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INDIA continued...

Mail from G.B to India continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1001 1863-68 Covers sent via Marseille at the 10d rate, charged the deficiency + 6d, one only franked 6d with "DEFICIENT POSTAGE 4d / HALF FINE 3d } 7d" and circular "ST BG / AS 6" charge, the others with differing 9d frankings all with "DEFICIENT POSTAGE 1d / HALF FINE 3d } 4d" and circular "ST BG / A-P / 4-8" charge, all fine. (4).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1002 1869-76 Covers sent via Southampton, charged the deficiency + 9d, five covers franked 6d all with boxed "DEFICIENT POSTAGE 3d / FINE 9d } 1/-" and circular "ST BG / AS 8" charge, two other double rate covers franked 9d with circular "OVERLAND POSTAGE / DUE / AS /12" or franked 1/- with circular "ST BG / AS 10" charge, both with boxed "DEFICIENT POSTAGE / FINE 9d", some faults. (7).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1003 1876-78 Double rate covers sent via Southampton, charged the deficiency + 6d, a 1d pink stationery envelope with circular "OVERLAND POSTAGE / DUE / AS / 14-6" (equivalent to 1/5) but returned to London with red boxed "SENT BACK TO ENGLAND / WITHOUT A REASON / FOR NON DELIVERY", the 1876 cover from Dalkey, Ireland, franked 1d strip of six with circular "OVERLAND POSTAGE / DUE / AS / 10". (2).

Est. £200-240

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1004 1878-79 Covers sent via Brindisi all franked 6d, the two 1878 covers underpaid by 2d with circular 3a6p Overland Postage Due charge mark (equivalent to 5d), the other June 1879 cover sent after the rate was reduced to 6d (effective April 1879 - Jan. 1880 only) but overweight so handstamped violet boxed "VALUE OF STAMPS (6) / DEFICIENCY (6)" with a 10a Overland Postage Due charge. Also an 1875 cover correctly franked 1/- but redirected from Bombay to Matheran with "BOMBAY / POSTAGE DUE / 1 ANNA" c.d.s on reverse. One 1878 cover with a few edge faults, otherwise fine. (4).

Est. £200-240

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1005 1882-91 Covers (4) and postcards (2) sent via Brindisi, all with violet boxed "VALUE OF STAMPS / DEFICIENCY" showing differing amounts, and circular Overland Postage Due charge marks, comprising "4d / 1d" charged 2a, "1d / 4d" charged 7a, "2½d / 2½d" charged 4a6p, "5d / 5d" on a double rate cover charged 8a6p, postcards with "1d / 1d" charged 2a or "1½d / ½d" charged 1a, a fine lot. (6).

Est. £280-350

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
Other Countries to India
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1006 Austria. 1872-88 Covers, the first bearing eight 5kr stamps (faults to five stamps, two on reverse flap torn in half upon opening), the 40kr franking ignored and a "ST BG / AS 12" charge applied as though unpaid; the 1888 cover franked 10kr with circular "OVERLAND POSTAGE / DUE / A-P / 4-6". (2).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1007 Ceylon. 1859 Entires to Bombay all franked 1d, all treated as unpaid and charged 4a, two with circular "ST BG" charge marks, faults, all with horizontal folds through the stamps. (3).

Est. £100-120

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1008 Egypt. 1858-79 Stampless covers to Bombay posted at the British P.O at Cairo (2) or Suez (2), or the Egyptian P.O at Suez, the 1858-71 British P.O covers with circular "ST BG" charge marks for 5a4p, 8a, 1r or 2r, the 1879 cover with circular Overland Postage Due charge mark for 6a. An unusual group. (5).

Est. £400-500

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1009 France. 1867-71 Covers, the first franked 10c + 20c strip of three (underpaid by 10c) with boxed "MADRAS / STEAM LETTER / Bg" datestamp on reverse showing a charge of 8a8p; the second franked imperf 80c but overweight with circular "ST BG / AS 14" charge marks, a few faults. (2).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1010 Germany - North German Confederation. 1869-70 Entire letter and covers from Leipzig to Calcutta, sent via Marseille franked 10gr, via Triest franked 16gr, or via Brindisi and Alexandria franked 9gr, all with violet octagonal "INLAND POSTAGE" on the reverse, two containing a manuscript charge of 1a or 3a, the other with blue boxed "CALCUTTA / Bg 1 ANNA" alongside. A few small faults but a very unusual origin to India (see lot 1023). (3).

Est. £300-400

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1011 Gibraltar. 1864 Cover to Sialkot franked G.B 4d cancelled "A26", boxed "CAL. G.P.O / Bg 1 ANNA" in black applied on the front, overstruck with a Calcutta c.d.s and some filing notes but unusual from Gibraltar.

Est. £100-120

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1012 imagePersian Gulf. 1866-77 Stampless covers to Bombay, believed to emanate from the Persian Gulf, three with boxed "BOMBAY / Bg - as" handstamps for 2a, 4a or 6a, four with boxed "BOMBAY / Bearing - Annas" handstamps for 1a, 2a, 4a or 6a, the other with boxed "BOMBAY / SHIP LETTER / POSTAGE DUE 1A", all fine, an interesting group. (8). Photo on Page 148. (Image1)

Est. £500-700

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1013 USA. 1863 Cover from Newburyport Ms to Calcutta franked 21c (1c + two 10c stamps, two with faults), underpaid by 12c, 1/- charge shown in London with circular "ST BG / AS 8" charge mark, unusual from USA.

