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Worldwide Stamps & Postal History - Dec. 2024 continued...

FRANCE continued...
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
581   imageLITERATURE, MAPS, PPCs, EPHEMERA, ETC. Carton housing an accumulation of c.25 mainly Paris, Railway and Cancellation related monographs, catalogues, tables and other literature. Also a group of c.20 related PPCs/covers. Cross Reference: EPHEMERA, LITERATURE - NON PHILATELIC, LITERATURE - PHILATELIC (Image)

Get Market Data for [France Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 32

Currently...USD 40.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
582   imageAFRICAN COLONIES COLLECTIONS: A carton containing a collection in two albums of mint & used Tchad (1922-2000) inc. some commercially used covers. Also stockbooks containing mint 1980's Guine-Bissau with many in corner blocks and mint & used Cameroun (1916-c.1984) inc. 1940 ovpt values to 2f25 some in mint corner blocks. Also a stockbook of Liberia with mini. sheets, Officials & registration. (several 1,000s) (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

image image

Get Market Data for [French Colonies Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 26

Currently...USD 32.50
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
583   imageSENEGAL PRE-STAMP MAIL TO FRANCE: Range with 1822 EL to Bordeaux with "COLONIES PAR/ROCHEFORT" hs on front, 1837 EL to Paris ex St Louis with "BUREAU MARITIME/(HAVRE)" double-ring cds and framed "PAYS D'OUTREMER/PAR LE HAVRE" hs on front, 1838/39 EL to Bordeaux or Bayeaux with framed "PAYS D'OUTREMER" hs (Salles 121) and charged '7' or '18' decimes (2nd weight step) with Nantes or Marseilles entry cds on front, 1844 EL to Bordeaux ex St Louis with "OUTRE-MER/PAULLIAC" cds on front, 1858/59 envs. to La Rochelle with St Louis UDC or "GOREE" double-ring cds and with "6" decimes hs on front and a few others. (9 covers) Cross Reference: INCOMING OVERSEAS MAIL, SCOTLAND, OFFICIAL MAIL, WELSH POSTAL HISTORY (Image)

Starting at £ 48

Currently...USD 62.50
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
584   imageSENEGAL CIRCULAR "A" MARKS USED DURING THE YELLOW FEVER OUTBREAK: Range with 14 Jan. 1902 printed matter env. to Ivory Coast ex Dakar 'Par Tibet' with circular "A" mark and "MARSEILLE A LOANGO/L.M.No.3" French Packet ds on front, 14 Jan. 1902 PPC to Paris with circular "A" mark and endorsement indicating lack of 5c or 10c stamps, 14/15 Jan. 1902 local envs. with Dakar cds and circular "A" mark on front, one endorsed by the Postmaster and 23 Jan. 1902 PPC to France franked 10c following the arrival of supply of stamps. Scarce group. (5 covers/cards) (Image)

Starting at £ 48

Currently...USD 118.75
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
585   imageEGYPT: USED COLLECTION FROM 1862: Slightly remaindered on leaves starting with Alexandria with nice group of French Napoleon issues; 1862 10c(2) & 40c and 1863-70 40c & 80c all with clear and complete '5080' in dotted diamond cancels, 5c 'Peace & Commerce' issue with Alexandria cds, 1899-1900 six vals to 2f, 1902-21 set complete (ex 5c), 1916 Red Cross & later part sets to 150m on 5f. The Port Said section inc., French 'Peace & Commerce' issues 25c, 50c & 1f all with Port Said cds, 1899-1900 set to 1f (ex 40c), 1899 25c on 10c both ovpt in red on piece with full cds, expertised on reverse (cat. £140) & 1924-5 eight vals to 150m on 5f. (77) (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 80

Currently...USD 100.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
586   imageREGISTERED COVER TO COSTA RICA: 1919 env. registered to Costa Rica franked 5d orange & purple (SG 93) tied by faint oval "REGISTERED/GPO GAMBIA" ds with boxed "R/BATHURST" hs adjacent, and 4 New York oval ds's across flap. Very unusual origin/destination combination. Cross Reference: REGISTERED MAIL, COSTA RICA (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 48

Currently...USD 60.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
587   imageGERMAN STATES COVER MISCELLANY: Covers from various states inc. Thurn & Taxis, Baden, Wurttemberg, Hannover, etc. a few pre-stamp/stampless covers plus franked covers. Includes s/l cancels of Celle & Goettingen, 1859 lettersheet from Tubingen to Rottenburg with Wurttemberg 3k orange franking, 1864 Regd. stampless cover from Hahnichen (Haynichen) to Chemnitz, small group of Thurn & Taxis frankings and p.stat. envs., etc. Mostly fair to average. (16 plus a front) (Image)

Starting at £ 48

Currently...USD 60.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
588   imageALSACE, BAVARIA & PRUSSIA COVER GROUP: Includes fine Jun. 1871 wrapper to Herzburg bearing 10c pale brown Occupation issue with "STRASSBURG/IM ELSASS" cds and Stromeyer agents mark. Also group of 5 locally used covers & Postal Stationery envs. with mostly Prussia 1861-67 'Arms' type frankings and a group of 1890s postcards with Bavaria 'Arms' type frankings. (Total 10 cards/covers) (Image)

Starting at £ 18

Currently...USD 22.50
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
589   imageOLDENBURG 1/15th THALER: imperf. two margin on wrapper to Brake; faded boxed blue 'OLDENBURG 23/10', an arrival 'BRAKE 24/10' and a red boxed 'RECOMMAMDIRT' cachet. Appearance of water damage, otherwise fair for age. (Image)

