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Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
26 McCorquodale & Co. Imperforate "West India / Four Annas" dummy stamp, based upon the 1866 De La Rue East India 4a stamp, complete sheet of 120 in dull carmine on unwatermarked wove paper, vertical folds through central margin and three other vertical columns with other minor creasing, tear at left edge affecting two stamps, an uncommon complete sheet, 250x237mm.

Est. £1,000-1,200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
27 McCorquodale & Co. Imperforate "West India Postage / Four Annas" dummy stamp based on the 1866 De La Rue East India 4a stamp, complete sheet of 120 in dull carmine on Crown watermarked wove paper, vertical folds through the central margin and two central vertical margins and other minor creases. Ten sheets of Crown watermarked paper (which was used for all G.B stamp issues from 1880 until 1912) were supplied to McCorquodale for their entry in the competition; two sheets of these West India essays on Crown watermark paper were submitted by McCorquodale for the competition. A unique sheet on watermarked paper, 247x240mm.

Est. £2,000-2,500

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
28 McCorquodale & Co. Imperforate "West India Postage / Four Annas" dummy stamp based on the 1866 De La Rue East India 4a stamp, block of fifty (columns 1-4) in rose on unwatermarked wove paper, large 143mm margin at left, 27mm upper and lower margins, vertical marginal fold and marginal tears and faults, especially in the lower margins with tear affecting two stamps, 242x280mm.

Est. £500-600

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
29 imagePerkins Bacon & Co. Small head die proofs on wove paper, in green (62x50mm) or mauve (67x75mm), both with partly inked uncleared backgrounds, fine and scarce. (2). Photo on Page 34. (Image1) (Image2)


Est. £450-500

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
30 Perkins Bacon & Co. Plate IX imperforate sheet of 24 (8x3) comprising ½d frame I (12), 1½d frame K (6) and 2d frame J (6), in bright rose on a large sheet of wove paper, printed close to the top of the sheet, 22-25mm margins above and at the sides, large 245mm margin at base, endorsed "Indian Competition, Perkins Bacon" and lettered "A", initialled ("J.P"?). Horizontal central folds and tear at upper margin affecting two stamps, repaired with archival tape. A scarce complete sheet, the meaning of "Indian Competition" not known, 211x338mm.

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
31 Postage Dues. c.1912 Essays in pencil and indian ink for a 2d postage due stamp, the two essays similar in design but showing differences in the side details and size of wording, with a stamp size pencil drawing of the current 1d postage stamp alongside, all drawn by Mr H.J Howard who worked in the Secretary's office at the G.P.O, believed to have been submitted to the 1912 Conference which discussed the proposal to issue postage due stamps (recommending that five values of dues be issued, the design brief being given to George Eve). The two essays each 90x100mm, on thick card (255x316mm), a further stamp size essay excised from the upper left corner (believed to be in the Royal Collection), central horizontal fold and small split at upper right corner (well away from the essays), a unique and important item in the development of the first G.B postage due stamps, with an article on these essays by Graham Mark.

Est. £1,800-2,200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
32 Officials. 1882-1903 Mint and used reference collection in two albums and on pages, mainly Army Official and Govt. Parcels, also Admiralty (107), Board of Education (24) and Royal Household (5), plate varieties and cancellations, 1900 ½d green Army control block "R" unmounted, some faults and a few forgeries but many fine. (1,350+).

Est. £700-1,000

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
33 imageOffice of Works. 1896-1902 5d O.W Official, fine used with Parliament St. S.W c.d.s. S.G. O34, £1,400. Photo on Page 8. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
34 1884 National Telephone Co., collection on pages including sheets of twelve of the 1d (5, two on grey paper), 3d (2), 4d and 1/- (2), used 1d, 3d (6), 4d (3), 6d (5) and piece bearing two 1/- bisects, etc., also a 1903 receipt. An interesting lot, ex Klempka. (173).

Est. £180-220

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
35 image1905-06 King Edward VII £1 - £50 unappropriated revenue dies, imperforate proofs, a single £10, the other eight values in upper marginal pairs all with a manuscript date in the margin, the stamps all overprinted "CANCELLED" type 18, superb mint (lightly mounted in the margins only). (17). Photo on Page 8. (Image1) (Image2)


Est. £1,000-1,200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
36 imageJudicature Fees. 1902 Handdrawn essays for the "JUDICATURE / FEES" overprint for use on the three differing size unappropriated die revenues, in black ink and pencil on tracing paper, each dated "FEB 21 1902". Also the three matching die proofs in black on white glazed card each reduced to stamp size, and 2d, 1/- and £1 stamps each with "SPECIMEN" overprint. The unique essays from the De La Rue archives. (9). Photo on Pages 6 & 8. (Image1) (Image2)


Est. £700-800

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
37 National Health. c.1920 Page with embossed royal arms and "Inland Revenue", headed "National Health Insurance" and numbered "29", bearing National Health Insurance 1912 issue 1d - 1/- (both 6d colours), 1/2 orange, 3/3 - 7/7, and 1920 4/10½ - 7/7 with "Thirteen Contributions" overprints showing a value of 4½d - 7d, all overprinted "SPECIMEN" (3 differing types) or "CANCELLED" (6d), the page 190x237mm. A superb page, probably from the Inland Revenue archives. (30 stamps).

