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The J.P.A. Smalley collection of British East Africa continued...

East Africa: Uganda
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
281 / c, entire, etc. imageUganda: Early Mission Mail, 1890, 1892 two envelopes sent by Robert Henry Walker in Mengo to his family in England, carried by agent from Uganda via Usambiro to Zanzibar, both franked by India 4a.6p., tied by Zanzibar squared circle of “SE 16/90” and “JU 27/92” respectively, the latter initialled, scarce. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £300-400

SOLD for £680.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
282 / c, entire, etc. imageUganda: Early Mission Mail: 1896 envelope from Rev. Martin Hall at Ngogwe to Mrs Cleff, initialled at lower left, franked by British East Africa ‘On India’ 2a.6p. tied by Mombasa “JY 17/96” squared circles, having been carried on the SS “Goa” to Aden. In this early period mail from the missions to the exterior was franked with B.E.A. stamps by postal officials in Mombasa, the cost being debited to the sender’s account by reference to the endorsed initials. Ex Rossiter, Dunstan, Chantry. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £250-300

SOLD for £380.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
283 / c, entire, etc. imageUganda: Early Mission Mail: 1897 cover from Edith Markham Furley to her sister in London, bearing “L” overprint 1a., used on bearing unframed “T”, stamp tied by British “5D/F.B.” due mark, with Machakos, Mombasa, Zanzibar and London transit and receiving marks on the reverse, rare. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £600-800

SOLD for £2,100.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
284 / c, entire, etc. imageUganda: Early Mission Mail: 1897 envelope from Rev. H. Berisford to Portsmouth, initialled at upper right, franked by British East Africa small Queen 21/2a. tied by Mombasa “JU 20/97” squared circle. In this early period mail from the missions to the exterior was franked with B.E.A. stamps by postal officials in Mombasa, the cost being debited to the sender’s account by reference to the endorsed initials. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

SOLD for £160.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
285 / c, entire, etc. imageUganda: Early Mission Mail: 1897 envelope from R.H. Walker to England bearing uncancelled 1896 4a. and B.E.A. 21/2d. tied by indistinct squared circle cancellation, with Leicester Sept. 4 arrival on reverse, creasing affecting both stamps, otherwise fine. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

SOLD for £230.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
286 / c, entire, etc. imageUganda: Early Mission Mail: 1898 (cover addressed by Edith Markham Furley, (initialled “E.M.F.”) sent in late July/early Aug. to Rev. W. M. Fallon at Dover, franked by typeset 4a. cancelled by blue crayon and pencil marks, in combination with B.E.A. 21/2a., tied by indistinct Mombasa c.d.s. in blue, showing Zanzibar Sept. 16 and Dover Oct. 15 receiving marks on reverse. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £250-300

SOLD for £580.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
287 / c, entire, etc. imageUganda: Early Mission Mail: 1899 cover from Bishop Alfred Tucker with episcopal initials at lower left, addressed to his wife in England, bearing Uganda Protectorate 4a., slightly overlapping edge, and B.E.A. 21/2a. paying internal and external postage respectively, both tied by Kampala “JA 23/99” c.d.s’s, backstamped Mombasa Feb. 28 transit, Windermere Apr. 6 arrival. Only nine combination franking covers are recorded. Occurring prior to Uganda’s entry into the U.P.U. in 1901 and limited to destinations outside the Empire after the introduction of Imperial Penny Postage, news of which had not reached Kampala at this date, this January mail date is the earliest recorded for both the combination covers and the new De La Rue issue. Ex Dunstan and Minns. The property of another vendor. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £1,200-1,500

SOLD for £800.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
288 / c, entire, etc. imageUganda: 1899 (May 18) cover to Algeria, franked by Uganda 1a. cancelled by oval “Smith Mackenzie & Co” firm’s handstamp, used in combination with B.E.A. 21/2a., both tied by Mombasa squared circles, showing Aden, Marseille and Algeria transit and receiving marks on the reverse, scarce. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £600-800

SOLD for £450.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
289 / c, entire, etc. imageUganda: 1900, B.E.A. 2a. stationery envelope to Bombay with added Uganda Protectorate 1a. pair with B.E.A. 1a. and 2a. paying 5a. double rate, tied by Mombasa “17 AU/1900” c.d.s’s, the Uganda 1a. pair also crossed by ms. lines (seen also on reverse where a Uganda adhesive appears to have been affixed over the B.E.A. imprinted stamp and later removed) with Sept. 6 arrival backstamp. Occurring prior to Uganda’s entry into the U.P.U. in 1901 and limited to destinations outside the Empire after the introduction of Imperial Penny Postage, only nine combination franking covers are recorded. Believed to be in the hand of Capt. Edward H. Watson of the Indian Staff Corps and 33rd Punjab Infantry, in command of the Indian Contingent marching to the coast prior to departure on Oct. 7. Ex Minns. The property of another vendor. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £800-1,000

