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MALAYA continued...

MALAYA continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1251 image1945 1c Black with "B.M.A / MALAYA" colour trial overprint in orange, using the plate sent to Kuala Lumpur to overprint the large stocks of stamps supplied prior to the occupation, mint with the brown gum typically found on pre-occupation issues, very scarce. Photo on Page 164. (Image1)

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1252 image1945 1c Black with B.M.A overprint in magenta, fine used. With B.P.A Certificate (2024). S.G. 1ab, £1,500. Photo on Page 164. (Image1)

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1253 image1945 1c Black with B.M.A overprint in magenta, fine used. With B.P.A Certificate (2024). S.G. 1ab, £1,500. Photo on Page 164. (Image1)

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1254 image1922 4c Scarlet, die II, watermark upright, used with 25 FE 1922 c.d.s. S.G. 38b, £425. Photo on Page 164. (Image1)

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1255 image1922 4c Scarlet, die II, watermark upright, used with MR 1922 c.d.s. S.G. 38b, £425. Photo on Page 164. (Image1)

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1256 image1909 Crown CA $25 mint (2), both faded with some gum disturbance, one with repaired corner perf, nevertheless reasonable space fillers. S.G. 51, £5,000. (2). Photo on Page 214. (Image1) (Image2)


Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1257 Booklets. 1909-34 Booklets comprising 1909 73c blue cover (SB2b) with eleven stamps (one complete pane) remaining, 97c (SB3) with one pane remaining, 1919 97c (SB5) with ten stamps remaining, $1.45 (SB7) stapled at left (2) with three stamps remaining or complete but staples rusted away and cover faults, and booklet stapled at right with covers only, $1.20 red cover (2, SB13) with covers only or with eight stamps remaining, 1934 $1 (SB16) with covers only, all with some rusting of staples, booklets SB2b, 3 and 7 (all three) with cover staining, a scarce group despite faults. (9).

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1258 Postal Stationery. 1918 Surcharged postcards, 2c on 1c postcards unused (4) and used (4, two miscut cards with Times of Malaya adverts on reverse); 2c on 1c reply cards unused (2) and used (2); 4c on 3c postcards unused and used (3); 4c on 3c reply cards unused and used with a 2c stamp on both halves. (18).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1259 1926-40 6c Carmine and carmine-red, unmounted mint sheets of 120, including minor re-entries. S.G. 56/a, £2,190 (2 sheets).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1260 1938 1c Black, die II, mint marginal block of four, gum a little toned, otherwise fine. S.G. 68a, £720.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1261 1911 Registered covers from Kota Bharu to G.W Barker in England all bearing bisects of the first issue, the covers franked 1c, 5c, 50c + 3c bisect, 3c pair, 50c + 8c bisect, or 1c pair + 10c bisect (a further stamp removed and replaced with a 4c), philatelic but very unusual. (3).

Est. £200-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1262 1928-35 $1 Blue, perf 12 perfined "SPECIMEN" (no gum), mint (2, shades, one marginal unmounted) and used, perf 14 mint and used (3), all fine. S.G. 39/a, £541. (8).

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1263 image1940 $2 Red-brown and scarlet, mint. S.G. 53, £600. Photo on Page 104. (Image1)

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1264 1836-90 Covers (3) and stamps (22) with 1836 entire letter from a Missionary at the Anglo-Chinese college with Dover India Letter handstamps, the other covers and stamps with octagonal "B/109" cancels, including India 1a (trimmed perfs), Straits first issue 3c and 5c (5), some other stamps with faults. (25).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1265 1898-1941 Covers and cards (37), also stamps and pieces (53), various Malacca cancels, including British Empire Exhibition duplex for 1924 and 1925, 1919 handstruck registration marks (2), 1930 15c registration envelope franked $1.38 with red Insured label and "A.R" handstamp, etc. (90).

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1266 1911-61 Covers and cards (20), stamps and pieces (27), cancels from offices in Malacca State, the covers from Alor Gajah (5, with Jan 1911 registration label), Asahan, Durian Tunggal, Jasin (10), Masjid Tanah (2) and Selandar. (47).

Est. £200-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1267 1916-69 Covers and cards with postage due handstamps including 1916 cover with disallowed G.B 1d, 1939 cover from Masjid Tanah with disallowed "Lennards World Famed Boots & Shoes" 6d label, the others mainly from India, some faults. (18).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1268 1945-85 Covers and cards including 1945 Malacca G.P.O skeleton c.d.s on Oct. 17 stampless cover or Oct. 19 B.M.A 1c - 10c F.D.Cs (3), B.M.A stamps, M.P.O datestamps, handstruck slogans with 1955 "HUNDREDTH BIRTHDAY / HENRY RIDLEY / RUBBER PIONEER" (2), etc, also a few stamps. (42+).

Est. £200-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1269 Postal Stationery. 1949-65 Used and unused stationery with KGVI 4c postcards (3) and reply cards (2), 4c + 2c postcards (2), 10c envelopes (2), 20c size G (2), H (2), H2 (2), K registration envelopes and 20c size G registration envelope with space for senders details on reverse used; QEII 6c postcards (2), 10c envelopes (3), 20c size G (2), H (3), H2 registration envelopes and 20c size G registration envelopes with vertical space for senders details on reverse (3), also air letters (14) and Federation of Malaya stationery (7), all fine. (52).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1270 Japanese Occupation. 1942 Straits 1c, 2c, 3c, 5c and 8c blocks of four with Malacca seal handstamp across the four stamps, all used with 1942 (Apr. 24) Malacca c.d.s, 1c block with small thin, also single 2c with part seal handstamp and Jasin c.d.s. S.G. J45/9, £740. (5).

Est. £140-160

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1271 Postal Stationery. 1941 2c Postcard with red circular "POSTAGE PAID / 2 CENTS / MALAYA" printed alongside the stamp, superb unused, very scarce.

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1272 Postal Stationery. 1954 4c Brown + red "MALAYA / CENTS / 2 / POSTAGE PAID", reply cards split into two for use as postcards with instructions "Annexed card ....." or "Reply" deleted with black bars, the two halves used at Raub, and the "Reply" card cancelled to order at Padang Tungku, fine and very scarce. (3).

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1273 1842 (Feb 16) Entire letter to London "via Singapore per ship" with red boxed "PENANG / Paid (2 Ans)" datestamp, light boxed Singapore Ship Letter and "SHIP LETTER" of London, horizontal file fold, otherwise fine. Also 1829 entire with circular "PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND / POST OFFICE" in red, manuscript date, severe edge faults. (2).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1274 1851-65 Stampless entire letters to France (4) and an entire to London forwarded to New York, the 1851 entire with superb boxed "BEARING" and "PENANG / Bearing" datestamp, the entire letters with "PENANG / P.O" c.d.s (3) or boxed "INDIA PAID", the first with some faults. (5).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.
1275 imageIndia Used in Penang. 1854 1a Red die 1 (four good margins), 2a green (just touched upper right) and 4a head die III (cut to shape, clear of design) on piece, all cancelled octagonal "B/147". S.G. Z21/2, 25, £4,575. (3). Photo on Page 104. (Image1) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Est. £200-300

Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST.

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