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EUROPE continued...

Schweiz / Suisse / Switzerland
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
12234   image1912-91 Collection de cartes en six classeurs comprenant 141 cartes NATIONALES et 180 cartes PRO JUVENTUTE, belle qualité 1912-91 Lot of 141 BUNDESFEIER cards and 180 PRO JUVENTUTE cards, all in six albums

Currently (SAN)...EUR 300.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM


Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
12235 Proof,,,,,,,Specimen   image1935-59 "PROCÉRES Y RIQUEZAS" Exhibition Collection Specialised collection mounted on 150 exhibition pages representing possibly what is the most extensive study on the definitive issues from this period. The collection has five chapters with sections of famous men and national resources in original and modified designs. An extraordinary study showing a wide range of shades, varieties, proofs, imperforates, and watermark varieties, postal stationery, specimen, tête-bêche pairs, gutter pairs and blocks, booklets and booklet panes, perfins and a wide range of frankings. Noted also forgery to defraud the post. Remarkable and in-depth study of the origin of the printing papers from the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Austria, Italy, USA and of course national production. See also full set of scans on the Internet. A unique opportunity to acquire one of the most complete specialised collections of this area.

Currently (SAN)...EUR 3,000.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
12236 ,   image1945-1948, séries n°120/133, 134/143, 144/154 en blocs de 4, non dentelé, TB

Currently (SAN)...EUR 200.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
12237   image1860 FRENCH EXPEDITIONERY FORCES: Napoleon III 20c blue on fieldpost cover to France, CORPS EXP. CHINE 5 NOV 60 / BAU CANTON cds alongside, light stains, rare

Currently (SAN)...EUR 200.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
12238   image1904-1919, Four covers incl. 2 regd's covers to France, CIP 1c on printed matter's wrapper to France with French PO transit cds, etc.

Currently (SAN)...EUR 100.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
12239   image1908-10 Chinese Imperial Post 10c blue, horizontal pair showing imperf. in between, with gutter margin at right, a fine mint pair

Currently (SAN)...EUR 200.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
12240 BF13 image1964 Peonies min.sheet, plus complete set of 15 values, plus 1960 Flower set of 18 values, mnh, very fine, scarce

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Currently (SAN)...EUR 1,000.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
12241   imageUnited Arab Republic - Medical professions Fiscal stamps : the seven values known, in blocks of four, mint nh, very fine, scarce

Currently (SAN)...EUR 100.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
12242 ,   image4 items from the Ottoman Empire with Libyan cancellations : scarce Benghazi cds on postage due stamp, unique double circle 1911 bilingual cds of Guerin on Turkey 1pi, Tripoli cds on 5pa bloc of four, Tripoli cds on Turkey 5pa on picture postcard, on 4 album pages, very fine

Currently (SAN)...EUR 100.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
12243 2 image1856 2r Yellow-green BISECT tied by boxed QUERETARO / JULIO 6 postmark on folded cover Mexico city, very fine

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Currently (SAN)...EUR 100.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
12244 ,,   image1898-1957 Collection on the British and German post offices in Morocco during this period, see scans on the net 1898-1957, Collection des BUREAUX ANGLAIS du MAROC essentiellement en neuf, plusieurs en bloc de 4 ; mais également les séries des BUREAUX ALLEMANDS (1899-1919) en neuf, souvent en bloc de 4 (dont n°19 obl., n°53 et 54 sur lettres en 2 ex.), etc.

Currently (SAN)...EUR 600.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
12245 ,,   image1893-1957 Spanish post offices in Morocco specialised collection in two albums, singles and blocs of four 1893-1957, Collection du MAROC ESPAGNOL en 2 albums dont CABO JUBY, IFNI et SAHARA OCCIDENTAL, en neuf (quelques obl)., séries complètes parfois en blocs de 4 ou non-dentelées. Voir photos

Currently (SAN)...EUR 1,000.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
12246 ,   image1941-54, Attractive selection of the key-sets of Spanish Morrocco including airs 1941-54, Principales séries du MAROC ESPAGNOL, y compris POSTE AERIENNE, en bloc de 4 non dentelés, etc., TB

Currently (SAN)...EUR 500.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
12247 Proof,,,,,,,Specimen   imageGold-Medal Exhibition Collection 1881-1930 Remarkable award-winning exhibition collection mounted on 84 pages showing an in-depth study of the first issues of Nepal. The collection covers the two periods from firstly 1881-1907 period of strictly postal usage then 1917-1930 when both postal and telegraphic usages was practice. The first locally produced issue was replaced later by the so-called "Pashupati" issue printed by Perkins and Bacon. The presentation shows the various printings with an extensive study of the shades and replete with examples of cancellations and frankings including spectacular large units. Outstanding items noted include: 1anna: 1881 cover from Jaliswar to Katipur and other 1a cover from Jaleswar to Kathmandu (cert. Hellrigl), then issue on local paper with rarities including the 1907-11 reengraved plate printed on remainders of 1881 European imported paper, also 1917-28 Emerald error of colour examples. 2anna: A ramarkable 1881 2a unused block of four on European paper, ex A.E. Singer, (already mint singles are rare from this issue), then 1886 2a ERROR of colour in bright blue instead of violet, also a rare example of the 1898 2a with "ragged frame" (only 15 examples recorded), then 2a pin-perf on Katmandu cover, strip of three of the 2a on local paper, a fine section of telegraphic usages showing a wide selection of shades. 4anna: A fine study of shades, papers, printing plates, positions in the plate, varieties and cancellations, several items with provenance ex Heddergott, several rare multiples and a fine section of telegraphic usages. 1/2anna black showing both postal and telegraphic usages, highlights include single franking as official cover to prime minister, then five used examples of the very elusive 1/2 anna vermilion. The collections also contains a study of forgeries displayed on four of the pages, see also full set of scans of the web, quality is overall very fine, a rare opportunity to acquire such a complete collection from this difficult area. Estimate €20'000-40'000

Currently (SAN)...EUR 20,000.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
12248   image1894 Postal stationery card with additionnal 1/2d orange stamp affixed to pay postage for HOLYLAND, arrival Bethleem cds, forwarded to Germany, very fine, scarce

Currently (SAN)...EUR 120.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
12249 6,7 image1860 Coat-of-Arms issue, two covers respectively from Iquique to Lima franked by three 1 peseta red singles and other from Lima to Guayaquil with neat pair of 1 dinero blue, both very fine

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Currently (SAN)...EUR 200.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
12250 34+35 image1926 Envelope from Djeddah to Cairo via Port Taufiq, bearing railway issue adhesives 2pi and 1pi, both tied by dual language datestamp, fine and rare (Yvert 34+35)

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Currently (SAN)...EUR 200.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
12251 2 image1847 10c Black, good to large margins, tied by red circular grid cancel and CINCINNATI JAN 26 cds on 1850 folded entire cover to Boston, Massachussetts, very fine

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Currently (SAN)...EUR 300.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
12252 , 7 image1851-57 1c Blue, type II, exceptional corner marginal example (13mm margin at right and 4mm margin at bottom, barely touched at top, lifted and replaced) tied by black circular grid cancel on printed matter from Chicago to Three Rivers /Mi., very fine

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Currently (SAN)...EUR 100.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
12253 , 129/137 image1898 N°129/137 Exposition d'Omaha / Transmississipi : Série complète des 9 valeurs, neuves surtout **, +n°130, 132, 159 (x2), avec carte de visite du Pronotaire apostolique à Omaha, TB (cote Y&T 5'270 € pour *)

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Currently (SAN)...EUR 800.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM

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