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Great Britain Stamps & Postal History - Dec. 2024 continued...

G.B.P.H. COLLECTIONS continued...
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1381   imageHAMPSHIRE U.P.P. HS: 1840-50 group inc. 1842 EL Newport IOW to Stirling with fine Newport cds & large red crayon "2"; 1856 EL Southampton to Chelsea with v.fine large green "2" hs; 1847 EL Portsmouth to London with fine "2" hs; 1842 EL Beaulieu to Portsmouth with large "2" hs, Beaulieu / Penny Post hs and Southampton Py Post ds on reverse; 1850 EL Basingstoke to London with fine red Pd over 2 hs; 1843 EL Basingstoke to London with fine red Pd over 1 hs, etc. (15 items) Cross Reference: HAMPSHIRE, ISLE OF WIGHT (Image)

Starting at £ 130

SOLD for £140.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1382   imageHOME COUNTIES U.P.P. HS: 1840-47 group with 1846 env. to Oxford with fine red SLOUGH / PAID / 1 in circle hs; 1846 env. to London with good Hoddesdon Pd 1 in circle hs; 1844 piece to London with fine red boxed 1D PAID hs of Barnet; 1841 EL to London with fine red P.1 hs of Guildford; 1840 EL to Southampton with fine Long Ditton / Penny Post hs and alongside red 1 hs; 1843 E to London with fine red PAID over 1D in circle hs of Bishops Stortford; 1844 E to Langholm with fine red PAID over 1 hs of Windsor, etc. (14 items)Cross Reference: BERKSHIRE, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, HERTFORDSHIRE, MIDDLESEX (Image)

Starting at £ 100

SOLD for £140.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1383   imageKENT U.P.P. HS: 1840-50 collection of Kent UPP inc. 1849 small env+content to Chipstead with a v.fine and scarce Seven-Oaks red PAID / 1D in circle hs and wafer seal on reverse; 1840 EL to Greenwich Hospital with fine red Pd 1 hs of Tunbridge; 1841 EL to Rye with fine red 1 PAID hs of Cranbrook; 1842 EL to London with fine Penshurst / Penny Post hs and red PD 1 of Tunbridge and another Paid hs Penshurst?; 1845 EL Tunbridge local use with v.fine red P.1D. hs, etc. Good variety. (10 items)Cross Reference: KENT (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 130

SOLD for £140.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1384   imageLANCASHIRE INC. LIVERPOOL & MANCHESTER U.P.P. HS: 1840-50 selection with 1846 EL to Dukinfield with v.fine and scarce "2" hs of Oldham; 1847 EL Preston to Lancaster with fine black "2" hs; 1844 piece New Cross, Manchester to Bury with fine New Cross sub office red Paid 1D hs (M372); 1848 E to Kirby Lonsdale with fine brown PAID over 1 in circle hs of Bolton; 1841 EL Liverpool to Glasgow with fine "2" hs; 1840 EL Liverpool to Edinburgh with fine red PL hs (L210) of Liverpool; 1840 E to Kirby Lonsdale with fine red 1 hs of Liverpool, etc. (28 items) Cross Reference: LANCASHIRE, LANCASHIRE - LIVERPOOL, LANCASHIRE - MANCHESTER (Image)

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Starting at £ 120

Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1385   imageLONDON U.P.P. HS: 1840-1863 group with 1840 OHMS E London local with fine Charing Cross hs and alongside an uncommon "4" (unpaid)hs; 1840 E London local also with fine "4" (unpaid) hs; 1845 EL to Oswestry struck with red "1" hs in error and red "2" hs alongside; 1844 EL to Shaftesbury with v.fine "2" hs; 1844 EL London local with Princess St/ 1D PAID hs and fine "1" hs below; 1841 EL Preston to London paid with 1d red, redirected with large fine black "1" hs; 1841 EL London to Leith with fine Moorgate St / 1D PAID hs and v.fine ARGUS LIFE Assurance COMPANY / Post/PAID hs; 1862 env. to Cardiff with London Paid cds and alongside late use of a fancy "1" hs etc. Good variety. (26 item) Cross Reference: LONDON POSTAL HISTORY (Image)

Starting at £ 130

SOLD for £140.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1386   imagePOSTAL HISTORY COLLECTION 1799-1863; A neatly written up collection in a lever arch file with an assortment of covers including 1829 letter to Norfolk charged 3/9d; 1835 wrapper with inspectors stars and rate amended from 1/6d to 1/8d; 1836 Shaftesbury 5th Clause Post hs & superb Castle Cary straight line name stamp across join; 1837 with fine Collumpton horseshoe cancel to Covent Garden; 1841 Caracas to London with 'Franco' handstamp & ms 2/3d (being the Packet Rate); 1840 Thetford to Fakenham with ms '4' during Uniform Four Penny Post period. A wide selection of general fine marks. (59 covers) (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

image image

Get Market Data for [Great Britain Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 100

