GREAT BRITAIN continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Description |
Opening |
2701 |
U |
1934 2/6d GV & Seahorses re-engraved, cds. SG 450. Cat £40. FU.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2702 |
M |
1934 10/- Seahorses re-engraved. SG 452. Cat £350. LH mint. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2703 |
U |
1934 10/- GV Seahorses indigo re-engraved, w/c & VG perfs. Moderate rubber parcel cancel. SG 452. Cat £80. GU.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2704 |
U |
1934 10/- Seahorses re-engraved, w/c, parcel pmk. SG 452. Cat £80. GU. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2705 |
U |
1934 GV Seahorses re-engraved set of 3 FU, GU/FU, incl 2/6d chocolate-brown. Also distinctive 2/6d reddish brown shade (unlisted by SG). W/c & excellent perfs (4). SG 450-2+. Cat £230.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2706 |
C |
1937 cover with ½d GV Jubilee, ½d EVII, & ½d GVI, each canc Bridlington cds 10 MY 37 (1st day of SG 462 ½d GVI). M/s "1st Day 3 Kings". Flap missing, otherwise fine.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2707 |
C |
1937 cover to Kew, Surrey (typed address) with "3 reigns" franking of GV 1935 2½d Silver Jubilee, EVII 1936 ½d & GVI 1937 1½d Coronation, canc London machine d/s 13 MAY 1937 (1st day). Date not easy to read. Part of flap missing, otherwise fine.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2708 |
U |
1937 2½d GVI ultramarine, invtd wmk. SG 466wi. Cat £22. FU.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2709 |
M* |
1937-51 Commemoratives in various control & cylinder blocks/pairs & sets. Noted 2½d Peace vert pair, control S/46 & cylinder 9 (no dot) MUH. [SG Spec £100] 35 items. SG cat £300+. Mint/MUH.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2710 |
U |
1937-8 ½d-2/6d Postage Due simplified set of 8, GVIR wmk, plus 6 added shades or blocks. Also 1951-2 ½d-1/- new colours set of 4, plus added shades, incl 1/- strip of 3. Mounted on 2 pages. SG D27-34, D35-9. Cat £84. FU.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2711 |
U |
1938 2d GVI orange, sideways wmk. SG 465a. Cat £40. FU. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2712 |
U |
1938 2d GVI orange, invtd wmk. SG 465wi. Cat £22. FU.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2713 |
U |
1939 10/- GVI dark blue, cds. SG 478. Cat £22. FU.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2714 |
U |
1939-48 2/6d - £1 GVI Arms set of 6 incl both 2/6d, 10/- & 1951 2/6d-£1 set of 4. Really nice cancels. SG 476-8c, 509-12. Cat £85. FU.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2715 |
U |
1940 2½d GVI ultramarine, sideways wmk. SG 466a. Cat £35. FU. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2716 |
* |
1940 Stamp Centenary set of 6 diff in control & cylinder block of 12 (3 x 4), all fresh. SG cat £100. MUH.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2717 |
* |
c1945 WWII Patriotic Cinderellas - "Britain's Royal Navy", se-tenant block of 8 diff warships, red. Publ Polystamps Ltd. MUH.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2718 |
C |
1945 cover (to Bournemouth) franked ½d, 1d x 2 EVII, canc Romford/Essex machine d/s 22 FEB 1945. Endorsed in m/s "Note date of pmk for Edward VII illegal". Invalidated stamps. Fine.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2719 |
M |
1948 Silver Wedding set. Cat £40. Mint.
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |
2720 |
* |
1948 Olympic Games set as blocks of 4. SG 495-8. Cat £32. MUH. (Image)
Closing..Apr-01, 06:00 AM |