GREAT BRITAIN continued...
Lot |
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Catalog No. |
Description |
Opening |
2721 |
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1948 Silver Wedding set. SG 493-4. Cat £40. MUH. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2722 |
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1948 £1 GVI brown horiz strip of 3, each with fine cds. SG 478c. Cat £78. FU. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2723 |
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1948 £1 Silver Wedding. SG 494. Cat £40. LH mint. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2724 |
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1949 UPU 75th Anniv set of 4 on plain reg'd air FDC, canc Beaumont/Jersey cds 10 OC 49. To NZ (receipt b/s 19 OC 49), with
original letter. Fine. SG cat £80. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2725 |
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1951 5/- GVI/White Cliffs of Dover. SG 510. Cat £35. MUH.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2726 |
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1952 1½d QEII green & 2½d QEII carmine-red on plain FDC, canc Beaumont/Jersey cds 5 DE 52. To NZ. Fine. With original
letter. SG 517, 519. FDC SG cat £28. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2727 |
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1953 Coronation addressed illustrated FDC with Long Live the Queen, Windsor postmark. Incl only 2½d & 4d stamps (rather than full set of 4). Good condition. Bradbury cat £550 (for set of 4).
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2728 |
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1954 2/6d Postage Due, Tudor crown wmk. SG D45. Cat £150. Mint.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2729 |
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1955 1/- Postage Due upper selvedge block of 4, St Edwards crown wmk. SG D53. Cat £260. MUH. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2730 |
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1955-67 2/6d-£1 QEII Castles x 5 diff sets mounted on 2 pages: 1) Waterlow 1st printing; 2) DLR, St Edwards crown wmk; 3) ditto, multiple crowns wmk; 4) Bradbury, with wmk; 5) ditto, without wmk. SG 536-9, 536a-9a, 595-8, 595a-8a, 759-62. Fine
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2731 |
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1955-7 ½d - 5/- Postage Due simplified set of 10, QEII St Edwards crown wmk, plus distinctive extra shade of 5d; & 2/6d is horiz pair. Mounted on page. SG D46-55. Cat £103. FU.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2732 |
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1957 Scout Jamboree Pict typed addressed FDC, Sutton Coldfield slogan pmk. Bradbury cat £25.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2733 |
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1957 ½d-3d QEII set, St Edward's Crown wmk, graphite lined. SG 561-6. cat £14. MUH.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2734 |
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1958 Commonwealth Games set of 3 on pictorial Games FDC (map of Wales, flag & dragon), canc "EMPIRE GAMES VILLAGE / BARRY" commem machine d/s 20 JLY 1958. Scarce pmk to NZ. Tape stains at left & right edges, otherwise sound.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2735 |
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1959-63 ½d-£1 Postage Due simplified set of 13, QEII multiple crowns wmk. Also 1968-9 2d-1/- set of 8, no wmk, chalk surfaced paper, incl SG D69-74 & smaller 4d, 8d SG 75-6. Mounted on 2 pages. SG cat £46. FU.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2736 |
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1959 ½d-4½d QEII set of 8, Wilding phosphor/graphite issue (½d-1½d St Edwards crown wmk, 2d-4½d multiple crown wmk). SG 599-601, 605-9. Cat £100. MUH.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2737 |
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1959-63 ½d-£1 Postage Due simplified set of 13, QEII multiple crowns wmk. Also 1968-9 2d-1/- set of 8, no wmk, chalky paper. SG D56-68, D69-76. Cat £83. MUH.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2738 |
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1963 1/3d Red Cross, phosphor. SG 643p. Cat £30. FU. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2739 |
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1963 1/6d Red Cross, phosphor. SG 644p. Cat £27. VFU. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2740 |
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1964 6d Shakespeare (virtually complete) traffic light block of 6 - double perfs affecting bottom row of stamps. Stunning
error. MUH. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |