Third Reich Propaganda: Illustrated Postcards continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
CV or Estimate |
261 |
1938 'Day Dee German Work', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi Germany Commemorative Postmark Commemorative Postmark
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
262 |
1939 'Great Germany's May 1', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi Germany Commemorative Postmark Commemorative Postmark
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
263 |
1939 'K 50. The Birthday of the Leader and Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi Germany
Commemorative Postmark Commemorative Postmark
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
264 |
Mint |
'Field Post', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi Germany Mint
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
265 |
1941 '1933 Doll Foot in the Soldier of the Reich Enemies', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi Germany Commemorative
Postmark Commemorative Postmark
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
266 |
1941 'JM Combat and Need Connected', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi Germany Commemorative Postmark Commemorative Postmark
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
267 |
Mint |
'Our Weapons and Our Faith Find the Armour of the Homeland for Victory', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi Germany Mint
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
268 |
1934 'Memory of the Reich Party Day of the NSDAP Nurnberg 5-10 Sept 1934', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi Germany
Commemorative Postmark Commemorative Postmark
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
269 |
1933 'Laying the Foundation Stone Haus Der Deutsche Kunst (Nener Glaspalast) Munich 1933', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi
Germany Commemorative Postmark Commemorative Postmark
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
270 |
1938 'Nuremberg - Reich Party Rage Area Zeppelinwiese Honorary Grandstands with Flag Blocks', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich
Nazi Germany Commemorative Postmark Commemorative Postmark
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
271 |
1934 'In Memory of the Reich Party Day 1934 the NSDAP in Nuremberg', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi Germany
Commemorative Postmark Commemorative Postmark
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
272 |
1940 'Graz, the City of the Popular Survey, According to a Painting by Prof. Wegerer', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi
Germany Commemorative Postmark Commemorative Postmark
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
273 |
1937 'Berlin Christmas Market', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi Germany Commemorative Postmark Commemorative Postmark
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
274 |
1942 'Berlin, Brandenburg Gate in the Flag Jewelry', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi Germany Commemorative Postmark
Commemorative Postmark
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
275 |
1937 '700 Years of the City of Berlin', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi Germany Commemorative Postmark Commemorative Postmark
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
276 |
Mint |
'Weapon Foldatism and Political Soldierism the Strength of Our Dolkes', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi Germany Mint
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
277 |
1937 'Bodensee Panorama', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi Germany Commemorative Postmark Commemorative Postmark
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
278 |
Mint |
'Bodensee Panorama', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi Germany Mint
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
279 |
'Bodensee Panorama', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi Germany Commemorative Postmark Commemorative Postmark
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |
280 |
1938 'Reichsgartenschau Elm 1938', Propaganda Postcard, Third Reich Nazi Germany Commemorative Postmark Commemorative Postmark
Closing..Mar-24, 10:00 AM |