G.B.P.H. COLLECTIONS continued...
Lot |
Catalog No. |
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Opening |
1361 |
INSTRUCTIONAL, INSPECTOR'S MARKS, ETC.: 1841-52 group with 1848 E Barnsley to Saxmundham with fine green boxed MIS-SENT / TO /
SHEFFIELD hs; 1841/4 pair EL London local or to Paisley with boxed red POSTED AFTER / 6OCLOCK or 7OCLOCK AT NIGHT hs's; 1845 EL Abergavenny to Bristol with fine & uncommon TOO LATE hs of Abergavenny; 1843 1d pink P.Stat. env. Fordingbridge to
Windsor with uncommon red circle in Inspectors star hs; 1845 1d pink P.Stat. env. local London use with NR hs (New Road) and a v.fine Longmans yellow wafer seal; 1845 large piece to Edinburgh with 1d red tied Liverpool "466" 1844 Type cancel and
fine red P x L (Paid Late) hs of Liverpool; variety of London TOO LATE GPO hs's, etc. Good variety. (20 items) (Image)
Starting at £ 160
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1362 |
1D RED COVERS WITH INTERESTING MARKS/CANCELS, 10d EMBOSSED ETC: 1841-52 with 1850 env. Leek to Stone with pair 1d red tied blue
"448" 1844 Type cancel: 1843 EL Preston to Settle with 1d red tied dark blue Preston MX: 1843 EL London to Leamington with 1d red tied "5" in MX; 1845 EL Jersey to London with 1d red tied "409" 1844 Type cancel; 1852 env. Cirencester to Ross with 10d
brown embossed cut into & to shape cancelled "204" 1844 Type cancel; 1849 E Stockport to Macclesfield franked 1d red with large blue hand struck "2" opposite, etc. (8 items) Cross Reference: STAFFORDSHIRE, LANCASHIRE, CHANNEL ISLANDS POSTAL
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Starting at £ 130
SOLD for £140.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1363 |
EARLY ENGLISH & WELSH SKELETON DS: 1841-49 with 1848 E Liverpool to Beaumaris with v.fine BEAUMARIS skeleton ds; 1849 E to Hull with
fine blue RIPON skeleton ds on reverse; 1847 EL Selby to Halifax with v.fine blue HALIFAX / skeleton ds; 1845 EL London to Skipton with fine blue SKIPTON / 4 skeleton ds with displaced "O"; 1841 EL London to Arundel with good ARUNDEL skeleton ds,
also Newcastle, Alnwick and Shrewsbury examples. (8 items)Cross Reference: YORKSHIRE (Image)
Starting at £ 110
SOLD for £120.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1364 |
STAMPLESS QV MAILS WITH MISSENT, PAID ETC.: 1841-50 with 1841 EL to Wigton with fine Missent / TO / London hs; 1850 env. London Paid
to Broadway with fine boxed MISSENT / TO / WORCESTER hs; 1841 EL (filing spike hole) Wednesbury to Ludlow endorsed "With Speed" and boxed red PAID hs above; 1842 EL Howden to Henley in Arden with v.fine red boxed PAID AT / HOWDEN hs; etc. (5 items)
Starting at £ 95
SOLD for £100.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1365 |
PENNY RED & TWO PENNY BLUE COVER COLLECTION: Binder holding a range of covers with frankings of imperf. & perf. 1d reds & 1841
onwards 2d blues. Includes six 1d red imperf. covers, four with MX cancels and c.42 covers with a variety of 'stars' & 'plates' frankings. Also, four covers/front bearing imperf. (1841) or perf. 2d blues. Mostly fine throughout and presented on
display pages. (Image)
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Starting at £ 65
SOLD for £90.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1366 |
1841-53 PENNY RED IMPERF FRANKINGS WITH MX CANCELS: Range of covers, all with black MX cancelled 1d reds, to/from a variety of
locations. Good to fine. (14 covers)Cross Reference: 1841 1d REDS (Image) (Image2)
Starting at £ 38
SOLD for £44.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1367 |
ENGLISH UNDATED CIRCLE CANCELLATIONS: 1842-52 selection with 1844 EL to Loughborough with v.fine double circle MOUNTSORREL on
reverse; 1845 1d pink P.Stat. env. IOW to Kibworth with fine red VENTNOR UDC; 1846 EL to Derby with fine red SYSTON UDC; 1847 env. to Lancaster with fine MARPLE UDC; 1849 env. to Salisbury with v.fine WINFRITH UDC; 1849 1d pink P.Stat. env. to London
with fine BARTON UDC, etc. Good variety. (11 items) Cross Reference: ISLE OF WIGHT (Image)
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Starting at £ 130
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1368 |
RECEIVING HOUSE NAME STAMPS, PENNY POST HS, ETC: 1842-52 mix with 1845 EL Preston local with fine blue NORTH ROAD hs; 1846 EL to
