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The Gary Sagar Collection of New Zealand continued...

Postal Stationery continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
521 E/P   imageKing George V 1½d Essay for a New Postcard Die, which eventually became Samuels # AC5a on very thin paper, mounted to a larger, stiffer file card (70 x 95 mm) with "Perkins, Bacon Ltd. Engravers" rubberstamp on reverse. There is a horizontal crease just below the stamp design, still a rare item in any condition.

Estimate $ 500

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522 E/P   imageKing George V Progressive Die Proof of ½d Postcard Die, that eventually became Samuels # AC13a in July 1924. Printed in colour of issue on thin paper (75 x 75 mm), this die has additional colour in the corners and "Postage and Revenue" was later changed to "Postage" only. Would make a great title page for any exhibit.

Estimate $ 350

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523 E/P   imageKing George V ½d Advanced Die Design, on white glazed card (76 x 115 mm) attached to larger backing board. With an "A" at top left, this was a finalist in the design with design "B" (lotted separately). Signed on backing board and dated August 1923, with "A"ppd", and back has "Perkins, Bacon & Co. Limited" handstamp. A rare item for the specialist.

Estimate $ 750

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524 E/P   imageKing George V ½d Advanced Die Design, circa 1923, printed on white glazed card (76 x 115 mm) attached to larger backing board. With an "B" at top left, this was a finalist in the design with design "A" (lotted separately) but was never accepted. Back shows "Perkins, Bacon & Co. Limited" handstamp. A rare item for the specialist.

Estimate $ 750

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525 E/P   imageKing George V Admiral 1d Postcard Die Proof, printed in black on coated white thin card (47 x 60 mm). Very close to the final design of Samuels # AC16a, most notable are differences to the brim of the hat. Very fine.

Estimate $ 500

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526   imageEarly King George V Postal Card Grouping of 16, with Samuels #s AC1a (mint - NZ Farmer's Co-op printing & used), 2a (mint and used), 3a (used), 4a (mint), 5a (mint and used), 6a (mint and used) 6a (no stop, used), 8a (mint and used), 9a (mint, reduced to fit private printing, staple holes), 10a (mint and used - nice drug ad). 1988 Samuel catalogue value. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Samuel NZ$ 745

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527   imageBalance of the Regular Issued KGV-Era Postal Stationery Cards, with 26 items in all, Samuels #s AC11a (mint and used), 12a (mint), 13a (mint x2 different card stock), 15a (mint), 16a (mint), 17b (mint), 19a (mint, blue & violet), AC19a(d) - (mint, double overprint in red), 21a (mint, red blue & used, violet), 22a (blue - mint and used), 22a(a) - (mint, inverted blue), 22a(b) - (mint, doubled blue), 22a(d) - (mint, doubled two colours), 22a(g) - (mint, diagonal red doubled - unlisted), 23a (used, blue), 23b (used, doubled, blue), 24a (mint and used), AD1a (mint and FDC). Only the occasional minor fault.1988 Samuel catalogue value. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (All Scans)

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Samuel NZ$ 830

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528   imageSelection of 70 KGVI and QEII (to 1980) Inland and Printed Matter Postal Cards, both mint and used, with light duplication. Includes 1p overprint (Samuel # AE2a both mint and used), AF6a (Gisborne "Paid" marking added), AF7b (CTO) with $5-$10 items throughout. Overall fine to very fine. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (All Scans)

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Estimate $ 150

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529   imageFive different Queen Victoria Mint Registered Envelopes, including the three with printing orders on the front, with the size K, plus both sizes without the print number (the G size is soiled, and not counted). 1992 Samuel catalogue value.

Samuel NZ$ 675

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530   imageSelection of 8 Mint and Used King Edward VII Registered Envelopes, showing different sizes and configurations of the indicium and postage box. Includes Samuel #s EB1a (mint and used), 2a (mint), 4a (mint and used), 5b (used), 6a (mint and used). Decent condition. 1992 Samuel catalogue value.

