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New Zealand continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
201 U imageNZ 1855-1974 used colln in mounts on Seven Seas album illustrated pages. Noted FFQ Chalon imperf 3d & perf x 7 diff; Christchurch, Auckland & Dunedin Exbn sets; 1926 2/- & 3/- Admirals FU; 1929-34 Health FU; Arms £5 FU. Condition varies. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
202 / imageNZ 1855-c1977 mostly used colln on pages, some specialisation & annotations. Noted: 11 imperf & 4 perf FFQs Chalon (incl SG 5, 10 x 2, 15, 82, 97 & 100), imperfs mostly about 3 margins; Christchurch Exbn set (½d mint, 6d CTO very small pmk); Auckland Exbn set (½d, 1d double gum both mint, 3d & 6d CTO FU); 8d GV Official CTO; 2/- & 3/- Admirals, 2/- Official Admiral; Dunedin Exbn set (4d CTO); 4d Dunedin "F." flaw (mint); 1935 Airs PB set of 3 (MUH); then virtually complete defins & commems incl 2d QEII Stars error; 1929-34 Health (1929 no gum, 1934 mint); 6d Life Ins VR GU; 2/- & 5/- QVLT Officials, some back of book etc. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
203 / imageNZ 1855-1980s mint & used collns in separate albums on pre printed pages. All the better mint stamps in mounts. Noted: mint: Auckland Exbn set; 2d QEII Stars error; 1d Victoria Land (MUH); 2/6d QVLT brown counterpart (no gum); 7/6d Arms. Plus many other key items but toning, no gum etc. Used: 7 imperf & 11 perf FFQs Chalon mixed cond (4d rose trimmed perfs); 2/- FSF (5/- fiscal); 1931-4 Airs; Blue Boy; 1d King Edward VII Land; 3d & 6d VR & 2d chestnut no VR Life Ins plus many other key items but faults, fiscal cancels etc. Overall both albums virtually full. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
204 U imageNZ 1855-1983 specialised used colln in 2 L/H hingeless albums with slipcases. Noted: 28 FFQs Chalon (6 imperf & 22 perf); 2/- FSF (rounded corner GU/FU); 1898-1907 Picts range with dupn to 5/-; GV recess & surface range; Victory & Dunedin Exbn sets; 1929-34 Health; 1931-5 Airs; mostly complete from 1935 (no 2d QEII Stars error, few Health m/ss), good range back of book esp Life Ins incl 1891 set (no 2d chestnut no VR); Ross Dep incl 1d EVII Land & 1d Victoria Land (on piece, plus MUH). (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
205 / imageNZ 1855-1992 colln in s/b plus bundle Health FDCs, mix mint & used. Noted used: 7 imperf & 11 perf FFQs Chalon (reasonable cond); Life Ins 3d & 6d VR; Arms 8/-, 9/- & £2; Health 1929-30, Blue Boy 1932-4. Mint: 1898 Picts 4d, 8d, 9d, 1/- & others; 2/- Admiral Official; 1931-4 Airs (5d FU); 1935-42 Health FDCs (all Pictorial except 1941). (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
206 / imageNZ c1862-1960s extensive accum on 67 small stockcards - mostly comprising better mint or used sets, but much dupn. Noted 12 perf FFQs Chalon used (mixed cond). Also: 2 Red & Blue Boy sets FU, Blue Boy FU, Red Boy mint; 1920 Victory x 4 sets (3 used, 1 mint); Dunedin Exbn 3 sets (2 U, 1 M); 1898 Picts x 4 sets used (5/- fiscal); 1935 Picts incl Officials sets mint; 1931-4 Airs sets etc etc. High cv. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
207 M* imageNZ 1862-1967 mint/MUH colln in Davo hingeless album (pages complete from 1855) with slipcase. Noted: 1d FFQs Chalon (SG 110 & 111 both no gum); 1898 Picts with dupn (some minor tone 6d Kiwi green good); GV recess set; Victory set; Dunedin Exbn set; 2/- Admiral; 1929-34 Health; virtually complete defins & commems from 1933 incl 2d QEII Stars error; 1931-5 Airs; 1957-66 Health m/s (mostly MUH, no 1960); 2/- Milford Official; etc. Other good items but minor tone, gum faults etc. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
