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United States continued...

U.S. FACE continued...
LotNo. Symbol Lot Description Cat. Value
121 image U.S. MINT ACCUMULATION, includes thousands of mint singles, pairs, blocks and plate blocks, contained in five stock books with manilla stock pages JAMMED PACKED with stamps, there is duplication, some mixed quality due to handling but overall Very Fine NH, there are some slightly "better-than-face" items scattered, mostly 6c-20c period, a huge percentage are Commems, there is also one book of Airmails, plenty to look through here, approximate Total Face $2,000 (Image)

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122 image U.S. MINT COLLECTIONS ACCUMULATION, includes 22 various albums and stock books packed into three large cartons, each one with a variety of U.S. face value material, most everything is after 1940 and it runs into the 40c issues, there is some B.O.B. here, there is obviously duplication to be expected and the overall condition is mixed, also there are a few "baggies" with loose mint postage, we noticed a few slightly better items scattered, a good lot to sell as individual units or to add additional material to for retail sales, lots of stamps here, the Total Face = $2,250.00 (Image)

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123 image U.S. PLATE BLOCK ACCUMULATION, includes thousands of various mint plate blocks, mostly sorted into glassines and then separated by denominations loose in a medium box, runs from 1c to 20c values, there is duplication with some heavy, expect some scattered faults here and there, plenty of se-tenant items, Total Face is about $1,800.00 (Image)

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124 image U.S. MINT COMMEMORATIVE SHEETS - 15c DENOMINATIONS, includes 223 various mint sheets, loose in a flat white box, there is duplication, generally 1-5 of each with some higher, a few with scattered faults and some with gum issues, there are NO se-tenants in this lot, they are elsewhere in this section, Total Face = $1,782.00 (Image)

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125 image U.S. MINT SHEET ACCUMULATION, includes a couple hundred various mint sheets and sheetlets, contained loose in a flat white box, there is good variety but expect some duplication, some mixed condition due to handling, there are some premium sheets here, values from 3c to 32c, Total Face = $1,660.00 (Image)

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126 image REGULAR ISSUES MINT SHEET GROUP, includes 111 various regular issue mint sheets, loose in a flat white box, quantities generally in the 2-5 range with some up to 7, pretty clean but some minor faults or seps to be expected, the denominations run from 1c to 40c, Total Face = $1,492.00 (Image)

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127 image U.S. MINT COLLECTION, 1940-1999, several thousand mostly different singles, pairs, blocks and S/S's, mounted in four albums, fairly complete while missing some high values and some booklet panes and sheetlets, maybe a scattered fault here and there, Total Face = $1,013.00 (Image)

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128 image U.S. PLATE BLOCK ACCUMULATION, includes thousands of various mint plate blocks, mostly sorted into glassines loose in a medium box, includes, 5c(1,870), 8c(2,760), there is duplication with some heavy, expect some scattered faults here and there, plenty of se-tenant items and many regular issues, Total Face is about $1,250.00 (Image)

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129 image U.S. MINT ACCUMULATION, includes thousands of mint singles, pairs, blocks and plate blocks, contained in five stock books with manilla stock pages JAMMED PACKED with stamps, there is duplication, some mixed quality due to handling but overall Very Fine NH, there are some slightly "better-than-face" items scattered, mostly 3c-6c period, a huge percentage are Commems, the early book has a nice showing of Famous Americans, plenty to look through here, approximate Total Face $1,200 (Image)

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130 image U.S. MINT COMMEMORATIVE SHEETS - 13c DENOMINATIONS, includes 208 various mint sheets, loose in a flat white box, there is duplication, generally 1-5 of each with some higher, a few with scattered faults and some with gum issues, there are NO se-tenants in this lot, they are elsewhere in this section, Total Face = $1,295.00 (Image)

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131 image U.S. MINT FOREVER MINT SHEETLETS, includes 82 mostly different mint sheetlets, all are self-adhesive, maybe a scattered fault here or there, generally a pretty clean group bought at the P.O. by the collector over the years, there are some better sheets here, Total Face = $1,084.00 (Image)

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132 image GREAT AMERICANS MINT SHEET GROUP, includes 88 various mint sheets from the Great American series, loose in a folder, quantities generally in the 2-5 range with some up to 10, pretty clean but some minor faults or seps to be expected, the denominations run from 1c to 40c, Total Face = $1,124.00 (Image)

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133 image MINT SHEET ACCUMULATION, includes 249 various mint sheets with heavy duplication, contained in a flat white box, this lot includes (65) 8c Animals, (29) 15c Seeing Eye Dog, (40) 10c Apollo Soyuz, pad of (100) of 13c Capex, plus there are about a dozen early 3c Commem. sheets, overall very clean group, Total Face = $1,130.00 (Image)

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134 image LARGE SIZED PLATE BLOCKS SE-TENANTS, includes several hundred large sized plate blocks, contained in glassines and identified by Scott number, generally plates of 12, all are se-tenant issues, there is duplication with many having quantities of 5-10 or each, some with more, slightly mixed condition, there are some premium plates here, Total Face = $1,050.00 (Image)

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135 image U.S. PLATE BLOCK ACCUMULATION, includes thousands of various mint plate blocks, mostly sorted into glassines loose in a medium box, includes, 2c(440), 4c(3,040), 6c(1,015), 10c (420), there is duplication with some heavy, expect some scattered faults here and there, plenty of se-tenant items and many regular issues, Total Face is about $950.00 (Image)

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136 image U.S. 4c MINT SHEETS, includes 421 mint sheets, contained loose in a large white box, there is duplication here, some mixed condition due to handling and there are a few scattered with gum issues, also expect some with minor seps, Total Face = $911.00 (Image)

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137 image U.S. MINT SHEETS PRE 1960, includes over 500 various mint sheets, contained in two large sheet albums which are in rough shape, runs from 1940 to about 1960 with most of the sheets being 3c(400+), there rest of the denominations are from the same time period, mixed condition due to handling, many with seps and a few with gum issues, Total Face = $818.00 (Image)

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138 image U.S. MINT SE-TENANT MINT SHEETS - 15c DENOMINATIONS, includes 131 various mint sheets, contained loose in a flat white box, there is duplication with quantities generally in the 2-15 range with some up to 23, overall pretty clean, a few have gum issues, the lot includes: Trees(12), Arch.(23), Folk Art(22), Ind. Art(15), Coral(7), Letters(13), Skiing(2), Owls(9), Olympics(16), Flowers(5), 13c Canada(7), some premium items here, Total Face = $915.00 (Image)

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139 image U.S. MINT SHEETS - 6c DENOMINATIONS, includes 280 various mint sheets, loose in a flat white box, there is duplication here generally with quantities in the 1-4 range with some higher, there are NO se-tenant issues in this lot - they are elsewhere in this sale, some scattered faults and some with gum issues, Total Face = $840.00 (Image)

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140 image U.S. MINT SE-TENANT MINT SHEETS - 13c DENOMINATIONS, includes 136 various mint sheets, contained loose in a flat white box, there is duplication with quantities generally in the 1-15 range with some up to 34, overall pretty clean, a few have gum issues, the lot includes: Olympics(8), Capt. Cook(16), Leather(7), July 4th(15), Butterfly(10), Spirit 1776(20), Bicent.(34), Dance(6), Conserv.(6), Art(13), Quilts, some premium items here, Total Face = $857.00 (Image)

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