SOLD for £150.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1387   imageMIDLANDS U.P.P. HS: 1840-50 with 1850 env. Broadway local use with v.fine unpaid "2" hs; 1850 EL to Stourbridge with a Halesowen cds and alongside a v.fine small black "2" hs; 1840 large piece to Daventry, redirected with fine red Northampton P1 hs, crossed through and ms. P1 alongside; 1840 EL Ledbury to Ludlow with fine red "1" hs; 1840 E to Hinckley with large red P1 hs of Warwick; 1842 E to Brackley with fine bold red PD1 hs of Northampton; 1840 EL to Coventry with v.fine Appleby leicester / Penny Post hs, ms. red "1", etc, (17 items)Cross Reference: HEREFORDSHIRE, LEICESTERSHIRE, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, WARWICKSHIRE (Image)

Starting at £ 200

Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1388   imageNORTH EAST & WEST ENGLAND U.P.P. HS: 1840-61 with 1841 EL to Penrith with v.fine "2" (unpaid) hs of Carlisle; 1861 env. (fold across top) to Stockton with v.fine "2" (unpaid) hs of Sunderland; 1843 E Haydon Bridge local with fine "2" (unpaid) hs; 1845 env. Durham local use with light strike of a red 1d hs; 1840 EL to London with fine red "1" hs of Whitehaven; 1840 EL to Kirby Stephen with v.fine red CARLISLE / 1 /PAID hs (CU184); 1840/1 pair EL to London with v.fine red thick or narrow "1" hs of Newcastle on Tyne; 1849 env. to Doncaster with v.fine red thin, long "1" hs of Darlington, etc. (15 items)Cross Reference: NORTHUMBERLAND, CUMBERLAND, DURHAM (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 130

Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1389   imageSUSSEX U.P.P. HS: 1840-49 selection inc. 7 May 1840 EL Brighton to Brough with "E" in circle (SX247) & ms. red "1"; 1840 EL to London with red "1" hs of Arundel; 1841 EL to Brighton with red "1" hs of Worthing; 1847 EL to London with fine red PAID over 1 hs of Hastings; 1843 EL to London with red "1" hs and on the reverse a fine HORSHAM /7 skeleton ds; 1842 E to London with large red "1" hs of Bognor; 1847 env. to Horsham with v.fine red "1" hs of Petworth; 1842 EL Brighton local with a v.fine red PD1 in circle hs (SX230); 1840 EL to Findon with fine red PD2 in circle hs (SX228), etc. Good variety. (21 items)Cross Reference: SUSSEX (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 130

SOLD for £240.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1390   imageWEST COUNTRY U.P.P. HS: 1840-59 group with 1846 E to London with v.fine, large, blue "2" hs of Cheltenham; 1845 EL to Ludlow with, different type, fine "2" hs of Cheltenham; 1859 EL (repaired) ex Lisbon posted at Torquay to Bridport with fine (unpaid) "2" hs; 1841 E to London with v.fine large PAID over 1 hs of marlborough; 1846 EL to London with fine small type red PAID over 1 hs of Marlborough; 1843 EL Wotton Bassett to Cirencester via Swindon with fine red P/ hs; 1846 EL Salisbury to Basingstoke with fine red "1" hs, etc. (16 items)Cross Reference: WILTSHIRE, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, BRISTOL (Image)

Starting at £ 130

SOLD for £140.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1391   imageE. YORKSHIRE - BEVERLEY, GOOLE & HULL U.P.P. HS: 1840-85 group with 1842 E to Hull with slightly overinked, but scarce, red "1" hs of Goole; 1851 EL Beverley local with fine red 1d in circle hs; 1844 E Beverley to Bradford with fine red-brown 1D hs and a good Bradford skeleton ds; 1840 E to London with fine large red 1D hs with blue Hull skeleton ds; 1885 env. (tear at left) Beverley local use with v.fine late use of a large "2" hs; 1848 E to Hull with fine red different type, 1D hs of Beverley, etc. (16 items)Cross Reference: YORKSHIRE (Image)

Starting at £ 100

Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1392   imageW. YORKSHIRE - HALIFAX, HUDDERSFIELD & WAKEFIELD: 1841-71 with 1841/3 pair E Halifax to Sheffield or Manchester with different type of (unpaid) "2" hs; 1849 small env. Huddersfield to Honley with fine (unpaid) "2" hs; 1849 EL Wakefield to London with fine (unpaid) "2" hs plus 1871 W Riding Prison, Wakefield to Halifax with fine, different type, (unpaid) "2" hs. (5 items)Cross Reference: YORKSHIRE (Image)

