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MALAYA continued...

MALAYA continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1376 1940-42 Covers with violet "PASSED BY / CENSOR .... / A" with smaller lettering, unframed type numbered from "112" to "120" (7), and scarce framed handstamp numbered "128". (8).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1377 1941 2c Postcards from Penang to F.E Wood (the renowned Malayan Philatelist) in Wales with triangular "PASSED FOR / TRANSMISSION", without number applied in Penang or number 43 applied in Singapore. (2).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1378 image1941 (Nov 26) Cover from Kuala Lumpur to London franked 8c, censored at Singapore with small triangular "PASSED FOR / TRANSMISSION / 1 / M" in violet, flap missing, otherwise fine and scarce. Photo on Page 182. (Image1)

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1379 Penang. 1939 (Aug 29) 2c Postcard franked 4c to USA with violet boxed "PASSED BY / 7 / CENSOR", posted five days before war was declared, probably the earliest recorded censor of Malaya.

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1380 Penang. 1939 (Sep. 4 - 25) Covers with black circular "PASSED BY CENSOR / (crown) / PENANG", the final two covers posted on Sept. 25th with "Penang" removed from the handstamp. Early censors, the Penang removed type scarce. (19).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1381 Penang. 1939-41 Covers censored in Penang with violet or black boxed "PASSED BY / CENSOR" with a central number, from "1" to "24", one registered cover with wax seals impressed "PASSED BY CENSOR / 3". (21).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1382 Penang. 1940 Covers with black triangular "PASSED FOR / TRANSMISSION / PENANG", with a central number from "6" to "32". (46).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1383 Penang. 1940-41 Covers and cards censored in Penang with black or violet triangular "PASSED FOR / TRANSMISSION" with a central number, Penang omitted or cut from the base, numbered from "6" to "45". (41).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1384 Penang. 1941 Covers censored in Penang with violet boxed "OPENED BY / CENSOR .....", numbered from "2" to "48". (25).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1385 1939-41 Covers and cards with Field Post Office S.P.501 c.d.s (13) or other civil P.O datestamps (21, mainly Singapore) all with army censor cachets, various types. (34).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1386 1939-41 Covers and cards with Field Post Office S.P.501 (22) or Singapore (13) datestamps, also a cover with Indian stamps cancelled by Bombay Paquebot c.d.s, all with naval censor cachets, various types. (36).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1387 1939-41 Covers with Field Post Office S.P.501 (55) or Singapore (23) datestamps, all with R.A.F censor cachets, various types. (78).

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1388 1940 (Oct 9) Cover from Singapore to London franked 8c with scarce violet "CENSORED" and "CAPT / GARRISON ADJUTANT. CHANGI" (with two further examples on pieces enclosed), also five other covers with officers signatures above handstamps showing the regiment or unit. A few faults, the Changi cover fine. (6).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1389 F.P.O S.P.501 (Singapore). 1939 (Sep 16/23) Air Mail covers to England franked 55c or 57c, cancelled by the uncommon small type "FIELD POST OFFICE / S.P.501" c.d.s, both with R.A.F censors. (2).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1390 F.P.O S.P.501 (Singapore). 1939-42 Covers (34), stamps and pieces (20), covers including $2 Clipper rates to G.B (8), stampless covers bearing large Malaya Patriotic Fund labels (2), 25c "U.52" meters (2), stamps of G.B, Johore and USA (paquebot use), late uses in Jan. 1942 (6, latest Jan 29), pieces and stamps of Kedah, Trengganu and Johore, various censors, some faults. (54).

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1391 F.P.O S.P.501 (Singapore). 1941 (Oct/Nov) Covers to G.B sent at the $2 Clipper rate, with Johore $1 pair or two Pahang $1 stamps cancelled "FIELD POST OFFICE / S.P.501" c.d.s, both with R.A.F censors, the Pahang cover with a little edge creasing, the Johore cover very fine. (2).

