Ethiopia continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Descrip |
Opening |
7045 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
170 var. (15) |
1931, 1st airplane of Ethiopian Government 2g. ultramarine IMPERFORATE block of 15 from lower left corner, MNH and scarce, unlisted in Michel (Yvert PA12nd, € 4.875,--
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)
Catalog number(s): 170 var. (15) (905266) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7046 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** Flugpost (Flight cover) |
175 imperf. |
1931, Airmails 3th. green imperforate, right marginal copy, unmounted mint. Yvert PA17 nd, 325,- €.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/Air mail
number(s): 175 imperf. (684873) (Image)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7048 |
Brief (cover) |
ex 200/206 |
1943-46 Three airmail covers to the U.S.A. franked by Emperor Haile Selassie stamps, with two covers (1943/1944) censored, and a 1946 registered cover, in mixed condition.
(Ex Germenis)
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): ex 200/206 (1044458) (Image) (image1)
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SOLD for €95.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7049 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
ex 207/211 |
1943 Overprint varieties: Five stamps (four different) optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value showing two different ovpt. varieties, one 5c on 5c with bottom "5"
INVERTED , and four values showing "small closed "4" in 1943", all fine mint never hinged. (Ex Germenis)
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)
Catalog number(s): ex 207/211 (1043299) (Image) (image1)
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SOLD for €90.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7050 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
207-211 |
1943 Complete set optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value, mint never hinged, signed by M. Raybaudi. (Ex Germenis)
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)
Catalog number(s): 207-211 (1036917) (Image)
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SOLD for €190.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7051 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
207-211 |
1943 Overprint varieties: Group of 9 stamps optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value, all showing ovpt. varieties, with complete set with missing ":" at top roght (one
with only one stop), two values with "S in OBELISK almost missing", one 15c on 10c with "slanted "3" in 1943", and a 5c on 4c with "lower "5" inverted", all fine unmounted mint. (Ex Germenis)
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)
number(s): 207-211 (1043301) (Image)
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SOLD for €150.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7052 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** ungebraucht (hinged) * |
207-11 (3) |
1943 Three complete type sets of five optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value, showing the three overprint types with "K" of OBELISK fat and with serifs, with thinner
"K" with serifs, and the "K" without serifs, mint never hinged or lightly hinged, fine. (Ex Germenis)
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/* (mint hinged)
Catalog number(s): 207-11 (3) (1043104) (Image) (image1)
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SOLD for €150.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7053 |
4er (Block) postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
207-211 (4) |
1943 Complete set of blocks of four optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value, mint never hinged. The block of the 5c on 4c folded between and one stamp 15c on 10c with
two little gumless patches, still fresh and fine. All blocks signed by M. Raybaudi. (Ex Germenis)
Condition: block of four/** (mint never hinged)
Catalog number(s): 207-211 (4) (1036965) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7054 |
4er (Block) ungebraucht (hinged) * |
207-211 (4) |
1943 Complete set of blocks of four optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value, mint lightly hinged, fresh and fine. (Ex Germenis)
Condition: block of four/* (mint
Catalog number(s): 207-211 (4) (1036957) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7055 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
207-11 (6) |
1943 Complete set of blocks/stripes of six optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value, with se-tenants of the three types of "K" in OBELISK (K without serifs, K with
serifs, fat K with serifs) and small varieties like "small 3" etc., mint never hinged. (Mi. from €3000) (Ex Germenis)
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)
Catalog number(s): 207-11 (6) (1043084) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7056 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
207-11 (28) |
1943 Complete set of top left corner blocks of 28 optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value, showing se-tenants of all the three types of the "K" in OBELISK (K w/o serifs,
