Postal History continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Description |
Opening |
581 |
U |
Outram (DN) light part strike of "O7" barred obliterator on 1d SSF p12 x 11½. Opened 1862 as West Taieri, changed 1876.
Scarce. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
582 |
U |
"PACKET BOAT" seriffed h/s with double-lined frame (of NZ type, PSNZ Vol 3, p268 Type 39), 4 part strikes on NZ 1d SSF, ½d Mt
Cook (pair), New South Wales QV 2d pair & Fiji 1d GV, c1900-15 period. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
583 |
U |
Paerau (DN 1901-53) fine complete A-type cds 21 JA 36 on registration label. Scarce. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
584 |
U |
Pahautane (WP TO 1953-71) fine complete J-type cds 9 MR 54 on paper. Coal mining. Scarce. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
585 |
U |
Pahautanui (WN 1861-1951) fair part strike (no date visible) "A" class cancel on 1d Universal. Wooders 5.
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
586 |
U |
Pahi (WR 1868-1939) 3 fine near complete strikes of A-type cds 3 JE 99, 11 AU 10, & ? AP 24. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
587 |
U |
Pakaraka (WR 1903-80) 3 good/fine near complete strikes of A-type cds late 1920s-early 1930s, all on GV 1d Field Marshal.
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
588 |
C |
Pakipaki (NA 1895-1983) fine A-type cds 25 SP 57 on 1957 Health set on fine pictorial FDC.
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
589 |
U |
"Palmerston North/Loose Letters" 33mm C-type cds fine complete strikes on 2 neat pieces: 9 SP 37 (on 1d Coro pair), 4 AU 38 (2
strikes 4 AU 38 on 3 x 1d GVI). Scarce d/s. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
590 |
U |
"PAQUEBOT" /[??]" 30mm diameter cds, fine strike of upper half 3 [??] 40 on NZ 1940 2d Centennial. BelievedAustralian origin
cancel. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
591 |
U |
Parenga (WR 1875-1940) fine near complete A-type cds 10 FE 15 on 1d Dominion. Scarce. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
592 |
U |
Pataua (WR 1960-1) 2 fine complete strikes of 28mm J-type cds 22 FE 61 on 2 x 1d QEII on piece. Summer seasonal PO (19 Dec
1960-16 Apr 1961). Short life. Scarce. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
593 |
U |
Petre (WG 1842-54, to Wanganui) very fine complete unframed "PETRE/NEW-ZEALAND" cds MY 2 1855, on neat piece alongside large
ornate "2" h/s in black (2d to pay). This cds continued in use until 1862. Scarce. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
594 |
U |
Pine Bush (IN 1882-1928) good large part strike of A-type cds (name complete but patchy) 27 MR 22? on 2d GV surface printed.
Very scarce. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
595 |
U |
Pleasant Pt (TU 1867-1989) good 12 NO 1895 "A" class cancel on 2½d SSF. Wooders 6. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
596 |
U |
Pomahaka (DN 1891-1937) 3 strikes of A-type cds: 5? AP 93? (good, a bit over-inked) on 2d SSF with Bonnington's Irish Moss advt
on back, 10 MY 04 (fine) & 9 MY 18 (fair/good). (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
597 |
U |
Porateko (CH 1907-14) clear part strike of H-type cds (-RATEKO & part O) JA 27 10 on ½d Mt Cook. Rare. Last sold in 2013 for
$160. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
598 |
U |
Port Molyneux (DN 1863-1938) fine part strike (- MOLYNEUX) 21 JE 22 on 2d GV. Scarce. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
599 |
U |
Purakanui (DN 1876-1954) fair-good fairly complete A-type cds 7 AU 00 on 1900 1d Terraces & fine complete J cds 10 AU 3? on
registration label on piece (2). (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |
600 |
U |
Puhoi (AK 1870-1988) fine fairly complete strike of "A/91" in 9 bars obliterator on 1893 1d SSF p10 with "S. Myers & Co.,
Dentists" advt (perfs trimmed 2 sides). Scarce cancel. (Image)
Closing..Jan-08, 06:00 AM |