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British Commonwealth continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
41 M* imageBritish Commonwealth 1935 Silver Jubilee omnibus - 170+ stamps nearly all as complete sets in special album, nearly all mint - a few sets MUH. The standard design issues all appear to be present, some minor toning mostly on album. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
42 / imageBritish Commonwealth 1935-46 Omnibus issues on Hagners. 1935 Silver Jubilee: 236 mint & 158 used of the 250 issued. 1937 Coronation: mint & used complete (each 202 stamps); 1946 Peace: 163 mint & 91 used of the 164 issued. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
43 M imageBritish Commonwealth 1935-49 Omnibus collns: mint sets of 1935 Jubilee, 1937 Coronation, 1946 Peace, 1949 UPU, not complete but good range. Incl 1935 Jubilee for Cyprus, Falklands, Gibraltar, Mauritius, North & South Rhodesia, Virgin Isl etc. SG cat £1280. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
44 M imageBritish Commonwealth c1935-50s mint colln on old album pages. Noted 1948 Hong Kong SW set incl 10c Spur on "N" flaw; 1948 Sarawak SW set; 1951 BWI omnibus complete (MUH); c1950 Malaya States part sets to $5 (11) etc. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
45 / imageBritish Countries ovpts c1885-c1960 mint & used specialised collns on pages: Bahrain (80 stamps), Kuwait (80), Eastern Arabia (78), TransJordan (not ovpt, 30+), Occupation Italian Colonies (70), British Levant (25), Morocco Agencies (about 150), Tangier (85) & Qatar (40). Nice range, some useful items. Total about 650 stamps. Good cv. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
British Levant
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
46 / imageBritish Levant c1880-1921 mint & used colln on pages used (identified by SG No's) & Hagners (mint). Noted used: 6 GB stamps used in Constantinople etc; 12pi & 24pi EVII; 45pi; 90pi, 180pi Seahorses. Mint: 1885 80pa & 12pi (both good colour); 12pi & 24pi EVII; 40pa on ½d vermilion (SG 7, small crease, BPA cert 1998); 1913-4 GV set of 6; Levant 1905 EVII set of 10 with chalk vars ; 1921 45pi (2 shades), 90pi & 180pi Seahorses; 1921 Levant GV set of 7. Total 165 stamps. High cv. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
British Occupation of Italian Colonies
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
47 / imageBritish Occupation Italian Colonies, PAs in Eastern Arabia etc c1940s-60 mint & used colln on stock pages - about 250 stamps. Mostly mint & mostly as sets incl the high vals. Good cv. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
British Pacific
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
48 / imageBritish Pacific c1890-1970 accum of singles/sets/multiples & duplicates in L/H s/b. Noted: a few 2 perf pairs; German Samoa; & Niue 1944-6 Pictorials set in blocks of 8. Some mixed condition. Mint/MUH/used. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
British POs in China
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
49 / imageBritish POs in China 1917-27 stamps of Hong Kong with CHINA ovpts: wmk mult crown CA mixed mint & used set of 16 (no $5) incl $2 GU/FU, $3 FU & $10 mint (cv £700), wmk mult script CA set of 11 mint. SG cat £1623. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
British West Indies
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
50 / imageBritish West Indies c1860s-c1960s mint & used specialised colln on pages - some stamps identified by SG No etc. Incl: Antigua (130+ stamps) noted 18 QV used, 1938 Picts set mint. Bahamas (about 300), noted QV x 16, GV x 5/- x 2, GVI 5/- & £1 mint (both patchy gum), 1942 Columbus set FU, 1964 New Constitution set FU. British Guiana (185) noted 1898 Jubilee set mint. British Honduras (90) noted 1891 QV values to 50c incl 25c mint. Caymans (80+). Dominica (100) noted 1938 & 1951 Picts set mint. Grenada (140+) noted 1938 Picts set mint. Leeward Isl (70+) noted 1938 GVI set mint. Montserrat (68). St Lucia (75). St Vincent (about 150), noted 1938 Picts set mint. Trinidad/T & T (200+). Turks & Caicos (140+) noted 1950 Picts set mint & 1960 £1 mint. Although many short defin sets incl most 1935 SJ sets mint & other Omnibus sets plus interesting specialised WWI War Stamp issues. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