Starting at £ 32

Currently...USD 40.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
590   imageOLDENBURG: Used and unused collection on album leaves. Includes a range of 1852-59 thaler values (8) inc. ?sgr black on green. 1859 used range from 1g to 3g and 1861 used range from ?g to 3g (2) with variable margins and 1862-67 rouletted issues to 10g bistre/bistre-brown (7). Includes some identified forgeries. (Total 48 stamps) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Germany (States) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 180

Currently...USD 225.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
591   imageALLENSTEIN - STAMPS & POSTAL HISTORY: Collection inc. both the 1920 sets to 3m, SG 1/14 & 15/28, the latter set also on a large cover. Range of attractive covers inc. 1895 to Braunswald, E. Prussia and a range of 12 x 1920 period covers with various Plebiscite issue frankings. (28 stamps & 14 covers) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Germany Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 80

Currently...USD 100.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
592   imageMARIENWERDER - STAMPS & POSTAL HISTORY: Collection on superbly presented display pages. Includes 1920 (Mar.-Apr.) set used complete to 5m, five used values of 1920 (27 Mar.-11 May) set being 5pf, 20pf, 75pf, 80pf & 1m, 1920 (Apr.-May) set of 4 used SG 21/24, 1920 (Jul.) set of 4 SG 25/28 and 1920 (Jul.-Aug.) complete used set of 14. Group of 5 pre-stamp/stampless covers 1800s and several later covers inc. 3 with Interallied Commission frankings and 1868 & 1870 covers with North German Confederation frankings. Lot also inc. various rouletted & perforated issues of North German Confederation. (c.61 stamps plus 10 covers) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Germany Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 100

Currently...USD 125.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
593   imageSCHLESWIG - STAMPS & POSTAL HISTORY: Fine used collection on display pages. Includes 1920 (25 Jan.) Postage sets to 10m red (2 sets), 1920 (26 Jan.) Officials mint (5, 15, 20,40 & 75 pfennig values only), 1920 (21 May) "1. ZONE" overprint set to 1kr brown cto on cover plus the 2kr, 5kr & 10kr values mint. Also 4 cards dated Apr. to June 1920 bearing various Plebiscite frankings. Lot also inc. several Danish stamps (inc. RX opts.) issued to raise awareness of the plebiscite. (43 stamps plus 5 cards/covers) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Germany Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 38

Currently...USD 47.50
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
594   image1816-1970s COVERS, CARDS, ETC. - EX. DEALERS STOCK: Four boxes containing an extensive stock of good to v. fine clean cover and PCs with commercial or special event cancels & some unused; a small selection of prestamp inc. Thurn & Taxis items; selection of Parcel Cards, Advice of Delivery, & CoD (c.19). (1000+) Cross Reference: PICTURE POSTCARDS, GERMAN STATES (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6)

image image

Get Market Data for [Germany Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 160

Currently...USD 212.50
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
595   imagePOSTAL HISTORY MIX: Small box containing a range of covers and PCs from late 19th century to 1980s inc. airmails, registered letters, letters in ordinary course of post, FDCs (inc.CTOs); 1936 Olympic Games set with Berlin Stadium cds; 1912 Luneburg Expedition cds; Hotel Monopol cover; censored env. with contents; cancellations inc. TPO and places under German occupation (inc. Rumania) etc., some with optd. stamps. Few unsued early postal cards. Cover from Hong Kong to UK with "5d" and black circled "T. WW1" hs's, unused RP postcard "Peace with Ukraine" treaty signing February 1918 (scarce); 100 Days Air Bridge cover (faults). Also inc. small amount of Saar material. (400+) Cross Reference: SAAR, OLYMPICS, HOTELS, MILITARY - CENSORED MAIL (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

image image

Starting at £ 80

Currently...USD 106.25
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
596   imageMID-20th C. FDCs, ANNIVERSARY & AIR MAIL COVERS: Small carton containing a mix of items (some cto) inc. 1936 PC with "DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST/EUROPE-SUDAMERIKA" cds; etc. (c.110 FDC/Anniversary covers, 35 airmails, 15 commercial items) Cross Reference: AIR MAIL COVERS, FIRST DAY COVERS, CANCELLATIONS (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 48

Currently...USD 60.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
597   imageEARLY TO MODERN COLLECTION INC. STATES, SAAR, DANZIG, PLEBISCITES, ETC.: Extremely well presented in 4 SG "Devon" albums. A mix of mint & used (mostly) a representative collection from early States through to 1999, with much Weimar & Third Reich content. Also includes contributions from Saar & Danzig plus WWI & WWII occupations and post 1945 Allied occupation issues. One album is dedicated to Berlin with many better early sets inc. all 3 'Bell' sets mint or used. Very fine throughout and highly catalogued. (Very many 100s) Cross Reference: GERMANY - BERLIN, DANZIG, SAAR (Image)

Get Market Data for [Germany Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 120

Currently...USD 150.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
598   imagePRINTED ALBUM with the exclusively mint collection of issues 1871-1945. Includes 1945-49 Allied Occupation issues. High degree of completion for the period. (Few 100s) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Germany Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 160

Currently...USD 200.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
599   imageWWI TO WWII COVER GROUP PLUS MODERN ERSTTAGSBLATTS: Group of 16 better early covers, philatelic & commercial inc. German Occupations, Belgium, Romania, Dorpat, etc. (Priced to sell at £600+). Also a group of 46x Ersttagsblatts (First Day of Issue Sheets) for 1990 Reunification, Berlin Wall, Xmas, Kathe Dorsch, etc. High cat. value. (total 62 items) (Image)

Starting at £ 46

Currently...USD 57.50
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
600   imageEARLY COVER SELECTION: Diverse group of interesting covers inc. German States, WWI POW, General Gouvernement, Feldpost, etc. (11 items) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Germany Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 18

Currently...USD 22.50
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM

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