WORLD STAMPS continued...
GERMANY continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Descrip |
Opening |
631 |
BOHEMIA & MORAVIA Theresienstadt 1943 Admission stamp imperf promotional M/Sheet for Red Cross, numbered 450. (Image)
Estimate £ 150-200
Starting Bid £ 150
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
Germany - Allied Occupation/Zones
632 |
ALLIED MILITARY POST 1945-46 substantial written up M, U & cover collection incl. Mint issues, Washington & London printings, wmk & paper varieties, blocks, Plate No's, cancellation, mis-perf varieties etc, also proofs on
white glossy paper (7 diff, M, Cat. 170€ each), mostly good to fine. (100's) (Image)
Estimate £ 150-200
Starting Bid £ 150
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
633 |
ALLIED ZONE 1948 reg cover local Rothenbach, franked 1m & 5m + pair 5pen, reverse bears 15pen block of 18, SG.932, 946 & 948.
Estimate £ 50-70
Starting Bid £ 50
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
634 |
BRITISH & AMERICAN ZONES 1948 Currency Reform UM, M & U collection incl. Type A2 & A3 Ovpts on 1947-48 Worker issues & Numerals, with some covers and many varieties eg. double & inverted. Also small collection of 1948
Cathedral issues, all sorted by Michel specialised numbers, too numerous to list, accompanies. Much to examine & identify. Mostly fine. (100's) (Image)
Estimate £ 250-300
Starting Bid £ 250
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
635 |
BRITISH & AMERICAN ZONES 1948-50 Buildings issue substantial specialised UM, M & U, (and covers) collection written up on leaves, using Michel specialized catalogue numbers incl. 1DM to 5DM Type IV & 1DM, 3DM, 5DM Type V, UM
(Cat. £809), various Perf. 14 to 1DM (Cat. £880), specialised listings of imperfs, mis-perfs, varieties, covers etc, mostly fine. Many ridiculously difficult to find issues in this lot. (100's) (Image)
Estimate £ 500-600
Starting Bid £ 500
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
636 |
BRITISH & AMERICAN ZONES 1948 Aid to Berlin specialised UM, M & U collection, with covers, incl. 10pf double printed U, pair UM & single M, expertised block, imperf horizontal pairs (2), imperf vertical pair, horizontal pair
imperf between, 20pf various extra vertical perf line, imperf horizontal pair, imperf vertical pair (2), other 10pf & 20pf mis-perfs, souvenir cover for Berlin Airlift U on Illustrated covers & cards etc, also 1949 Trade Fair set on Expo pmk'd card
and examples of 1948 Airmail Admission labels in booklet (2, one exploded, Mi.MZ1), & other items, mostly fine. Offered with difficult or rarely found items. (100's) (Image)
Estimate £ 300-350
Starting Bid £ 300
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
637 |
BRITISH & AMERICAN ZONES 1949 Hanover Fair sets UM & U, U with Expo. c.d.s, U on FDC, M/Sheet M, M/Sheet with misaligned stamps unused, M/Sheet U on card with Expo. cancels, also 1949 Cycling sets M & U, 1949 Goethe sets M & U
and U on postcard etc, many fine. (17 + 3 m/s + 3 covers or cards) (Image)
Estimate £ 150-180
Starting Bid £ 150
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
638 |
BRITISH & AMERICAN ZONE 1949 Hanover Trade Fair set on illustrated FDC, SG.A142/4. (Image)
Estimate £ 60-80
Starting Bid £ 60
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
639 |
FRENCH ZONE General Issue: 1945 extensive collection incl. covers, cards, panes, sheets, Poets issues with set U (2, Cat. £600), & 2m, 5m U on card (Cat. £200), Shield issues etc, many fine. Varied contents with much to sort
through. (many 100's) (Image)
Estimate £ 120-150
Starting Bid £ 120
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
640 |
FRENCH ZONES UM, M & U covers extensive ranges from Baden, Rheinland Pfalz & Wurttemberg housed in three Senator albums, all manner of specialised items. Viewing recommended. (Image) (Image2)
Estimate £ 700-900
Starting Bid £ 700
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
641 |
SOVIET ZONE 1948 predominantly UM or M, some U on covers, Local Post h/stamped issues from many towns or cities incl. Berlin 25, 13, 7, 8, Baumischulenweg 32, 24, 4, 34, Kaulsdorf and many others, some forgeries noted, mostly
fine. Many of these h/stamps were known to be done 'Per Favour' therefore sold 'as is'. (100's) (Image)
Estimate £ 200-250
Starting Bid £ 200
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
Germany - West
642 |