208 / imageNZ 1862-1967 pre-decimal colln in large L/H s/b: FFQs Chalon to SSF used only, then mix mint and/or used. Noted: 9 perf FFQs, selection SSFs, 1898 Picts, Christchurch Exbn set used (3d mint); EVII, GV, Victory set mint, Dunedin Exbn set mint etc, 2d QEII Stars error L/H mint, some back of book Life Ins etc. Good cv. Cond a little mixed. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
209 / imageNZ 1862-1973 comprehensive used colln on quadrille album pages. Noted FFQ Chalon perf x 5 diff GU/FU; FSF 2/- FU & 5/- GU; SSF set FU; 1898 Picts set GU/FU; GV 8d Official, 2/- Admiral Official & 3/- Admiral FU; QEII 2d Stars error FU; Christchurch & Auckland Exbn sets FU; 1929-34 Health FU & 1899 Postage Dues 8d & 1/- mint. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
210 / imageNZ 1862-1980 mix mint & mostly used colln on Premier pages. Noted 5 perf used FFQs Chalon (mixed cond); good range from 1898 incl 1920 Victory set FU, Dunedin Exbn set mint; 7d TT mint; 1929, 1931-3 Health FU; 1930, 1932-4 Health mint. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
211 M imageNZ 1864-1982 mint colln in CP album. Incl perf FFQ Chalon mint: 1d red, 1d orange, 2d orange, 3d lilac; range FSF to 1/-; SSF set; range to 1898 Picts to 2/- Official; 1906 ½d-3d Christchurch Exbn; 1913 Auckland Exbn set, 1915 GV recess set; 1920 Victory set; 1926 2/- Admiral Official (gum toned); 1929-82 Health; 1905 Life Insurance range etc. Mixed cond. CP cat $11,000. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
212 / imageNZ c1873-1948 extensive mostly used accum/colln in 3 large L/H s/bs incl small range FSFs, QVLTs (15), SSF x about 500 to 1/- (noted about 16 adverts); 1898 Picts x about 250 to 5/- (5/- x 2 fiscals); ½d Mt Cook x about 250; 1907 Picts incl officials x about 400; 1d Universals x 350+; 6d Fernleaves x 9; 1902 P Dues x 60+; 1891-1905 Life Ins x 40+; Christchurch Exbn set mint (plus extra 1d & 3ds); EVII incl 1d Doms x approx 175; Auckland Exbn set FU (3d CTO); GV recess with officials x about 350 (noted 8d Official x 2); GV surface with officials x about 300; Victory x about 350 (mostly 2d); Dunedin Exbn; FMs x 100+; 3/- Admiral mint; 2/- Admiral Official; 1931-4 Airs 2 mint & 1 used sets plus extras; Arms x 75; 1935 Airs x about 75 incl 10 sets; 1935 Picts with officials about 1500; etc, through to 1948 Otago Cent. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
213 / imageNZ 1873-1951 comprehensive mint/MUH/used colln on L/H hingeless pages. Noted: FSF set used; SSF set mint; 1898-1907 mint & used; Christchurch & Auckland Exbn sets mint; 1931 Health set used. Some dupn & mixed condition. Simplified cat $15,000+. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
214 C imageNZ 1873-1958 colln/seln on Hagners. Noted 2d orange FFQ Chalon (Hokitika MY 7 73), several QV envelopes, 1936 Express Delivery p/c to Dunedin; 11 WWII censored airmail covers to UK; 16 1930s Airmail covers; 1936-41 Health FDCs (all pictorial except 1939 & 1941). 80+ covers. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