51 / imageCanada & Provinces c1859-1967 mostly used colln on pages. British Columbia 3d blue mint & used; Colony 3d Beaver imperf 3 margins & 8 others to 12½c; New Brunswick x 15 to 17c (9 mint, 6 used); Nova Scotia x 13 to 12½c (8 mint, 5 used), Prince Edward Isl x 12 mint; Newfoundland about 170, nothing scarce noted. Canada: 12 large QV, about 40 small QV, then good range with many key 1920s-30s commems etc. Also some back of book (total 600+ Canada stamps). (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
52 / imageCanada 1859-1950 colln mint & used on pages, often with specialised shades & perfs identified by SG No's. Noted 1859 17c Indigo FU, 1897 1c-6c Jubilee used, 1898 Victoria set used plus shades, 1903 set plus shades, 1908 ½c-10c Quebec used, 1912 coil issues, 1915 5c War Tax mint, 1915-16 various War Tax with coil perfs, 1922 1c-3c coils mint, 1924 1c-3c imperf pairs mint, 1924 2c green coil p12 x imperf mint, 1926 both 2c ovpts mint, 1928 set used, 1928 coils, 1930 set used & coils mint etc. SG cat £4500. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
53 / imageCanada 1868-1980s colln on pages mostly used. Noted about 50 QV heads, Jubilee set to 50c (2c-5c, 15c used, rest mint); Quebec set (mix mint/no gum/used); nearly all key 1920s-30s commems; also good range Special Delivery, "G" ovpt Officials etc. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
54 M* imageCanada c1870-1960s mint colln on pages. Noted 7 small type QV: ½c, 1c x 2, 2x, 3x, 5c, 8c Jubilees; 5c 2 Maple Leaves; Quebec set (2c x 2 most disturbed gum); good range 1920s-30s GV defins, coils & commems incl 1930 50c & $1 Picts, 1951 $1 Fisherman etc. Also range Officials, Special Delivery & Dues. A few later issues MUH in mounts. Total about 450 stamps. High cv. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
55 / imageCanada 1870s-1989 colln in L/H hingeless album pages (1851-1984) with slipcase & L/H album (blank pages stamps in mounts) earlies mostly used then mint (MUH from c mid 1970s). Noted: 1897 6c Jubilee (mint); 1908 10c Quebec FU; 50c EVII GU; key 1930s commems mostly complete used; some GV-QEII defin perf vars; appears complete from c1949 with many 1980s blocks. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
56 C/ imageCanada c1870-2007 mostly used colln in 3 albums (on Scott pages to 1996, pages complete from 1851) + s/b & bundle various pages & envelopes. Good coverage with many key earlies incl QV Jubilee mint to 50c (1c, 5c & 50c each x 2) & $2 GU. Several thousand stamps. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
57 M* imageCanada 1952-87 extensive/comprehensive nearly all mint/MUH colln in 9 springback albums, every issue as single & plate block (some earlier blocks of 4 only). Many thousands stamps, high CV/FV. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
Canal Zone
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
58 / imageCanal Zone 1904-41 substantial specialised mint & used colln, mixed cond. Noted 19034 5c blue first issue mint with APS cert (1994) (small thins), 1904 USA ovpts set MNG, ranges of other 1904 issues, 1909 ovpts reading up & down, 1915-21 ranges of top sets, 1914 Dues FU, 1915 Dues both sets mint & used etc. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
Cape of Good Hope
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
59 U imageCape of Good Hope 1853-64 triangulars seln - SG 1 (square pair), 2 x 2, 3 x 3, 4 x 2, 5a, 5b x 4 (incl 1 with BPA cert 1989), 6a x 5 (incl 2 square pairs), 18, 18b x 3, 18c, 19a & 20. Reasonable cond, some FU. Mostly 3 margins (none less than 2). Noted esp SG 1 pair - full margins FU & cert mark. All considered used but SG 5a (1), 6a & 20 no obvious cancel. 26 stamps. Cat approx £7700 as used. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
60 / imageCape of Good Hope 1853-1904 mostly used on hingeless album pages (c200 stamps). Incl 32 triangulars (incl 5 forgeries) with various shades & variable margins. Noted 4d deep blue SG 2 FU, 1d brick-red SG 3 GU/FU, 6d pale rose-lilac SG 7 GU/FU, 1/- deep dark green SG 8b unused, 6d SG 20 & 1/- SG 21 FU. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM

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