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Argyll Etkin Ltd Sale - 56


Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1 image1840-1934 QV - KGV Collection in an S.G. Senator album including 1d blacks (26, thirteen fine) and 1840 2d blues (16, four fine), 1841 1d reds with red or blue Maltese Crosses, numbers in Cross on 1841 1d reds (15, numbers 1 - 12) or 2d blue (10, three fine), 1d plate numbers mint (66) and complete used with plate 225 fine, 2d blue plate numbers complete used and plates 9 and 13 mint, 1870 ½d mint (5) and all plates used with plate 9 fine, embossed 6d, 10d and 1/- cut square, surface printed including 2/- brown, 1867-83 Maltese Cross 2/6 - £1 used, 5/- used abroad with cancels of C30, C38 or C40, Large Anchor 5/- - £1 used with faults, £5 orange blued paper used with Swansea c.d.s and boxed cancels, £5 orange white paper fine used with Glasgow c.d.s, 1883-84 5/- crimson mint, 10/- used (2), £1 brown orbs used with Belfast c.d.s (blue crayon lines, otherwise fine), £1 brown crowns and £1 green used with faults, 1883 9d green mint, 1/- used, 1887-1900 set mint and used, KEVII mint to 10/- and used to £1 (some faults), Seahorses with £1 used (creases), 1929 PUC £1 fine used. A useful collection, condition a little mixed but with many fine and better stamps. (100s). Photo on Page 6. (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10)

image image

Est. £5,000-6,000

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
2 Accumulation in a box with imperf 1d reds, 1934 re-engraved 2/6 - 10/- and 1939 10/- dark blue mounted mint, some G.B and foreign covers, etc. (100s).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
3 1841-1900 Mint and used selection with plated 1d reds (many with varieties), surface printed with 2/- blue (6, one with misplaced vertical perforations and additional horizontal perfs), 1887-1900 set mint, many good c.d.s cancels, parcel post labels (4), embossed 6d all cut square (4, two or three margins), etc., a useful lot. (c.500).

Est. £300-400

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
4 1902-71 Mint and used accumulation, virtually all KGV and KGVI with many control and cylinder blocks and singles, shades, many good c.d.s cancels, a few covers and parcel post labels, etc., a good lot. (100s).

Est. £200-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
5 image1840 1d Black, MK plate 1b with inverted watermark, four good to large margins, used with a red Maltese Cross, a fine stamp. S.G. £2,500. Photo on Page 8. (Image1)

Est. £280-350

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
6 1840 (June 16) Entire letter from London to Birmingham franked 1d black JI plate 1a, just touched at lower right, very large margins on all other sides, tied by a red Maltese Cross.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
7 1841 Cover from Preston to Liverpool bearing 1d black, GH plate 8 (touched at top and lower left corner), and a front to Liverpool bearing 1d black FA plate 6 with four good margins, also an unused 1d Mulready lettersheet. (3).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
8 Coloured Cancels. 1846-59 Entire letters (3) and covers (6) bearing imperforate 1d reds (5, three or four margins) or perforated 1d stars (4) with numeral or duplex cancels in blue (6) or green (3), a couple of covers with faults, otherwise fine. (9).

Est. £250-300

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
9 1880-82 4d Grey-brown plate 17 (3) and 18 (3) used, including piece bearing ½d green + 4d plate 17 each cancelled by two oval framed "77" postman's handstamps, 4d plate 18 with London V.R hooded circle datestamp (used on royal household and official mail), etc. S.G. 160, £485+. (6).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
10 image1882 3d on 3d Lilac, AG with essay surcharge in black, fine mint and very rare. De La Rue submitted essay surcharges for the ten values from ½d to 1/- for a proposed temporary unified service, but only the 3d and 6d surcharges were actually issued, with surcharges in carmine. Just eight examples of each essay were produced. Ex J.W Phillips, the remainder of the set in the National Postal Museum. (S.G. £95,000 for set of ten essays). Photo included on Front Cover. (Image1)

Est. £1,000-1,200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
11 1887-1900 ½d - 1/- Jubilee issue mint, with both ½d and 1/- colours, the 1½d - 4½d, 6d, 10d and 1900 1/- unmounted. S.G. £900. (14).

Est. £140-160

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
12 1902 KEVII ½d - 1/- Mint and used collection in an S.G Philatelic album with identified shades and varieties, mint 9d (12), 10d (18) and 1/- (9), a few unusual postmarks, also additional loose stamps with ½d booklet pane containing St. Andrews Cross (also two singles with cross), mint 10/-, a few parcel post labels, etc., a few faults thought most are fine, a good lot. (315).