Est. £600-700

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
38 Probate Court. c.1865 Archive page headed "Probate Court Fees" and numbered "12", inscribed "First issue in blue, 16th Dec. 1865. Merged in Judicature R7406/78", bearing 1860 3d - £5 ultramarine set of eight all handstamped "SPECIMEN" type 9, the page 200x252mm.

Est. £500-600

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
39 1885-1912 De La Rue dummy stamps comprising Victoria Head type perforated in green or imperf pair in pink, Minerva Head type imperforate in various colours (14) and perforated in lilac, Minerva Head defaced plate imperforate in brown or red and perforated in green, also dummy stamps for Harrison & Sons (13, three types, various colours) and Grover & Co. Ltd. (35).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
40 image1903 Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co 2d dummy stamps with the "Canada Head" of King Edward VII and a naval destroyer, imperforate proofs in black, one on wove paper with solid background to the Kings head, the other on card with horizontal lined background to the Kings head, fine and scarce. (2). Photo on Page 8. (Image1) (Image2)


Est. £180-220

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
41 1905 (Nov 3) De La Rue appendix page bearing eighteen De La Rue QV head dummy stamps in six differing colours all with manuscript "BB Cancelled 30/10/05", six stamps untreated, six with this manuscript partly removed, six others with the manuscript entirely removed (though still visible on most). An interesting page headed "confidential", used to test the inks, and whether cancels can be chemically removed and stamps reused, 203x319mm.

Est. £400-500

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
42 1909 (Oct 25) De La Rue appendix page, headed "Appendix A", bearing De La Rue 2/6 "mother and child" dummy stamps in seventeen colours, values from ¼d to £1 written alongside, endorsed "approved except for 2/-. See app. C, 8.11.09" and initialled. A unique page from the De La Rue archives, supposedly for a proposed charity issue, 162x330mm.

Est. £1,000-1,200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
43 1909 (Oct 25) De La Rue appendix page, headed "Appendix B", bearing eight De La Rue 2/6 "mother and child" dummy stamps all in differing colours, one other removed, manuscript "Solomon" in pencil, a unique archival page, 164x292mm.

Est. £500-600

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
44 1909 (Nov 1) De La Rue appendix page, headed "Appendix C", "CA 52/195" and "Solomon" in pencil, bearing seven De La Rue 2/6 "mother and child" dummy stamps, one with adjacent endorsement "approved for 2/-, 8.11.09" and initialled. A unique archival page, supposedly for a proposed charity issue, 175x330mm.

Est. £500-600

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
45 1910 (June 30) De La Rue appendix page headed "Appendix, Stamps printed on chemically-prepared paper" bearing five Minerva Head De La Rue dummy stamps in red, all with manuscript "Black. Cancelled 9/6/10", four treated with chemicals to try and remove the manuscript, with details of the chemicals used typed alongside. An interesting page, used to test the stamp ink and whether cancels could be removed and stamps reused; none of the chemicals used in these tests were successful in completely removing the manuscript cancel. Unique, 188x300mm.

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
46 c.1910 De La Rue Minerva Head dummy stamps, mint block of sixty in red, five differing background types to the head. (60).

Est. £600-700

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
47 c.1910 De La Rue Minerva Head dummy stamps, mint sheet of sixty in black. Full margins on all sides, five differing background types to the heads, "5 MAY 1910" and "2 JUN 1910" stamped in the margins, lower margin endorsed "Coated. New Colour, Egypt Weight", a scarce sheet. (60).

Est. £700-800

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
48 c.1910 Perforated part sheet of blank paper, 64 Minerva Head De La Rue dummy stamps pasted onto this with central ruled stamp gutter applied, all in red, unused no gum. Probably produced to show a proposed sheet format, unusual. (64).

Est. £500-600

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
49 c.1910 Archival page headed "BB", twenty strips of three Minerva Head De La Rue dummy stamps printed in ten differing colour combinations, the two matching strips for each colour (most with two differing background types) mounted as a block of six, the ten differing blocks each mounted with a card surround and numbered from "1" to "10". An attractive and unique archival page, 260x330mm.

Est. £800-1,000

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
50 Similar Archival page headed "CC", differing colours to the previous page.

Est. £800-1,000

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.

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