Samuel NZ$ 620

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531   imageThe Five 3d King George V Registered Letter Envelopes, including the scarce Samuels # EC1a in very nice mint condition, 1b (mint and used), 3a (used), 4a, and 4b (mint with a 2d KGV stamp added, a bit battered as these larger, linen lined envelopes tended to be). 1992 Samuel catalogue value.

Samuel NZ$ 825

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532 E/P   imageKing George V 4d Registered Envelope Die 2 Die Proof in Vermilion, on a large folded, thick laid watermarked paper, very fine. The owner's notes state "First used in 1929. There are four lines of shading running through NEW ZEALAND, with the lower line running through the base of the letters. The outer frameline at left runs into the second pearl from the top of the crown. This was supplied by W.R. Royle and Son."

Estimate $ 350

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533   imageSelection of 12 Mint and Used King George V 4d Registered Postal Stationery Envelopes, with Die 1: 5a (mint and used), 6a (mint and used), 7a and 8a (both used). Die 2: 9a (used), 9b (mint, a bit rough at the top), 18a (used), 19a (mint and used to India). 1992 Samuel catalogue value. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Samuel NZ$ 560

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534 E/P   imageKing George V 6d Registered Envelope Die 2 Die Proof in Vermilion, on large folded, smooth wove unwatermarked paper. Put into use in 1931, very fine.

Estimate $ 350

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535   imageScarce 4d KGV Registered Envelope, Uprated with Two 1d Admirals and Then Subsequently Downgraded to 4d, but requiring the confusing addition of two "FOURPENCE" overprints - one on the indicium, the other on the adhesives. A nice mint example from the confusing 1932 revalue period, and still on the owner's album page. Samuel # EC12a and 1992 catalogue value.

Samuel NZ$ 450

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536   imageScarce 4d KGV Registered Envelope, Uprated with a 2d KGV Adhesive and Then Subsequently Uprated to 4d, requiring the confusing addition of two "FOURPENCE" overprints - one on the indicium (which already read 4d) and the other on the adhesive. A nice used example from Napier without registration label (as with all known copies). Believed to be the item photographed in the catalogue. A nice used item from the confusing 1932 revalue period. Samuel # EC15a and 1992 catalogue value.

Samuel NZ$ 450

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537   imageGroup of 12 Registered Postal Stationery Envelopes with the 6d King George V or 4d "Mitre Peak" Indicia, including with overprints, a selection of 8 mint and used. EC10a (mint), 16a (3 mint in blue, red and black overprints, and used blue overprint), 17a (mint and used).The Mitre Peak issues include ED1a (mint), 2a (used), 2a (mint extra stamp, "SIDF" variety), and the revalued ED3a (mint and used). Decent condition. 1992 Samuel catalogue value. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Samuel NZ$ 565

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538   imageCollection of 60 King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II Registered Envelopes, with both mint and/or used. Most should be different, noting lots of indicia, colours, typeface, revalues, all to keep you busy identifying the many listings in the specialized Samuel catalogue. Many catalogue $15-$40 each, and the overall condition is excellent. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Estimate $ 200

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539   imageKing George V 1d Round Die Envelopes from the Dispersal of the Legendary "Jackson" Collection in 1994, with #s CD1a (actually a ½d), 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3c, 5a, 6a, 6b, 6c, 7a, 7b. Comes on the 11 original pages with his extensive notes, and handwritten Samuel numbers and catalogue values. 1993 Samuel catalogue values. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (All Scans)

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Samuel NZ$ 680

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540   imageKing George V 1d Round Die Envelopes from the Dispersal of the Legendary "Jackson" Collection in 1994, with #s CD7d (several), 9b, 10a, 10b, 11a, 11c, 12a, 12c, 13c, 14a, 14b, 15a, 15b, 16a, 16d, 17a, 17b, 18b, 18c, 19b. Sometimes mint, sometimes used, sometimes both. Comes on the 19 original pages with his extensive notes, and handwritten Samuel numbers and catalogue values. 1993 Samuel catalogue value. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (Scan 13) (Scan 14) (Scan 15) (Scan 16) (Scan 17) (Scan 18) (All Scans)

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Samuel NZ$ 985

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