215 / imageNZ c1873-1966 colln of c550 mainly used covering defins, commems, Health, Airs & 'back of book' in CP looseleaf album. Noted FSF 4d & 1/- (compound perf) (FU), SSF set (FU), 1898 seln (m, u) incl 2/- Official (m); EVII 2 sets & Officials set (GU/FU); GV & Officials sets (FU) & 3 m; 2/-, 3/- Admirals (FU); QEII 3/- Official (MUH); 6d Christchurch Exbn (FU); ½d, 1d Auckland Exbn (m); Victory set (FU), 1931-4 Airs (m); ½d-6d Postage Dues (FU); 1908 King Edward VII Land (FU); seln QVLT incl 4/- (MNG?) Jury cat c$6700. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
216 U imageNZ 1873-1967 pre decimal used colln in Davo hingeless album (with slipcase), pages from 1855 with additional pages done in Davo style for further specialisation of ½d Newspapers, FSFs & SSFs. Noted: FSF sets incl 3d x 4, 4d x 6, 1/- x 10, 2/- x 3 & 5/- x 2 (1 thinned), also 1d & 2d wmk large star all mostly GU; ½d Newspapers & SSFs good range of shades, perfs, wmks, dies etc; 1898 London prints to 1/-; later prints incl 5/- x 2 fiscals; ½d & 6d Christchurch Exbn (mint); ½d (MUH), 3d & 6d Auckland Exbn; Victory set; 2d surface x 2 litho "wmks"; Dunedin Exbn sets; 1931-4 Health (1931 CTO); 2/- & 3/- Admirals; defins & commems virtually complete to 1967 (no 2d QEII Stars error); 1931-5 Airs; 1961 Health m/s pair; 12/6d, 15/-, 30/-, £2, £3, £5 Arms all postally used; 1891 & 1905-13 Life Ins sets; 1907 Pict Officials (2/- & 5/- minor faults); 1915 GV recess & surface sets (8d GU); 5/- Arms Official vert ovpt (mint); 4d, 5d, 6d, 1/- (a bit grubby) Postage Dues. Plus many other key items but heavy pmks, minor faults etc. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
217 / imageNZ 1873-1967 mint/MUH pre decimal colln in Davo hingeless album with slipcase (pages complete from 1855). Earlies mixed cond but noted 1898 2d Pembroke (MUH) & 6d green Kiwi; Christchurch Exbn set; 1907 3d, 6d, 1/- reduced Picts; EVII set (no 8d, 3d no gum); Auckland Exbn set (6d VLH, 3d a bit grubby); GV recess & surface sets; Victory set; 2/- Admiral (Jones); 1929-34 Healths (1930, 32 minor tone); 2d QEII Stars error (MUH); 1957-66 Health m/ss (MUH); 6d Express Fernleaves (MUH); 1d QV small type blue (OG), 1/3d lemon, 8/- & 10/- Arms. Officials: 6d reduced Kiwi, 2/- Milford, EVII set, GV recess surface sets, 1940 Centennial; 4d, 5d, 8d & 1/- Postage Dues. Plus many other key items but minor faults, no gum etc. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
218 M imageNZ 1873-1974 near complete mint colln in CP looseleaf album. Defins/commems complete from 1882-Sept 1969 (incl 1898 Pictorials & Officials sets & Christchurch & Auckland Exbn sets). "Back of book" Health & Postage Dues (2/- MNG) complete, postal fiscals limited to Arms to 10/- & the two 5/- Officials, Life Ins from 1905 (excl 1d blue, 2d chestnut or 3d yellow-brown). Some lower value items pressure stuck. Jury cat $12,000+. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
219 / imageNZ 1873-1979 mostly used colln in SG album (pages complete from 1855). Noted: 4d Dunedin Exbn (mint); 1929-34 Health; 1957-79 Health m/ss (mint); plus many other better items but minor faults, parcel pmks etc. Mostly complete from 1882. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM
220 / imageNZ 1873-1980 comprehensive colln of mint & used in L/H s/b. Noted FSF 3d & 1/- FU; SSF 5d & 6d mint; Christchurch Exbn 3d mint; EVII & GV sets FU; 3/- Admiral GU/FU; Red & Blue Boys MUH (toned); 1931-4 Airs set of 5 mint; QEII 10/- mint; QEII officials set of 11 MUH; 2d Stars error MUH; 1960 Pictorials set m & u; 1967-8 Pictorials sets MUH & used. (Image)

Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 PM

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