WORLD STAMPS continued...
GERMANY continued...
Lot |
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Opening |
651 |
GERMAN NEW GUINEA 1897-1919 neatly presented range on leaves comprising 1897-99 5pf, 20pf, 25pf & 50pf FU, 3pf (2 shades) M, 10pf M (faults), 1901 Yacht 3pf to 5m (11 vals) M, 5pf, 10pf, 20pf & 50pf FU, 1914-19 Wmk Lozenges
set M incl. 5m (2), SG.23b/c. (27 stamps, 6 covers, 1 Notgeld), Cat. £720+ covers. (Image)
Estimate £ 150-200
Starting Bid £ 150
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
652 |
GERMAN POST OFFICES IN CHINA 1898 50pf with 45 degrees overprint, vertical gutter pair, VFU, Mi.6IZs. (Image)
Estimate £ 60-75
Starting Bid £ 60
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
653 |
GERMAN POST OFFICES IN CHINA superbly presented collection of stamps & covers neatly written up on 36 exhibition leaves in protectors, comprising 1886-91 Z5, 1891-1900 Z11a (2), Z13a (2), 1900-01 10pf (Boxer Rebellion), 1898
1a, 2a, 6a unused; 2a (2), 3a (6), 4a (2), 5a (2) U. T2 ovpt unused (2) & U (12). 1900 Foochow provisional, SG.14, 1900-01 Tientsin provisional, SG.16, 1901-04 issue with 5m hand painted border etc, 1905 useful range of vals to $2½. Postmarks
the 1905 & 1905-19 issues cancelled TIENTSIN/DEUTSCHE POST; Boxer Rebellion period. Re-directed mail from Germany. 'Soldaten Brief' with military cachet S.B/OSTAS.BESATZ.BRIGADE/FELDLAZARETH No.1 (Field Hospital). Card to Germany (21.7.01) from a
Major with the German Expeditionary Force, Tientsin + further four military cards. SHANGHAI 1905-19 issue stamps ovptd for use in German PO's in China, cancelled 'SCHANGHAI/DEUTSCHE POST' Shanghai 'red band' cover to Tsingtau cancelled as above,
Shanghai to Russia 17.11.05, to London (15.9.05), to Germany (1.8.02) etc, TONGKU/DEUTSCHE POST, CANTON, TSINGTAO items, German seapost posted on board 'Prinz Ludwig' en route Hong Kong to Shanghai, TSINGTAO/KIAUTSCHOU (12.7.00) card showing naval
and marine parade at Tsingtao. (Image)
Estimate £ 700-850
Starting Bid £ 700
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
654 |
GERMAN POST OFFICES IN MOROCCO 1899-1915 neatly presented ranges in exhibition leaves in protectors M & U stamps + covers, from the first issues with diagonal Surcharges of 1899, then ranges on the REICHPOST issues to 6p25c,
1905 DEUTSCHES REICH issues to 3p.75 FU & 6p.25 M, 1906 FU incl. 50c on 40pf (2) U, the three top val M, 1911 'Marokko' issue 11 vals M to 2p.50 on 2m. Nice lot. (71 stamps & 6 cards). (Image)
Estimate £ 350-400
Starting Bid £ 350
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
655 |
GERMAN POST OFFICES IN THE TURKISH EMPIRE 1872-1908 M & U range in mixed condition neatly laid out on exhibition leaves in protectors incl. 1872-99 eagle with large shield 2g blue U & 2½d chestnut (2) U - mixed condition, 1884
vals U to 2½pi on 50pf grey-green, 1889 Numeral or Arms REICHPOST vals to 2½pi on 50pf U (20pa on 10pf) M, 1900 Surcharge with Turkish vals to 10pi on 2m U, 15pi on 3m M & 25pi on 5m (hand painted borders) M, 1902 Altered Letter 'A' 10pa & 10pi M,
20pa, 1pi & 5pi U, 1905 Germania issues to 10pi U, 2½pi, 5pi, 15pi & 25pi M, 1905-12 vals to 5pi U, 10pi, 15pi & 25pi M, 1908 set M, then a range of covers or cards. (73 stamps + 12 covers or cards). Mixed condition. ST.Cat. £3000+ (Image)
Estimate £ 300-400
Starting Bid £ 300
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
656 |
GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1897 M or FU + covers collection neatly presented on exhibition leaves incl. 1897 3pf, 5pf, 20pf (+ 50p prepared for use) M, basic set U, 1898-1900 Optd without hyphen set less 25pf M, similar FU, 1901
No Wmk vals to 3m (9) M, set excl. 40pf & 5m FU, 1906-19 3pf to 5m (8 vals) + extra 5m, vals to 1m FU, further FU on piece, six covers/cards etc. Stamps ST.Cat. £1000 + covers. (Image)
Estimate £ 100-150
Starting Bid £ 100
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
657 |
KAMERUN 1919-20 registered philatelic covers (4) to Switzerland, various frankings all with Buea cancels, one has the C.E.F opt 2½d on 25pf. (Image)
Estimate £ 100-150
Starting Bid £ 100
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
658 |
KIAOCHOW 1898-1918 M & U range on exhibition leaves in protectors incl. 1898 3pf grey brown FU on piece, 1898 P.O's in China cancelled 'TSINGTAU/KIAUTSCHOU' vals to 25pf orange VFU, 1901 No Wmk set M, 1905 (1st Oct) 1c, 40c,
½d & 2½d M, 2c, 4c, 10c & 20c U, 1905-18 Wmk Lozenges part set of eight M incl. ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d (both) M, 4c, 10c, 20c, 40c & ½d FU. (45 stamps) ST.Cat. £3500 + covers/cards. (9) (Image)
Estimate £ 400-500
Starting Bid £ 400
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
659 |
MARIANA ISLANDS 1899-1901 M range on exhibition leaves from 1899-1900 angle 48 degrees set M 3pf, 5pf, 25pf & 50pf with RPS Certs, 56 degrees set M, 1901 No Wmk set M, 1916-19 Wmk Lozenges set M incl. both 5m, fine complete
collection. Cat. £15000+ (28) (Image)
Estimate £ 2,000-2,500
Starting Bid £ 2,000
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
660 |
MARSHALL ISLANDS 1897-1900 M & U range on exhibition leaves from 1897-1900 5pf & 20pf M, 25pf & 50pf prepared but not issued M, 1899-1900 set FU, 1901 No Wmk set M & 1916-19 Wmk Lozenges set incl. 5m. (2) Cat. £1885. (26) (Image)
Estimate £ 200-250
Starting Bid £ 200
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
661 |
SAMOA 1900-19 mainly M range on exhibition leaves incl. 1900 Optd set M, 1900 Yacht No Wmk set excl. 40pf & 3m, 5pf to 3m (8 vas) U - faults, 1915-19 Wmk Lozenges set, M incl. both 5m, also three unused stationery cards.