K with serifs and fat K with serifs) plus various varieties, mint never hinged, fresh and fine. (Mi. from €14,000) (Ex Germenis)
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)
Catalog number(s): 207-11 (28) (1043098) (Image) (image1)
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SOLD for €1,000.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7057 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
207-211 (40) |
1943 Complete set of bottom left corner panes of 40 optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value, mint never hinged, fresh and fine. (Mi. €20,000) (Ex Germenis)
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)
Catalog number(s): 207-211 (40) (1036989) (Image) (image1)
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SOLD for €1,250.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7058 |
gestempelt (marked) |
207-211 |
1943 Complete set of five optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value tied by bilingual "ADDIS ABABA/4.11.43" c.d.s. to printed presentation sheetlet "Empire of
Ethiopia/Ministry of Communications". The 15c on 10c shows a narrow "4" in "1943". The sheetlet rejoined by two Scotch tapes otherwise fine. A scarce official sheetlet. (Ex Germenis)
Condition: o (used)
Catalog number(s): 207-211
(1036992) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7059 |
gestempelt (marked) |
207-211 |
1943 Complete set of five optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value tied by bilingual "ADDIS ABABA/4 NOV 43" c.d.s. to printed "Imperial Ethiopian Government/Ministry of
Finance/Monopoly Service Tobacco Factory" sheet, fine. (The marginal single 30c on 20c with a smaller closed "4" in "1943".) (Ex Germenis)
Condition: o (used)
Catalog number(s): 207-211 (1037024) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7060 |
gestempelt (marked) |
207-211 |
1943 Complete set of five optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value tied by bilingual "ADDIS ABABA/4 NOV 43" c.d.s. to printed "Imperial Ethiopian Government/Ministry of
Finance/Monopoly Service Tobacco Factory" sheet, fine. (The 5c on 4c with a smaller closed "4" in "1943".) (Ex Germenis)
Condition: o (used)
Catalog number(s): 207-211 (1037022) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7061 |
207-211 |
1943 Complete set of five optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value, all with sheet margin at top, tied by bilingual "ADDIS ABABA/3 NOV 43" c.d.s. to official souvenir
folder, lightly stained, still good. A VERY RARE FIRST DAY CANCELLATION. (Almost all such folders and covers cancelled on 4th Nov., and only very few on 3rd Nov., the first day of issue. The only FDC ex Vozikis collection.) (Ex Germenis)
Condition: FDC
Catalog number(s): 207-211 (1037008) (Image) (image1)
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SOLD for €300.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7062 |
Briefstück (on piece) Brief (cover) |
207-11 |
1943 Complete set of five optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value, tied by bilingual FIRST DAY c.d.s. "ADDIS ABABA/3 NOV 43" to part envelope (front only), fine. A VERY
RARE FIRST DAY CANCELLATION. (Almost all folders and covers cancelled on 4th Nov., and only very few on 3rd Nov., the first day of issue.) (Ex Germenis)
Condition: on piece/Cover
Catalog number(s): 207-11 (1043079) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7063 |
Brief (cover) |
207-11 |
1943 Complete set of five optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value tied by bilingual "ADDIS ABABA/4 NOV 43" c.d.s. to unaddressed printed envelope, fine. (Ex
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 207-11 (1043081) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7064 |
Brief (cover) |
207-11 |
1943 Complete set of five optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value tied by bilingual "ADDIS ABABA/4.11.43" c.d.s. to unaddressed "Reuters Ltd." envelope, fine. (Ex
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 207-11 (1043082) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7065 |
Brief (cover) |
207-11 |
1943 Complete set of five optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value tied by bilingual "ADDIS ABABA/4.11.43" c.d.s. to unaddressed "PER VIA AEREA" envelope, fine. (Ex
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 207-11 (1043083) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7066 |
Brief (cover) ungebraucht (hinged) * |
207-11 (2) |
1943 Complete set of five optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value tied by bilingual "ADDIS ABABA/4 NOV 43" c.d.s. to official souvenir folder in blue, fine. In addition
a similar folder in green with a mint set hinged (toned by hinges). (Ex Germenis)
Condition: Cover/* (mint hinged)
Catalog number(s): 207-11 (2) (1043077) (Image) (image1)
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SOLD for €150.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7067 |
ungebraucht (hinged) * |
209 var. |
1943 Overprint ERROR: 15c on 10c optd. "OBELISK/3 Nov. 1943" and new value mistakenly IN RED, mint lightly hinged, plus a normal stamp with ovpt. in black for comparison.