Congleton with v.fine Shirleywich hs; 1848 EL Brighton to Reigate with v.fine MARINE-PARADE hs; 1847 EL Manchester to Huddersfield with fine green OLDHAM-Rd hs; 1843 EL Daventry to Birmingham with v.fine Branston hs; 1844 E Folkingham to Nottingham
with v.fine Donnington Lincoln / Penny Post hs; 1842 piece Milnthorpe to Kendal with fine Penny Bridge / Penny Post hs, etc. (15 items) Cross Reference: LANCASHIRE, SUSSEX, LINCOLNSHIRE (Image)
Starting at £ 100
SOLD for £110.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1369 |
1845-74 DIVERSE GROUP OF COVERS/CARDS - MOSTLY BEARING 1d REDS inc. 1 April 1842 local London env. with 1d pair and circular framed
"MORE TO/SE/PAY" & "4" hs; 1861 & 1866 "TOO-LATE/LONDON" duplex; An interesting range of circular framed hs's containing letters etc. with crowned "R" (3), "KENNINGTON-CROSS" in blue, small "CH" inspectors hs of Bristol, "M/S/D/A", red "L", "E",
"P." and "D". "LC", very small"E C/B", "1D" and "WICKHAM" in blue. triangular framed "S &H/M" on ½d card from Brighton; UDCs with "EYAM" in blue & red; "WANLIP" in blue. Also "C.R." and "S.T./MANCHESTER" cds; 1858 "PIMLICO-BRANCH/S W" on a missent
item; 1863 env. from London to Lyme Regis with boxed "POSTAGE NOT PAID TO/LONDON" & "2" hs. 1855 envs. (2) from the Crimea with ms "3" & "6" respectively; 1865 mourning env. from London to Chester with signature of Earl Russell KG prime minister. (64
items) (Image) (Image2)
Starting at £ 200
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1370 |
1858-81 INTERESTING COLLECTION INC. SURFACE PRINTED COVERS inc. 18 Oct. 1871 EL from Newcastle to London with 1d & 4d plate 12 with
a red "2½" hs below. 8 May 1868 E from Liverpool to France with 4d plate 9 pair. 18 June 1872 E from Newcastle to Denmark with a single 4d plate 12. 12 June 1872 E from Manchester to Madrid with a single 1/- plate 5 QI. 17 July 1874 EL from London to
Norway with 1d & 4d plate 12 and red "2½d" nearby. 12 May 1871 E from Charing Cross via Brindisi to Bombay with a 1/- plate 4 1859 EL to New York with "LIVERPOOL/P.L.O." cds on reverse. 25 Nov. 1863 EL from Belfast to Palermo with a single 6d. A good
lot. (32 covers + 2 cards) (Image)
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Starting at £ 180
SOLD for £220.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1371 |
1859-80 - INTERESTING GROUP OF COVERS with a good selection of hs's inc. boxed "MISSENT TO/ LANCASTER", "MISSENT TO PORTSMOUTH" and
oval "MISSENT/TO/LIVERPOOL". 13 Aug. 1859 env. from Tunbridge to Hurst Green with a fine "TOO LATE" hs. 1856 & 1859 covers with circular framed "MORE/TO/PAY" with ms charges. 1862 local env. with red boxed "REDIRECTED/POSTAGE UNPAID" hs. (11 covers +
a front) (Image) (Image2)
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Starting at £ 160
SOLD for £280.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1372 |
1857-77 GROUP OF COVERS INC. POSTAGE DUE ITEMS: 30 Sept. 1878 env. from Brighton to London with a v. fine circular framed "1D",
April 1870 "BOUNTY OFFICE" printed EL to Kings Lynne with red circular framed "1D". A good range of covers with "2" or "2d" hs's. 1872 E from London to Stockholm with red "2½d" and circular framed "PD". Other hs inc. red "1d", circular framed "RL"
and a small triangular framed "LS". (33 items) (Image)
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Starting at £ 100
SOLD for £110.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1373 |
POSTAGE DUE & INSTRUCTIONAL HANDSTAMPS, ETC. inc. EL registered from London to Liverpool with red framed "LOMBARD
STREET/C/REGISTERED LETTER" hs. 1864 "TOO-LATE/LONDON" duplex, 1858-70 covers (7) with circular "MORE TO PAY" hs. and some "2" hs's. 17 Jan. 1870 1d pink env. with oval framed "NOT/FULLY ADDRESSED" hs. 19 Sept. 1868 E from Charring Cross to Coblenz
with 6d adhesive, oval framed red "PD" with zig-zag cancellation. (32 items) (Image) (Image2)
Starting at £ 120
SOLD for £130.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1374 |
1860-78 INTERESTING GROUP OF COVERS inc. 10 Sept. 1860 EL from London to Paris bearing 4d rose with red "INSUFFICIENTLY/PREPAID" a
oval framed "PD" with "50" and red numeral cancellation. 1870 1d pink env. from Basingstoke to Greenwich with on reverse strike of the scarce circular framed "BB" (blind bag) hs. 15 June 1873 E from Ramsgate to London with "MORE TO PAY/ABOVE OZ"