WEST GERMANY & ALLIED ZONES c1946-90 M & VFU collection in a well filled Davo hingeless album. A few pages of Allied Zones, the West Germany from 1949 Opening of Parliament pair UM, more decent issues of the 1950's, strong in
FU, 1960's onwards mainly UM, plenty of popular subjects incl. sport, art, animals + more. A good range of M/Sheets + a few booklet panes. A source for further development or re-sale. (approx 1500 + 24 m/s) (Image)
Estimate £ 100-135
Starting Bid £ 100
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
643 |
1949-77 mainly U (a few M) collection on Davo printed leaves incl. 1949 Refugees 30pf U (Cat. £150), 1950 Bach 10pf U (Cat. £65), 1949 UPU U (Cat. £60), 1951-52 Posthorn set U (Cat. £60), 1951 Church U (Cat. £210), 1951
Philatelic Exhib 20pf (Cat. £60), 1951 Relief 30pf U (Cat. £150), 1953 Transport set U (Cat. £48), 1953 Philatelic Exhib M (Cat. £62), 1953 Relief 30pf M (Cat. £75), 1954 Relief 10pf To 40pf U (Cat. £60) etc, many other sets, good to fine (784+ 5
m/s) (Image)
Estimate £ 50-80
Starting Bid £ 50
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
644 |
1952-55 range of illustrated covers (22) incl. 1952 N. Museum, Otto Gas Engine, Rehab Heligoland, Schurz, Telephone Service, 1953 Transport (registered), Inter Philatelic Exhibition, Birth Anniv Liebig, Prisoners of War, Road
Safety, 1955 Lufthansa, Humanitarian Relief Fund etc. Mixed condition. (23) (Image)
Estimate £ 120-150
Starting Bid £ 120
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
645 |
1956-79 mainly U (some UM or M) collection on printed leaves incl. commems & defins, mostly in sets, many fine. (716 + 6 m/s), ST.Cat. £640. (Image)
Estimate £ 40-50
Starting Bid £ 40
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
Germany - Berlin
646 |
1949-53 mainly U (some M) collection incl. 1949 UPU set with additional 16pf, 24pf U (Cat. £402), 1949 Relief Fund 30pf UM (Cat. £170), 1950 ER M (Cat. £130), 1951 Lortzing U (Cat. £120), 1953 Bell 10pf, 40pf U (Cat. £48),
Uprising set U (Cat. £51), 1954 Stamp Exhib 20pf block of four UM, top marginal (Cat. £92) etc, fair to fine. (50) ST.Cat. £1000+ (Image)
Estimate £ 60-80
Starting Bid £ 60
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
647 |
1949-71 predominantly U (a few M) collection on Davo printed leaves incl. 1948 Black Berlin Ovpts range of vals with 1m & 2m (Cat. £880), 1948-49 Red Berlin Ovpts with 1m UM (Cat. £700), 1949 Surcharge set (Cat. £47), 1949 UPU
set with extra 12pf, 24pf & 2m (Cat. £498), 1949 Relief 20pf U & 30pf UM (Cat. £420), 1950 ERP (Cat. £50), Orchestra set (Cat. £170), 1949-54 Defin set (Cat. £75), later commems etc, fair to fine. (218) ST.Cat. £4100 (Image)
Estimate £ 200-250
Starting Bid £ 200
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
648 |
1951-89 UM, M & U collection on leaves incl. 1951 Bell set with additional 40pf U (Cat. £136), 1952 Olympics U (Cat. £55), 1952-53 Berliners set U (Cat. £65) with additional 25pf, UM single & block of four (Cat. £325), 1953
Bell set U (Cat. £65), 1953 Church set M (Cat. £29) with 4pf U (Cat. £70), 1959 Uprising set with additional 30pf U (Cat. £100), 1954 Buildings U (Cat. £50), 1955 Furtwangler (2) U (Cat. £60) & many other sets etc, good to fine. (631 + 4 m/s) ST.Cat.
£2100+ (Image)
Estimate £ 80-100
Starting Bid £ 80
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
Germany - Colonies
649 |
CAROLINE ISLANDS 1901-10 range neatly presented on three leaves comprising the 1901-10 No Wmk Yacht set of 13, each value superb used on a separate piece, tied by PONAPE 01.08.07 d/stamps, also 10pf bisected on a piece
(SG.15a), plus postal stationery cards (2) 5pf unused & 10 + 10pf used to Switzerland, Ponape/Karolinen pmk. Cat. £1700 + covers. (Image)
Estimate £ 300-400
Starting Bid £ 300
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
650 |
GERMAN EAST AFRICA 1893-1920 collection neatly presented on leaves comprising 1893 2p on 3pf, M (thin), 3p on 5pf & 25p on 50pf M, 5p on 10pf & 10p on 20pf U, 1896 Basic set U plus 3 vals M, 1901 Yacht No Wmk set to 25p M,
SG.15/21, plus a complete set FU, SG.15/25, 1905 No Wmk (5 vals) to 60h M, 6 vals to 30h U, 1905-20 set, mixed M or U, page of pmks, post offices tying individual stamps to piece (mainly 7½h Yachts) Cat. £1750 plus on Military card and ten items of
postal stationery of which four are used. (74 + 11 covers) (Image)
Estimate £ 200-250
Starting Bid £ 200
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
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