Est. £800-1,200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
13 image1902 £1 Dull blue-green, upper right corner marginal single, upper marginal rules, hinge remainder, otherwise fine mint. S.G. 266, £2,000. Photo on Page 6. (Image1)

Est. £450-550

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
14 image1937 1½d Coronation, Control A37 Cylinder 10 no dot, variety "A" missing from control, superb unmounted mint. An unusual and striking variety, with R.P.S Certificate (2024) stating "Genuine, "A" missing due to light etching of cylinder and light impression of print". Photo on Page 6. (Image1)

Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
15 1955-97 Mint and used collection in four albums, apparently complete. (100s).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
16 1983 Essays for the Guyana issue commemorating the 125th anniversary of G.B stamps used in British Guiana, fine reproductions of the G.B 1d red, QV 4d and 1/- stamps, printed backgrounds with printed QV head applied, the frames well handpainted in black ink and Chinese white, each essay 98x118mm, on thick card (c.160x215mm) with the colour written below. Three attractive and unique essays that would enhance any G.B QV collection, from the Format Security Printers archive. (3).

Est. £750-850

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
17 imageDe La Rue - 1879 and 1880 Tenders. Head Die B by Joubert, Die Proof in black with circular lined background (for frame B) within an uncleared band, on white glazed card dated "May 20 1878", 92x60mm. This head die was adopted for the issued stamps. S.G. £2,000. Photo on Page 8. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
18 imageHead and frame essays in red on thick glazed card, the adjacent essays with QV head very similar to that used for the issued Perkins Bacon 1d stamps, both with frame and corner squares, the right essay with turned side panels virtually identical to those in the dummy stamps printed by Charles Skipper & East, 46x28mm. A rare, possibly unique, pair of essays possibly adapted from an earlier trial plate, previously believed to be by Perkins Bacon but more probably by Charles Skipper & East. Photo on Page 8. (Image1)

Est. £1,000-1,200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
19 Charles Skipper & East. 1d "Inland Revenue" dummy stamps, complete sheets of 48 with wide sheet margins on thin card (223x200mm), three imperforate sheets printed in green, lilac or salmon. Also single stamps in green (3, shades), pale lilac, salmon or blue on thin card, and a block of four in pale salmon on thick card. A fine group, complete sheets scarce, ex Chartwell Collection. (154).

Est. £1,500-1,800

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
20 Unadopted QV Head die proofs with circular background of horizontal lines, in blue on wove paper, 83x60mm, or in violet on glazed wove paper, 100x75mm, probably by Perkins Bacon & Co. (2).

Est. £240-260

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
21 Perkins Bacon & Co. QV Head die proof, state 1 within a vertical oval of horizontal lines, a differing defaced head die struck lightly above, in black on card, vertical folds clear of the printed proofs, otherwise fine and scarce, 114x106mm. This head was used for the strip of six small head 1d essays submitted for the 1879 Tender.

Est. £200-240

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
22 Perkins Bacon & Co. Imperforate sheet of 36 1d small head essays in green, plate IV lettered "WW" on star watermarked paper with "POSTAGE" within the lined margins, very large margins at base and left side, 277x246mm. Very rare, three sheets of this watermarked paper used for the submitted tender, most essays on the philatelic market being proof items on unwatermarked paper.

Est. £900-1,200

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
23 Perkins Bacon & Co. Imperforate 1d small head essays with corner letters "WW", from plate IV (13) or blank corners from plate V (75), also 1d large head essay, ½d (2), 1½d (2) and 2d (4) essays, and 1914 1d reprints in brighter colours (10). An interesting lot, various colours with blocks, offsets and paper makers watermarks, one page with the differing value essays all in blue (16) showing the differing head and frame types used in both the 1879 and 1880 Tenders. (107).

Est. £500-600

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
24 McCorquodale & Co. Imperforate first type dummy stamp from plate II (120 stamps) printed in black (15), brown (7) or carmine-red (23), some blocks, various shades and papers including scarce black on blue paper stamps (4), also second Hooper type block of four. (49).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.
25 McCorquodale & Co. Imperforate first type dummy stamp in pale carmine, plate II sheet of 120 on wove paper, "J. WHATMAN / 1874" paper makers watermark in the lower margin, two marginal folds, the essays fine, a scarce complete sheet, 222x376mm.

Est. £800-1,000

Closing..Apr-09, 11:59 PM EST.

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