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Canada & Provinces continued...

Newfoundland Cents continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
841 nh C13-C17 image1933 5c to 75c Labrador Airmail Set, all mint never hinged and quite fresh, a well centered and choice set, very fine. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


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Unitrade $ 455

SOLD for C$140.00
Will close during Public Auction
842 nh C18 image1933 $4.50 on 75c Bistre Balbo Flight Surcharge, Perforated 14.3, mint never hinged, fresh with a very slight vertical gum bend, still very fine.

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Unitrade $ 900

SOLD for C$225.00
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843 og DPC6 (Walsh) imagePresentation Folder for the 1947 Paris U.P.U. Congress, a blue leatherette folder, containing 16 of the last stamps produced by Newfoundland (Second Resources issues), each mint and pasted-down. A very scarce item, and the first we recall seeing. An ideal addition to any serious Newfoundland collection. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


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Walsh $ 445

SOLD for C$120.00
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844 nh J1 image1939 1c Yellow Green Postage Due, Perforated 11, a mint never hinged complete sheet of 100, previously folded, with selvedge all around. We noted a gum bend affecting 9 stamps and a few areas of separation, still a very fine sheet. Catalogue value counted as all very fine, although some are fine only.

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Unitrade $ 1,200

SOLD for C$120.00
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845 nh J1a image1939 1c Yellow Green Postage Due, Perforated 10 x 10½, a mint never hinged complete sheet of 100, previously folded, with selvedge all around. We noted a few light traces of toning in a small area at bottom right selvedge and a few trivial separations, else a very fine sheet seldom offered for auction. Catalogue value counted as all very fine although some are fine only.

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Unitrade $ 1,800

SOLD for C$130.00
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846 nh J2 image1939 2c Vermillion Postage Due, Perforated 10, a mint never hinged complete sheet of 100, previously folded with selvedge all around. We noted a few areas of separation (including one horizontal separation the length of 3 stamps) else a very fine sheet seldom offered for auction. Catalogue value counted as all very fine, although some are fine only.

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Unitrade $ 2,000

SOLD for C$275.00
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847 nh J2a image1939 2c Vermillion Postage Due, Perforated 11 x 9, a mint never hinged complete sheet of 100, previously folded with selvedge all around. We noted trivial gum bends, else a very fine sheet seldom offered for auction in such condition. Catalogue value counted as all very fine, although some are fine only.

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Unitrade $ 2,000

SOLD for C$275.00
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848 nh J3a image1939 3c Ultramarine Postage Due, Perforated 11 x 9, a mint never hinged complete sheet of 100, previously folded with selvedge all around. We noted light creasing on top and bottom selvedge not affecting the stamps, and few small areas of separation in the selvedge, else a very fine sheet, seldom offered for auction. Catalogue value counted as all very fine, although some are fine only.

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Unitrade $ 2,000

SOLD for C$225.00
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849 nh J4a image1939 4c Yellow Orange Postage Due, Perforated 10 x10½, a mint never hinged complete sheet of 100, previously folded, with selvedge all around. We noted negligible traces of toning at middle vertical row of perfs, trivial areas of separation in selvedge, and light gum bends, else a very fine scarce sheet, seldom offered for auction. Catalogue value counted as all very fine, although some are fine only.

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Unitrade $ 4,000

SOLD for C$375.00
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850 nh J5 image1939 5c Pale Brown Postage Due, Perforated 10, a mint never hinged complete sheet of 100, previously folded, with selvedge all around. We noted one small area of separation in top selvedge, plus trivial gum bends, else a scarce sheet, seldom offered for auction. Catalogue value counted as all very fine, although some are fine only.

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Unitrade $ 4,000

SOLD for C$500.00
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851 nh J6 image1939 10c Dark Violet Postage Due, Perforated 10, a mint never hinged complete sheet of 100, previously folded, with selvedge all around. We noted a gum bend affecting 4 stamps, else a lovely sheet, seldom offered for auction. Catalogue value counted as all very fine, although some are fine only.

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Unitrade $ 2,000

SOLD for C$190.00
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852 nh J7 image1949 10c Dark Violet Postage Due, Perforated 11, a mint never hinged complete sheet of 100, previously folded, with selvedge all around, including listed varieties J7i(x2) and J7ii (x2). We noted gum bends and creases typical for this issue, with a few separations in selvedge, else seldom offered sheet at auction. Catalogue value counted as all very fine, although some are fine only.

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Unitrade $ 3,120

SOLD for C$400.00
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853 E/P RTE2 image1922 2c Red King George V Engraved Revenue Trial Essay Imperforate, an upper sheet margin block of 4, ungummed as issued, very fine. Catalogue value is for 4 singles only.

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Walsh $ 1,180

SOLD for C$375.00
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854 nh 29/84 imageGroup of 8 Early Mint Never Hinged Issues, with Scott #s 29, 36, 44a, 78, 79, 81, 82 and 84. Each is well centered and quite fresh, a very fine group. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


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Unitrade $ 856

SOLD for C$300.00
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855 ng   image1908 5c Labrador and 25c Inuit Bogus Post Issues, both unused (no gum) blocks of four, the 5c block shows a rare printing shift of the background, a striking variety on a popular stamp, very fine.

Estimate $ 100

SOLD for C$100.00
Will close during Public Auction

British Commonwealth

Australian States -- Victoria
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
856 nh B3-B4 image1900 1p Brown Olive and 2d Emerald Boer War Semi Official Set, both mint never hinged, fresh and with sheet margins, extremely fine. Geoff Kellow's Victoria handbook indicates that the sales of these were poor due to the huge (3sh) cost for only 3d of franking value, and only 4,500 sets were sold (with considerably fewer now remaining in mint, let alone VF+ condition). This set is most certainly one of the nicest sets in existence. Scott value given is for hinged only, and a considerable premium for NH should be added.

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Estimate $ 500

SOLD for C$350.00
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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
857 E/P   image1948 King George VI Tercentenary Master Die Proof, in black on card measuring 88 x 75 mm, featuring the outer frame only, with no denominations or central image, with "XC 4521" imprint at top. Very fine and scarce.

Estimate $ 350

SOLD for C$225.00
Will close during Public Auction
858 E/C   image1948 King George VI Tercentenary Master Die Proof, in black on card measuring 88 x 75 mm, featuring the outer frame only, with no denominations or central image, with "XC 4521" imprint at top. Very fine and scarce.

Estimate $ 350

SOLD for C$225.00
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859 nh 61 image1917-19 2sh Ultramarine and Black Queen's Staircase, a mint never hinged lower left corner block of nine, tiny tear in margin at bottom and folded vertically along perforations at right, still very fine, catalogue value is for hinged only.

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Scott $ 337

SOLD for C$80.00
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Falkland Islands
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
860 og 74 image1933 5sh Yellow King Penguin, mint hinged, fresh and very fine. SG 136, £1,000.

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Scott $ 950

SOLD for C$575.00
Will close during Public Auction

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