hs. Other hs's inc. boxed red "NOT CALLED FOR", and "INSUFFICIENTLY/STAMPED". A good group. (11 items) (Image) (Image2)
Starting at £ 100
SOLD for £110.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1375 |
1870-1939 GROUP OF ½d ON COVERS ETC.: 12 Oct. 1870 E from Taunton to Collumpton bearing 1d plate 1 DM (early use). 27 July 1880 E
from london to Monmouth with 1d Venetian red and ½d plate 13 JI. 11 Feb. 1876 env. from from Beyrout to Bristol with 2½d plate 2 AF and ½d plate 5 GU (with part "GO5" cancellations, (not recorded with this), another adhesive has been removed. 1877
envs. (3) with printed addresses to London with ½d plate 10. 3 Aug. 1876 reply circular from Hay to Ledbury and returned with ½d plates 5 & 12. Jan. 1879 printed unused return envs. (2, inc. one from the Swindon & Marlborough Andover railway with
unused ½d plate numbers. 2 Nov. 1939 env. censored from Port Said to UK referring to the return of visitors to Australia. (10 items)
(Image) (Image2)
Starting at £ 85
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1376 |
of (mainly PPCs) displaying various camp postmarks inc. skeletons. Inc. attractive 1930 'Aviators' PPC franked by 4 x Brown 1½d booklet pane (inc. ads), 1½d PUC, airmail & regd labels etc. with "LONDON NAVAL CONFERENCE" cds's (fine-v.fine); 1918 env.
with fine "UPAVON CENTRAL FLYING SCHOOL/PENSEY WILTS" cds; etc. [Ex John Lea] (37 covers/PPCs + 10 fronts + 2 stamps) Cross Reference: MILITARY (Image)
Starting at £ 80
SOLD for £120.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1377 |
1928-31 SMALL SELECTION with 29 Aug. 1928 env. Catapult Air Mail from London "per S.S. Ille de France" to Cheynne. U.S.A. with ½d,
10d & 2/6d seahorse. 16 Sept. 1935 large env. from London to Sydney with a single re-engraved 2/6d seahorse. 22 Dec. 1930 env. from Bedford to Derby containing an Xmas card with 1d p. due and "1D/61" hs. 17 June 1931 Printed Matter Rate postcard from
Peterborough bearing KGV ½d and a ½d p. due. 17 March 1931 postcard to Southampton bearing 1½d with a fine "GIBRALTAR/PAQUEBOT" cds. (5 items)
(Image) (Image2)
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Starting at £ 32
SOLD for £55.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1378 |
1864-73 "FOUND OPEN" COVERS, ETC.: c.1864 E (faults) from France to Poole with on reverse "Found open and resealed/at the General
Post Office" red hs. 12 April 1867 E from London to Rochester with a fine "Received open and resealed/at the W District Office" hs. 1873 env. (damaged) from Nottingham to Lyon with on reverse a red "Received open and/resealed at G.P.O." hs. Also one
other cover. (4 items) (Image)
Starting at £ 80
SOLD for £85.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1379 |
CHESHIRE & STAFFORDSHIRE U.P.P. HS: 1840-50 inc. 1846 EL Wednesbury local use with v.fine PAID / 1d (Type 2) hs; 1841 EL
Wolverhampton to Coventry with fine red PAID over 1D hs; 1845 E Newcastle-under-Lyne to Ashby de la Zouch with fine red Pd 1 hs; 1846 E West Bromwich to Henley-in-Arden with fine red PAID / ONE / PENNY hs; 1840 EL Chester to Haverfordwest with v.fine
large "2" hs; 1850 env. Chester to Whitchurch with fine "d1" hs, etc. Good selection. (17 items) Cross Reference: CHESHIRE, STAFFORDSHIRE
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Starting at £ 130
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |
1380 |
EAST ANGLIA U.P.P. HS: 1840-50 selection inc. 1846 part E Spilsbury to Nottingham with thick hand struck "2" hs; 1840 EL Aylsham to
Norwich with fine red "1" hs; 1842 EL Romford to Falkirk with fine red P.1D hs; 1842 EL Morningthorpe to Old Buckinham with scarce red PAID /1D (crescent below) hs of Long Stratton; 1844 EL Watton to Norwich with fine 1D in circle hs; 1844 EL
Harleston to Norwich with fine red circle with PAID over 1D. hs; 1845 EL Chelmsford to London with v.fine red PAID / 1d. / CHELMSFORD in oval hs; 1844 E Ipswich to Oban with v.fine red IPSWICH / 1D. / PAID in oval hs; 1841 E (flaps removed) with fine
red BURY / 1 / PAID hs, etc. Good variety. (23 items) Cross Reference: SUFFOLK, NORFOLK, LINCOLNSHIRE, ESSEX (Image)
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Starting at £ 200
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM |