INDIA continued...
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Opening |
1126 |
1938 (Feb 22) Imperial Airways Southampton to Singapore survey flight, cover from Karachi to Udaipur flown by the "Coogee" to Gwalior, possibly flown on by air to Udaipur, 26 covers carried. Photo on Page 150. (Image1)
Est. £120-140
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1127 |
1938 (Feb 22) Cover franked 2p in Gwalior stamps, flown from Lashkar to Cawnpore by chartered United Flying Club plane, the special flight connecting with the "Coogee" survey flight at Lashkar. Scarce, very few covers carried
Est. £100-120
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1128 |
1938 (Mar 2) "Coogee" return flight, covers from Calcutta to Udaipur (flown to Kankroli) or Udaipur to Baghdad (flown to Jodhpur), the first with flight cachet, both fine and scarce. (2).
Est. £150-180
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1129 |
1938 (Mar 2) "Coogee" return flight, covers flown from Lashkar, to Guadur, Bahrain, Baghdad, Athens, Paris or London, all with flight cachet and arrival backstamps, a fine and scarce group. (6).
Est. £450-550
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1130 |
1939 (Feb 8) Commercial cover from Rawalpindi to Germany franked 11a6p, with scarce boxed "WITH A.V.2 FORM", backstamped in Athens.
Est. £120-150
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1131 |
1941 (Sep 10) Fourth "V" Campaign flight ("X") from Dogboi to Calcutta, "Run Nazi Run" cover posted at Dum Dum franked KGV 1a3p, pilot signed. 35 Covers carried on this flight, 16 with the "Run Nazi run" envelope.
Photo on Page 150. (Image1)
Est. £160-200
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1132 |
1941 (Sep 10) Fifth "V" Campaign flight ("P") from Heho to Calcutta, "Esau Stars" cover posted at Dum Dum franked KGV 1a3p, pilot signed. 32 Covers carried on this flight, just this one with the "Esau Stars"
envelope. A unique cover. Photo on Page 150. (Image1)
Est. £300-400
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1133 |
1941 (Sep 10) Fifth "V" Campaign flight ("P") from Heho to Calcutta, "Run Nazi Run" cover posted at Dum Dum franked KGV 1a3p, "P" - CACLUTTA" cachet with error of spelling crossed out and replaced with the correct
"P" - CALCUTTA" cachet, pilot signed. 32 Covers carried on this flight, 14 with the "Run Nazi Run" envelope, just four covers handstamped with the incorrectly spelt Calcutta cachet, very scarce. Photo on Page 150. (Image1)
Est. £200-240
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1134 |
1941 (Nov 21) First "V" Campaign flight ("TA") from Burma, flown from Myitkyna to Calcutta, "Intercepted Wireless Message" envelope posted at Dum Dum franked KGV 1a3p, pilot signed. Fine and scarce, 44 covers
flown. Photo on Page 150. (Image1)
Est. £160-200
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1135 |
1941 (Nov 21) First "V" Campaign flight ("TA") from Burma, flown from Myitkyna to Calcutta, "Intercepted Wireless Message" envelope posted at Dum Dum franked KGV 1a3p cancelled by red "By AIR", pilot signed. 44
Covers carried on this flight, this one the only cover with the stamps cancelled by the "BY AIR" cachet, unique. Photo on Page 150. (Image1)
Est. £250-300
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1136 |
1941 (Nov 21) Third "V" Campaign flight ("CC") from Burma, flown from Shwebo to Calcutta, "The Missing Link" envelope posted at Dum Dum franked KGV 1a6p, pilot signed. 44 Covers carried on this flight, 37 with
"The Missing Link" envelope. Photo on Page 150. (Image1)
Est. £200-250
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1137 |
1942 (Oct 29) U.S.A.A.C Reconnaissance flight over enemy occupied territory, "V" Campaign cover "The Missing Link" with cachet, pilot signed, posted at Dharamtala franked KGV 9p pair. Fine and scarce, 32 covers
flown. Photo on Page 152 (Image1)
Est. £180-220
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1138 |
1942 (Nov 7) U.S.A.A.C Reconnaissance Flight over enemy occupied territory, "V" Campaign cover "Intercepted Wireless Message", pilot signed, flight cachet and boxed cachet "Handed over to Airmen Prior to Nov 7th
1942 date on which officially advised to cease souvenir air mails, hence not posted after carriage", initialled by Stephen Smith. 39 Covers carried on this flight. Photo on Page 152. (Image1)
Est. £160-200
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1139 |
1942 (Nov 7) U.S.A.A.C Reconnaissance Flight over enemy occupied territory, "V" Campaign cover "Run Nazi Run", pilot signed, flight cachet and boxed cachet "Handed over to Airmen Prior to Nov 7th 1942 date on
which officially advised to cease souvenir air mails, hence not posted after carriage", initialled by Stephen Smith. 39 Covers carried on this flight. Photo on Page 152. (Image1)
Est. £160-200
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1140 |
1943 (Jan 1) C.N.A.C Danjam to Calcutta first flight, stampless cover to Dum Dum endorsed and signed "By Air 1/1/43, Danjam - Calcutta, M.A Hebert" with violet boxed "By C.N.A.C", reverse signed by Stephen Smith.
Fine and scarce, 19 covers flown. Photo on Page 152. (Image1)
Est. £300-400
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1141 |
1943 (Feb 8) Indian National Airways Jorhat to Calcutta first flight cover franked ½a + 2a, arrival backstamp. Fine and rare, just six covers flown. Photo on Page 152. (Image1)
Est. £400-500
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1142 |
1943 (Feb 1) Indian National Airways Calcutta to Tezpur first flight cover franked ½a + 2a, returned to Calcutta with a Calcutta (Feb 7) backstamp. Fine and rare, just six covers flown. Photo on Page 152. (Image1)
Est. £400-500
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1143 |
1943 (Feb 8) Indian National Airways Tezpur to Calcutta first flight cover franked ½a + 2a, Tezpur c.d.s with the time altered from 12am to 9am in manuscript, arrival backstamp. Fine and rare, just six covers
flown. Photo on Page 152. (Image1)
Est. £400-500
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1144 |
1943 (Nov 3/6) Qantas Perth to Karachi and return first flights, both covers with Australia 2½d stamps cancelled at Perth and India 2a cancelled at Karachi, R.A.F or Australian censors, both covers pilot
signed. Few covers carried, very scarce pilot signed. (2). Photo on Page 152. (Image1)
Est. £350-500
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1145 |
1944 (May 19) Stampless cover to Stephen Smith in Calcutta, endorsed "By Air, Ramkhapalong - Maungdaw - Comilla by SEAC Avro-Anson on 19th May 1944" and signed by F/Lt B. Bayley R.A.F, bearing a "V for Victory"
label. Very rare, just two covers flown, the other cover then flown on from Comilla to Calcutta. Signed on the reverse by Stephen Smith. Photo on Page 154.
Est. £700-900
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1146 |
1945 (July 21) First postwar internal civilian airmail, 1½a envelope franked 1a flown from New Delhi to Chaklala with arrival backstamp, vertical fold, otherwise fine and very scarce, very little mail sent,
the flight not recorded by Brown. Photo on Page 154. (Image1)
Est. £140-160
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1147 |
1945 (July 23) First postwar civilian airmail, 1½a envelope franked 1a flown on the first return flight from Chaklala to New Delhi, arrival backstamp, vertical fold, otherwise fine and very scarce. Very
little mail carried, the flight not recorded by Brown. Photo on Page 154. (Image1)
Est. £140-160
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1148 |
1945 (July 23) First postwar civilian airmail, 1½a envelope franked 1a flown on the first return flight from Fatehjang to New Delhi, arrival backstamp, vertical fold and minor creasing, otherwise fine and very scarce. Very little mail carried,
the flight not recorded by Brown.
Est. £140-160
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1149 |
1945-46 B.O.A.C Test letters from Karachi to London all franked 14a, two numbered 8 or 22, British Airways arrival cachets on reverse, two with enclosed letters. (3).
Est. £150-200
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |
1150 |
1945-50 Commercial air mail covers to G.B (2), Germany, Switzerland, USA (4) or Argentina, all with rates over 4r, including 43r6p to Switzerland (with four 10r stamps), four others bearing 5r stamps. (9).
Est. £300-350
Closing..Apr-10, 11:59 PM EST. |