Est. £200-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1392 F.P.O S.P.502 (Penang). 1939-41 Covers (12), piece and a Kedah stamp, the covers including early 1939 (Nov 21) use, paquebot use on USA stamps, etc., various censors. (14).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1393 F.P.O S.P.502 (Penang) - Thailand. 1941 (July/Aug) Covers to England with return address of "B.M Purser, Chartered Bank of India, Tongkah (Phuket)", both endorsed "Pan-American Clipper by Air Throughout" and "via Singapore", one with Thai 5s + 10s stamps on reverse and two Straits $1 stamps on the front, the other a double rate cover with four Straits $1 stamps (but no Thai stamps), all stamps cancelled "FIELD POST OFFICE / S.P.502" c.d.s, censored. A fine and exceptional pair. (2).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1394 imageF.P.O S.P.503 (Alor Star, Kedah). 1939-41 Covers including stampless covers to G.B (2), cover to Australia franked 28c in Kedah stamps, covers to India franked 55c in Perak stamps (2, one a very early use on 23 Dec 1939) and covers to England franked Kedah 50c or four 50c Kedah stamps paying the $2 Clipper rate, the two covers bearing Perak stamps with army censors, the others with R.A.F censors. A fine and uncommon group. (7). Photo on Page 182. (Image1)

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1395 imageF.P.O S.P. 504 (Kota Bharu, Kelantan). 1941 Covers (2) and single Kelantan stamps (2), comprising Oct. 27 Australian Red Cross cover to Australia with seven Kelantan stamps paying the correct 25c rate and Dec. 5 cover to Australia with a single Kelantan 25c, both with R.A.F censors, also cancels on 1c and 8c stamps, a scarce group. (4). Photo on Page 182. (Image1)

Est. £200-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1396 imageF.P.O S.P. 505 (Selangor). 1941 covers (2), pieces (2) and stamps (2), with July 14 stampless cover to England, R.A.F and Singapore censors, and Nov. 22 $2 Clipper rate cover to England bearing eight Selangor stamps to pay the correct rate, R.A.F censor, opening faults at upper edge but very scarce. Also two pieces each bearing Selangor $2, and a light cancel over two Kedah stamps. A very scarce group. (6). Photo on Page 182. (Image1)

Est. £200-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1397 imageF.P.O S.P. 506. 1941 Covers to India, a March 24 cover franked Perak 25c (senders address given as c/o No 36 F.P.O) and May 22 cover with four Perak stamps totalling 17c, a further stamp sadly missing, army censors, the second with repaired tear at left, a very scarce cancel. (2). Photo on Page 182. (Image1)

Est. £200-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1398 1939-42 Covers (5) and fronts (2) with scarce Air Mail letter card fronts with printed addresses for India and Australia franked 12c, from F.P.O S.P 501 or Indian F.P.O 29, covers with cachets of "HEAD CLERK, FORCE EMU" (2, one with faults), two covers from a soldier in the Field Hygiene Section and 1942 (Jan 21) cover from Johore to G.B franked 8c with enclosed letter from 315th Anti-Aircraft Searchlight Battery R.A concerning payment for heaters, also a few Japanese propaganda postcards. (7+).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1399 British F.P.Os. 1942 (Feb 6) Cover with return address of 198 Field Ambulance, Malaya and boxed "PASSED BY / ARMY / CENSOR" with Straits 50c cancelled by violet Field Post Office c.d.s, the number off the card but probably 353, and single 15c or $1 (2) with F.P.O 357 datestamps dated 10 FE 41. Proud states British F.P.Os 353-357 were sent to Malaya in late 1941 but only F.P.O 353 is recorded, the few known covers all dated 26 Dec. 1941. A rare group, F.P.O 357 not known on cover. (4).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1400 1941-42 Covers to India, red circular "POSTAGE PAID / 25 CENTS / MALAYA" with F.P.O 58-B c.d.s used at Perak, circular "POSTAGE PAID / 25 CENTS / JOHORE" with F.P.O 50 c.d.s. (2 Feb 42) used at Fort Canning, Singapore, or red 25c "U19" meters (2), one with F.P.O 8 c.d.s of Nee Soon, Singapore. (4).

Est. £120-180

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.

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