Est. £100-150

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
India to G.B
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1014 1857-58 Covers comprising stampless cover from Madras with manuscript "1d" above curved framed "INDIA UNPAID" (the claim for Internal Indian postage), charged 9d; 1858 cover from Mingledye franked 1a with boxed "INDIA UNPAID", charged 9d; and 1858 cover from Jounpore franked 1a (2) + 4a each cancelled by an unusual diamond of horizontal bars (Cooper type 2b) then overstruck with "52" cancels of Benares, charge 8d. (3).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1015 1861-64 Covers sent via Marseille all with boxed "DEFICIENT POSTAGE / FINE - 3" in red (2) or black (2), two 1861-62 covers franked 6a but over ¼oz so underpaid by 2a, charged 9d; two 1864 covers franked 7a or 20a but overweight and charged 1/4. The 1864 covers with edge faults, the two 1861-62 covers fine. (4).

Est. £300-350

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1016 1869 Entire from Cocanada franked 4a + 8p pair, sent via Southampton so underpaid by 8p, handstamped boxed "DEFICIENT POSTAGE (1) / HALF FINE - 4½" and charged 10d; and 1871 front from a book post packet from Mount Road, handstamped boxed "INSUFFICIENT" and "DEFICIENCY" (5) / FINE (2)", charged 7d. (2).

Est. £120-150

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1017 1879-82 Covers with unusual "1½d", "10d", "11d" or "1/-" charge marks applied in London, also 1890-96 covers with London F.B 5d or 11d charge marks. (6).

Est. £150-180

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1018 1880-1902 Covers posted within India then redirected to G.B, therefore charged the single difference between the inland and overseas rates, an 1880 ½a envelope charged 4½d, two 1901-02 covers both charged ½d, unusual. (3).

Est. £100-150

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
Registered Mail
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1019 1860-72 Registered covers from Bombay franked 5a, 6a, 7a or 11a, the last with 1a (5) and 2a (3) all cancelled by the scarce open "1" numeral cancel (Cooper type B4c, possibly only used on registered mail), two with scarce semi-circular "BOMBAY P.O / REGISTERED No.", one with boxed "REGISTERED / LETTER No.", one with boxed "REGISTERED / BOMBAY G.P.O / N. W.", some faults. (4).

Est. £150-200

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1020 1862-73 Registered covers franked 5a (3, one franked by ten ½a stamps with one partly torn away upon opening), 6a (with a ½a block of twelve) or 10a, numeral cancels of Bombay (2), Makker, Ahmedabad or Gudduck. (5).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1021 c.1880-84 Registered covers all with boxed Registered handstamps, eight ½a envelopes uprated to 2½a, 4a or 4½a rates, three other covers franked 4½a, 5a or 6a, also a printed registered letter receipt. (12).

Est. £200-250

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
Suez to Bombay Sea Post Office
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1022 North German Confederation. 1869 Covers from Leipzig to Calcutta via Marseille bearing North German Confederation 5gr pair cancelled by Leipzig straight line handstamps or c.d.s, "P.D" handstamps, backstamped oval "SEA POST OFFICE" code "E" or "F" datestamps, and at Calcutta. A scarce origin to India, handstamped "PD" and therefore not charged internal Indian postage (see lot 1010). (2)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1023 1895-1907 Covers and cards comprising two 1895-96 registered envelopes to Germany with circular framed "R" applied on the Sea Post Office, 1906 postcard of Aden posted on S.S "Carthage" with 1a cancelled by "SEA POST OFFICE / C" c.d.s, and three 1907 underpaid postcards with unusual boxed "5/CTS" postage due handstamp apparently applied on the S.S "Persia". (6).

Est. £140-180

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
Military & Campaign Mail
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1024 image1772 (Oct 5) Entire letter from Lt. John Radcliffe Buckley, 1st Regiment of the East India Co. at Vellore to his parents in England, with "7/AU" Bishop Mark. The letter includes "we have had 2 short campaigns but to little effect as yet, the former against the Kingdom of Tanjour and we brought them to capitulation, then against the Ramanadaporam which we took by storm". A rare early campaign letter from a British Officer in the East India Co. army. Photo on Page 148. (Image1)

Est. £500-800

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.
1025 Third Maratha War. 1818 (Mar 30) Part letter from "Camp 12 miles W. of Aurangabad", addressed to "Major De Havilland, Actg Chief Engineer, Madras", headed "Service" and signed "J. Davis, Lt. Comr, Engrs in the field", the reverse with the postal endorsement "Camp 30 March Pt Pd" and oval arrival datestamp "G.P.O" of Madras (Apr. 13, Hammond Giles type MX1, described as very scarce). Very unusual; a "Camp Post Paid" handstamp was in use at this period, but evidently not at the location where this letter was posted.

Est. £200-300

Closing..Nov-07, 11:59 PM EST.

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