SOLD for £600.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
290 / c, entire, etc. imageUganda: 1902 (Feb. 6) cover to France, franked 1896-1901 1a. (incorrectly franked, not at Empire rate of 21/2a.), tied by Fort Portal c.d.s., unframed “T” mark with French 30c. postage due. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

SOLD for £110.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
291 / c, entire, etc. imageUganda: 1902 (Sept. 17) 2a. registered envelope addressed to Mombasa by company’s oval handstamp of Dewjee Jamll & Co., additionally franked on obverse by 1902 21/2a. strip of six, tied by Entebbe c.d.s’s. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £100-120

SOLD for £80.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
292 / Used / imageUganda: 1903 (Aug. 7) envelope, registered to U.S.A., franked by Uganda 2a. in combination of B.E.A. 21/2a. (2), tied by Entebbe c.d.s’s, boxed “ENTEBBE” registration mark, London red oval registered datestamp, small punch hole at left, otherwise fine. Ex Chantry. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £300-400

SOLD for £230.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
293 Uganda: 1896 Type-set Issue: A selection, incl. unused to 1r., 1a. unused with small “o”, 4a. used on cover front with B.E.A. 21/2a., 1a. and 3a. on small piece with B.E.A. 21/2a., etc., mixed condition. (13)

Est. £200-250

SOLD for £150.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
294 imageUganda: 1896 Type-set Issue: 1r. horizontal pair on thin toned paper [R. 3/1-2], one with small “O”, unused, light diagonal bend otherwise fine. Ex Minns. S.G. 60, a, cat. £435+. The property of another vendor. Photo. (Image1)

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Est. £70-80

SOLD for £50.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
295 nh imageUganda: 1902 “UGANDA” overprint 21/2a. blue, mint horizontal pair, both variety double overprint, right stamp has blue mark on front, otherwise fine. B.P.A. certificate (2009). S.G. 93a, cat. £1,200. Photo. (Image1)

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Est. £300-350

SOLD for £240.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
296 nh bl imageUganda: 1902 “UGANDA” overprint 21/2a. deep blue, fine mint block of four, the upper left stamp [R. 1/1] showing inverted “S” in “ANNAS”. S.G. 93, b. Photo. (Image1)

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Est. £70-90

SOLD for £60.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
297 / Used / imageUganda: Telegraphs: 1902 Railway Telegraphs 2a., 4a., 6a. and 1r. each with “MOMBASSA” in violet, all with minor faults. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £100-120

SOLD for £270.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
298 Uganda: A collection in an album, incl. 1898-1902 set mint, 1900 cover to U.S.A., franked by 1898-1902 3a. tied by Mombasa c.d.s., 1902 cover, registered to London, franked by 1902 overprinted “UGANDA” 1/2a. and 21/2a., tied by Mengo c.d.s’s. 1904 envelope, registered to England, franked by 1898-1902 1a. (2), 2a. (2), 3a., 4a. tied by Entebbe c.d.s’s. also similar cover, registered to England, franked 1a. (2), 2a. (2), 21/2a. and overprinted “UGANDA” 1/2a., cancellations, postal stationery, etc. (68 items)

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Est. £800-1,000

SOLD for £780.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
East Africa: Zanzibar
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
299 / c, entire, etc. imageZanzibar: The Kuhlmann Correspondence, 1855 lettersheet addressed to Emile Kuhlmann, “Gerant le Consulat de France/a/Zanzibar” with “ADEN/NO 14/1855” fine and early strike of the Aden double arc, with message inside and consulate cachet, the receiving date of Dec. 7 noted in manuscript. ?No. 14 in the Gary DuBro listing in “Zanzibar’s Postal History Legacy” (2012). Carried privately by the vessel “Norma”, there being no scheduled service from Aden to Zanzibar. The French Consulate opened in 1844 at Zanzibar, Kuhlmann serving from 1849 to 1856 with the exception of a short trip to Aden in late 1854. Ex Minns. The property of another vendor. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £1,000-1,500

SOLD for £2,000.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.
300 / c, entire, etc. imageZanzibar: 1880 (Feb. 7) envelope (reduced at left) to India at 3a. rate franked India 1a., 2a. cancelled by British P.O. duplex, with Aden, Bombay datestamps, also boxed “TOO LATE”, “T.P.O. ENQUIRY OFFICE/BOMBAY” datestamps on reverse. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £350-400

SOLD for £780.00
Closing..Oct-04, 03:00 AM EST.

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