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New Zealand continued...

Postal History continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
601 U imagePukekura (GM 1908-89) fine virtually complete G-type (3-ring) cds 20 NO 25 on 2 x ½d GV on piece. This d/s used until 1937 only. Scarce. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
602 U imagePukerangi (DN 1912-66) fine fairly complete J-type cds 21 AP 26 on 1d Dominion with Kaitangata Coal advt on side selvedge & good-fine complete J 31 AU 61.8 on 2d QEII cutout (index "8" matching month) (2). (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
603 U imagePuketeraki (DN 1905-58) fine complete H-type cds 2 FE 40 on 2 x 1d GV on piece & fine complete J-type cds 30 JA 58 on regn label receipt (2). (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
604 U imagePuketurua (HN 1913-28) very fine J-type cds 28 DE 15 on ½d GV. Wooders 7. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
605 U imagePurakanui (DN 1876-1954) fine large part strike of J-type cds on 4d GV. Date hard to read. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
606 C Rakaia (CH 1865-1991) 1885 black bordered mourning cover, franked 2d SSF deep lilac, die I, p12 x 11½ (CP D3a), canc fair-good "C/54" barred obliterator, with good A-type cds 4 FE 85 alongside. To Australia, with receipt b/s incl unframed cds Mansfield/Victoria FE 14 85. Part of flap missing, otherwise fine.

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
607 U imageRangataua (WG 1907-73) fine 85% strike of J-type cds 7 SP 40 on 1d Centennial on piece. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
608 U Rangataua (WG 1907-73) fine near complete J-type cds AU 40 on 2d Centennial on piece. Name complete.

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
609 U imageRangiriri (HN 1863-1979 fine 4 April 1902 A class cancel on 1900 1/- Pictorial. Wooders 5. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
610 U imageRatanui (DN 1890-1940) fine large part A-type cds 6 DE 33 on 1d GV (name complete). (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
611 U Raurimu (HN 1905-77) fine large part J-type cds AU 40 on 2d Centennial on piece. Name complete.

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
612 U imageReefton (GM 1871-1992) 3 good near complete strikes of duplex A-type cds 4 JL 93, 3 DE 94, 21 DE 94 on 1d horiz SSF pairs on piece. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
613 U imageRehia (WR 1900-53) good (a little light but name clear) near complete H-type cds OC 29? 01 on 1d Universal. Scarce. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
614 U imageRichmond (NN 1856- ) good near complete "N/2" barred obliterator on 2d SSF p10 on piece. Appears worn. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
615 C Riverton (IN) special commem "Riverton Centenary" C-type cds, fine strike 31 DE 37 on 1937 1d Coronation on fine cover to Ngapohatu (IN 1919-58, to Riverton Rocks), with fine J-type as receipt b/s 3 JA 38. The Centenary d/s was used 28 DE 37-8 JA 38.

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
616 U imageRiverton (IN 1859-1989) 2 fine near complete strikes of "6" in 11 fine bars on 1d SSF vert pair, on piece. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
617 U imageRiverton (IN 1859-1989) fine near complete strike of "6" in 11 bars obliterator on 1898 1d Taupo. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
618 U imageRiverton (IN 1859-1989) 2 fine near complete strikes of "6" in 11 bars obliterator on 1d, 2d SSF p11 (1897-98 period). (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
619 CU imageRiverton (IN 1859-1989) 2 good strikes of "6" in 11 bars obliterator on 1d & 2d SSF, p12 x 11½ (c1882-90 period). Both stamps with small faults. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM
620 U imageRiverton (IN 1859-1989) fine strike of "6" in 11 bars obliterator on 2d FSF p12 x 11½ (1878-82 period). Looks new. (Image)

Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM

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