ST.Cat. £620. (33 + 3 cards) (Image)
Estimate £ 80-100
Starting Bid £ 80
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
662 |
TOGO 1888-1919 M & U range on exhibition leaves from 1888 50pf chocolate on small piece, tied 'KLEIN POPO' c.d.s, 1897 vals to 20pf M, set U + extra shades, 1900 No Wmk Yacht series to 80pf M + 1m (fault) & 3m M, good to FU,
3pf to 20pf, 30pf & 40pf, 2m, 3m & 5m U, 1909-19 Wmk Lozenges set M, also CAMEROUN 1897-1919 M & U range from 1897 Optd set to 25pf (faults), 1900 No Wmk Yacht series set to 80pf + 2m & 3m (lower value faults), 1905 Wmk Lozenges set to 1m (both) M
etc. Attractive lot, mixed condition. (73) ST.Cat. £2000+ (Image) (Image2)
Estimate £ 200-250
Starting Bid £ 200
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
Lot |
Symbol |
Descrip |
Opening |
663 |
QV-1970's postal history accumulation, incl. registered mail, commercial mail, WWII censors, postal stationery, PPC, FDCs, few pre-stamp covers. Mixed condition (276). (Image)
Estimate £ 150-200
Starting Bid £ 150
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
664 |
QV-QEII M & U collection on leaves incl. GB used abroad, poor, QV varieties, SG.15a, 17a., 17b M, 18a M & U, 18b U, 22a U (total Cat. £379), 1898 2½d variety inverted wmk M (Cat. £400), 1903 2s Ovpt SPECIMEN M, 1931-32 'Rock'
range of vals with different perfs M & U, 1935 Jubilee sets UM & U (Cat. £85), KGVI sets to £1 M & U (Cat. £100) with M & U perf varieties, SG.123b Cat. £318), SG.124ab (Cat. £848), SG.125a (Cat. £146), SG.126 & 126a (Cat. £175), SG.127 & 127a (Cat.
£165), SG.128a (Cat. £180), SG.129 (Cat. £290), SG.129a & 129b (Cat. £116), SG.130 & 130a (Cat. £293), some toned gum as usual, 1948 Wedding set M & U (Cat. £144) etc. Fair to fine. (153) (Image)
Estimate £ 250-350
Starting Bid £ 250
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
665 |
QV-QEII M & U collection/accumulation on Hagner leaves incl. GB 6d Pl.6, 4d Pl.14 U, A26 pmks, QV to 1s, 1889-96 set to 50c with both 20c (Cat. £93), Edward vals to 2s, KGV 4s SPECIMEN, 2s, 8s, 1931-33 set, KGVI duplicated to
£1 with some high catalogue perf varieties, 1953-59 set M (Cat. £190), 1960-62 set UM (Cat. £85), 1967-69 Ships set UM (Cat. £38) 10s & £1 U (Cat. £46), few commems & M/Sheets etc, fair to fine. (554) (Image)
Estimate £ 80-100
Starting Bid £ 80
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
666 |
1874 Soldiers cover (faults) to Dorking, England, franked 1864 1d red, tied by Gibraltar A26 duplex for JAN.18.74, reverse bears Dorking receiver for 26th Jan. (1) (Image)
Estimate £ 90-100
Starting Bid £ 90
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
667 |
1886-1935 U collection incl. 1886 to 6d, 1886-87 to 1s (no 4d), 1889 Surcharge set (no 40c) with 25c var. small 'I' (Cat. £170), 25c on 2½d broken 'N' (Cat. £100), 1889 vals to 2p, 1903 to 1s, 4s (poor), 1904-07 to 2s (fair),
1907-11 2s, 4s, 1912-24 to 1s (4), 2s (2), 4s, 8s, 1921-27 to 2s (2), 4s, 1925-32 to 10s, 1931-33 set (2, both perfs), 1935 Jubilee set etc. Poor to fine. (127)
Estimate £ 200-250
Starting Bid £ 200
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
668 |
1886-87 CCA set optd SPECIMEN, M (slight gum toning), SG.8s/11s. (7) Cat. £500 (Image)
Estimate £ 90-120
Starting Bid £ 90
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
669 |
1886-87 CCA set, M (2½d regummed), SG.8/14. (7) Cat. £600. (Image)
Estimate £ 70-90
Starting Bid £ 70
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
670 |
1889 25c on 2½d bright blue horizontal marginal strip of three, centre stamp showing the 'broken N' variety, fine M (ink mark in margin), SG.18b. (3) Cat. £358. (Image)
Estimate £ 60-80
Starting Bid £ 60
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
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