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ALL WORLD (72)   |  ANDORRE (1)   |  BRITISH EMPIRE (1)   |  COLONIES FRANÇAISES (173)   |  EUROPE (353)   |  France (329)   |  MONACO (12)   |  Overseas (85)   | 


EUROPE continued...

Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
11288 ,,,   image1849-1980 Mint and used collection in three Lighthouse albums plus two stockbooks, some useful Orvals noted, also back-of-the-book, also some Belgian Congo and a stockbook of Netherlands included, a good starter's pack

Currently (SAN)...EUR 300.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
11289 ,,,   image1849-1985 Selection of Belgium in seven albums or stockbooks, from earlies to modern, some sets and singles prepared for stamp shows, fine

Currently (SAN)...EUR 300.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
11290 ,,   image1849-2002, Collection de Belgique en 11 albums et classeurs, dont un album DAVO avec Epaulettes, n°147, 346 à 350, BF n°1 à 7, plus une boite de vrac

Currently (SAN)...EUR 500.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
11291 ,,   image1849-2020, Extensive collection of Belgium in 11 Davo albums, first section used then mint and chiefly never hinged, noted 1915-20 5 FRANKEN mint, 1918 Red Cross, 1919-20 King with Helmet, then Orvals, 1932 Cardinal Mercier, 1933 Big Orval, then very complete with booklets and min.sheets, also railway stamps, airs, postage dues, etc.

Currently (SAN)...EUR 2,000.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
11292   imageYvert Number 427, 50 years of Europa CEPT, 10'000 examples in sheets, mnh, Cat. value €100'000 Y&T n°427 50è anniversaire EUROPA CEPT, par 10 000 exemplaire en feuilles, neuf **, TTB, cote 100 000 €

Currently (SAN)...EUR 1,500.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
11293   1850-1990, Lot of ca300 covers and cards, some interesting States with useful Hannover, also Infla period, a fun lot

Currently (SAN)...EUR 300.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
11294   image1870-1914, STRASSBURG i ELSASS: Specialised selection of many hundreds of covers, all sorted by the different post-offices and different types, nice section of early 1870 mail, a fun lot and a fantastic source for the student 1870-1915, STRASBOURG, période essentiellement allemande, bel ensemble de centaines de lettres et cartes toutes minutieusement classées selon les bureaux et types, une source exceptionnelle en vue d'une belle collection spécialisée

Currently (SAN)...EUR 750.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
11295 ,,,,   image1849-1950, Extensive collection of Germany in thirteen stockbooks plus sets of pages with mostly Infla sheets, from the German States with a good selection of stamps and covers then Large and Small shields, extensive Germania with good section of se-tenants and tête-bêche pairs, later issues with min.sheet (incl. IPOSTA with cert.) the Zeppelins, Infla with a section of covers, also specialised sections of Memel, Danzig, occupations, etc., good quality overall 1849-1950, Belle collection d'Allemagne couvrant la période des États Allemands jusqu'à la fin de la guerre ainsi qu'une section des armées occupantes, à noter une section avec se-tenants et tête-bêches, Zeppelins, periode d'inflation avec diverses lettres, aussi Memel, Danzig, etc. ens. TB

Currently (SAN)...EUR 3,000.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
11296 ,,,   image1872-1990, Superbe collection d'Allemagne en neufs et oblitérés commençant par l'empire puis les deux Allemagne avec naturellement les périodes intermédiaires et Berlin. Nous ajoutons une collection de Berlin plus quelques classeurs de doubles. Belle collection assez fournie et avec de belle pièces.