Starting at £ 80

Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1393   imageN. YORKSHIRE - YORK U.P.P. HS: 1840-63 collection with 1842 E to Hull with fine and scarce red "Pd. /" hs; 1848 EL to Rotherham with v.fine red YORK / 2D / PAID in circle hs; 1840 EL to Trentham with fine, large, red Pd. 2 hs; 1840 EL to Exeter with fine blue-green "2" hs; 1850 EL to Sheffield with v.fine black YORK / 2D / PAID in circle hs; 1852 E to London with fine "2D" in circle hs; 1843 pair E to Hull with fine red PAID / 1 in circle hs; 1840 EL to Pontefract with large fine red Pd. 1 hs, etc. (14 items)Cross Reference: YORKSHIRE (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 120

SOLD for £130.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1394   imageYORKSHIRE - THE BALANCE OF THE U.P.P. HS: 1840-49 with 1840 EL to London with red oval PAID / AT /LEEDS hs and red 2d hs alongside; 1847 part E to Skipton with fine red 1d hs of Leeds; 1841 EL to Skipton with v.fine red double boxed Paid / 1D hs of Bradford; 1841 EL to Halifax with fine red "1" hs of Huddersfield; 1840 EL to Rochdale with fine/good PAID / ONE / PENNY hs of Bradford with letters "N" reversed; 1840 E to Halifax with v.fine red Todmorden / Penny Post hs and ms. "2"; 1842 front Otley to Leeds with v.fine boxed bold PAID / 1D hs; 1849 E Scarborough to Stourbridge with large red "1" hs etc. (26 items)Cross Reference: YORKSHIRE (Image)

Starting at £ 160

Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1395   imageBRITISH ISLANDS - GUERNSEY & ISLE OF MAN U.P.P. HS: 1840 EL Douglas IOM to Uppingham with fine red P1 hs and 1845 EL Guernsey to basingstoke endorsed P.Paid with small red "1" hs. Fine pair. Cross Reference: GUERNSEY POSTAL HISTORY, ISLE OF MAN POSTAL HISTORY, RUTLAND (Image)

Starting at £ 130

SOLD for £160.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1396   imageWALES - THE U.P.P. HS: 1840-53 with 1842 tiny EL Aberayron to Aberystwyth with fine (unpaid) "2" hs; 1853 E Wrexham to Ruthin with fine bold (unpaid) "2" hs; 1846 EL Bangor to London with fine (unpaid) "2" hs; 1842 EL Bangor to Dublin with boxed Dublin PAID ds and alongside a fine red fancy Pd 1d hs; 1847 EL Aberystwyth to London with v.fine red PAID / 1d hs (W125); 1844 EL Wrexham to Oswestry with fine red "1" hs; 1841 large piece Abergavenny to Broadway with fine red P1 hs and 1840 E Wrexham to London with fine large red "1" hs and red TOO LATE hs on reverse. (8 items)Cross Reference: WELSH POSTAL HISTORY (Image)

Starting at £ 160

SOLD for £170.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1397   image1865-72 UNDERPAID MAIL inc. six covers to France with 3d and 4d with "INSUFFICIENTLY/STAMPED" (3) or "INSUFFICIENTLY/PREPAID" (1) hs's. Four with "50" in bars hs. Also 1865 and 1866 covers (2) to New York bearing a single 6d with "INSUFFICIENTLY/PREPAID " hs inc. one in red and "3/CENTS" hs. Good clear strikes. (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 80

SOLD for £110.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1398   image1841-43 MALTESE CROSS CANCELATION ON 1d PENNY REDS & 1d PINK: Incs. a copy of The Bristol Mirror Newsman's Address for Christmas, 1841, with a clear MX sent from Bristol to London 28 DEC 1841; 1842 EL with fine strike of MX & v. fine "White X St." adjacent; 1842 1d pink env. cancelled with a very fine MX & red "Holborn EC" hs adjacent; plus other Es & ELs, some with 4 margin 1d reds, mainly with fine MX cancels. (21 items) Cross Reference: SUTHERLAND, IRELAND PRE-1922 - POSTAL HISTORY, DURHAM, YORKSHIRE (Image)

Starting at £ 48

SOLD for £100.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1399   image1859-72 COVERS WITH VARIOUS CANCELLATIONS inc. fine Azemars (7, inc. one 1d pink env.), spoon duplex of Bridgenorth, Liverpool (3), Warrington (2), Shrewsbury and Wrexham. 12 May 1864 E from Leeds to Tavistock with a very fine double ring duplex. 11 Oct. 1865 E from London to Ormskirk with a fine Pearson Hill parallel machine cancellation. Mostly fine strikes. (23 covers) (Image) (Image2)


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Starting at £ 200

SOLD for £220.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1400   imageDISTINCTIVE "FISH TAIL" MALTESE CROSS OF MANCHESTER: 10 June 1841 wrapper from Manchester to London bearing a two margined 1841 1d red OL with a good strike of the distinctive Manchester "fish tail" MX with a lightly struck red boxed "Lees/Penny Post" hs nearby. SG Spec. B1tw £1,100. (Image)

Starting at £ 130

Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM

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