(Ex Germenis)
Condition: * (mint hinged)
Catalog number(s): 209 var. (1043302) (Image) (image1)
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SOLD for €150.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7068 |
Brief (cover) |
212/216, 200 (4) |
1944, Birth Centenary, complete set in combination with four values 20c. blue/black (on front/on reverse) on registered airmail cover from "ADDIS-ADEBA 2.1.45" to New York
with transit and arrivals marks on reverse, slight postal wear.
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 212/216, 200 (4) (1027708)
(Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7069 |
222/224 |
1947, Airmail surcharges, complete set on cacheted f.d.c. postmarked "ADDIS ABABA 20.3.47".
Condition: FDC
Catalog number(s): 222/224 (1043099) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7070 |
4er (Block) postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
379 I (2) |
1959 Red Cross Error: "2" on wrong ovpt. "5c" on 15c, two blocks of four with even one error stamp, plus minor varieties like malformed crosses, both mint never hinged,
fresh and fine. (Pos. 34-35/44-45 resp. 33-34/43-44) (Ex Germenis)
Condition: block of four/** (mint never hinged)
Catalog number(s): 379 I (2) (1043031) (Image) (image1)
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SOLD for €100.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7071 |
Brief (cover) |
379 I + 379 |
1959 Red Cross error: "2" on wrong ovpt. "5c" on 15c in pair with normal stamp 15c+2c (pos. 34+44) used on locally addressed small mourning cover and tied by bilingual
"1-6-59 ETHIOPIA DEPART A.A." cds, fine. A SCARCE OVERPRINT ERROR. (Mi. -,-) (Ex Germenis)
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 379 I + 379 (1043028) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
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SOLD for €150.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7072 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
379-381 (100) |
1959 Red Cross complete set of three in sheets of 100 each (30c.+5c. two half sheets), with a lot of varieties including the rare 15c.+2c. with error "2" on 15c.+5c. (pos.
44), the very rare "missing Ethiopian overprint" (pos. 91) and many others like deformed "+", re-entries, corrected marginal imprints etc. on all sheets, mint never hinged, fine. (Ex Germenis)
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)
number(s): 379-381 (100) (1043021) (Image)
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SOLD for €150.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7073 |
1509-16 |
1994 'Fox': Two sets of four with two different circled overprints (UNFPA resp. ADB), each set on FDC, plus one ADB brochure, fine. (Mi. from €600) (Ex Germenis)
Condition: FDC
Catalog number(s): 1509-16 (1044105) (Image) (image1)
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SOLD for €100.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7074 |
ungebraucht (hinged) * postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
1-7 I+II, 8-28 |
 Ethiopia - postage dues
1905-08 Five complete mint sets of postage due issues, with "T" overprint (two types) and the three following 1906-08 issues, most stamps lightly hinged,
some never hinged, with a few minor imperfections but still good to very fine. (Mi. about €1300, Scott about $800) (Ex Germenis)
Condition: * (mint hinged)/** (mint never hinged)
Catalog number(s): 1-7 I+II, 8-28 (1044443) (Image) (image1)
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SOLD for €470.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7075 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
H & G 2 |
 Ethiopia - postal stationery
1897, 1 Gue green postal stationery card, fine strike "HARRAR 19-3-03" via Dschibouti to Paris with add. franking of 10 c French Somaliland, ship post
cds "30 MARS 03"
Condition: postal stationery
Catalog number(s): H & G 2 (491461) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7076 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
H&G 6d + Somali + German |
 Ethiopia - postal stationery
1905 Postal stationery card 1g. blue surcharged native "Malekt" in black, dated 'Gonder d. 16.4.1905' and used from Addis Abbeba to Germany, canc.
"ADIS ABEBA 20.IV.1905", uprated French Somalicoast 10c. and in Berlin by German Germania 5pf. green tied "BERLIN 22.5.05", and with Halberstadt arrival dater. A very unusual franking and postcard. (Ex Germenis)
Condition: postal
Catalog number(s): H&G 6d + Somali + German (1036839) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |