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New Zealand continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
221 M* imageNZ 1873-1985 mostly MUH colln in 2 Davo hingeless albums with slipcases. Pages complete from 1855 (no EVII Land/Victoria Land). Noted: 1878 1d FSF large star wmk (no gum, maybe cleaned pen cancel); SSF set (mostly HH mint); 1898 Picts most mint/some part gum etc; 3d Kaka reduced mint; 1d Universal redrawn, 1d Dominion DLR unsurfaced paper; 1915 GV recess & surface sets (4½d darkened gum); Victory set; Silver Jubilee set; 1935 Picts x 2 single & mult wmk sets; 1940 Centennial sets incl officials; Health from 1935 (m/s from 1957); virtually complete defins & commems from 1936 (incl 2d QEII Stars error); Express (Fernleaves & Car); 1d lilac & 1d blue QV small types (both OG mint but minor toning); 1913 Life Ins (no 1d blue & 2d chestnut); Officials: EVII (1/- a bit grubby); 1935 Picts; GV & QEII etc etc. High cv. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
222 U imageNZ 1873-1999 used colln in Tasman album, defins & commems, virtually no Christmas or Health & no back of book. Virtually complete incl m/ss, missing apparently only 2/- & 5/- FSF & 6d Auckland Exbn. Some key items CTO incl Christchurch Exbn set & 4d Dunedin Exbn, & 1/- Victory fiscal. Good cv. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
223 / imageNZ c1880s-1930s accum/seln in 2 choc boxes & on pages. Noted mint: 1898 6d Kiwi green offset (no gum); 1898 Picts set (2/- patchy gum); SSF set (5d no gum); Dunedin Exbn set x 5; 3/6d, 5/6d & 11/- ovpt Arms; good seln GV with some blocks; Red & Blue Boys x 2 sets; Auckland Exbn set. Also accum used: SSFs; 1d Universals (incl Laurie Franks identification card); Dunedin Exbn sets etc etc. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
224 M imageNZ 1882-1965 mint defins colln on Hagners - complete simplified incl Officials. Some blemishes, eg: 6d & 8d SSF (later no gum, 8d EVII official no gum, etc). Noted 2d Stars error MUH. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
225 / imageNZ 1882-1970s colln of MUH/mint on Hagner, s/b & album pages. Noted 1898 Picts set mint (& 5/- Mt Cook official mint); Christchurch Exbn 3d mint & 6d MNG; GV recess set mint (& 8d official mint); 1931-4 Air (3d & 4d MUH, others mint); 1935 Picts set (& officials set) MUH (9d official green ovpt toned); 1940 Centennial official set MUH (6d mint); QEII set to 10/- MUH (& QEII officials set MUH x 2 & 2d QEII Stars error MUH); 1931-3 Health mint (& 1934 MUH); 1967 Ross Dep set MUH. Also incl seln of used (incl FFQ Chalon perf x 17) on 9 Hagner pages. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
226 / imageNZ c1882-1972 mint & used colln on pages. Good range all eras, noted Red & Blue Boys FU; many other good items but some toning. Also noted 2/- Passport Fee (2/- Admiral, Jones paper) but small closed tear. About 2000 stamps. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
227 U imageNZ 1882-1984 used colln in Premier standard album (pages from 1874). Noted many key items but most with fake or CTO at best. These incl 8d, 1/- SSF, 1898 6d Kiwi, 1/-, 2/- & 5/-; 1/- reduced; ½d, 1d Christchurch Exbn; Victory set, Dunedin Exbn set; 6d Express Fernleaves; 1935 6d Silver Jubilee; 1929-34 Healths etc. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
228 / imageNZ 1890s-1986 colln/seln blocks (mostly of 4) on Hagners. Noted good range 1935 Picts incl some Officials mint/MUH, 1935 Picts Officials (FU), 1940 Centennial; Healths to 1942; 1985 18c Cristmas error plate/imprint block of 6 (tone spot on selvedge); some back of book etc. Other good items but some toning. Over 400 stamps. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
229 / imageNZ c1891-1981 back of book colln on pages. Noted used: 1891 Life Ins set (6d GU, 3d & 1/- x 2 damaged); 1905-13 set FU (2d chestnut faded); 1899 P Dues set mint (no 3d, 2/- toned perf, 8d & 1/- no gum); 6d Express Fernleaves mint & 2 used, Ross Dep etc. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
230 P imageNZ c1898-1920s plate proof colln all imperf, virtually all in black, various papers. Incl ½d Mt Cook, 3d, 6d reduced Picts, 1d Universal redrawn x 5 (incl block of 4), 1d Dom x 4; GV recess 2d (b of 4), 3d x 2, 5d x 2, 6d x 7 (incl b of 4), 8d x 5 & 1/- x 2; GV surface ½d x 4 (incl 2 green), 1½d x 10 (incl 2 b of 4s), 2d x 15 (incl 3 b of 4s) & 3d x 9 (incl 2 b of 4s); also 2d FFQ Chalon Hausburg. (Total 74 stamps). (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
231 M* imageNZ 1898-1967 mostly MUH pre-decimal colln in L/H hingeless album (pages from 1855) with slipcase. Complete (excl varieties) from 1933, sparse before then. Noted 1926 2/- Admiral MUH; 1935 Pictorials & Official sets (both 9d but green official mint); 1938 GVI & Officials sets (2/- mint); 1940 Centennials & Official sets; 2d QEII Stars error MUH; 15/- Arms MUH. Jury cat $4500+. Mint/MUH. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
232 / imageNZ c1900s-70s mint & used colln in 7 albums, very untidy with dupn. Noted 1898 5/- Mt Cook, 1935 Pict set all single wmk, 2d QEII Stars error, all mint; 2½d Wakitipu irregular block of 21, fine Gisborne 2 NO 01 "A" class cdss; 1929-34 Healths mint (Red & Blue Boys faint gum tone); 1960 Picts 1d-4d extensive minor flaws mint/MUH; 1909 EVII Officials set mint; plus much more. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
233 / imageNZ 1901-10 1d Universals in red Davo s/b laid out as per CP. Noted: attractive printed FDC (Christchurch); horiz selvedge pair imperf vertically FU on piece, CP G3a; 2 x 1d Official booklet panes, mint; various shades, perf varieties, retouches, perfins & re-entries. Some dupn & variable condition. Approx 625v. Cat approx $9700. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
234 / imageNZ 1906-57 colln of mainly defins, commems & Health stamps. Noted: Christchurch Exbn ½d x 2 used; 1d x 3 used; 3d x 2 MNG & one with British Antarctic Expdn cds; 6d m & u; Victory 6d x 9 FU & 1/- x 4 FU; Dunedin Exbn 4d x 4 GU/FU; Health 1929-30 x 3 each GU/FU; 1931 Red Boy x 2 GU/FU & Blue Boy FU; 1933-4 x 2 each FU; 1934 x 3/- FU. Majority have readable cds cancels & are fine-VFU. Jury cat $9260+. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
235 / imageNZ 1906-70s seln of mint & used in two small L/H s/bs. Noted 3d & 6d Christchurch Exbn GU/FU; 1920 Victory sets MUH & FU; Dunedin Exbn sets MUH/mint x 5 & used x 9; 1934 7d TT Air used x 17; 1936 Commerce sets MUH/mint x 20 & used x 30 & set MUH blocks of 4 & 8; 1940 Centennial set MUH; QVLT 2/6d MUH & 2/- Official mint. Many pressure stuck. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
236 / imageNZ 1906-76 commems colln on annotated pages. Virtually complete mint and/or used. Noted 3d, 6d Christchurch Exbn, 3d Auckland Exbn mint; 1931-4 Airs FU; 1940 Centennial Official joined "ff" set in pairs with normal. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
237 M* imageNZ 1915-75 MUH/mint colln on 22 Hagner pages. Noted 1915 GV recess & 2 surface sets MUH (7½d MNG, 8d blue mint), 1926 2/- & 3/- Admirals mint, 1938 GVI & Officials (excl 1½d red) sets MUH & 1940 Centennials MUH & Officials mint sets. Jury cat $2700+. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
238 C imageNZ c1931-42 bundle of NZ covers - mixed FFCs, FDCs & a few commercial. Noted 1941 Health Pictorial FDC x 9 (all Children on Beach scene). Total 70 covers. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
239 / imageNZ c1946-70s colln/accum of flaws in packets, most are identified. Nearly all minor but noted: 1946 Health blurred centre set of 2 mint; 1946 1d Health B of 4 invtd wmk MUH & 1948 2d Health B of 4 incl partial double perfs & 1960 1/3d Trout brown colour shift MUH. Over 50 items. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
240 M* imageNZ 1953-85 colln in Seven Seas hingeless album, appears complete incl Health m/ss. Mostly MUH but some early issues eg: QEII 2/6d - 10/- mint, 2d QEII Stars error MUH. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM

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