- white postcards, representing Giant Balloons, one is commemorating 75th Anniversary of Belgian Independence, produced by Louis Capazza, the other one- on Brasschaat Ground with balloonists who made it, sent from Brussels to Uccle or Liege, both are VF and scarce, Est. $150-$180 (Image)

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Currently...$ 75.00
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24 c   imagePioneers of Aviation. 1935, Sabena two mixed franking pre-printed covers, first one (February 23-March 8) on line Brussels-Leopoldville-Brussels, the other one (November 15-29) on line Brussels-Elisabethville-Brussels, each one franked by 5 Belgian and Belgian Congo air post stamps, appropriate flight cachet and arrival markings, VF, Est. $200-$250 (Image)

Currently...$ 100.00
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25 c B200, B210 imagePioneers of Aviation. 1938, official postcard of the 1st International Exhibition of Pigeon Racing Federation with the Monument Pigeon- Soldier, numbered on reverse ''1550''; and real photo Aeronautic Propaganda maximum card, showing King Leopold with his aircraft and bearing a stamp of 35+5c green of the similar design, appropriate markings on front and reverse, VF and scarce, Est. $150-$200 (Image)

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Currently...$ 75.00
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26 c   imagePioneer Flights. GROUP OF AERIAL POSTAL HISTORY ITEMS: 1930-46, 15 cards or covers, representing 9 from Belgium, 2 with mixed franking of Belgium and Belgian Congo and 4 of Belgian Congo, generally various Sabena Flights to/from Leopoldville and two Air France covers of Belgium origin, occasional flaws possible, generally F/VF, Est. $300-$400 (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Currently...$ 150.00
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Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
27 nh 1CL1-7 image1927, Syndicato Condor, 500r-10,000r, complete set of seven, full OG, NH, VF. C.v. $109 (Image)

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Currently...$ 40.00
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28 nh C50-52 var image1943, Centenary of Postage stamps, 1c, 2c and 5c, complete set of three sheet margin horizontal imperforate pairs with black color only, printed on paper with horizontal watermark Wavy Lines, no gum as produced, NH, VF, Sanabria #73a-75a, C.v. $360++ (1966), Est. $400-$500 (Image)

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Currently...$ 200.00
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29 nh C50 var image1943, Centenary of Postage stamps, 1c black and pale yellow, top margin single with yellow color shifted to the bottom left and sheet margin perforated and imperforate pairs with yellow color omitted, all with watermark horizontal Wavy Lines, full OG or no gum as produced (imperf pair), NH, VF, Sanabria #73a, c, var, C.v. $180++ (1966), Est. $200- $250 (Image)

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Currently...$ 100.00
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30 nh P C51 var image1943, Centenary of Postage stamps, 2c black and blue green, two sheet margin imperforate blocks of four, one has blue green missing (vertically folded between stamps), both printed on paper with horizontal Wavy Lines, in addition imperforate proof pair in gray color only on wove paper without watermark, no gum as produced, NH, VF, Sanabria #74 a, b, C.v. $480++ (1966), Est. $500- $600 (Image)

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Currently...$ 250.00
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31 nh C52 var image1943, Centenary of Postage stamps, 5c black and dull rose, three corner sheet margin horizontal pairs, two imperforate pairs printed on paper with horizontal or vertical watermark Wavy Lines, the last one imperforate vertically on paper with horizontal watermark, full OG, NH, VF, Sanabria #75a, b, C.v. $315++ (1966), Est. $400-$500 (Image)

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Currently...$ 200.00
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32 c   imagePioneer Flights. 1931-37, 6 covers, Dornier Do X Flying Boat Europe - South America Flight of 1931, two Zeppelin Flight items of 1934 and 1936, three Condor - Lufthansa Flights to Europe, all appropriate markings, generally F/VF condition, Est. $200-$250 (Image) (Image2)


Currently...$ 100.00
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Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
33 nh Bl C1-9 image1953, Kinnari, 50c-30pi, imperforate complete set in top left corner sheet margin blocks of four, usual creamy full OG, NH, VF and scarce multiples, which are not priced imperf, Est. $500-$600 (Image) (Image2)


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Currently...$ 250.00
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34 P C1-9, C10-14, C15-17 image1953-61, Kinnari, Garuda and Independence, three complete sets of epreuve de luxe, the total is 17 imperforate proof sheets, no gum as issued, NH, VF, each one mounted on an album page, Est. $400-$500 (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15)

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Currently...$ 200.00
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Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
35 nh Bl CL8 image1926, Elliot-Fairchild Air Service, (25c) red on yellow background of swastika, complete pane of eight, occasional separation on margins only, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $400 as singles, Unitrade C.v. CAD$675, Est. $150- $180 (Image)

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Currently...$ 100.00
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36 P CL42 image1927, Yukon Airways and Exploration Co. Ltd, reversed image die proof of 25c in black, printed on thick card, size 98x75mm, perfect condition, no gum as produced, NH, VF, Unitrade C.v. CAD$450, Est. $100-$120 (Image)

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Currently...$ 50.00
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37 nh Bl CL47, a image1929, Commercial Airways, Ltd. ''VIA AIR'', (10c) black, pane of ten (no side selvage), stamp on position 2 with broken second ''C'' in ''COMMERCIAL'', full OG, NH, VF and rare multiple, C.v. $1,800++, Unitrade C.v. CAD$2,520, both catalog values as singles, Est. $600-$700 (Image)

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Currently...$ 300.00
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38 P CL47 image1929, Commercial Airways, Ltd., ''VIA AIR'', imperforate trial color proofs of (10c) in green, light carmine, yellow and orange, each one has bottom right corner margin, printed on thin white card, no gum as issued, NH, VF, Unitrade #CL47ii, C.v. CAD$1,200, Est. $300-$350 (Image)

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Currently...$ 150.00
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39 c CL40/49 imagePioneer Flights. 1924-31, 5 items, Advertising cover Estevan-Winnipeg (1924), pioneer flight Allen Water-Pickle Lake (franked on reverse by CL40, 1929), first flight cover Grand Prairie-Edmonton (#CL47, 1929), first flight Edmonton-Fort Mc. Murray (#CL49, 1930), first flight Athabasca-Edmonton (#CL48, 1931), all appropriate confirmation markings and arrival ds, mostly VF, Est. $250-$300 (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Currently...$ 150.00
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Canada - Newfoundland
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip
40 og C2, C3b image1919-21, Alcock and Brown Flight, black surcharge $1 on 15c scarlet, and Halifax Airmail, black surcharge with period after ''1921'' $1 on 35c red, nicely centered, large part of OG, VF, C.v. $370, Unitrade C.v. CAD$550, Est. $120-$150 (Image)

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Currently...$ 75.00
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