Currently (SAN)...EUR 400.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
11297 ,,   image1880-1940, Clean collection of Germany in one album plus set of pages showing an extensive section of se-tenants and gutter pairs, plus three albums of Notgeld from the period 1914 to 1924, gen. very fine

Currently (SAN)...EUR 400.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
11298 ,,   image1840-1979, Mint and used collection in two Lighthouse albums, noted several 1840 1d Black and two 2d blue, perf. 1d red plating, also various Surface printed QV values plating, noted also QV £1 lilac and £1 green singles, also KEdVII set to £1 green, the Seahorses to £1 green, then later years mostly mint with some British Isles, mostly fine to very fine

Currently (SAN)...EUR 750.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
11299 ,   image1912-2020, Practically complete and very fine mint collection of Liechtenstein in three Davo albums, noted 1921-24 definitives with per. 9 1/2, 1928 Jubilee, 1930 Landscapes, 1934 Vaduz min.sheet, airs and officials, very fine

Currently (SAN)...EUR 1,000.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
11300 ,,   image1912-80, Useful mint and used stock in four stockbooks, noted neatly used 1928 Jubilee issue, also 1930 definitives incl. some with RARE perforations, then good airs, etc., a fine lot

Currently (SAN)...EUR 400.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
11301 ,,   image1852-2020, Attractive mint collection in three hingeless Davo albums, strength in the early issues especially from the 1859 Coat-of-Arms issues onwards, can then be considered complete from 1882 onwards with the exception of the 1923 min.sheets but including the 1935 intellectuals never hinged, also officials, other min.sheets, etc., very fine

Currently (SAN)...EUR 1,000.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
11302   1977, Europa CEPT N°20, packet with 1000 examples, catalogue value 50'000 Euros. 1977, Europa CEPT N°20 1 000 exemplaires, neuf **. Cote 50 000€

Currently (SAN)...EUR 150.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
11303   image1879-1950, une boite de lettres de ROUMANIE, dont mandats, recommandés, télégraphes, entiers postaux. Voir photos

Currently (SAN)...EUR 250.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
Schweiz / Suisse / Switzerland
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
11304   image1752-1861 Lot of 106 pre-stamp covers with Baden, Basel (13), Bern (4), Bremgarten (2), Brugg (2), Bünzen, Burgdorf (2), Couvet, Delemont, Eschenbach, Frauenfeld, Genève (12), Glarus, Herzogenbuchsee (2), Langenthal, Le Locle, Lenzburg (4), Lucerne (11), Menzigen, Mury (2), Neuchâtel, Olten, Rapperswyl, Reinach, St.Gallen (3), Schonenwerth (2), Soleure (2), Stans, Wangen, Willisau (2), Wohlen (2), Zurzach, Zofingen (2) and Zurich (22), mostly very fine Lot de 106 lettres préphilatéliques avec les noms de lieux mentionnés ci-dessus

Currently (SAN)...EUR 150.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
11305   1828-1980, Hundreds of letters and postal stationery items from pre-stamp to modern, unusual items includes receipts, telegrams, Train Post Offices, censored jail-mail from the 1970s, a fun lot 1828-1980, Des centaines de lettres et entiers allant de la période pré-philatélique aux modernes, à noter récépissés. télégrammes, ambulants, courrier pénitentiaire etc.

Currently (SAN)...EUR 240.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
11306 ,,,   image1845-1900, Used selection of classics from Cantonals, through Rayon-issues to early 19th century, noted 1845 Geneva Large Eagle on fragment with cert. v.d.Weid, Rayon-issues including the scarce dark blue type, various light-blue types with certs, Standing Helvetia issues incl. scarce Zu. Nr. 69B, 71E, both with certs., also scarce Sitting Helvetia, imperforate with values up to 1Fr., 1882 Numerals on WHITE PAPER, mixed to fine Belle sélection de timbres classiques suisses, à partir des cantonaux, timbres Rayons, Helvétie Assise, etc., nombreux certificats, cote très importante, voir scans sur Internet

Currently (SAN)...EUR 750.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM
11307 ,,,   image1850-1980, Collection de neufs et d'oblitérés en deux classeurs et trois albums, commençant par quelques Rayons et Helvéties Assises dentelées, belle sélection de lettres dont poste aérienne, divers premiers jours anciens (années 1950) et bloc NABA sur lettre avec attestation Marchand, aussi partie faciale à compter 1850-1980, Mint and used collection in three Lighthouse albums, showing some useful earlies, also value in covers with airs and NABA min.sheet with cert. Marchand, face value to be counted, gen. very fine

Currently (SAN)...EUR 500.00
Closing..Mar-25, 02:00 AM

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